88 research outputs found


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    A number of scientific studies in the field of sports psychology are aimed at revealing the reasons, factors and conditions, which lead to success. The other side of the problem – how we cope with success – remains underestimated. The effect of the subjective experience of success can lead to different behavior effects - from mobilization and psychic upsurge to self-reassurance, disorganization, and loss of activity. The consequences of success make the researchers examine their connection with different coping strategies. The aim of the present study is to examine how success is defined, how its determinants and consequences are interpreted, and what their connection with the applied coping strategies is. The research was done among 115 athletes, practicing different kinds of sport, divided into groups depending on their gender, age, and qualification. We used: 1) Specially developed scale for surveying the attitude to success; 2) Coping Orientation s to Problems Experienced scale – COPE –1 (Carver, et al., 1989), adapted for Bulgarian conditions and optimized for sports practice (Georgiev at al., 2003). Athletes define success mainly as confidence and assertiveness. Mobilization and belief in one’s abilities is dominant. The most important factors for success are good preparation and input efforts. There are some negative consequences with some of the athletes – remissness, insufficient efforts, enhanced emotional reactions. The leading ones are cognitively engaged coping strategies. There are significant differences depending on age, gender, and qualification. The dependences between the researched indexes were given. The obtained results and established regularities direct the attention to possibilities of control and regulation of the negative consequences in the process of preparation with appropriate purposeful, scientifically proven influences, part of which are the coping strategies

    Venäläisten työväenluokkaisten nuorten vaatetrendit

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    Today approximately 70% of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma can be cured with the combined-modality therapy. Tumor burden, the importance of which was demonstrated at first 15 years ago, is a powerful prognostic factor. Data of literature of representations on predictive value of Hodgkin’s lymphoma tumor burden are shown in the article. The difficult immunological relations between tumor cells and reactive ones lead to development of the main symptoms. Nevertheless, the collective sign of tumor burden shows the greatest influence on survival and on probability of resistance, which relative risk can be predicted on this variable and treatment program. Patients with bulky disease need escalated therapy with high-dose chemotherapy. Integration into predictive models of the variable will change an expected contribution of clinical and laboratory parameters in the regression analyses constructed on patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Today the role of diagnostic functional methods, in particular a positron emission tomography, for metabolic active measurement which allows excluding a reactive component is considered.В современных условиях около 70% пациентов с лимфомой Ходжкина могут быть излечены с помощью многокомпонентной терапии. Объем опухолевого поражения, значимость которого впервые была продемонстрирована около 15 лет назад, представляет собой важный прогностический фактор. В статье приведены литературные сведения об эволюции взглядов на предиктивное значение объема опухолевого поражения при лимфоме Ходжкина. Сложные иммунологические отношения между опухолевым и реактивным компонентами приводят к развитию основных симптомов интоксикации. Тем не менее, собирательный признак объема поражения показывает наибольшую силу влияния на показатели выживаемости и на вероятность развития резистентности злокачественного процесса, относительный риск которой можно предсказать по данной переменной и по выбранной лечебной программе. Пациенты с большим объемом опухолевого поражения требуют интенсификации лечебных программ с планированием высокодозной полихимиотерапии. Интеграция этого показателя в прогностические модели изменит прогнозный вклад клинических и лабораторных параметров в регрессионных анализах, построенных на когорте пациентов с лимфомой Ходжкина. В настоящее время рассматривается роль функциональных методов диагностики, в частности позитронно-эмиссионной томографии для измерения метаболически активных величин, которая позволяет исключить из общего объема составляющую реактивного компонента опухоли.

    Benefits for visitors provided by protected areas in Bulgaria and willingness to become a conservation volunteer

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    Protected areas in Bulgaria (PAB) provide valuable ecosystem services. Maintaining of ecosystem health is of great importance for human wellbeing. The environmental volunteering is a valuable tool in solving local ecological problems. The main objective of the present research was to identify ecosystem services offered by PAB and attitude to participation in conservation volunteering using online survey and face-to-face interviews. Most respondents regularly use ecosystem services offered by PAB. Being well-informed about significance of maintaining ecosystem health, a lot of them declared willingness to become conservation volunteers. Online surveys could be used not only for data collection, but as also as a tool to involve people in environmental protection

    The Soviet Underground Outcrops: Artistic Recognition and Transitional Field of Contemporary Art in Post-Soviet Russia

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    Umjetničko prepoznavanje „neslužbene” sovjetske umjetnosti rezultat je uzajamnog utjecaja novonastalog privatnog medijskog sektora, koji više ne podliježe ograničenjima države, i disidentske umjetnosti prošlih generacija koje su stvorile cijeli jedan svijet koji umjetnička profesija do tada nije istraživala. Autorice analiziraju strukture umreženosti kritičara i umjetnika u ovom razdoblju i objašnjavaju kako se oblikovala zajednica umjetnika i kritičara, kakva je njezina struktura i kako su tokovi informacija pomagali umjetnicima da dosegnu višu razinu prepoznatljivosti. Analiza baze podataka ilustrirala je i potvrdila posebnu značajku tog sustava, a to je da jedna osoba može istovremenu biti umjetnik (ili kustos) i kritičar. To je rezultat nesigurnog položaja umjetnika i daleko stabilnijeg položaja kritičara—pisanje o umjetnosti bio je jedna od rijetkih poslova koji su se plaćali. Bimodalna mreža kritičara i umjetnika novina Kommersant ima oblik koji je vrlo blizak tipu jezgra-periferija. Ova mreža ima jezgru, ali manje očitu nego što je jezgra mreže MAM, a karakterizira je pojava utjecajnih kritičara na periferiji i s time povezani rast „ekskluzivne klijentele”. Danas mreža ima još manje eksplicitnu jezgru i utjecajnije kritičare na periferiji kao i širu mrežu „ekskluzivne klijentele”. Ovaj je fenomen moguće objasniti na dva načina. Prvi je nedostatak konsenzusa u kritičkom polju, a drugi je korištenje posebnih strategija: predstavljanje novih umjetnika publici i preuzimanje monopola nad kritikama njihovih djela. Uobičajena praksa među kritičarima bila je da se određeni događaji dodjeljuju određenim kritičarima. Tek je nekolicina događaja bila spomenuta od više kritičara. To se moglo dogoditi iz najmanje dva razloga: (1) kritičari su radili kao recenzenti, pa nije bilo potrebe da više kritičara prisustvuje istom događaju, osim ako se radilo o iznimno popularnom ili događaju visokog profila; (2) niska razina financiranja nije dopuštala da više kritičara bude plaćeno da pišu o istom događaju. Samo je jedan časopis (Moscow Art Magazine) imao profesionalan stav, a time i čvršću komunalnu strukturu. Ostala dva medija nisu bila fokusirana samo na umjetničku sferu, zbog čega su imali manji utjecaj na stručni milje i manji doprinos procesu umjetničkog prepoznavanja i institucionalizacije. Unatoč tome, agregacija svih navoda u tri tiskana medija otkriva određene umjetnike koji su bili najuočljiviji i najpopularniji među kritičarima. Ovu scenu može karakterizirati nedostatak ekonomskog kapitala i nesigurnost svih uloga. Čak i popis najcitiranijih umjetnika otkriva složenost i eksperimentiranje kao važne vrijednosti ove scene. Štoviše, umjetničke zvijezde nisu ovisile o državnom financiranju ili privatnom kapitalu, kao ni o kulturnim institucijama. Podaci su također otkrili visok stupanj nejednakosti na sceni. Prvo, jezgra dajejasnu ilustraciju društvene homofilije (vidjeti McPherson et al, 2001), budući da su većina kritičara i umjetnika bijeli muškarci iz Moskve. Valja napomenuti da je sudjelovanje žena bilo ograničeno i u kritičkim (36,3 %) i u umjetničkim zanimanjima (18,9 %); međutim, čini se da je pristup zanimanju kritičara bio lakši. Prikupljeni skup podataka svjedoči o temeljnoj promjeni umjetničke organizacije u Rusiji. Međutim, dinamika priznavanja pokazuje da je simbolički kapital akumuliran u prethodnom sustavu („neslužbena umjetnost”) vrijedio i u novoj formaciji. Nužnost javnog priznavanja najprestižnijih agenata prethodnih generacija (čime se istovremeno osiguravalo vlastito priznanje kao kritičara, vidjeti de Nooy 2002.) odgodila je priznavanje novih generacija. Slijedom toga, samo je vrlo mali broj mlađih umjetnika postsovjetske Rusije dobio dovoljno pažnje kritičara.This article explores the ways of evaluating artistic recognition by analyzing critical writings. Focusing on the post-war unofficial contemporary art scene in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia, we put an emphasis on the mechanisms of legitimation and the dynamics of artistic prestige in the restricted field of underground art. The research reveals major patterns not only in the process of recognition of unofficial Soviet art, but also discusses the role of criticism in the transitional period in a post-Soviet republic. Political turbulence caused by the dissolution of the Soviet Union facilitated radical changes in the conditions for artistic production and transformation. By employing methods of social network analysis (SNA), we reconstruct and evaluate interconnections between unofficial post-war artists and critics, working on the case study of the three most significant newspaper media from the 1990s


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    The activities performed by people who go on military missions or on Antarctic expeditions to Livingston Island often arise various questions and interpretations. On the one hand, they suppose a tendency toward risky acts; on the other hand, they require discipline and balance in one’s behavior. The aim of our study was to examine the peculiarities of the need of security and the need of sensation seeking as basic personal variables of participants in military missions in Afghanistan and Bulgarian Antarctic expeditions and to examine their relation to the coping strategies applied. The research was done among 141 individuals (107 participants in Bulgarian military contingent which took part in an international NATO mission in Afghanistan in 2017 and 34 participants in two Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston Island in 2014/2015 and 2016/2017. All the individuals researched were divided into groups according to their age, gender and rank. We used: 1) Need of security assessment test (A. Velichkov, M. Radoslavova, S. Vassileva, V. Todorov, 1998). 2) Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced Scale – COPE – 1 (Carver, et al, 1989), adapt-ed for Bulgarian conditions (M. Georgiev et al, 2003) and 3) Research methods of psychic instability and sensation seeking, adapted by A. Velichkov and M. Radoslavova (2005). It is based on M. Zucker-man’s methods (1979, 1994). The researched participants in military missions and the explorers from Antarctic expeditions showed significant differences along the indexes between the two groups. The participants in military mission have lower values along all scales of the need of sensation seeking in comparison with the established norms for the Bulgarian sample and higher values of the need of security. The results of the participants in the Antarctic expeditions are particularly interesting. Regardless of their pronounced inclination to adventurous experiences and risky behavior, to hasty and impulsive actions, when subjected to tension, uncertainty and stress they revert to cognitive engaged coping strategies, which suppose active coping, planning, mobilization and a sense of control over the situation. The established regularities are a valuable reference point both for the selection of the participants in military missions and expeditions and for the insurance of their safety

    Prenatal diagnosis and outcome of fetuses with isolated agenesis of septum pellucidum: cohort study and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To evaluate the postnatal outcome of children with a prenatal diagnosis of apparently isolated agenesis of the septum pellucidum (ASP). Methods: A retrospective cohort study of cases of prenatally diagnosed ASP followed in two tertiary centers and a meta-analysis combining data from the cohort study with data from published studies identified in a systematic review were carried out. Only cases with apparently isolated ASP on antenatal ultrasound and/or magnetic resonance imaging and with available postnatal follow-up data were considered eligible for inclusion. The following outcomes were analyzed: incidence of chromosomal anomalies, agreement between antenatal and postnatal findings, overall incidence of septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) and incidence of major neurological disability (motor, language, coordination or behavioral disorder or epilepsy) in non-SOD children. The incidence of SOD in infants with apparently normal optic pathways on antenatal imaging was also evaluated. Results: Fifteen cases of isolated ASP, with median postnatal follow-up of 36 months (range, 12-60 months), were selected from the two centers. Six previously published studies met the inclusion criteria for the systematic review and a total of 78 cases were eligible for the analysis, including the 15 cases from our series. Genetic tests were carried out antenatally in 30 fetuses, of which two had an abnormal result (pooled proportion, 9.0% (95% CI, 1.8-20.7%); I2  = 0%). Additional or discordant imaging findings were noted postnatally in 9/70 (pooled proportion, 13.7% (95% CI, 3.5-29.0%); I2  = 63.9%) cases. Of all 78 neonates with available follow-up, SOD was diagnosed postnatally in 14 (pooled proportion, 19.4% (95% CI, 8.6-33.2%); I2  = 51.2%). In 60 cases, the optic pathways were considered to be normal on antenatal imaging, and six of these (pooled proportion, 9.1% (95% CI, 1.1-24.0%); I2  = 62.0%) were diagnosed postnatally with SOD. Of the 46 infants with available neurological follow-up who were not affected by SOD, a major neurological disability was diagnosed in three (pooled proportion, 6.5% (95% CI, 0.5-18.6%); I2  = 40.1%). Conclusions: In the vast majority of cases with a prenatal diagnosis of apparently isolated ASP, the prognosis is favorable. However, an additional anomaly is detected after birth in about 14% of cases and has a negative impact on clinical outcome. Detailed antenatal assessment of the brain and optic pathways is strongly recommended in order to identify the presence of associated anomalies. Antenatal visualization of apparently normal optic pathways does not rule out SOD. © 2021 International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

    Therapeutic challenges in quadruple negative breast cancer

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    Recently, breast cancer (BC) continuously ranks first in the incidence rate of malignant neoplasms in womenworldwide. Quadruple negative BC (QNBC) is a recently identified subtype of triple negative BC (TNBC) presenting with negative androgen receptor expression. QNBC characterization and treatment is fraught with many challenges.There is cumulative evidence suggestingthat QNBC ishighly proliferative and immunogenic, rendering it anideal candidate for cytotoxic chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Several chemotherapeutic agents such as imatinib, cabozantinib, dasatinib, lucitanib,sunitinib, docetaxel, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamidein QNBCpatients are highlighted. Some subtypes and related pathway proteins are preferentially expressed in QNBC and may act as effective therapeutic targets such as acyl-CoA synthetase4, S-phase kinase associated protein 2, immune checkpoint inhibitors, kinesin family member C1,and epidermal growth factor receptor. Several recent investigations comparing the therapeutic approach to QNBC and TNBC are briefly reviewed. Further more intensive and problem-oriented research in this topic of rising socio-medical importance is needed


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    Radiological imaging is the main diagnostic technique of infectious pulmonary complications in patients with hematological malignancy. Disturbance of the immune system in this group of patients causes uncommon epidemiology, nonspecific clinical manifestation and rapidly progressive development of the infectious process. Modern diagnostic methods allow to reveal inflammatory changes in the lungs with high efficiency. In the current clinical practice, the most actual problem is rapid identification of pathogens using the wide-spread method. This possibility results in faster and more accurate patient treatment. The article reviews different imaging techniques and focuses on the preferable method for diagnosing pneumonia in immunocompromised patients and presents a recent view of russian and foreign researchers on the advantages and limitations of computed tomography in the differential diagnosis of lower respiratory tract infections.Лучевые методы визуализации являются основными инструментами в диагностике инфекционных поражений легких, которые часто развиваются у  онкогематологических пациентов и  ассоциированы с  высокой летальностью. Глубокое нарушение иммунного ответа у данной группы больных обусловливает необычную эпидемиологию, стертую клиническую картину и быстрое, зачастую молниеносное, развитие инфекционного процесса. Современные методы диагностики позволяют выявить воспалительные изменения в легких с высокой эффективностью. В настоящий момент в клинической практике наиболее актуальной задачей является возможность предположить этиологию инфекционного осложнения и своевременно скорректировать этиотропную терапию, используя быстрый и доступный способ. В данной статье обоснован наиболее предпочтительный метод диагностики пневмоний у  иммунокомпрометированных пациентов и  представлен современный взгляд российских и  зарубежных исследователей на  потенциал и  ограничения компьютерной томографии в  дифференциальной диагностике инфекционных поражений нижних дыхательных путей