28 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Neonatal Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rat Model for the Development of Cataract

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) generally follows prediabetes (PD) conditions such as impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and/or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Although studies reported an association of IGT or IFG with cataract, the experimental basis for PD associated cataract is not known. Hence, we evaluated neonatal streptozotocin (nSTZ) induced rat model to study PD associated cataractogenesis by injecting STZ to two-day old rats. While majority (70%) of nSTZ injected pups developed IGT (nSTZ-PD) by two months but not cataract even after seven months, remaining (30%) nSTZ rats developed hyperglycemia (nSTZ-D) by two months and mature cataract by seven months. Lens biochemical analysis indicated increased oxidative stress as indicated by increased SOD activity, lipid peroxidation, and protein carbonyl levels in nSTZ-D cataractous lens. There was also increased polyol pathway as assessed by aldose reductase activity and sorbitol levels. Though nSTZ-PD animals have not shown any signs of lenticular opacity, insolubilization of proteins along with enhanced polyol pathway was observed in the lens. Further there was increased oxidative stress in lens of IGT animals. These results suggest that oxidative stress along with increased polyol pathway might play a role in IGT-associated lens abnormalities. In conclusion, nSTZ-PD rat model could aid to investigate IGT-associated lens abnormalities

    Dietary fatty acid composition alters 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 gene expression in rat retroperitoneal white adipose tissue

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    The enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) amplifies intracellular glucocorticoid action by converting inactive glucocorticoids to their active forms in vivo. Adipose-specific overexpression of 11β-HSD1 induces metabolic syndrome in mice, whereas 11β-HSD1 null mice are resistant to it. Dietary trans and saturated fatty acids (TFAs and SFAs) are involved in the development of metabolic syndrome, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) offer protection against this. Here, we report the effects of chronic feeding of different diets containing vanaspati (TFA rich), palm oil (SFA rich) and sunflower oil (PUFA rich) at 10%level on 11β-HSD1 gene expression in rat retroperitoneal adipose tissue. 11β-HSD1 gene expression was significantly higher in TFA rich diet-fed rats compared to SFA rich diet-fed rats, which in turn was significantly higher than PUFA rich diet-fed rats. Similar trend was observed in the expression of CCAAT-enhancer binding protein-α (C/EBP-α), the main transcription factor required for the expression of 11β-HSD1. We propose that TFAs and SFAs increase local amplification of glucocorticoid action in adipose tissue by upregulating 11β-HSD1 by altering C/EBP-α-gene expression. The increased levels of glucocorticoids in adipose tissue may lead to development of obesity and insulin resistance, thereby increasing the risk of developing metabolic syndrome

    Garlic ameliorates long-term pre-diabetes induced retinal abnormalities in high fructose fed rat model

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    452-460Retinopathy is one of the micro vascular complications of diabetes and can also be observed in pre-diabetic state. However, there are only limited studies available on the pathophysiology of retinopathy in pre-diabetic state and its preventive strategies. In this study, we investigated the retinal functional, structural and molecular alterations using high fructose (HF) induced pre-diabetic rat model and also the protective role of garlic. Feeding of HF to Wistar NIN (WNIN) rats had developed insulin resistance (IR) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) by three months, while retinal functional abnormalities by ten months as evidenced by decrease of Electroretinogram (ERG) scotopic, photopic b-wave amplitudes, oscillatory potentials (OPs) when compared to controls. Supplementation of garlic (3%) to HF+G group rats had marginally protected these changes. Elevated expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), aldose reductase (AR) and decreased rhodopsin (Rho) in HF group rats as evidenced by immunehistochemistry, immunoblot methods, which were further supported by gene expression studies, indicate the initiation of retinal abnormalities. Increased immune-fluorescence signal of carboxymethyl lysine (CML-KLH) and 4-hydroxynanoenol (4-HNE) in retina of HF group rats indicate the association of glycation and oxidative stress, respectively. Early intervention of garlic to HF+G group rats attenuated retinal functional, structural, and molecular abnormalities

    Impact of COVID-19 during pregnancy on placental pathology, maternal and neonatal outcome – A cross-sectional study on anemic term pregnant women from a tertiary care hospital in southern India

