152 research outputs found

    Evaluative conceptualization in paroemiology language (on examples of Russian and English languages)

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    The problem of layer organization of evaluative categorization is analyzed in the article. Main attention is drawn to the problem of evaluative category forming in paroemiological worldview. Lingual ways of reality reflection is shown on the base of English and Russian proverbs. Authors note benefactive character of evaluative characterization of reality objects, situations, etc. in paroemies. This fact points out modeling function of paroemeis as leading function that actually is the function of correction of people behavior

    The formation of paroemiology in Russia and Germany

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    The article ascertains the sources of paroemiology-an independent philological discipline which studies paroemiological units (proverbs, sayings, country lore, riddles, etc.). The question of whether it is lawful to consider paroemiology an independent field of philology became topical due to the fact that many new investigations of proverbs, sayings and set phrases appear. The article contains a review of literature about Russian and German paroemiology and paroemiography. Besides, the authors ground the independence of paroemiological level, define paroemia and describe main approaches to studying paroemiae. © IDOSI Publications, 2014

    Human factor in paramiology: The social vs. the individual

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. This study is dedicated to study of topical question regarding interconnection between ethnos' mentality, culture and language. Detailed research has been made with reference to various viewpoints of Russian and Foreign researchers on the problem of the world view, the notions of conceptual and language world view are interpreted. Through, the examples if English, German and Russian paroemias the researchers come to conclusion that paroemiological world view is affected by two interpretations first in national specific consciousness and then in linguistic space. This fact allows researches of the problem "Person ethnos language culture" reveal many nationally specific peculiarities of conceptualization and representation of knowledge about the world around and the inner world by representatives of specific ethnocultural societies

    The 8200 calBP climate event and the spread of the Neolithic in Eastern Europe

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    At 8200 calBP, the beginning of the Atlantic period, there was a drastic change from warm and humid climatic conditions to cold conditions. The abrupt cooling at 8200 calBP has been documented in different parts of Europe. In western, and some parts of southern, Europe, this event was a trigger for new forms of economy and migrations of groups of Neolithic farmers. This paper considers the different ways in which ceramic traditions developed in eastern Europe in the steppe,steppe-forest and forest zones as a result of the rapid climate changes at about 8200 calBP.V času okoli 8200 calBP, to je na začetku obdobja atlantika, je prišlo do korenite spremembe klime, od toplih in vlažnih pogojev do ohladitev. Nenadna ohladitev v času 8200 calBP je dokumentirana v različnih delih Evrope. V zahodni in v delu južne Evrope je dogodek sprožil nove oblike gospodarstev in preseljevanje skupin neolitskih poljedelcev. V članku razpravljamo o različnih oblikah razvoja keramičnih tradicij na stepskih, gozdno-stepskih in gozdnih območjih v vzhodni Evropi kot posledico te hitre klimatske spremembe v času 8200 calBP

    Theoretical study of oxygen sorption and diffusion in the volume and on the surface of a γ-TiAl alloy

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    The oxygen sorption on the low-index (001), (100), and (110) surfaces of a γ-TiAl alloy is studied by the pseudopotential method with the generalized gradient approximation for the exchange-correlation functional. The most preferred sites for oxygen sorption in the bulk and on the surface of the alloy are determined. The titanium-rich octahedral site is shown to be preferred for oxygen sorption in the bulk material. The effect of the oxygen concentration on the atomic and electronic structures of the stoichiometric TiAl(100) surface is studied. It is shown that, at the first stage of oxidation, oxygen prefers to form bonds with titanium. The energy barriers for oxygen diffusion on the stoichiometric (100) surface and in the bulk of the material are calculated. The energy barriers are shown to depend substantially on the local environments of oxygen and to increase during diffusion from titanium-rich sites. The most possible mechanism of oxygen diffusion from the (100) surface to the bulk of the material is oxygen migration through tetrahedral sites

    Methodology of assessing the quality of translation and its role in the teaching process

