75 research outputs found

    Ontology Based Public Healthcare System in Internet of Things (IoT)

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    AbstractInternet of Things is a growing technology that is predicted to discover new drugs and medical treatments. The efficiency and quality of healthcare have high potential features as flexibility, adaptability, affinity, cost shrinkage, and high speed. This technology helps us to understand the specific risks related to security and privacy. This paper targets on a Healthcare information system based on ontology method. In particular, security and privacy challenges are analyzed in the proposed Ontology-based healthcare information system. Emergency medical services (EMS) are a type of emergency service dedicated to providing out-of-hospital acute medical care, transport to definitive care. Moreover, a functional infrastructure plan is provided to exhibit the unification between the proposed application architecture with the Internet of Things and ontology hierarchy


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    The present disclosure relates to a system for BI cube refresh automation. In the present disclosure, initially the status of the I-server 107 is determined. Once the I-server is active, the cube refresh automation system 103 may back-up the old workflow logs and deletes the old workflow logs from one or more data cubes 101. Further, the cube refresh automation system may split the insertion of new workflow logs into clustered server and then merges the insertion results from the clustered servers. The merger insertion results are further monitored. Upon successful insertion, the insertion trigger is deleted. When the insertion is unsuccessful, the cube refresh automation system provides a successive trigger for insertion. Further, upon the successful insertion the trigger for the insertion is deleted. Finally, the cube refresh automation system 103 provides the information inserted in one more data cubes and cube health status to the user through notification

    Clinicomorphological spectrum of hemophagocytic syndrome in a tertiary care hospital

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    Introduction: The HLH-2004 trial established the diagnostic criteria for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a severe hyperinflammatory condition. It typically develops due to inappropriate macrophage activation. Our objective was to assess the spectrum of hemophagocytic syndrome presentations by identifying hemophagocytic activity in the bone marrow, and to unravel the etiopathogenesis of this condition. Material and methods: A retrospective study was carried out in the Department of Pathology in a tertiary care hospital reporting the clinical and laboratory findings of patients who had been previously diagnozed with hemophagocytosis in the bone marrow. The parameters in the diagnostic criteria of HLH of the same patients were documented and analyzed. Results: The characteristics of the 32 patients who presented with hemophagocytosis in the bone marrow were documented. Persistent fever was the most frequent presentation. Mild to moderate anemia (69%), severe leucopenia (59%), and mild to moderate thrombocytopenia (63%) were other frequent findings. The incidence of primary HLH was found to be only 3%; 87% had hyperferritinemia, 78% had bicytopenia, 59% had hypertriglyceridemia, and 53% had splenomegaly. Infections followed by malignancies were shown to be the most frequent cause of secondary HLH, while the prognosis for malignancy-associated HLH appeared to be poor. Conclusions: Based on the findings of this study, conclusions about the clinical symptoms and etiologies of HLH may be drawn, which will assist in early identification. Hence, all subjects with a clinical suspicion of HLH should be thoroughly investigated for a possible etiology

    Salt stress and its impact on rice physiology with special reference to India- A review

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    With the increasing population, by 2030, the population of India will have seen an unprecedented rise of 1.43 billion and require food grains of around 311 million tones. Of the total area, nearly 5% of the area in India is affected by soil salinity. It is said that about 10% of soil is salinized every year. At this rate, 50% of the land area will be salinized by 2050.These repercussions challenge us to expand the area under cultivation or to increase the yield per unit area to maintain food security and sustainability. In order to meet the growing demands of the increased population, two major approaches can be met. Firstly, the available area under cultivation must be increased, which can be done by the reclamation of various problematic soils and making them suitable for cultivation. The second and holistic approach is to employ various biotechnological and breeding aspects in the development of resistant varieties surviving the harsh and unfavourable environment and showing no subsequent reduction in the yield parameters. For this, one must understand the various physiological aspects of tolerance for screening the elite varieties suited for a particular ecosystem or environment. Thus, the present study vividly explains the various physiological aspects of salt stress on rice. Employing these techniques, one can screen superior genotypes resistant to various stresses, thus keeping the Malthus predictions at bay

    Guidelines of Revised Orthodontic Practices for Establishing ā€œNew Normalityā€ Post COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The aim of this article is to shed light upon formulation of new guidelines of revised orthodontic practices in the post-pandemic era caused due to the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and also to adapt to the new regulations to prevent further spread of infection. All relevant information pertaining to the area of concern was collected using electronic databases which include Google Scholar, PubMed, Cochrane, orthodontic journals, and health bodies such World Health Organization, the British Orthodontic Society, and the National Institute of Health. Post-pandemic visionary was also contemplated. Data collected through the electronic databases were studied and compiled to provide an overview of the possible modifications which could be employed to prevent cross-contamination during and after the orthodontic therapy in the -post-pandemic era. Refashioning of the dental set-up along with the formulation of new regulations have been elucidated. This review highlights that the post-pandemic orthodontic practice is a divergent layout requiring tedious clinical and environmental modifications. New categorization of patients requiring orthodontic treatments and procedural classification based on generation of aerosol must be taken into consideration. Formulation of new regulations and redesigning the clinical set-up is crucial yet essential

    PSO based optimal distributed generation placement and capacity by considering harmonic limits