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    BackgroundSARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy may cause adverse maternal, neonatal and placental outcomes. While tissue hypoxia is often reported in COVID-19 patients, pregnant women with anemia are suspected to be more prone to placental hypoxia-related injuries.MethodsThis hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted between August-November 2021, during COVID-19 second wave in India. Term pregnant women (N=212) admitted to hospital for delivery were enrolled consecutively. Since hospital admission mandated negative RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 virus, none had active infection. Data on socio-demography, COVID-19 history, maternal, obstetric, and neonatal outcomes were recorded. Pre-delivery maternal and post-delivery cord blood samples were tested for hematological parameters and SARS-CoV-2 IgG. Placentae were studied for histology.ResultsOf 212 women, 122 (58%) were seropositive for SARS-CoV-2 IgG, but none reported COVID-19 history; 134 (63.2%) were anemic. In seropositive women, hemoglobin (p=0.04), total WBC (p=0.009), lymphocytes (p=0.005) and neutrophils (p=0.02) were significantly higher, while ferritin was high, but not significant and neutrophils to lymphocytes (p=0.12) and platelets to lymphocytes ratios (p=0.03) were lower. Neonatal outcomes were similar. All RBC parameters and serum ferritin were significantly lower in anemic mothers but not in cord blood, except RDW that was significantly higher in both, maternal (p=0.007) and cord (p=0.008) blood from seropositive anemic group compared to other groups. Placental histology showed significant increase in villous hypervascularity (p=0.000), dilated villous capillaries (p=0.000), and syncytiotrophoblasts (p=0.02) in seropositive group, typically suggesting placental hypoxia. Maternal anemia was not associated with any histological parameters. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses of placental histopathological adverse outcomes showed strong association with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity but not with maternal anemia. When adjusted for several covariates, including anemia, SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity emerged as independent risk factor for severe chorangiosis (AOR 8.74, 95% CI 3.51-21.76, p<0.000), dilated blood vessels (AOR 12.74, 95% CI 5.46-29.75, p<0.000), syncytiotrophoblasts (AOR 2.86, 95% CI 1.36-5.99, p=0.005) and villus agglutination (AOR 9.27, 95% CI 3.68-23.32, p<0.000).ConclusionAsymptomatic COVID-19 during pregnancy seemed to be associated with various abnormal placental histopathologic changes related to placental hypoxia independent of maternal anemia status. Our data supports an independent role of SARS-CoV-2 in causing placental hypoxia in pregnant women

    Odontogenic tumors and giant cell lesions of jaws - a nine year study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>A definite geographic variation has been observed in the frequency of odontogenic tumors and giant cell lesions of the jaws reported from different parts of the world. However, there are a few studies on these lesions, especially giant cell lesions, reported from India. Hence, this study was designed to provide a demographic data on the odontogenic tumors and giant cell lesions reported from our institute located in the city of Hyderabad. Hyderabad is the capital city of the southern state of Andhra Pradesh in India. A retrospective analysis of odontogenic tumors and giant cell lesions of jaws reported in our institute between the years 2000 and 2009 was done and this data was compared with previous reports from different parts of the world and India.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Biopsies of the lesions received between the years 2000 and 2009 were reviewed and patient's history, clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 77 biopsies were received during the nine year study period. These lesions were more frequently seen in the males, in a younger age group and showed a predilection for the mandible. Most of them presented as radiolucent, slow growing and painless lesions. Ameloblastomas (71.4%) constituted the majority of odontogenic tumors while central giant cell granulomas (7.8%) constituted the majority of giant cell lesions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These lesions showed a definite geographic variation with ameloblastomas being the most common odontogenic tumors and odontomas being relatively rarer lesions in our region.</p

    A Study on Distribution and Association of CD320, a Receptor for Active Vitamin B12, in Pregnant Mothers and their Newborns Cord Blood

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    Objective: Our objective was to study the levels and relation between CD320 receptors in anaemic mothers in their last trimester of pregnancy and their newborns after birth. Methods: Association between CD320, VitB12, active B12 levels in mothers with anaemia were analysed before they underwent labor and in blood collected from their newborns after labor. Regression analysis was performed in order to assess the relation between the mothers and their neonatal vitamin CD320 levels in relation to their Vit B12 status. Results: Among the 200 pregnant mothers recruited, 59% were anaemic. CD320 levels were significantly higher in anaemic mothers (414.09 ±10.75 pg/ml) when compared with cord blood (372.25 ± 7.81 pg/ml). CD320 levels were higher in both mother and cord blood with Vit B12 deficiency, however, were lower in mothers with active B12 deficiency. CD320 levels in cord blood were positively associated with haemoglobin (r value 0.8, p value 0.42) of mothers and negatively with serum folate (r value -0.15; p value 0.23), Vit B12(r value -0.21; p value0.28) and active Vit B12 levels (r value -0.25; p value0.03) in mothers. Conclusion: CD320 levels in cord blood positively correlated with haemoglobin of mothers and negatively with folic acid and B12 status. A negative trend (p=0.0024) was observed between maternal and neonatal CD320 levels

    Transcriptome profiling of visceral adipose tissue in a novel obese rat model, WNIN/Ob & its comparison with other animal models

