24 research outputs found

    Potential of soil resources of Coconut Research Station, Aliyarnagar, Tamil Nadu, India for agro-technology generation

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    Potential of soil resources of Coconut Research Station, Aliyarnagar of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and one of the Centers of ICAR-AICRP (Palms), was assessed by soil profile examination and spatial variability mapping. Three soil profiles were examined, one each in A, B and C blocks of the farm, soils were studied horizon wise samples were collected, and fertility parameters were analyzed. Spatial variability of primary nutrients was mapped employing GIS techniques. Soil profile examination revealed the presence of canker nodules in the lower horizons and the depth of the soil was not a constraint for the cultivation of perennial crops. The texture of the soil varied from loamy sand to sandy clay loam. pH was alkaline and electrical conductivity was less than 2 dSm-1. The content of KMnO4-N was low, and Olsen P, NNNH4OAc-K and organic carbon were medium. Land capability class was IIIew and was highly suitable (S1) for coconut, moderately suitable (S2) for cocoa and marginally suitable (S3) for pepper. The soil taxonomic class is fine-loamy mixed, isohyperthermic Fluventic/Typic Haplustepts. Rock outcrops were noticed over 5 per cent of the area. Top soil erosion and seepage problems resulting in temporary water logging are the major fertility constraints associated with this farm. Scrupulous application of organic manures, split application of fertilizers, providing trenches in areas of water logging, etc., are the strategies to overcome the constraints, which are existing in the farm

    Mapping of coconut growing areas in Tamil Nadu, India using remote sensing and GIS

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    Importance of remotely sensed data for inventorying, mapping, monitoring and for the management and development planning for the optimum utilization of natural resources has been well established. Though, a lot of applications have been attempted using remote sensing tool, mapping of coconut growing areas has not been attempted at a regional level. Hence, this study was envisaged to map the coconut growing areas in Tamil Nadu, India using Survey of India Toposheet grid (1:50,000 scale) and Digital Globe data. The temporal window of these datasets ranged from March 2012 to June 2014. The data sets have a spatial resolution of 41 cm. It has been observed that Coimbatore has largest area under coconut among all districts of Tamil Nadu, followed by Tiruppur, Thanjavur and Dindigul. In terms of percentage of coconut area to the total geographical area of the district, Tiruppur, leads the list, followed by Kanyakumari, Coimbatore and Thanjavur. On comparing the area obtained by this study with the area as per Coconut Development Board using a paired t-test, a p-value of 0.005 was obtained and hence, there is no significant difference between the two. Hence, it can be said that geospatial technologies like remote sensing and geographical information system are the best tools for accurate assessment and spatial data creation for crop mapping and area assessment

    Mapping and classification of crops using high resolution satellite image

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    In the present study an attempt was made to perform land use land cover classification at Level-III in order to discriminate and map individual crops. IRS Resources at 2 LISS IV sensor imagery (5.0 m spatial resolution) of September 2014 was utilized for the study. A hybrid classification approach of unsupervised classification followed by supervised classification was adopted to identify and map the crop area in Kodumudi block, Erode district of Tamil Nadu. Signature evaluation was carried out to study the class separability and through cross tabulation and the accuracy was assessed by error matrix. The signature separability analysis to classify various land cover classes indicated that the class viz., waterbody, settlement, sandy area and fallow land were better and for vegetation sub-classes viz., individual crops were poor, which means classification of individual crops was a challenge. The overall accuracy with three different algorithms varied from 56 to 65 per cent and this low accuracy was due to the problem in discriminating the tonal variation and spectral pattern of individual crops in the study area. Thus, classification of vegetation categories into individual crops using LISS IV data resulted in moderate classification accuracy in areas with multiple cropping

    Agricultural drought monitoring in Tamil Nadu in India using Satellite-based multi vegetation indices

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    Drought being an insidious hazard, is considered to have one of the most complex phenomenons. The proposed study identifies remote sensing-based indices that could act as a proxy indicator in monitoring agricultural drought over Tamil Nadu's region India. The satellite data products were downloaded from 2000 to 2013 from MODIS, GLDAS – NOAH, and TRMM. The intensity of agricultural drought was studied using indices viz., NDVI, NDWI, NMDI, and NDDI. The satellite-derived spectral indices include raw, scaled, and combined indices. Comparing satellite-derived indices with in-situ rainfall data and 1-month SPI data was performed to identify exceptional drought to no drought conditions for September month. The additive combination of NDDI showed a positive correlation of 0.25 with rainfall and 0.23 with SPI, while the scaled NDDI and raw NDDI were negatively correlated with rainfall and SPI. Similar cases were noticed with raw LST and raw NMDI. Indices viz., LST, NDVI, and NDWI performed well; however, it was clear that NDWI performed better than NDVI while LST was crucial in deciding NDVI coverage over the study area. These results showed that no single index could be put forward to detect agricultural drought accurately; however, an additive combination of indices could be a successful proxy to vegetation stress identification.

    Monitoring vegetation dynamics using multi-temporal Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) images of Tamil Nadu

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    Vegetation indices serve as an essential tool in monitoring variations in vegetation. The vegetation indices used often, viz., normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) were computed from MODIS vegetation index products. The present study aimed to monitor vegetation's seasonal dynamics by using time series NDVI and EVI indices in Tamil Nadu from 2011 to 2021. Two products characterize the global range of vegetation states and processes more effectively. The data sources were processed and the values of NDVI and EVI were extracted using ArcGIS software. There was a significant difference in vegetation intensity and status of vegetation over time, with NDVI having a larger value than EVI, indicating that biomass intensity varies over time in Tamil Nadu. Among the land cover classes, the deciduous forest showed the highest mean values for NDVI (0.83) and EVI (0.38), followed by cropland mean values of NDVI (0.71) and EVI (0.31) and the lowest NDVI (0.68) and EVI (0.29) was recorded in the scrubland. The study demonstrated that vegetation indices extracted from MODIS offered valuable information on vegetation status and condition at a short temporal time period


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    ABSTRACTA quake-triggered tsunami lashed the Nagapattinam coast of southern India on December 26, 2004 at around 9.00 am (IST). The tsunami caused heavy damage to houses, tourist resorts, fishing boats, prawn culture ponds, soil and crops, and consequently affected the livelihood of large numbers of the coastal communities. The study was carried out in the Tsunami affected villages in the coastal Nagapattinam with the help of remote sensing and geographical information science tools. Through the use of the IRS 1D PAN and LISS 3 merged data and quick bird images, it was found that 1,320 ha of agricultural and non-agricultural lands were affected by the tsunami. The lands were affected by soil erosion, salt deposition, water logging and other deposited sediments and debris. The maximum run-up height of 6.1 m and the maximum seawater inundation distance of 2.2 km were observed at Vadakkupoyyur village in coastal Nagapattinam.Pre and Post Tsunami survey on soil quality showed an increase in pH and EC values, irrespectiveof distance from the sea. The water reaction was found to be in alkaline range (> 8.00) in most of the -1wells. Salinity levels are greater than 4 dS m in all the wells except the ring well. The effect of summer rainfall on soil and water quality showed the dilution of soluble salts. Pumping of water has reduced the salinity levels in the well water samples and as well as in the open ponds. Following the 2004 event, it has become apparent to know the relative tsunami hazard for this coastal Nagapattinam. So, the Tsunami hazard maps are generated using a geographical information systems (GIS) approach and the results showed 20.6 per cent, 63.7 per cent and 15.2 per cent of the study area fall under high hazard, medium hazard and low hazard category respectively

    Decadal Changes in Land use and Land Cover of Noyyal River Basin using Geo-spatial Techniques

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    Aims: River Noyyal was the life line of the people of Coimbatore, Tirupur and Karur districts of Tamil Nadu and has nurtured a rich civilization. The river is mentioned in many ancient travelogues by European travelers which suggest the importance of the river. But over the years, the condition of the river, both in terms of quantity and quality has deteriorated owing to the expanding population size and its related land use changes. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted to investigate the decadal land use               and land cover changes of the Noyyal basin for the year of 2000 to 2020 in the year 2021-                 2022. Methodology: The study was undertaken to produce the land use/land cover map and to explore the change detection analysis of the Noyyal river basin for 20 years. Based on RS and GIS for monitoring the temporal variations of land use land cover, multi-temporal Landsat satellite 30m spatial resolution images of Landsat 4/5 MSS and TM 2000, 2010, and Landsat 8 (OLI) 2020 were obtained from the google earth engine. At the first stage NDVI calculation was done by using ArcGIS software and the second stage supervised classification maximum likelihood classification was done for 3 years 2000,2010 and 2020. Results: The analysis suggests that Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NDVI of without any vegetation (Class1), medium density (Class3), and high density (Class4) increased by 8.37%, 1.29%, 0.42% respectively. Low density (Class2) decreased by 10.1%. The urban area and agriculture land increased by 13.82% and 18.46%.The forest cover, waste land and barren land decreased by 12.24% 11.99% and 7.90% over the 2 decades and water bodies increased in the year of 2010 and then decreased. Conclusion: The study has revealed a decline in area under forest and wasteland and an increase in area under built up activities and agriculture land

    Mapping Spatio-temporal Variations of Surface Water Area of Tanks in Coimbatore Corporation Using Google Earth Engine

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    Surface water is one of the most significant elements of the earth's ecosystem. It is the basic information for analysing the changes in the environment. Therefore it is important to monitor water resources accurately. Nowadays remote sensing plays a major role in extraction of water spread area. In this study, change in water spread area of tanks was mapped for Coimbatore corporation from 2000 to 2021. The analysis was performed in Google earth engine platform using Landsat ETM+ and Landsat OLI datasets. The images for pre monsoon and post monsoon season were scrutinized and classified using random forest classifier in Google earth engine. The area of each tanks and their deviations were calculated for the study period. Results of the study showed that the lowest water spread area was observed in the period from 2000 to 2005 for both pre monsoon and post monsoon season. The tank has maximum water spread area during post monsoon season. The difficulties that has been confronted during the research is the unavailability of images due to cloud cover. The study shows that the random forest classifier can be effectively used to extract water features and water spread area

    Comparative Analysis of Aerosol Optical Properties over High Altitude Region of Western Ghats in Southern India

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    Observations of aerosols and Black Carbon (BC) were carried out at Ooty, high altitude region in Western Ghats using Multi wavelength solar radiometer (MWR) and Aethalometer. For the years 2018 and 2021, the Optical Characteristics of Aerosols and Clouds (OPAC) model was used to estimate monthly, seasonal, and spectral variations of aerosol optical properties such as Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), Single Scattering Albedo (SSA), and Asymmetry Parameter (ASY). The dominance of fine anthropogenic aerosols was shown by higher AOD during the pre-monsoon period. The maximum and minimum seasonal variation of AOD occurred during pre-monsoon (1.1 ± 0.02) and winter (0.21 ± 0.001) respectively. The significant spectral variation of AOD occurred during March to May as it decreases with the increase in wavelength .The SSA increases as the wavelength increases, ranged between 0.83 ± 0.02 and 0.77 ± 0.01.The variability of SSA is significant during January and February which is a characteristic of coarse type aerosols. Asymmetry Parameter with the monthly mean of 0.75 ± 0.01 indicated the forward scattering of aerosols and there is no significant difference in them over the years