8 research outputs found

    A strategy for the innovative low-carbon growth of the Sverdlovsk region, Russia

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    The objective for this project was to work out the practical recommendations for the curb of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission at a regional level. This work was carried out in the following steps: a survey on GHG emission, the identification of the overall historical and current GHG emission rates as well as a breakdown into economical sectors, the forecast for future GHG emissions (up to 2020), identification of the technological opportunities for GHG emission reduction and an assessment of their potential reduction, identification of the main barriers for low-carbon development and the drafting of proposals and the instruments for GHG reduction. A draft for the low-carbon strategy was discussed with stakeholders and delivered to the government of Sverdlovsk Oblast. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen

    Analysis of the feasibility of reducing fuel consumption and carbon-dioxide emissions and obtaining carbon credits with the use of sverdlovskaya-oblast factories as an example

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    This article discusses aspects of improving the efficiency of heating and heat-treatment furnaces from the standpoint of the fuel savings that can be realized by the use of different methods to modernize such furnaces. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    The system-oriented analysis of the interests in the sphere of energy efficiency

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    Одним из приоритетных направлений развития современной российской экономики является повышение ее энергетической эффективности. Однако это развитие сдерживается рядом факторов, включая отсутствие четкого видения того, кто является получателем выгоды от этого процесса и в чем заключается эта выгода. В настоящей работе сформулированы предпосылки и разработаны общие подходы к составлению экономико-математической модели, в которой будут формализованы отношения между различными заинтересованными сторонами, понятия мотивации (внутренние и внешние побуждения), ограничения и барьеры, управляющие (регулирующие) воздействия на данный процесс со стороны государства. В работе также выделены заинтересованные стороны и определены их интересы.One of the Russian economical development priorities is it’s energy efficiency raise. But this development is curbed by a number of factors including the lack of understanding of which stakeholder will gain from the process and what kind of the profit would it be. The current work gives the background and develops the general approach to the systemoriented mathematic economic model, which gives form to relations between different stakeholders, concept of motivation (internal and external incentives), restrictions and barriers, impact of regulation. The stakeholders of energy efficiency raise as well as their interests are identified

    Inventory of greenhouse gases emissions as a tool of regional economies management

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    В статье рассмотрены результаты проведения инвентаризации эмиссий парниковых газов на территории ХМАО–Югры, выполнены расчеты углеродоемкости основных видов продукции/услуг региона и показано влияние данного показателя на принятие решений, связанных с инвестированием, и выбор приоритетов инновационного развития региона.The article presents the results of greenhouse gases emissions inventory in the Khanty-Mansiysk region, calculation of the carbon intensity of the main products / services in the region, and shows the impact of this indicator on investment decisions making, and choice of the region’s innovation development priorities.Исследование проведено при поддержке ФЦП «Научные и научно-педагогические кадры инновационной России» на 2009–2013 годы (поддержка научных исследований, проводимых коллективами научно-образовательных центров в области экономических наук, соглашение № 14.A18.21.0018)

    Reconstruction of mantle sections beneath Yakutian kimberlite pipes using monomineral thermobarometry

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    <p>Four original monomineral methods for mantle peridotite associations are used to reconstruct <em>P</em>–<em>T</em> conditions beneath the kimberlite pipes of Yakutia. The clinopyroxene Jd–Di method gives the closest coincidence with Opx barometry in accord with all physico-chemical boundaries. Garnet thermometers calibrated using Opx, Gar–Cpx and Ni-garnet thermometers and two variants of barometers were developed separately for pyroxenites and peridotites. A Cr–Sp thermobarometer uses the monomineralic version of the Ol–Sp thermometer and a newly calibrated Cr–Sp barometer. A picroilmenite method uses the Ol–Sp thermometer and a pressure-calibration of the geikielite component. Each mantle column is divided into two (upper and lower) sections by a pyroxenite layer located near 40 kbar. Below the pyroxenite layer, the lower section comprises 3–4 lithologically distinct horizons, with a thermally perturbed layer at the base. Above the pyroxenite layer are 3–5 lithologically distinct horizons, which are more fertile than the lower sections. Splitting of the geotherms characterizes most <em>P</em>–<em>T</em> diagrams and is ascribed to multistage melt percolation processes typical for the mantle beneath kimberlite pipes. The largest pipes are diamond-bearing and have a highly depleted peridotite lens above the asthenospheric layer. </p