11 research outputs found

    Design and Build Transport Manual Material Handling (MMH) Trolley Based on Ergonomic

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    This study aims to design and build a Transport Manual Material Handling (MMH) Trolley based on ergonomics by recruiting 100 students (45 female participants and 55 male participants) randomly from the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. Anthropometric data measured in the form of Standing Elbow Height (TSB), Sitting Hand Reach (JTD), Hand Width to Metacarpal (LTM), Shoulder Width (LB), the data in the normality test can be seen that the chi-square count < chi table, the data above is normally distributed, the uniformity test states that from the 4 anthropometric data are uniform, and finally the adequacy test states that the data is normal (N'<N). The results of the test and the calculation of percentiles were obtained in the "Trolley design based on anthropometry data in the form of TSB (P90: 115.08 cm), JTD (P50: 69.85 cm), LB, (P95: 10.32 cm), and LB (P95: 49.93 cm). ). As for the test results, the trolley product can carry a load of 50 kg - 200 kg which has been tested in 3 stages in the form of a medium load (50 kg), medium load (100 kg), and heavy load (150-200 kg). Therefore, for the design of this trolley, an ergonomic size has been determined so that it can be used practically, safely, and comfortably and in addition to transporting materials it can be used as a means of transportation

    Rancang Bangun Pengaduk Manual Pada Digester Biogas Kotoran Sapi untuk Meningkatkan Pembentukan Gas Metana

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    This study aims to design, build and increase methane gas levels in a biogas digester based on a manual stirrer. Where so far biogas materials still use natural secaera fermentation without human help. The initial stage of making this biogas material stirrer control tool is by looking at the original form of processing biogas material. In the biogas processing building, there are three important parts in biogas processing, namely the inlet (this place is used to mix a mixture of manure and water into the digester), the digester (also called the reactor functions as a place to process cow dung through a process of fermentation by bacteria to produce gas) and outlet (this channel is used to remove impurities that have been fermented by bacteria. This channel works on the principle of hydrostatic pressure equilibrium). It is in this part of the inlet that there is a mixing device. The tool is used to prepare a good mixture of water and animal feces. This manual stirring device is made of several important components, namely such as the propeller blade, the core iron and the stirring handle which uses the manual working principle. The presence of this tool can help increase methane gas formation in the biogas digeste

    Perancangan Kursi Antropometri Berbasis Sensor HC-SR04

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    This study aims to design an antropometric chair using the QFD method aimed at identifying and meeting consumer needs and desires for the product or service produced. Anthropometric chair is specially designed for measuring the dimensions of the human body in a sitting position. This chair is designed to increase product accuracy and comfort, save time in thr measurement process and minimize product manufacturing errors due to errors in manual measurement. Anthropometric chair design based on consumer desires using the QFD (quality function deployment) method which has been processed using the house of quality, it can be seen that the percentage of the highest value or priority for product attributes is “a chair that accurately reads body dimensions” with a value presentation of 12,436% followed by “seat component can be unscrewed”with a value of 10,424%, then on the third priority,namaley “seats with appropriate and affordable prices” with a value of 10.147%. Anthropometric chair product design specifications based on voice of customer statements are that in the features section there are size sensors for measuring hand length, measuring arm span, measuring waist height, measuring leg height, and measuring height in sitting position. And for reliability, rubber is attached to the chair legs. Durability is not easily broken, portability the components of the anthropometric chair can be opened and paired, the aesthetics of the chair is given more attractive colors and designs and also the anthropometric chair can be used by anyone

    Analisis Proses Pembuatan Arang Dan Asap Cair Pada Insineraor Ramah Lingkungan

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    Garbage in Indonesia is very dangerous for people's lives. In 2019, Indonesia produced 66-67 million tons of waste (Rhohman & Ilham, 2019). The development of industry in Indonesia is currently growing very rapidly and has penetrated into various sectors, so it will be followed by the demand for various kinds of industrial raw materials both at home and abroad, one of which is in waste management using incinerators that produce charcoal and smoke. fluid. This study aims to determine which fuels burn optimally and which fuels can slightly reduce waste. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research by utilizing an incinerator to produce charcoal and liquid smoke. Based on the results of the test data obtained, it shows that charcoal that uses wood as raw material is burned using more waste than using shells as raw material. So that by using wood raw materials can slightly reduce the existing waste

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pencacah Sampah Organik Pekan Ternak Sapi

