7 research outputs found

    Cost-utility analysis of the screening program for early oral cancer detection in Thailand.

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    ObjectiveTo assess the cost-utility of an oral precancer screening program compared to a no-screening program in Thailand.Materials and methodsMarkov models were performed to simulate costs and Quality Adjusted Life-Years (QALYs) of both the screening and no-screening programs in the Thai population aged over 40 years. There are four steps to the screening program in Thailand: 1) mouth self-examination (MSE); 2) visual examination by trained dental nurses (VETDN); 3) visual examination by trained dentists (VETD); and 4) visual examination by oral surgeons (VEOS). The societal perspective and lifetime horizon were applied. Variables used were derived from the pilot study of the oral precancer screening program in Roi Et province as well as through patient interviews and local and international literature reviews. Results were presented in terms of Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios (ICER). Sensitivity analysis was performed to assess parameters uncertainty.ResultsThe screening program yielded higher costs (1,362 Baht) and QALYs (0.0044 years) than the no screening program, producing an ICER of 311,030 Baht per QALY gained. This indicates that the screening program is cost-ineffective in the Thai context, where the cost-effectiveness threshold is THB 160,000 per QALY gained. However, the programs will be cost-effective if the screening program are improved in one of three ways; 1) the sensitivity and specificity of MSE are more than 60%, 2) the sensitivity and specificity of VETDN are greater than 90%, or 3) the low accuracy steps like MSE or VETDN are removed from the screening program.ConclusionThe screening program is found to be cost-ineffective for oral precancer detection in Thailand. However, this study suggests 3 alternative policy options to ensure the cost-effectiveness of the program

    Cost-utility analysis of the screening program for early oral cancer detection in Thailand

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    10.1371/journal.pone.0207442PLoS ONE1311e020744

    Morpho-Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Maize Hybrids under Recurrent Water Stress at Early Vegetative Stage

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    Rapid climate change may put future food security under threat, which emphasizes the significance of assessing the morpho-physiological and biochemical traits associated with maize tolerance against recurrent water stress at the early vegetative stage. Three maize varieties (V1, SUWAN2301; V2, SUWAN4452; and V3, S7328) and three water levels (I1, daily watering as the control; I2, watering every two days as the short stress; and I3, watering every four days as the prolonged stress) were employed in a factorial design pot experiment. During the experiment, I1’s soil moisture content (SMC) was maintained at almost 100% of its field capacity (FC), whereas I2 and I3’s volumetric SMC dropped to an average of 22.10% and 11.57%, respectively, following a stress phase. Fourteen distinct characteristics of maize were investigated at 5, 9, and 13 days after watering treatment initiation (DAWTI). The findings revealed that water levels significantly influenced all the tested traits (p p 1 compared to I2 and I3. However, during the first recovery period (RP), the recovery rate (RR) of stem perimeter (SP), root length (RL), root dry weight (RDW), leaf water potential (LWP), leaf greenness (LG), and TSSL were higher in I2, whereas leaf area (LA) and RL:SL was higher in I3. However, in the second RP, the RR of plant height (PH), SP, RL, LWP, LG, and TSSL were higher in I3, whereas LA, RDW, RL:SL, PrL, PrR, and TSSR were higher in I2 compared to each other. Under I3, the RR of biochemical traits, i.e., PrL (29.45%) and TSSR (20.23%), were higher in the first RP, and PrR (20.74%) and TSSL (15.22%) were higher in the second RP. However, the variety V1 could recover more after a re-watering, and, in the second RP, it performed better in the case of LA (120.14%), PH (18.41%), SP (19.94%), RL (17.74%), Shoot dry weight (SDW) (56.82%), RDW (11.97%), LG (0.05%), PrR (42.55%), TSSL (18.54%), and TSSR (22.87%) than other varieties. The maize varieties performed differently under I1 and I3 according to the principal component analysis and stress tolerance index. The variety V1 exhibited superior performance under both water levels. The biplot analysis highlighted the importance of traits, such as PrL, RL, TSSL, TSSR, PrR, and RL:SL, in water-stressed conditions. However, re-watering following a water stress period triggered the recovery rates in most traits, particularly after the second four-day stress period, and variety V1 performed better as well. Nonetheless, more research on a genomic and molecular level is required to gain a deeper understanding of the precise processes of drought tolerance in maize, particularly under recurring water stress circumstances

    Efforts to Stimulate Morpho-Physio-Biochemical Traits of Maize for Efficient Production under Drought Stress in Tropics Field