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    Background & objectives: Adipose tissue dysfunction in obesity is linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. We studied the differential gene expression in retroperitoneal adipose tissue of a novel obese rat model, WNIN/Ob, to understand the possible underlying transcriptional changes involved in the development of obesity and associatedcomorbidities in this model. Methods: Four month old, male WNIN/Ob lean and obese rats were taken, blood was collected and tissues were dissected. Body composition analysis and adipose tissue histology were performed. Global gene expression in retroperitoneal adipose tissue of lean and obese rats was studied by microarray using Affymetrix GeneChips. Results: One thousand and seventeen probe sets were downregulated and 963 probe sets were upregulated (more than two-fold) in adipose tissue of WNIN/Ob obese rats when compared to that of lean rats. Small nucleolar RNA (SnoRNA) made most of the underexpressed probe sets, whereas immune system-related genes werethe most overexpressed in the adipose tissues of obese rats. Genes coding for cytoskeletal proteinswere downregulated, whereas genes related to lipid biosynthesis were elevated in the adipose tissue of obese rats. Interpretation & conclusions: Majority of the altered genes and pathways in adipose tissue of WNIN/Ob obese rats were similar to the observations in other obese animal models and human obesity. Based on these observations, it is proposed that WNIN/Ob obese rat model may be a good model to study the mechanisms involved in the development of obesity and its comorbidities. Downregulation of SnoRNA appears to be a novel feature in this obese rat model

    Impact of maternal iron deficiency anaemia on the expression of the newly discovered multi-copper ferroxidase, Zyklopen, in term placentas

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    In the present study, we investigated the effect of maternal iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) on expression of the newly discovered iron transporter, Zyklopen in term placenta, in 200 pregnant women. Placental expression of Zyklopen was studied by mRNA analysis and immunohistochemistry for the protein. In addition neonatal anthropometric parameters were also analysed. 58.8% of 200 subjects were anaemic. Both Zyklopen mRNA as well as protein expression in the placenta showed a statistically significant increase with increasing severity of anaemia. Although all the neonatal anthropometric parameters were lower in newborns of anaemic mothers, none showed any statistical significance. Zp mRNA levels did not show any significant correlation with newborn and placental parameters (except newborn skinfold thickness and head circumference). Similar to mRNA expression, Zp IHC expression correlated positively, albiet non-significantly, with newborn length and Hb levels, the correlation was however negative with birth weight, head circumference, mid-arm circumference unlike the mRNA expression, where it positively correlated with the above parameters. Our study for the first time demonstrated a definite increase in expression of Zyklopen at both mRNA and protein levels in term placenta, in maternal IDA.IMPACT STATEMENT What is already known on this subject? Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) in a pregnant mother can lead to anaemia in the developing foetus; which is frequently observed to be of lesser severity than that in the mother. Recently a copper-containing oxidase called Zyklopen was discovered which was involved in iron efflux in BeWo cells. The gene encoding Zyklopen has been identified with a putative C-terminal membrane-spanning sequence and high sequence identitical to hephaestin (Heph) and ceruloplasmin (Cp), the other known vertebrate multicopper ferroxidase (MCF). Protein expression of this new MCF was observed in multiple diverse mouse tissues, including placenta and mammary gland. What do the results of this study add? Zyklopen protein immunohistochemical expression showed a statistically significant increase with increasing severity of anaemia. Similarly, placental mRNA expression of the Zyklopen gene was observed to be higher in anaemic mothers when compared to non-anaemic mothers. Our study for the first time demonstrated a definite increase in expression of Zyklopen at both protein and mRNA levels in term placenta, in maternal IDA. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? This study will help us to understand better, the increased potential for influx of iron from mother to foetus in the condition of maternal iron deficiency. This study will help to determine how placental iron transport proteins can be regulated in response to maternal and neonatal iron status and will further our existing knowledge on relationships between maternal and neonatal iron status and mechanisms by which placental iron transport is modified in relation to these parameters

    Reported food-related symptoms and food allergen sensitization in a selected adult population in Hyderabad, India: A hospital-based survey

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    Background: Research on reported food-related triggers of atopic disease in South Asian adults is lacking despite the region’s large population and the global significance of allergic diseases. Objectives: The study aimed to identify prevalent local food items and assess allergic sensitization rates to potential trigger foods for atopic diseases via skin prick and specific IgE testing. Methods: The study began with a pilot survey of 100 subjects recruited from 4 hospitals in Hyderabad, India, focusing on foods perceived to relate to asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, and gastrointestinal allergic symptoms. A subsequent main study evaluated 2010 participants, 1754 of whom were diagnosed with an aforementioned atopic disease and who reported allergic symptoms related to any of 77 foods identified in the pilot study. Ultimately 1622 patients who consented to skin prick and specific IgE testing and who reported at least 1 food item triggering allergic diseases were included in the final analysis. Results: Among 1622 patients (average age, 42.6 ± 12.9 years; 55.5% male), asthma was the most commonly diagnosed atopic disease (26.4%), with itching and rash being frequently reported symptoms (22.7%). Notably, 94.9% of patients had total serum IgE > 144 kU/L. Chickpea, cabbage, eggplant, walnut, cumin, and betel leaf were the most commonly reported trigger foods. Conclusion: In this sample of South Indian adults diagnosed with allergic disease, reported food triggers were most commonly local dietary staples, while reported reactions to priority allergens like peanut and sesame were conspicuously absent. Observed concordance between patient-reported food triggers and sensitization to reported food triggers was low, highlighting the need for improved clinical evaluation of suspected triggers