353 research outputs found

    A Study on Knowledge and Screening for Cervical Cancer among Women in Mangalore City

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    Background: Most of the cervical cancer cases are diagnosed late leading to poor outcomes. Very few studies have explored the role of doctor and source of information for awareness of women about cervical cancer in India. Aim: Hence, this study was conducted with the objective of knowing the knowledge of women about cervical cancer, its screening, role of doctor, source of information, and reasons for not undergoing screening if the women had not undergone testing for cervical cancer. Subjects and Methods: This was a questionnaire based cross-sectional study conducted among the women attending the outpatient departments of teaching hospitals attached to Kasturba Medical College. A sample size of 83 was calculated. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed. After obtaining permission from Institutional Ethics Committee, the  questionnaire was administered to the women in the language of theirpreference. Women were educated after the data collection and a hand.out was provided. Data was analyzed using SPSS Version 10. Studentfs independent etf test was used to compare mean knowledge scores across sociodemographic groups.Results: Majority of the women have poor knowledge about cervical cancer (81.9% [68/83]) and itfs screening (85.5% [71/83]). Only 6 out of 83 women had undergone screening. Though women had come into contact with doctors earlier, they were neither educated about cervical cancer nor were they told about the screening. Whatever little knowledge the women had was obtained from mass media. Conclusions: Majority of women had poor knowledge. Mass media could be used to educate the women. There is a need to conduct community based study to know the practices of doctors and assess if they are educating and offering suggestions for screening.Keywords: Cervical cancer, Knowledge, Screenin

    Limited post-operative narcotic use in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Purpose: To limit narcotics use Cochrane review: multiple studies have shown postoperative pain can be managed with non-narcotic meds with good outcome Less medication related side effects:N/V, constipation, disorientation Prevents substance addiction/abusehttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1069/thumbnail.jp

    Prostate-Associated Gene 4 (PAGE4): Leveraging the Conformational Dynamics of a Dancing Protein Cloud as a Therapeutic Target.

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity globally. While genomic alterations have been identified in PCa, in contrast to some other cancers, use of such information to personalize treatment is still in its infancy. Here, we discuss how PAGE4, a protein which appears to act both as an oncogenic factor as well as a metastasis suppressor, is a novel therapeutic target for PCa. Inhibiting PAGE4 may be a viable strategy for low-risk PCa where it is highly upregulated. Conversely, PAGE4 expression is downregulated in metastatic PCa and, therefore, reinstituting its sustained expression may be a promising option to subvert or attenuate androgen-resistant PCa. Thus, fine-tuning the levels of PAGE4 may represent a novel approach for personalized medicine in PCa

    Measuring the State of Disaster Philanthropy 2020: Data to Drive Decisions

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    Each year, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Candid analyze global disaster-related funding from foundations, bilateral and multilateral donors, U.S. government agencies, corporations, and donations through donor-advised funds and online platforms. We analyze this funding according to a taxonomy that classifies giving by type of disaster and disaster assistance strategy. Philanthropic funding for disasters and humanitarian crises is situated within a large ecosystem of global aid. While assistance from governments far surpasses funding from foundations, institutional philanthropy still plays an important role. For example, foundations can choose to fill funding gaps and support underfunded areas of the disaster life cycle. Support for disaster risk reduction and preparedness can mitigate the impact of disasters, and many communities need sustained funding for the long road to recovery. We hope this analysis will aid donors in considering how to maximize the impact of their disaster-related giving.

    Comparison of iron-sucrose with ferric carboxymaltose for treatment of postpartum iron deficiency anaemia

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    Background: Anaemia is a major public health problem worldwide. Haemoglobin (Hb) cut-off in anaemia should be taken as 11 gm/dl in the first and third trimester and 10.5 gm/dl in the second trimester, and a post-partum Hb of 10.0 gm/dl. The aim of the study is to compare the efficacy of iron-sucrose versus ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) in the treatment of postpartum anaemia.Methods: A prospective randomized interventional study of 132 post-partum females was conducted at a tertiary care hospital, over a 6-month period. Post-partum females delivered via normal vaginal delivery or caesarean section with Hb levels of above 7 gm/dl and below 9.9 gm/dl were randomized into 2 groups. Iron deficit calculated, in mg, according to Ganzoni’s formula. One group received intravenous FCM – 500 mg in 250 ml normal saline (NS) over 30 minutes and the other received intravenous iron sucrose - each ampoule containing 200 mg in 100 ml NS over 30 minutes up to a maximum dose of 1000 mg. Follow up done after 15 days, 4 weeks and 6 weeks. The data was tabulated and compared using statistical analysis.Results: At a 4 and 6 weeks follow up, the mean rise in hemoglobin (Hb) of group A (1.4 g/dl) was significantly greater than that of group B (0.89 g/dl).Conclusions: The study concludes that thought efficacy of drugs is similar, injection FCM shows a prompt rise in Hb, allows a higher dose to be dispensed in a single seating and is more significant in improving quality of life over a period of time even though it has a marginally higher cost

    Philanthropy and COVID-19: Examining two years of giving

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    Candid and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) released a new report, Philanthropy and COVID-19: Examining giving in 2021, that details COVID-19-related philanthropic funding in 2021. Candid and CDP's third assessment of COVID-19 philanthropic data emphasizes that it will take decades for many communities to recover from the compounding effects of the pandemic. It highlights the role funders will play in long-term recovery from the pandemic, and CDP provides actionable steps funders can take to invigorate their COVID-19 giving strategy

    Awareness, Practice and Level of Anxiety using Coronavirus Anxiety Scale among the Indian Population regarding COVID -19 Pandemic

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    Abstract: The most important aspect of Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) involves the circulation of trustworthy and accurate information in the public health interest domain. Strict stringency measures such as nationwide lockdown impacted people's mental health. Hence, this study was planned to assess the knowledge, practice, and anxiety among the Indian population about the ongoing pandemic in the initial phase. Methods: A web-based cross-sectional study was conducted between August 1, 2020, to October 5, 2020. Coronavirus Anxiety Scale was used to determine dysfunctional anxiety. Results: Among 553 participants, 73.6% had overall good knowledge of COVID-19 with mean correct score of 6.9±1.1. Majority of participants (97%) wore mask regularly, and 93% of respondents regularly washed their hands with soap and water. Only 14 participants scored ?9 on CAS, suggesting probable cases of dysfunctional anxiety associated with the COVID-19 crisis. Conclusion: The knowledge and practices of citizens in a nation reflect their preparedness and ability to deal with a pandemic of such proportion. Good knowledge translates to good practices and therefore reduces anxiety among the population. It is deemed necessary that people's knowledge and habits, including the mental impact, be accessed at periodic intervals to track their adaptation to pandemics over time
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