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    Abstract Garbage is something that disturbs and affects the community environment. Organic waste comes from living things, both humans, animals, and plants, so that it can be used for animal feed which is processed by chopping. As for the results of field observations at the Bangkinang Kota market, it can be seen that organic waste types of cabbage and mustard are commonly found in the Bangkinang Kota market, organic waste such as carrots, tomatoes, chilies, potatoes and kale are found in many trash cans but the amount is less, this type of waste dry. For the Bangkinang City area, waste transportation is carried out 2 (two) times a day, namely in the morning and evening. The most waste generated is on Wednesdays and Sundays, because those days are market days in Bangkinang Kota. The waste generated reaches 1-2 tons per day. The organic waste chopper generally consists of a frame, top casing, bottom casing, inlet, outlet, axle, bearing, and blade. The manufacture of this tool at the Laboratory of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. The design and manufacture of organic cattle feed chopper has a size of 38 cm, width 51 cm and height 120 cm, using a 7 hp/5600 rpm diesel engine with a weight of 72 kg. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that organic mixed vegetable waste weighing 2 kg only takes 22 seconds faster, while cabbage weighing 2 kg takes 37 seconds and mustard greens weighing 2 kg takes 29 seconds. The amount of organic waste that is chopped as much as 6 kg only takes 88 seconds.   Keywords: Design, chopper, organic waste

    Analisis Beban Kerja dengan Metode SWAT Studi Kasus Di PT Dipayana Okta Abadi

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    Measurement of workload is one of the factors needed by the company. Because by measuring the workload, the company can find out the allowable workload so that it can facilitate the effectiveness of workers and companies. One of the methods used to determine workload is by conducting a SWAT analysis. This analysis was carried out at PT Dipayana Okta Abadi which is an industry engaged in mining or quarrying C. This analysis was carried out by taking questionnaire data, and measuring by collecting data from SWAT card sequences on fifteen production workers, data analysis by processing the SWAT card sequencing results into the DOSBox program and then converting the computer results to the work performed, and drawing conclusions by converting the SWAT Rescaled values ??to the work. The final result of this analysis provides an overview of the workload felt by production workers. The results of the SWAT method show that the Time dimension is 60.86%, while the Effort load is 28.14% and the Stress load is 10.99%. It can be concluded that the time factor is very influential on the state of mental workload, it can be seen from the results of data processing that it is found that the time factor has the highest percentage, namely 60.86%


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    UKM Mandiri “Roman Indah” merupakan sebuah usaha kecil dan menegah yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi berbagai macam tas,yang terletak di Jalan Raya Puskopkar No.04 Pandau Permai Kampar. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi oleh perusahaan diantaranya adalah tingkat penjualan mengalami penurunan yang disebabkan oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Salah satu faktor internal yaitu akibat kurangnya promosi (pemasaran dilakukan melalui komunikasi dari mulut ke mulut) untuk pengembangan usaha, dan lokasi pemasaran tidak strategis. Sedangkan faktor eksternal adalah banyaknya merek-merek tas yang lebih mempunyai nama terkenal serta banyaknya penjualan tas-tas atau pesaing yang ada di Pekanbaru. Permasalahan lain yang didapat sementara dari data penjualan yang turun dikarenakan kurang promosi, ekonomi masyarakat menurun, lokasi pemasaran tidak strategis dan tidak memasarkan produk tas ke pasar-pasar atau pedagang pasar sehingga pelanggan tidak mengetahui tentang produk dari Roman Indah. Berdasarkan permasalahan-permasalahan yang terjadi maka perlu strategi pemasaran tas di UKM Mandiri Roman Indah secara faktor lingkungan eksternal dan internal untuk menetapkan alternatif strategis pemasaran yang sesuai atau terbaik dengan menggunakan metode SWOT yang mencakup matriks IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) EFE (Eksternal Factor Evaluation) dan matriks IE serta dengan metode Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Berdasarkan analisis matriksIFE diperoleh total skor yang dimiliki UKM sebesar 2,433, sedangkan analisis matriks EFE sebesar 2,993. Hasil yang diperoleh dari matriks IE yaitu UKM berada pada sel V yang artinya strategi menjaga dan mempertahankan. Matriks SWOT menghasilkan 8alternatif strategi yang dapat dipilih oleh UKM. Berdasarkan matriks QSPM alternatif strategi yang paling diusulkan dan diprioritaskan adalah menciptakan dan mengembangkan produk dengan variasi yang baru dengan skor TAS sebesar 5,782.Kata Kunci :Matriks IE,Matriks IFE EFE, Matriks QSPM, Matrik SWOT, Pemasara


