25 research outputs found

    Arabidopsis suppressor mutant of abh1 shows a new face of the already known players : ABH1 (CBP80) and ABI4-in response to ABA and abiotic stresses during seed germination

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    Although the importance of abscisic acid (ABA) in plant development and response to abiotic and biotic stresses is well recognized, the molecular basis of the signaling pathway has not been fully elucidated. Mutants in genes related to ABA are widely used as a tool for gaining insight into the mechanisms of ABA signal transduction and ABA-dependent stress response. We used a genetic approach of a suppressor screening in order to decipher the interaction between ABH1 (CBP80) and other components of ABA signaling. ABH1 (CBP80) encodes a large subunit of CBC (CAP BINDING COMPLEX) and the abh1 mutant is drought-tolerant and hypersensitive to ABA during seed germination. The suppressor mutants of abh1 were generated after chemical mutagenesis. The mutant named soa1 (suppressor of abh1 hypersensitivity to ABA 1) displayed an ABA-insensitive phenotype during seed germination. The genetic analysis showed that the soa1 phenotype is dominant in relation to abh1 and segregates as a single locus. Based on soa1's response to a wide spectrum of physiological assays during different stages of development, we used the candidate-genes approach in order to identify a suppressor gene. The molecular analysis revealed that mutation causing the phenotype of soa1 occurred in the ABI4 (ABA insensitive 4) gene. Analysis of pre-miR159 expression, whose processing depends on CBC, as well as targets of miR159: MYB33 and MYB101, which are positive regulators of ABA signaling, revealed a possible link between CBP80 (ABH1) and ABI4 presented here

    Active target TPC for study of photonuclear reactions at astrophysical energies

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    A setup designed to study photonuclear reactions at astrophysical energies - an active target Time Projection Chamber was developed and constructed at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. The device was successfully employed in two experiments at the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, in which {\gamma}- and neutron-induced reactions with CO2 gas target were measured. The reaction products were detected and their momenta reconstructed. Preliminary results are shown.Comment: Presented at Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics 202

    Accident with animals in road and railway transport in Poland

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    W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę i analizę struktury zdarzeń wypadkowych z udziałem zwierząt w Polsce. Wypadki z udziałem zwierząt stanowią problem wieloaspektowy. Skutki tych zdarzeń uwidaczniają się w przyrodzie, społeczeństwie i gospodarce.The paper presents the characteristics and analyze the structure of accident events involving the participation of animals in Poland. Animal-vehicle collisions are complex issue which cause negative consequences both for the natural and socio-economic environment

    Good distribution practice in logistic service of wholesale trade of pharmaceuticals

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    Outsourcing jest strategią zdobywającą coraz większe uznanie. Firmy farmaceutyczne, chcąc zwiększyć swoją konkurencyjność, są coraz bardziej skłonne do powierzania logistyki operatorom logistycznym. Funkcjonowanie dynamicznie rozwijającej się branży farm ceutycznej regulują jednak restrykcyjne wymogi i wysokie standardy. Zagrożenie zdrowia i życia ludzkiego oraz wysoka wartość ładunków są przesłankami sformułowania wielu wymagań jakościowych w odniesieniu do dystrybucji produktów leczn iczych. Podmioty świadczące usługi logistyczne dla branży farmaceutycznej są zobowiązane do przestrzegania ustawy Prawo farmaceutyczne oraz tzw. Dobrej Praktyki Dystrybucyjnej. Branża ocze-kuje ponadto rozwiązań niestandardowych, „szytych na miarę”.Outsourcing is a trend gaining an increasing appreciation. Drug companies, to increase their competitiveness, become more inclined to entrust logistic operators with their logistics. Performance of the dynamically developing pharmaceutical industry is controlled by restrictive requirements and high standards of provided services. The risk to human life and health, as well as the high value of loads, determine the need to formulate a number of quality requirements concerning the distribution of pharmaceuticals. Business entities providing logistics services for the pharmaceutical industry are obliged to obey the act on Pharmaceutical Law and Good Distribution Practice. Furthermore, they are forced to offer and provide solutions being often different from market standards, whereby their operations are termed as “tailor-made”

