1,104 research outputs found

    Determinant of Youth Unemployment and Consequence: A Case Study of Mirpurkhas Region

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    In the vast ocean of the 195th countries, Pakistan lies under the band of developing countries that are still fighting in this global world for survival for being a developing country. Yet, it has been facing a massive crisis, including unemployment in Pakistan, since its emergence. Unemployment, mainly youth unemployment, is a big issue facing countries globally in the recent Covid pandemic. Youth unemployment is also responsible for the prevalence of crime and violence where employment opportunities are limited. In Pakistan, unemployment has been one of the most persistent contentious economic complexities. There are so many hurdles in the way of young people during the search for suitable jobs. The present study is designed to explore youth unemployment in the Mirpurkhas region. A large number of the youth population of Pakistan is living in rural areas. The government has partially failed in providing the best development opportunities. The growth rate is not substantial enough to create job opportunities; this situation creates frustration in youth, leading to conflict, unrest, and violence. Nowadays, Youth unemployment is a significant problem, so it is pertinent to find out their causes. A sample of 400 respondents was taken from random sampling, mainly focus on the close-ended questionnaire. Further, the raw data is analyzed by SPSS software through which different techniques are performed like Multiple linear regression, ANOVA, and correlation. The result shows that inadequate quality education, lack of skills/experience, improper government regulation, economic instability significantly affect youth unemployment. The present youth group is quite significant. The long-term viewpoint for youth unemployment is relatively tremendous. There is a sturdy case for policymakers currently to handle this problem that the present group is having in finding access. The result can be used to mitigate the issue of youth unemployment in Mirpurkhas region. Keywords: International labour organization, International monetary fund, foreign direct investment, youth unemployment DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-18-08 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Terrorism Histori City and Counter-Terrorism Policy of India

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    Terrorism is an international problem in today’s global community. Many nations are affected, whether directly or indirectly. Most nations oppose terrorism, while others condone or even support active, brutal terrorism and terrorist groups.Terrorism is defined by the US State Department to contain four elements. The first is a threat of violence or an act of violence. Next is a political objective. Third is that violence and threat of violence is a direct attack on civilians making civilians a primary target. Lastly, it is perpetrated by a supporting a nation or nations of terrorism

    Density excitations of a harmonically trapped ideal gas

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    The dynamic structure factor of a harmonically trapped Bose gas has been calculated well above the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature by treating the gas cloud as a canonical ensemble of noninteracting classical particles. The static structure factor is found to vanish as wavenumber squared in the long-wavelength limit. We also incorporate a relaxation mechanism phenomenologically by including a stochastic friction force to study the dynamic structure factor. A significant temperature dependence of the density-fluctuation spectra is found. The Debye-Waller factor has been calculated for the trapped thermal cloud as function of wavenumber and of particle number. A substantial difference is found between clouds of small and large particle number

    Concentration-dependent optical properties of TGA stabilized CdTe Quantum dots synthesized via the single injection hydrothermal method in the ambient environment

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    Thioglycolic acid (TGA) stabilized aqueous CdTe Quantum dots (QDs) were synthesized using a facile, cost efficient Single Injection Hydrothermal (SIH) method. The complete preparation of precursors and growth of QDs was carried out in the ambient environment without inter gas protection. The Cadmium and Tellurium precursors were prepared from cadmium nitrate and elemental tellurium powder with sodium borohydride as reducing agent respectively. A systematic investigation was carried out in order to study the effect of 0.04M and 0.08M TGA concentration on ease synthesis, stability and size-tunable optical absorbance, bandgap, photoluminescence (PL) and Quantum yield (QY) of CdTe QDs. The Structure of QDs was verified by XRD and optical properties by absorbance and PL spectra. Experimental results revealed that the 0.08M TGA QDs possess good chemical and optical stability with high luminescence and decent QY, ready to use in optoelectronics, photovoltaic and biological application. © 2017 Elsevier Lt

    The Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Second order Difference Equations With Damping Term

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      The author presents some sufficient conditions for second order difference equation with damping term of the form                                                                             ^(an ^(xn + cxn-k)) + pn^xn + qnf(xn+1-l) = 0 An example is given to illustrate the main results. 2010 AMS Subject Classification: 39A11 Keywords and Phrases: Second order, difference equation, damping term

    A facile single injection Hydrothermal method for the synthesis of thiol capped CdTe Quantum dots as light harvesters