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    The paper is devoted to the problem of translation quality assessing. After the study of various translation quality assessment methods proposed by theorists in the field of translator training methodology the conclusion is made that the translation process, being quite a complex process, requires a holistic approach to its evaluation. The proposed article describes the research into translation assessment process, the classification of errors found in translations, and correction of mistakes, viewing the last one as an inherent part of teaching translation. The study is carried out within the confines of traditional contest of literary translation by the systematically working jury members. The researchers use three methods proposed by modern methodology of translation quality assessment, preliminarily adapting them to literary translation evaluation. The authors of the current paper add retaining the image of the literary text to one of the methods, which includes the transfer of the character image and the basic descriptions. Systematic application of these methods in correction of mistakes during 4 years led to a serious enhancement of quality of translation executed by the project participants. Especially notable success is observed in translation of national realia, idioms and fixed or set-expressions, which is explained by the fact of their data base accumulation by the students, learning specificities of such linguistic units meaning and translations

    Hermeneutical analysis of paroemiological texts with semantics of permission

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    The present article deals with the ways of interpretation of deontic meanings of permission in terms of the Russian and German paroemiological texts. The authors of this article understand paroemiological texts as fixed in dictionaries autonomous utterances of categorical character that represent the product of the centuries-old ethnic reflection and aim at modeling human behavior. Multilevel study of the language material is based on frame analysis that allows to demonstrate universal and specific features of the paroemiological imperative utterances in comparing languages. A characteristic feature of regulative utterances that represent communicative-pragmatic frame permission in paroemiological texts is a required presence of temporal component denoting space of time within which a certain action is being executed. It has been determined that the majority of permissive utterances is regulated by time frames only one-sidedly, reflecting in most cases only starting moment within the permissive situation. It is noticed in the article that in Russian paroemiological texts the frame permission is objectified by means of the slots in compound constructions + the verb denoting physical action. Objectification of the frame permission in German paroimia is realized via the slots "dürfen" "können", or in some cases "via the slot "mögen"

    The evaluativity category in the paroemiological system of the German and Russian languages

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    This paper represents the results of analysis of the lexico-grammar means of explicit expression of the / negative evaluative (attitudinal) meanings in the paroemiological system of the Russian and German languages. The materials of the research contain analysis of the main types of axiological meanings that may be reduced to general evaluative and specific evaluative ones. The structure of the evaluative situation is described that includes such components as subject of evaluation, object of evaluation, predicate of evaluation, basis for evaluation, motive of evaluation, type of evaluation. The characteristic of the cognitive procedure of evaluation is provided. The performed analysis of the Russian and German folk sayings allowed specifying both the variety of similarities in the evaluative fragment of the linguistic world-image of the languages compared and distinguishing some specific features of representation of the evaluative semantics explicated in the language of paroemias. The adjectives good, fruitful, nice, bad, heavy, lean, hungry characterizing the noun year may serve as lexical means of expression of evaluative meaning. In the German paroemias the similar evaluative qualifiers implementing the axiological characteristics of year are recorded: gut 'good', fruchtbar 'fruitful'. It was discovered that the yield acts as the axiological dominant by characterization of the year in general in both languages which is expressed in the high frequency of occurrence of the adjectives fruitful / fruchtbar. There were identified the language patterns that are peculiar exclusively to the Russian paroemiological system: the structure "to + N3" or the 'the dative of prediction' and the structure 'on + N4' or the 'accusative of prediction'. It was found that the use of the lexical means of explication of the negative general evaluative area due to the action of the principle of politeness is rare both in the Russian and German languages

    The comparison of complexities of the Chinese and Russian languages on the example of terminology of chemistry

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    © 2018 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. The article presents the examples of comparing chemical terms in the Chinese and Russian languages and the results of two experiments conducted with Chinese and Russian students. The first part of the work deals with a comparison of the one-component chemical element names from the periodic table. Then, it continues with dividing different chemical terms in Chinese into several groups: Two-component, three-component, four-component, multicomponent group and comparing them with its analogical terms in Russian to analyze the main difficulties in understanding these terms in both languages. The second part of the work presents the main difficulties, revealed during two experiments, conducted with Chinese and Russian students. The students were given texts in their mother tongues with a chemical context, which they wrote and read noting the time. At the end of the work, all the advantages and complexities revealed in the results of the first and second parts of the work were calculated. Similar language comparisons are becoming more relevant in the last few years, for they contribute to development of methods of analyzing languages and discovering new and improved approaches to the study and use of languages