8 research outputs found

    Kształtowanie kompetencji cyfrowych poprzez uczestnictwo w kursach e-learningowych

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    Digital competence formation is crucial for appropriate functioning in digital society, in which information and communication technologies prevail. Digital competence is characterized in this paper. Selected results of researches concerning the level of digital competence are described. The e-learning as a form of education which supports the development of digital competence among potential employees is presented in this paper

    Zarządzanie przepływem i ochroną informacji

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationPrzedstawione wydawnictwo stanowi zasadniczy plon obrad konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej przez Katedrę Zarządzania Informacją na Wydziale Ekonomii i Zarządzania w dniach 25—26 marca 2007 roku. Ambicją organizatorów konferencji było włączenie w tok dyskusji licznych przedstawicieli praktyki gospodarczej, mediów oraz studentów. W odpowiedzi na zaproszenie do udziału w konferencji napłynęło ponad dwadzieścia referatów problemowych, z których kilka, ze względu na problematykę ściśle wiążącą się z zagadnieniami bezpieczeństwa, zostanie opublikowanych w nowym czasopiśmie naukowym Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego pt. „Problemy Bezpieczeństwa”. Autorami wszystkich przygotowanych tekstów są uznani eksperci w dziedzinie przepływu i ochrony informacji, a także młodzi pracownicy szkół wyższych i przedstawiciele praktyki gospodarczej. Patronat medialny objęły pisma o ogólnopolskim zasięgu i uznanej renomie: „Przegląd Organizacji”, „CSO Magazyn Zarządzających Bezpieczeństwem” i „Czasopismo Zabezpieczenia”. Całość rozważań Autorów podzielona została na trzy części, ściśle ze sobą powiązane. Część pierwsza grupuje teksty pod wspólnym tytułem „Przepływ, przetwarzanie i ochrona informacji we współczesnych systemach zarządzania”, część druga nosi tytuł: „Informacja jako determinanta tworzenia wartości dodanej oraz przewagi konkurencyjnej”, część trzecia zaś omawia „Zarządzanie wiedzą w wybranych dziedzinach aktywności gospodarczej i publicznej”


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    In our everyday life we follow current trends and use modern technologies practically in every area of life. However, unfortunately many educational institutions still has not realised what benefits can be brought by application of modern solutions in the educational system. These solutions can make education more accessible, effective, and first of responsible adjusted to individual needs of people who use its resources. The paper presents the research which shows the state of socially responsible education. The Author has characterized the technologies and trends which shape responsible space of education, and also turned attention to subjects, which should participate in its creations

    The role of the project manager in the context of the process approach in project management

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    One of the main determinants of the success of a project is the right choice of people. The main focus of the present paper is on the role of the project manager in project management. The project delivery model and the execution, support, and management processes were described. Attention was paid to quality assurance processes in project management. The problems of creating and leading project teams were discussed. Based on empirical research, the main traits, skills, and competences that a project manager should have were identified. The final part of the paper provides an example of the competence profile of a project manager according to the IPMA model

    Ecolabnet service packages as a response to the needs of manufacturing enterprises in the SME sector of the Baltic Sea Region

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    Nowadays, the competitiveness of the economy, which is determined to a large extent by the innovative activities of enterprises and institutions, is of great importance for economic development. An important type of innovation is eco-innovations. Eco-innovations are currently a very timely topic undertaken by researchers, but also an important element of the activities of many companies. As a network of service providers for eco-innovations in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, ECOLABNET fits perfectly in this trend. It aims to support, enable and empower companies to undertake sustainable eco-innovation activities in the Baltic Sea Region and beyond. The aim of this publication is to present the results of research on the eco-innovation needs of SME enterprises of the Baltic Sea countries and potential collaboration in this field with external entities. The services developed as packages of eco-innovation services in Ecolabnet that can meet the identified needs were indicated. The survey was conducted between March and May 2019 and covered SMEs in six countries: Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. The subjects of the study were manufacturing companies that improve their products or services. The aim of the research was to gain an understanding of the needs and challenges related to eco-innovation in the context of sustainable development, to identify the future eco-innovation needs of manufacturing SMEs and collaborations with external actors, and to determine how and through which services the Ecolabnet can meet these needs and contribute to the growth of the enterprise. The manufacturing enterprises in this survey were motivated to eco-innovate. However, they lack knowledge on eco-innovation in its broadest sense, and therefore, urgently need the help of external experts, business partners, and networks in this area. The survey covered three areas: Business, Development, and Technology/Production. Business topic areas that entrepreneurs placed a high emphasis on were: branding and communication, supplier relations, customer insights and financial aspects. Within the needs in terms of development put most emphasis on product design, process development, bio-based materials and biodegradable materials. In the last category of identified needs Technology/Production respondents indicated increasing process efficiency, energy optimization and material efficiency. The research results also indicate that product design as well as branding and communication are urgent needs in the field of external expertise. Of the potential needs, the respondents also indicated customer insights, other alternative materials, business models, value chain assessment, and service design


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    Development of employee potential is currently one of the key tasks carried out in modern organizations. The goal of the paper is to determine on the basis of the research the factors which influence the will of employees to learn and develop their competences and to indicate the categories of employee motivation towards professional development. The Author turns the attention to the pro-development readiness of employees and the possibility to improve competences in the context of organizational needs. Teaching methods, tools and forms of employee potential development in the working environment have been indicated in the paper as well

    Acceleration Methods of Managers’ Transversal Competences – Results of Testing Process

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    The underlying goal of the paper is to present the results of testing the reference model in the process of transversal competences development. The tested model is an element of the method that accelerated development of competences, which was developed within an international research project. In particular, the article outlines main stages of implementing the method referring to individual partial reports of the project – publicly available on the Internet. Three methods of practical training have been applied in the tested model: brainstorming, group work and problem lecture. The increase rate of the following four transversal competences has been evaluated: entrepreneurship, creativity, communicativeness and cooperation within a group

    Development of key competences in the knowledge society

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    W niniejszym artykule zestawiono portfel kompetencji biznesowych, w tym kluczowych kompetencji przekrojowych. Podjęto próbę własnego uzasadnienia, że kompetencje te muszą być ciągle doskonalone i rozwijane. Zestawiono przykładowe metody kształtowania tych kompetencji na różnych poziomach kształcenia. Ponadto zestawiono wybrane obszary tematyczne szkoleń biznesowych oferowanych nie tylko przez jednostki kształcenia ustawicznego (szkoły, uczelnie wyższe), ale także przez firmy i instytucje szkoleniowe.This article presents a portfolio of business competences, including key transversal competences. The author attempts to justify the fact that these competences must be constantly improved and developed. Examples of methods of shaping these competences at different levels of education are presented in the paper. Moreover, selected thematic areas of business training offered not only by lifelong learning units (schools, universities) but also by companies and training institutions have also been summarised in it