    TiPd Shape Memory Alloy Studied by PAC Method

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    Perturbed angular correlation (PAC) method was applied to study the martensitic phase transition of the TiPd shape memory alloy doped with In, Hf, and Zr. The hyperfine interaction parameters and their concentration and temperature dependences for 111In\text{}^{111}In/111Cd\text{}^{111}Cd and 181Hf\text{}^{181}Hf/181Ta\text{}^{181}Ta probe atoms were determined. The influence of ternary element additions on the electric field gradients at Pd site was evidenced. A decrease of the martensite start temperature (MS)(M_{S}) and an increase of the width of the hysteresis loop (TH)(T_{H}) with an increasing concentration of the impurities in TiPd alloy was observed. These relationships are much stronger for In and Zr, than for Hf admixture

    Au-In System Studied with Perturbed Angular Correlation Method

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    The Au-In system was the subject of our comprehensive study with the perturbed angular correlation technique. Bulk samples of all intermetallic phases shown in the phase diagram were prepared to determine the hyperfine interaction parameters and their temperature dependence. A polymorphic phase transformation in the AuIn phase at about 630 K and a new metastable modification of Au7\text{}_{7}In3\text{}_{3} after quenching the sample of 30 at.% In from temperature above 700 K were found. In addition, formation of the Au-In phases of different stoichiometries at the interfaces of thin Au/In films was observed. It turned out that the starting composition of bilayer samples, i.e. the thickness ratio of the Au and In layers, strongly influenced the stoichiometry of the formed compounds

    Au-In System Studied with Perturbed Angular Correlation Method

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    The Au-In system was the subject of our comprehensive study with the perturbed angular correlation technique. Bulk samples of all intermetallic phases shown in the phase diagram were prepared to determine the hyperfine interaction parameters and their temperature dependence. A polymorphic phase transformation in the AuIn phase at about 630 K and a new metastable modification of Au7\text{}_{7}In3\text{}_{3} after quenching the sample of 30 at.% In from temperature above 700 K were found. In addition, formation of the Au-In phases of different stoichiometries at the interfaces of thin Au/In films was observed. It turned out that the starting composition of bilayer samples, i.e. the thickness ratio of the Au and In layers, strongly influenced the stoichiometry of the formed compounds

    Diagnostic systems for the nuclear fusion and plasma research in the PF-24 plasma focus laboratory at the IFJ PAN

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    This paper presents a set of diagnostics dedicated to PF-24 – new medium size – plasma focus (PF) device built and operated at the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN). The PF-24 can operate at energy level up to 93 kJ and charging voltage up to 40 kV. Each condenser is connected with a specially designed spark gap with a very small jitter, which ensures a high efficiency and a low current rise time. The working parameters of PF-24 generator make it a suitable tool for testing new detection systems to be used in fusion research. Four types of such detection systems are presented in this article: three diagnostic systems used to measure electric quantities (Rogowski coil, magnetic probe, capacitance probe), neutron counter based on beryllium activation, fast neutron pinhole camera based on small-area BCF-12 plastic scintillation detectors and high-speed four-frame soft X-ray camera with microchannel plate

    Lithium insertion into In2S3 studied by perturbed γ-γ angular correlation

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    cited By 7International audienceLixIn2S3 was electrochemically prepared with different small amounts x of lithium (0≤x≤0.13) in order to maintain the initial crystallographic structure of the thiospinel In2S 3. About 1012 radioactive 111In ions have been implanted into these samples at 400keV to perform PAC experiments in the temperature range from 10 to 773K. The results are compared to previous experiments with undoped In2S3 samples. According to the structure of In2S3 in the β-phase, which belongs to the I41/amd space group having a unit cell with 32 In and 48 S atoms and the cell parameters α=7.61Å and c=32.28Å, three different electric field gradients were observed. Within two different temperature ranges dynamical EFGs occur, which are clearly influenced by the insertion of Lithium. The strong dependence of one EFG on the Li concentration x can be correlated to the effective charge of the In ions. This correlation is discussed with respect to XRD analyses of the LixIn2S3 samples and to XANES measurements on a similar sample. © 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc