4,787 research outputs found

    Comparison of traditional physico-chemical methods and molecular marker assays for characterization of Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    This study was aim to review the efficiency of molecular markers and traditional physico-chemical methods for the identification of basmati rice. The study involved 44 promising varieties of Indica rices collected from geographically distant places and adapted to irrigated and aerobic agro-ecosystems. Quality data for physical characteristics and organoleptic evaluation observed in AICRP trials and fingerprints based on inter-SSR- PCR and SSR-PCR assays were used and all the varieties were grouped into two major distinct clusters based on distance matrices. The 22 varieties adapted to aerobic agro-ecosystem were classified into a single largest cluster. Both traditional and evolved basmati (EB) varieties were clustered with varieties adapted to irrigated agro-ecosystem. Estimates of genetic diversity between varieties adapted to irrigated and aerobic rice were more prominent than that observed between basmati varieties as was indicated by both the molecular assays. Estimates of physico-chemical quality parameters supplemented with organoleptic attributes were observed to be adequate to provide confirmatory unscrupulous identification of basmati rice.Key words: Basmati rice, physico-chemical characteristics, molecular markers, genetic diversity, organoleptic evaluation

    Isolation and Screening of Azo Dyes Tolerant Bacteria in Semi-Scale Industrial Effluents

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    Dyes are organic compound have colouring properties of the object which used in industrial application. Huge effluent are releasing by industrial processing, where the microorganism may naturally adopted against particular problems. Present work focused over the selection and screening few best native candidates from diverse bacteria from semi-skilled dye industrial effluent. From eleven isolated bacterial colonies only two are found resistant against azo dyes (Methyl orange and Trypan blue). During the screening it observed that isolates of bacteria (VN1 and VN2) were tolerates and decolorize azo dye up to 500 ppm. These bacterial strain can be used efficientlyremoval of dyes contamina-tion from ex-situ and in-situ

    Indian Forage Scenario – Region Wise Availability and Deficit

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    In India, rapid urbanisation, changing food habit and higher purchasing power have increased the demand for animal based food products.Proper feeding strategies using green nutritious fodderis key to increase livestock production and productivity in economical and sustainable way.Three major sources of fodder are crop residues, cultivated fodder from arable land (irrigated and rainfed) and fodder from common property resources like forests, permanent pastures, grazing lands, cultivated wasteland, fallow lands etc. Based on the livestock census, we estimated the green and dry fodder availability vis-a-vis demand and emerging deficit/surplus situation. The state wise livestock population for Cattle, Buffaloes, Goat, Sheep, Yak and Mithun were taken into account and the requirement for green, dry forage and animal feed concentrate was worked out considering factors like age, milking or non-milking state, gender, working nature, feeding practices etc. The availability of green forages was estimated based on cultivated area under forage, cropping intensity, productivity etc., green fodder from fallow land, wasteland, forest fringe areas, social forestry, pasture land. For dry fodder, availability of crop residue for fodder was calculated based on the major utilizable cereals, pulses and oilseed crops, harvest index, production, and utilization pattern. Availability of dry forages from forest, wasteland, fallow land and cultivated field after harvest available for grazing were considered. On all India basis, there is an overall deficit of nearly 11 % in green fodder availability and 23 % in dry fodder availability. To meet the deficit scenario various strategies are proposed which includea national programme in mission mode for accelerating production; grassland and grazing policy; rejuvenation of degraded pastures; targeted research and extension programme; entrepreneurship in commercial venture of fodder production and utilization

    Isolation of 24-epibrassinolide from leaves of Aegle marmelos and evaluation of its antigenotoxicity employing Allium cepa chromosomal aberration assay

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    Brassinosteroids are of universal occurrence in plants. They have been reported to affect plant growth and development through a spectrum of physiological responses. Recently they are reported to confer resistance in plants against a number of biotic and abiotic stresses. In the present study, a brassinosteroid was isolated from Aegle marmelos Correa. (Rutaceae) which was characterized to be 24-epibrassinolide (EBL) using various spectroscopic techniques (TLC and ESI-MS analysis). It was evaluated for the antigenotoxicity against maleic hydrazide (MH) induced genotoxicity in Allium cepa chromosomal aberration assay. It was shown that the percentage of chromosomal aberrations induced by maleic hydrazide (0.01%) declined significantly with 24-epibrassinolide treatment. EBL (10(-7) M) proved to be the most effective concentration with 91.8% inhibition. This is the first report on the isolation of 24-epibrassinolide from Aegle marmelos and its antigenotoxic effects against MH employing Allium cepa chromosomal aberration assay

    Effect of irrigation methods and mulching on growth and yield parameters of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) in arid condition

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    The research work was carried out to study the impact of various irrigation methods and mulching on plant growth, production and profitability of chilli cv. R.Ch. 1 at Agricultural Research Station, Mandor, Jodhpur during July, 2016 to February, 2017. The results of surface irrigation were compared with drip irrigation system under no mulch and in conjunction with plastic mulch. The results revealed that the crop was irrigated by drip irrigation on raise bed with 100 micron Linear Low Density Poly Ethylene plastic mulch (T8 treatment) exhibited significantly higher seedling survival at 15 and 30 days after transplanting (95.16% and 91.70%), highest plant height (47.10 cm at 45 DAT and 54.60 cm at harvest), highest number of branches (14.93) plant-1, maximum stem girth (2.32 cm) number of roots plant-1 (138.5), highest fruit set (38.47%), length of fresh fruit (12.56 cm), diameter of fruit (3.52 cm) and fresh weight of fruit-1 (8.42g) was observed. The maximum number of fruits plant-1(125), highest yield plant-1 (1052.5g), yield ha-1 (337.63q) and premier fruit quality score (9.11) with maximum net return (Rs.326407.28) and benefit: cost ratio (3.41) was also reported in same treatment. Comparatively minimum time (15 hours) required for one hectare irrigation was also reported in drip irrigation on raise bed with plastic mulch. This led to lower population of white fly plant-1 (4.53), minimum weed infestation (1.53 weed m-2), leaf curl (5.50%) and fruit rot (5.0%) incidence than other treatment combinations. The minimum growth, yield and profitability were reported in check basin method of irrigation without mulch (T1 treatment)

    Potential usage of edible mushrooms and their residues to retrieve valuable supplies for industrial applications

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    Currently, the food and agricultural sectors are concerned about environmental problems caused by raw material waste, and they are looking for strategies to reduce the growing amount of waste disposal. Now, approaches are being explored that could increment and provide value-added products from agricultural waste to contribute to the circular economy and environmental protection. Edible mushrooms have been globally appreciated for their medicinal properties and nutritional value, but during the mushroom production process nearly one-fifth of the mushroom gets wasted. Therefore, improper disposal of mushrooms and untreated residues can cause fungal disease. The residues of edible mushrooms, being rich in sterols, vitamin D2, amino acids, and polysaccharides, among others, makes it underutilized waste. Most of the published literature has primarily focused on the isolation of bioactive components of these edible mushrooms; however, utilization of waste or edible mushrooms themselves, for the production of value-added products, has remained an overlooked area. Waste of edible mushrooms also represents a disposal problem, but they are a rich source of important compounds, owing to their nutritional and functional properties. Researchers have started exploiting edible mushroom by-products/waste for value-added goods with applications in diverse fields. Bioactive compounds obtained from edible mushrooms are being used in media production and skincare formulations. Furthermore, diverse applications from edible mushrooms are also being explored, including the synthesis of biosorbent, biochar, edible films/coating, probiotics, nanoparticles and cosmetic products. The primary intent of this review is to summarize the information related to edible mushrooms and their valorization in developing value-added products with industrial applications.This research was funded by the UHK (Faculty of Science, VT2019-2021)
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