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    The rubbish bin is needed globally because of the place to collect the rest of the rubbish. The rubbish bin is available in the public area, home, and office. This study redesigned the Rubissh bin to make it more ergonomic and efficient when used and recruited 100 students of Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (45 female participants and 55 male participants) by measuring their anthropometry of the human body. Anthropometric data measured in the form of Lebar Bahu (LB), Tinggi Kepalan Tangan (TKT), Tinggi Pinggang Berdiri (TPB), Lebar Telapak Tangan (LTT), Lebar Telapak Kaki (LTK), and Jangkauan Tangan Kedepan (JTD). After that, the data in the normality test can be seen that the chi-square <chi square table, that mean is normally distributed. The uniformity test states that the 6 anthropometric data were uninformed, and the data sufficiency test shows that the results of data processing were sufficient to represent all samples (N '<N). The results of testing and calculation of percentiles can be measured in redesign ergonomic efficient rubbish bin based on anthropometric data in the form of LB (P5: 34.61 cm), TKT (P95: 81.75 cm), TPB, (P95: 106.67 cm), LTT (P95: 10.28 cm), LTK (P95: 11.95 cm), JTD (P95: 83.27 cm). Therefore, the redesign of the rubbish bin has been determined in an ergonomic size so that it can be used practically, safely, and comfortably. Keywords: Antropometric Data, Ergonomic, Redesign, Rubbish Bin

    Perancangan Alat Bantu Penghitung sekaligus Pencacah Limbah Tutup Botol Minuman Plastik Yang Ergonomis Di Desa Sipungguk, Kecamatan Salo

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    Community participation in processing waste can start from separating organic and non-organic waste bins to implementing the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle (3R) which provides added value. Organic waste can become compost which is useful in agriculture and non-organic waste can be made into handicrafts such as bags, flower vases, pots, accessories, key chains, toys and so on from plastic drink bottle caps. Crafts from waste plastic bottle caps are one way to process plastic waste. The amount that can be produced depends on the creativity and inventiveness of the craftsman and the price is in accordance with the level of difficulty in making crafts that have selling value. In the small industry of plastic waste craftsmen, Mr. Anto is someone whose job is to collect used plastic bottle caps which will be resold to craftsmen. At Mr. Anto's place, he has three main activities in choosing plastic bottle caps. His activities are pressing the bottle caps, cutting the tip of the bottle caps, and counting the bottle caps. When counting bottle caps, the tool used consists of 2 parts, namely a base or container and a checker-shaped counter that can count bottle caps per 10 doses. The container is box-shaped and made of plywood and wood with a thickness of 1 cm on the right, left and back edges, while the chopper is in the shape of boxes totaling 120 boxes and is made of plywood. Apart from calculating plastic bottle caps, it is also used to determine the dimensions of bottle caps after cutting the ends according to standards. This calculation is needed to find out how many bottle caps the worker has worked on as a basis for calculating the salary the worker gets each wee

    Analisa Tingkat Resiko Pada Proyek Pembangunan Pergantian Sei. Singgalang Kabupaten Kampar

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    The bridge replacement construction project involves numerous hazards that workers must bear, such as falling from heights, getting caught or trapped, being struck by materials, and others. After conducting an observation of the issues present in the Sei. Singgalang Bridge replacement project in Kampar Regency, it was found that many workers do not comply with safety regulations, such as not using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This poses a significant danger to the workers, considering that the work is carried out at elevated heights. Thus, a hazard assessment is necessary to identify the risks associated with the project. The Hazard Identification Risk Assessment Risk Control (HIRARC) methodology was chosen to be this assessment. HIRARC allows for evaluating hazards in each subtask and obtaining ratings for each identified risk. Based on Severity Index results, out of the 15 identified hazards, there are risks with a risk level exceeding 80%, falling under the category of Very High (VH) risk. The matrix table displays 11 risks with a scale of 25, 3 risks with a scale of 20, and 1 risk with a scale of 16 among all identified hazards. Consequently, it can be concluded that the risks in this project are categorized as high-risk hazards, and measures need to be implemented to control the identified risks. This can be achieved through elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and the use of appropriate PPE according to the hazards present at each workstation