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    Maize, a major food source for the world’s tropical regions, is often impaired by droughts under a changing climate, which creates the importance of making efforts to improve the tolerance characteristics of maize under field conditions. The experiment was conducted during the dry season of the 2020–2021 period to investigate the stimulatory effects of plant growth regulator (PGR) ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) on the morpho-physio-biochemical traits of maize and to identify suitable application approaches for efficient production under water stress. The factorial randomized complete block design was followed for the present experiment. Ethephon was applied at the vegetative 6 leaves (V6) and/or 10 leaves (V10) stages. Seven application approaches (doses in g a.i. ha−1) of ethephon, i.e., 281 at the V6 stage (E1), 281 at the V6 stage + 281 at the V10 stage (E2), 281 at the V10 stage (E3), 562 at the V6 stage (E4), 562 at the V6 stage + 562 at the V10 stage (E5), 562 at the V10 stage (E6), and no ethephon (E7), were used for maize production. Another factor was that three water levels were used, i.e., well-watered conditions (watering every week) (W1), short water stress (no watering during 48–69 days after planting) (W2), and prolonged water stress (no watering during 48–83 days after planting) (W3). Water stress negatively affected most of the morpho-physiological traits, and in W2 and W3 conditions, the grain yield was significantly lower, i.e., 4.82 and 4.27 t ha−1, respectively, compared to W1 (5.71 t ha−1). The plant height and leaf area index at the reproductive milk stage of maize (R3) were significantly reduced by all approaches of ethephon application compared to no ethephon. However, across the water levels, E3 performed better and produced a higher grain yield (5.11 t ha−1), which was mostly seen by a higher 100-grain weight (24.52 g) and a slightly higher grain number per plant (356.12). It was also positively supported by most of the physiological and biochemical traits, as they were especially higher in the relative growth rate (25.73 mg plant−1 day−1), net assimilation rate (0.79 mg cm−2 day−1) at V6-R3, heat use efficiency (3.39 kg ha−1 °C days−1), electrolyte leakage (5.69%), and proline (28.78 µmol g−1 FW). These traits, under prolonged stress, also gave the maximum drought tolerance index by E3, i.e., the relative growth rate (1.00) and net assimilation rate (1.00) at V6 to R3, heat use efficiency (1.06), relative water content (1.00), electrolyte leakage (1.65), proline (1.88), 100-grain weight (1.01), grain yield (1.11), and water productivity (1.53). A path analysis showed that the shoot weight at R3 (1.00), the stem diameter at the R3 stage (1.00), net assimilation rate (0.95), relative water content (0.95), 100-grain weight (0.90), grain number (0.76), proline (0.75), SPAD value (0.71), and total soluble sugar (0.57) were highly positive, and electrolyte leakage (−0.84) was negatively correlated with the grain yield under prolonged water stress. The maximum positive direct effect on the grain yield was found in the shoot weight (1.05), net assimilation rate (0.68), leaf area index at R3 (0.45), SPAD (0.22), and electrolyte leakage (0.21). The ethephon application as the E3 approach was more efficient in both short and prolonged stress, especially under prolonged stress, as it showed a higher energy use efficiency (1.55) and less CO2-eq emission (3603.69) compared to the other approaches of ethephon. The subsequent efficient ethephon approaches were E1 under short water stress, E6 under prolonged water stress, where E5 performed minimally, and no application of ethephon, which exhibited the worst efficiency under water stress

    Potentiality of Sustainable Maize Production under Rainfed Conditions in the Tropics by Triggering Agro-Physio-Biochemical Traits Ascertained from a Greenhouse

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    A major portion of maize is produced under rainfed conditions in the tropics with relatively poor yield because of the unpredictable and irregular distribution of seasonal rainfall, as well as a decline in pre-rainy season rainfall due to climate change, so identification of sustainable production options is utmost needed. Thus, the present studies were conducted in a greenhouse (GH) to ascertain the water stress-tolerant traits of maize and at the field level in the tropical environment of Thailand to see the stimulating possibility of the ascertained traits in a locally popular cultivar using ethephon. Depending on tolerance level, three maize genotypes (Suwan 2301 > Suwan 4452 > S 7328) were tested under different water conditions—well-watered, short-term, and long-term water stress—in the GH. At the field level, the locally popular maize cultivar Suwan 5819 was examined with six ethephon levels (doses in g a.i. ha−1 of ethephon, i.e., T1, 281 at V6 stage; T2, 281 at V6 + 281 at V10 stage; T3, 281 at V10 stage; T4, 562 at V6 stage; T5, 562 at V6 + 562 at V10 stage; T6, 562 at V10 stage) against no ethephon application (T0) under rainfed conditions. Maize suffered from the scarcity of sufficient rainfall during 26–39 days after planting (DAP) and 43–63 DAP in the field. The yield index (YI) was identified from biplot analysis as one of the suitable standards for drought tolerance checks for maize at GH as well as at field level in the tropics. The YI value of observed agro-physio-biochemical traits of maize in GH showed that relative water content (RWC, 1.23), stem base diameter (SBD, 1.21), total soluble sugar (TSS, 1.15), proline (Pr, 1.13), aboveground plant biomass (APB, 1.13), root weight (RW, 1.13), relative growth rate (RGR, 1.15), specific leaf weight (SLW, 1.12), and net assimilation rate (NAR, 1.08) were the most desirable. Efforts were made to stimulate these traits under water stress at the field level. Ethephon application as T1 helped to gain higher kernel yield (KY) (5.26 t ha−1) with the support of higher RWC (90.38%), proline (24.79 µmol g−1 FW), TSS (1629 mg g−1 FW), SBD (24.49 mm), APB (271.34 g plant−1), SLW (51.71 g m−2), RGR (25.26 mg plant−1 day−1), and NAR (0.91 mg cm−2 day−1) compared to others, especially no ethephon application. Furthermore, the attributes SLW, SBD, Pr, heat utilization efficiency (HUE), 100-kernel weight, TSS, electrolyte leakage, and lodging percentage showed a substantial direct effect and significant correlation with KY. Aside from higher KY, ethephon application as T1 tactics resulted in higher values of energy efficiency (1.66), HUE (2.99 kg ha−1 °C days−1), gross margin (682.02 USD ha−1), MBCR (3.32), and C absorption (6.19 t C ha−1), indicating that this practice may be a good option for maize sustainable production under rainfed conditions