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    Jedinice decentralizirane proizvodnje (DG units) također se nazivaju rasprÅ”enom proizvodnjom, decentraliziranom proizvodnjom i ugrađenom proizvodnjom. Uobičajeno su to male elektrane, direktno povezane bilo s distribucijom ili potroÅ”ačem. Uspostava decentralizirane proizvodnje na temelju invertera rapidno se povećala zadnjih godina. To može biti rezultat povećane razine sekundarne frekvencije koja može prekoračiti dopuÅ”enu razinu harmonijskog izobličenja. Razina prodiranja DG ograničena je harmonijskim izobličenjem zbog nelinearne struje iz DG jedinica na bazi invertera. U ovom je radu određena maksimalna razina penetracije DG, uzimajući u obzir harmonijska ograničenja. Harmonici su određeni pristupom odvojenog harmonijskog protoka snage (DHPF). Ograničenja ovog predloženog problema uključuju jednadžbe balansiranja snage, ograničenja napona sabirnice, ukupne i pojedinačne granice harmonijskog izobličenja specificiranog normom IEEE-519. Problem je rijeÅ”en primjenom tehnike optimizacije pomoću algoritma optimizacije roja čestica. Rezultati simulacije dobiveni su primjenom MATPOWER/MATLAB u sustavima ispitivanja sabirnice IEEE 30 i IEEE 57, a rezultati dokazuju učinkovitost predloženog pristupa.Distributed Generation (DG) units are also called Dispersed Generation, Decentralized Generation and Embedded Generation. They are normally small generating plants, connected directly to either distribution side or customer side. The installation of inverter-based distributed generation (DG) has increased rapidly in recent years. This higher penetration level may result in the increased level of harmonics, which could exceed the permissible harmonic distortion level. The penetration level of DG is restricted by harmonic distortion, because of the nonlinear current injected by inverter based DG units. In this work, the maximum DG penetration level is determined, by considering the harmonic limits. The harmonics are determined by using the Decoupled Harmonic Power Flow (DHPF) approach. The constraints of this proposed problem include power balance equations, bus voltage limits, total and individual harmonic distortion limits specified by IEEE-519 standard. The problem is solved by using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm based optimization technique. Simulation results are obtained by MATPOWER/MATLAB in IEEE 30 and IEEE 57 bus test systems and the results prove the effectiveness of this proposed approach

    Mode of Mechanical Ventilation in a Case of Venolymphatic Malformation: Spontaneous-Saves, Positive-Precludes

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    Mediastinal venolymphatic malformations (VLM) are rare tumours, with very few reported cases in the literature. Arising often from the anterior mediastinum, VLM manifests symptoms based on invaded surrounding structures. Masses from the anterior and superior mediastinum pose an anaesthetic challenge for airway and hemodynamic management. A 7-month-old male child presented with a progressively growing mass over the left anterior chest wall for one month, about 4x4 cm, with diffuse margins and now expanded to involve the root of the neck and into the axilla. The patient was free from any apparent systemic illness. The breathing difficulty worsened in the past week with noisy respiration associated with feeding difficulty and hence sought medical admission to the paediatrics emergency unit. In conclusion, such huge mediastinal masses are managed better under spontaneous ventilation with an adequate surgical depth of anaesthesia to maintain appropriate respiratory compliance and necessitate lower peak inspiratory pressure. Given rare cases reported in the literature, similar topics would help choose the modus of ventilation and their safe management

    Ex-ante Impact Assessment of Drought Tolerant Sorghum Cultivars under Future Climates: Integrated Modeling approach

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    An integrated modeling framework ā€“ IMPACT ā€“ which integrates partial equilibrium economic model, hydrology model, crop simulation model and climate model was used to examine the ex-ante economic impact of developing and disseminating a drought tolerant sorghum cultivar in target countries of Africa and Asia. The impact of drought tolerant sorghum technology on production, consumption, trade flow and prices of sorghum in target and non-target countries were analyzed. And also we estimated the returns to research investment for developing the promising new drought tolerant cultivars and dissemination in the target countries. The analysis indicates that development and release of drought tolerant sorghum in the target countries of Asia and Africa would provide a net economic benefit of about 1476.8 million US$ for the entire world under no climate change condition. Under climate change scenarios the net benefits derived from adoption of new drought tolerant sorghum cultivar is higher than the no climate change condition. This is due to higher production realized by sorghum under climate change scenarios. The results imply that substantial economic benefits can be achieved from the development of a drought tolerant sorghum cultivar. And also this technology will perform better than the existing cultivars in future climate change condition

    Knowledge-driven Biometric Authentication in Virtual Reality

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    With the increasing adoption of virtual reality (VR) in public spaces, protecting users from observation attacks is becoming essential to prevent attackers from accessing context-sensitive data or performing malicious payment transactions in VR. In this work, we propose RubikBiom, a knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication scheme for authentication in VR. We show that hand movement patterns performed during interactions with a knowledge-based authentication scheme (e.g., when entering a PIN) can be leveraged to establish an additional security layer. Based on a dataset gathered in a lab study with 23 participants, we show that knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication increases security in an unobtrusive way. We achieve an accuracy of up to 98.91% by applying a Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) on 32 authentications per subject. Our results pave the way for further investigations towards knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication in VR

    Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging using RFID

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    Electric vehicle (EV) wireless charging using radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a novel technology that enables the charging of electric vehicles without the need for wires or cables. The technology utilizes RFID tags that are installed on the EV, which communicate with the charging pad through electromagnetic fields. The charging process is initiated when the RFID reader detects the presence of the EV with the installed RFID tag, and the charging pad is activated. The power transfer is then enabled between the charging pad and the EV, allowing for the charging process to begin. RFID-based wireless charging technology offers numerous benefits over traditional wired charging systems. For instance, it eliminates the need for physical connectors, thereby reducing the wear and tear of components and increasing the convenience of charging. Moreover, the technology is more efficient, with minimal energy losses, and reduces the risk of electrical hazards. It also minimizes the impact of weather conditions and road debris on the charging process, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor charging application. In conclusion, EV wireless charging using RFID is a promising technology that can potentially revolutionize the EV charging industry. It offers numerous benefits, including increased convenience, efficiency, and safety, and has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of transportation
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