23 research outputs found

    High harmonic generation from ultrafast pump lasers

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    Using an ultrafast pump pulse affects the spectral and temporal characteristics of high order harmonics in an unexpected and fortuitous way. Calculations of spectra for rare gases using 10-100 fs, 800 nm pulses show that as the pump pulse length decreases the highest harmonics become correspondingly shorter while their conversion efficiencies increase dramatically. Especially significant is that we find these highest harmonics have phase characteristics that allow for the possibility of compression to subfemtosecond time scales. © 1997 American Physical Society

    Theoretical aspects of intense field harmonic generation

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    We present theoretical studies of high-order harmonic generation in a rare-gas medium. The experimental results obtained at Saclay with a 1064 nm Nd-YAG laser in the 1013 W cm-2 intensity range are summarized. The harmonic emission strengths first decrease rather steeply for the first orders, then form a long plateau up to the 21st harmonic in xenon, or up to the 33rd harmonic in argon, before decreasing again rather abruptly. The theoretical description of these experiments consists first in the calculation of the photoemission spectra emitted by a single atom. The spectra are obtained by numerically integrating a time-dependent SchrĂŽdinger equation for the laser-excited rare-gas atom. Second, one must account for collective effects in the medium, described by Maxwell’s equations. A theoretical framework for describing the generation and propagation of harmonics in strong laser fields is developed. A numerical solution of the propagation equations for the harmonic fields in xenon at 1064 nm provides results which agree well with experimental data. We discuss the role of phase matching in the high-order harmonic generation experiments. The main conclusion is that phase matching is determined not only by the variation of the phases of the interfering fields in the non-linear medium, but also by the variation of the amplitudes throughout the medium. We find orders of magnitude improvement in phase matching in a strong-field regime compared with the perturbative limit. © 1991 IOP Publishing Ltd

    High-order harmonic generation from atoms and ions in the high intensity regime

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    We present calculated optical harmonic spectra for atoms and ions in the high intensity regime to current short-pulse experiments. We find that ions can produce harmonics comparable in strength to those obtained from neutrals, and that the emission extends to much higher order. Simple scaling laws for the strength of the harmonic emission and the maximum observable harmonic are suggested. These results imply that the photoemission observed in recent experiments in helium and neon contains contributions from ions as well as neutrals. © 1992 The American Physical Society

    High harmonic generation at long wavelengths

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    High harmonic radiation spectra up to 19th order in alkali metal vapors excited by an intense, picosecond mid-infrared (3 -4 mu m) laser are reported and compared to theory. The strong-field dynamics in the alkali metal atoms exhibit significant differences from all previously studied systems due to the strong coupling between their ground and first excited states

    Exact field ionization rates in the barrier suppression-regime from numerical TDSE calculations

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    Numerically determined ionization rates for the field ionization of atomic hydrogen in strong and short laser pulses are presented. The laser pulse intensity reaches the so-called "barrier suppression ionization" regime where field ionization occurs within a few half laser cycles. Comparison of our numerical results with analytical theories frequently used shows poor agreement. An empirical formula for the "barrier suppression ionization"-rate is presented. This rate reproduces very well the course of the numerically determined ground state populations for laser pulses with different length, shape, amplitude, and frequency. Number(s): 32.80.RmComment: Enlarged and newly revised version, 22 pages (REVTeX) + 8 figures in ps-format, submitted for publication to Physical Review A, WWW: http://www.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/tqe

    Electron correlation vs. stabilization: A two-electron model atom in an intense laser pulse

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    We study numerically stabilization against ionization of a fully correlated two-electron model atom in an intense laser pulse. We concentrate on two frequency regimes: very high frequency, where the photon energy exceeds both, the ionization potential of the outer {\em and} the inner electron, and an intermediate frequency where, from a ``single active electron''-point of view the outer electron is expected to stabilize but the inner one is not. Our results reveal that correlation reduces stabilization when compared to results from single active electron-calculations. However, despite this destabilizing effect of electron correlation we still observe a decreasing ionization probability within a certain intensity domain in the high-frequency case. We compare our results from the fully correlated simulations with those from simpler, approximate models. This is useful for future work on ``real'' more-than-one electron atoms, not yet accessible to numerical {\em ab initio} methods.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures in an extra ps-file, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, updated references and shortened introductio

    Phase-dependent effects in multiphoton ionization induced by a laser field and its second harmonic

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    We present calculations of ionization rates, angular distributions, and above-threshold-ionization spectra for a hydrogen atom in a strong, two-color laser field. The two lasers are first- and second-harmonic fields with the same intensity and a constant relative phase difference between them. At longer wavelengths (1064 nm) and higher intensities (\u3e1013 W/cm2), there is clear evidence in the phase dependence of the ionization rates that ionization takes place primarily through tunneling. Even though the total ionization rate in this regime depends only on the peak value of the time-dependent electric field, the angular distributions show additional phase-sensitive effects. In particular, there is a large forward-backward asymmetry in the emitted electron distributions that is not simply correlated with the maximum electric field. At shorter wavelengths and/or lower intensities, there is a transition to multiphoton ionization with interference between ionization paths from the two lasers evident in the total ionization rates. In all cases, we find that the total ponderomotive shift of the ionization limit is the sum of the shifts for the two individual fields. © 1992 The American Physical Society

    Single‐active electron calculation of multiphoton process in krypton

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    We employ a method for solving the time‐dependent Schrödinger equation for an atom or molecule in an intense, pulsed‐laser field to study multiphoton emission processes. Single‐electron effective potentials have been developed that reduce the computational effort required for multielectron systems. Illustrative results for electron and photon emission rates from krypton at 532 nm in the intensity range (1‒4) × 1013 W/cm2 are presented and compared to recent measurements. Copyright © 1991 John Wiley & Sons, Inc