566 research outputs found

    Computational Characterization and Prediction of Estrogen Receptor Coactivator Binding Site Inhibitors

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    Many carcinogens have been shown to cause tissue specific tumors in animal models. The mechanism for this specificity has not been fully elucidated and is usually attributed to differences in organ metabolism. For heterocyclic amines, potent carcinogens that are formed in well-done meat, the ability to either bind to the estrogen receptor and activate or inhibit an estrogenic response will have a major impact on carcinogenicity. Here we describe our work with the human estrogen receptor alpha (hERa) and the mutagenic/carcinogenic heterocyclic amines PhIP, MeIQx, IFP, and the hydroxylated metabolite of PhIP, N2-hydroxy-PhIP. We found that PhIP, in contrast to the other heterocyclic amines, increased cell-proliferation in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and activated the hERa receptor. We show mechanistic data supporting this activation both computationally by homology modeling and docking, and by NMR confirmation that PhIP binds with the ligand binding domain (LBD). This binding competes with estradiol (E2) in the native E2 binding cavity of the receptor. We also find that other heterocyclic amines and N2-hydroxy-PhIP inhibit ER activation presumably by binding into another cavity on the LBD. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations of inhibitory heterocyclic amines reveal a disruption of the surface of the receptor protein involved with protein-protein signaling. We therefore propose that the mechanism for the tissue specific carcinogenicity seen in the rat breast tumors and the presumptive human breast cancer associated with the consumption of well-done meat maybe mediated by this receptor activation

    In vivo testing of novel vaccine prototypes against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) is a Gram-negative bacterium that represents the main cause of porcine pleuropneumonia in pigs, causing significant economic losses to the livestock industry worldwide. A. pleuropneumoniae, as the majority of Gram-negative bacteria, excrete vesicles from its outer membrane (OM), accordingly defined as outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). Thanks to their antigenic similarity to the OM, OMVs have emerged as a promising tool in vaccinology. In this study we describe the in vivo testing of several vaccine prototypes for the prevention of infection by all known A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes. Previously identified vaccine candidates, the recombinant proteins ApfA and VacJ, administered individually or in various combinations with the OMVs, were employed as vaccination strategies. Our data show that the addition of the OMVs in the vaccine formulations significantly increased the specific IgG titer against both ApfA and VacJ in the immunized animals, confirming the previously postulated potential of the OMVs as adjuvant. Unfortunately, the antibody response raised did not translate into an effective protection against A. pleuropneumoniae infection, as none of the immunized groups following challenge showed a significantly lower degree of lesions than the controls. Interestingly, quite the opposite was true, as the animals with the highest IgG titers were also the ones bearing the most extensive lesions in their lungs. These results shed new light on A. pleuropneumoniae pathogenicity, suggesting that antibody-mediated cytotoxicity from the host immune response may play a central role in the development of the lesions typically associated with A. pleuropneumoniae infections

    Investigating the specificity of peptide adsorption on gold using molecular dynamics simulations

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    We report all-atom molecular dynamics simulations following adsorption of gold-binding and non-gold-binding peptides on gold surfaces modeled with dispersive interactions. We examine the dependence of adsorption on both identity of the amino acids and mobility of the peptides. Within the limitations of the approach, results indicate that when the peptides are solvated, adsorption requires both configurational changes and local flexibility of individual amino acids. This is achieved when peptides consist mostly of random coils or when their secondary structural motifs (helices, sheets) are short and connected by flexible hinges. In the absence of solvent, only affinity for the surface is required: mobility is not important. In combination, these results suggest the barrier to adsorption presented by displacement of water molecules requires conformational sampling enabled through mobility.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) – Programa Operacional “Ciência , Tecnologia, Inovação” – SFRH/BPD/20555/2004/0GV

    Direct non-cyclooxygenase-2 targets of celecoxib and their potential relevance for cancer therapy

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    Celecoxib (Celebrex®) was developed as a selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor for the treatment of chronic pain. However, it now appears that this compound harbours additional pharmacologic activities that are entirely independent of its COX-2-inhibitory activity. This review presents the recently emerged direct non-COX-2 targets of celecoxib and their proposed role in mediating this drug's antitumour effects

    Gamma-ray spectroscopy at TRIUMF-ISAC: The new frontier of radioactive ion beam research

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    High-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy is essential to fully exploit the unique scientific opportunities at the next generation radioactive ion beam facilities such as the TRTUMF Isotope Separator and Accelerator (TSAC). At IS AC the 871 spectrometer and its associated auxiliary detectors is optimize for p-decay studies while TIGRESS an array of segmented clover HPGe detectors has been designed for studies with accelerated beams. This paper gives a brief overview of these facilities and also presents recent examples of the diverse experimental program carried out at the STI spectrometer. © 2009 American Institute of Physics

    Reductive electrosynthesis of crystalline metal-organic frameworks

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    Electroreduction of oxoanions affords hydroxide equivalents that induce selective deposition of crystalline metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) on conductive surfaces. The method is illustrated by cathodic electrodeposition of Zn[subscript 4]O(BDC)[subscript 3] (MOF-5; BDC = 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate), which is deposited at room temperature in only 15 min under cathodic potential. Although many crystalline phases are known in the Zn[superscript 2+]/BDCsuperscript 2–] system, MOF-5 is the only observed crystalline MOF phase under these conditions. This fast and mild method of synthesizing MOFs is amenable to direct surface functionalization and could impact applications requiring conformal coatings of microporous MOFs, such as gas separation membranes and electrochemical sensors.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Energy Initiative (Seed Fund Program)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CHE-9808061)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DBI-9729592)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMR- 0819762