748 research outputs found

    India's new Israel policy: how the decline of the Palestinian issue and economic reorientation accelerate Indo-Israeli cooperation

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    In January 2019, about two weeks before India's Republic Day, Israel's National Security Advisor, Meir Ben-Shabbat, flew to New Delhi and met Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi. While such consultations have been routine for the past two decades, the Israeli official chose the direct Air India flight from Tel Aviv - a new flight connection that could only be established due to an unprecedented permit for Israel-bound flights to fly over Saudi airspace. The small incident highlights the distance that India and Israel have traveled since the normalization of diplomatic relations in 1992. Today, the two states share an ever-growing cooperation, especially in the areas of security and eco­nomic development. This rapprochement with Israel is embedded in India's broader Middle East strategy, in which especially the Gulf Arab states are important partners. Thus, India-Israel relations have also been catalyzed by the improvement in ties be­tween Israel and the Gulf States as well as the diminishing role played by the Palestin­ian issue. This, in turn, has led India, especially under Modi, not only to strengthen its ties with Israel, but also to de-hyphenate those ties from the Israeli-Palestinian con­flict, leading to a marginalization of the Palestinian question in Indian foreign policy. (Autorenreferat

    A new and simple medium for phytoplankton culture

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    Results of the study using a simple medium with a higher concentration of phosphate, developed for isolating unicellular algae from Calicut region are presented in this paper. The new medium is found to be very simple for large scale culture of phytoplankton to develop larval feed in hatcheries. The medium is prepared by dissolving 350 mg of potassium di hydrogen phosphate and 900 mg of p'otassium nitrate in 125 ml di stilled water. One ml of this solution is added to a litre of boiled and filtered sea water. A stock solution of vitamin is made by dissolving 5 mg of B" and 95 mg of B, in 100 ml of distilled water and one ml of this solution is added to each litre of the nutrient mixed sea water. Chromulina sp. Pavlova sp. and Chlorella sp. are inoculated in 250 ml flasks containing the new medium and is simultaneously compared with another set of flasks containing Walne's medium under controlled conditions of light and at a temperature rangong from 28 to 30· C. After every twenty four hours, cell counts are made and it is observed that rapid multipli.:ation of cells occurs during the initial period itself and the exponential phase is continued from the sixth day upto 12th day with similar results in both the media. The results with dirt·erent concentrations of the nutrients in the new medium are also presented in the paper

    System design for mussel culture

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    Mussel culture has been proved as one of the feasible progress for large-scale production of cheap protein food in many of the European countries having considerable potential for production to the tune of 600 tonnes/hectare as is reported from Spain

    Multi crop farming system for farming marine animals for producing medicines

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    It is well known that all physicians who practised Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Sidha, Unani, etc. were to depend on the phamlacopea systems of preparing medicinesfrom extracts of plants, minerals and elements in the crude forms as well as in the most sophisticated forms even from the pre-vedic periods dating back to 5000 to 7000 BC. Due to the recent advancements in the modern medicines, a new branch of science has been evolved for extraction of bio-active agents or substances from marine organisms and scientists developed many life saving medicine

    Applied ecology - a new discipline to be developed to support aquaculture

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    Aquaculture or cultivation in water has become a common practice in almost all countries during recent times in the context of the limitations of harvest from the sea, or from freshwater bodies. Planned development by modern approaches in this sector will normally make it possible for organising aquaculture in the same way as agriculture and in many countries large scale cultivation of fish, edible oysters, mussels, Prawns, pearls, algae etc. are streamlined on industrial basis with proper management networks at production, marketing and at consumer levels

    Role of reproductive bodies of algae as ultra microscopic food of larval and planktonic animals: a new finding in environmental science

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    Scientis ts believe that the bivalve larval reed on diatoms, detritus etc. When large scale spawning of these animals happens in the sea releasing million of larvae into the environment, no noticeable change is observed in the environment to show a boost of the feed material and it is also out of question that these millions of larvae are feeding on the dia toms of the sea which arc larger in size than the larval forms

    Optimisation of Diesel Engine for Hybrid Military Tracked Vehicles using Matlab-Simulink

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    The demand in the technology requirements for diesel engines is growing keeping hybrid vehicles in mind. In future the diesel engine no longer drives the wheels directly; as a result the engine can be engaged at a limited number of operating points, thus, offering an opportunity to optimise the fuel efficiency and performance at those operating points. The extent to which this optimisation is possible is limited by practical considerations. Also if the positive and negative power peaks in vehicle during mobility (e.g. acceleration and regenerative braking respectively) can be accommodated by high-power batteries, then the size of the engine can be considerably reduced. The engine’s operating points depend on the power-control strategy. The consequences of modifications to these operating points will have an effect on performance and efficiency. As in series hybrid only a limited number of operating points are involved and dynamic performance requirements are not imposed on the diesel engine, significant improvements can be achieved by the optimisation of the diesel engine at these operating points. The feasibility of optimisation of the engine at these operating points can be done by modification on the injection systems, the valve timings and other such parameters. This kind of approach requires the use of complex and repeated experimental analysis of the engine which is costly, cumbersome and time consuming. An alternative to this kind of experimental approach is to develop a simulation model of the engine with the generator in Matlab- Simulink