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    A facile, Single Injection Hydrothermal (SIH) method has been developed to synthesize high quality 3-​Mercaptopropionic Acid (MPA) stabilized aq. CdTe QDs, entirely in ambient environment. The synthesis protocol eliminates the use of inert atm. for reducing elemental Tellurium powder to Te precursor avoiding the oxidn. of Te powder. The XRD result revealed that the synthesized QDs are in cubic zincblende type cryst. structure, without signature of Te oxidn. FTIR spectra have confirmed the attachment of short chained org. compd. MPA to the surface of QDs by covalent bond. The Quantum confinement effect was clearly evident by shift in Longitudinal Optic (LO) peak of Raman spectra and absorption peak wavelength with respect to bulk CdTe materials. The optical direct band gap energy of CdTe QDs is between 3.63 eV to 1.96 eV and QDs size below 6 nm, confirm the QDs are well under strong Quantum confinement regime. Also, photoluminescence spectra depict a stable and high luminescence emission from green to dark red color. All these results corroborate that the synthesis of CdTe QDs procedure is very advantageous and present a simple, economical and easily up scalable method for large scale prodn

    Managing Waste in India with Foresight

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    With rising prosperity and urbanisation in emerging anddeveloping economies there has been a rapid expansion of wastegeneration. India, with an urban population of 377 million that is expectedto reach 590 million by 2030, is also facing an unprecedented challenge ofwaste management. Significant uncertainties about the future trajectoriesof waste management exist, including the concept of waste as a resource and the role of the informal sector. This article describes an analytical framework that combines foresight and political economy methods used in a multi-stakeholder workshop setting to develop future scenarios for the sector. The process provides insights to increase participation in waste management policymaking in India by opening up the process beyond expert committees. The use of foresight tools with political economy analysis has the potential to democratise the policymaking process of waste management in India for the inclusion of all stakeholders and particularly the informal sector

    Stability of natural convection in a vertical dielectric couple stress fluid layer in the presence of a horizontal AC electric field

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    The combined effect of couple stresses and a uniform horizontal AC electric field on the stability of buoyancy-driven parallel shear flow of a vertical dielectric fluid between vertical surfaces maintained at constant but different temperatures is investigated. Applying linear stability theory, stability equations are derived and solved numerically using the Galerkin method with wave speed as the eigenvalue. The critical Grashof number Gc, the critical wave number ac and the critical wave speed cc are computed for wide ranges of couple stress parameter  Λc, AC electric Rayleigh number Rea and the Prandtl number Pr. Based on these parameters, the stability characteristics of the system are discussed in detail. The value of Prandtl number at which the transition from stationary to travelling-wave mode takes place is found to be independent of AC electric Rayleigh number even in the presence of couple stresses but increases significantly with increasing Λc. Moreover, the effect of increasing Rea is to instill instability, while the couple stress parameter shows destabilizing effect in the stationary mode but it exhibits a dual behavior if the instability is via travelling-wave mode. The streamlines and isotherms presented demonstrate the development of complex dynamics at the critical state

    Awareness and practices of correct and consistent use of condoms among sexually active males in India - a cross sectional study

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    Background: About 2.5 million Indian are estimated to be HIV positive apart from the other STIs and around 1/4th of the births are unwanted. Condom has become a popular method being promoted for meeting these challenges. The objectives of the study were to understand the awareness and practices regarding correct and consistent use of condoms among sexually active males in India.Methods: Three randomly selected primary health centers in southern India. All male members reported to be using condoms by the PHCs, were visited at their homes. A pre-tested check list (Yes/No) type questionnaire was used to collect the data. Commonly available guide line regarding correct and consistent were used as the baseline knowledge. Responses thus received were evaluated and graded using five point scales. Income, education and years of use wise differentials were also analyzed.Results: Out of 7326 eligible couples 7.2% were reported to be using condoms. Response rate was 88 percent. 27 (12%), 82 (36%), 89 (39%), 18 (8%) and 11 (5%), were having poor, fair, good, very good and excellent level of awareness respectively and fewer were putting their knowledge into practice. Respondent having schooling for more than ten years or per capita income of more than Rupee 1000 or using condoms since more than five years were having better level of awareness as well as practices.Conclusions: Awareness and practices regarding correct and consistent condom use lags substantially behind the desired levels
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