519 research outputs found

    A renaissance of the doctrine of Rebus Sic Stantibus?

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    Once the “popular plaything of Realpolitiker” the doctrine of rebus sic stantibus post the 1969 VCLT is often described as an objective rule by which, on grounds of equity and justice, a fundamental change of circumstances may be invoked as a ground for termination. Yet recent practice from States such as Ecuador, Russia, Denmark and the United Kingdom suggests that it is returning with a new livery. They point to an understanding based on vital States’ interests––a view popular among scholars such as Erich Kaufmann at the beginning of the last century

    Non-reversibility and self-joinings of higher orders for ergodic flows

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    By studying the weak closure of multidimensional off-diagonal self-joinings we provide a criterion for non-isomorphism of a flow with its inverse, hence the non-reversibility of a flow. This is applied to special flows over rigid automorphisms. In particular, we apply the criterion to special flows over irrational rotations, providing a large class of non-reversible flows, including some analytic reparametrizations of linear flows on the two torus, so called von Neumann's flows and some special flows with piecewise polynomial roof functions.. A topological counterpart is also developed with the full solution of the problem of the topological self-similarity of continuous special flows over irrational rotations. This yields examples of continuous special flows over irrational rotations without topological self-similarities and having all non-zero real numbers as scales of measure-theoretic self-similarities.Comment: 49 pages, 2 figur

    Methodologies for Voltage Contingency Ranking

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    Contingency studies in interconnected electric power systems are performed to assess the capability of a system to withstand disturbances caused by equipment outages and other factors, and are relevant to the area of power system security. Due to the large size and complexity of modern power systems, accurate techniques for measuring the effect of line contingencies are often time consuming and impose a heavy computational burden. Thus, ranking methods are used to define a subset of the most severe contingencies to be studied in full detail. Contingencies are classified into voltage contingencies and power contingencies; the term voltage contingency refers to cases of bus voltage magnitude out of range, and the term power contingency refers to the case of line power flow out of range (overloads). The purpose of this research is to examine the singular value decomposition of a voltage sensitivity matrix derived from the Jacobian matrix of the Newton-Raphson power flow equation and its relationship to voltage contingency ranking. Possible ways of using the singular values in a bus voltage ranking performance index will also be studied. Additionally, methods of assessing the accuracy of contingency ranking performance indices will be considered. Proposed enhancements to these strategies and recommendations for further research will be discussed

    Primary Care Treatment of HCV in Medicaid Patients

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    New, safer HCV treatment regimens make it more feasible than ever for primary care providers to manage Hepatitis C patients in their own practices, rather than leaving management solely to specialists. With the current prevalence of HCV and increasing number of new cases linked to the opiate epidemic, it makes sense to expand the number of providers who manage this illness. However, the landscape of new treatments and changing Medicaid requirements present administrative barriers to primary care treatment of HCV. This project aimed to clarify what those barriers were and create a treatment algorithm to simplify decision-making around which patients should be referred to management solely by specialists, and around how to manage those patients appropriate for primary care.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1348/thumbnail.jp


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    Excerpt from the book Churches That Abuse, by Ronald Enroth President\u27s Corner Reality Rides the Current CoCCA: Student Activities: Serving a New Community of Learners; Hot Ideas CACSD Conference Regional Directorshttps://pillars.taylor.edu/acsd_koinonia/1039/thumbnail.jp

    New institional approach to collaborative networks

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    Advancement in communication technology leads to expansion of different types of virtual organizations (VO), virtual enterprises (VE), virtual breeding environments (VBE) etc. commonly referred to as»collaborative networks» (CNs). A large number of research projects have been carried out worldwide in this area the last decades. Nevertheless, one of the main weaknesses in the area is the lack of appropriate theories, consistent paradigms definition, and adoption of formal modeling tools. The main objective of this article is establishing of theoretical foundation for collaborative networks based mostly on new institutional approach.Розвиток комунікаційних технологій призвів до експансії різних видів віртуальних організацій, віртуальних корпорацій і віртуальних інкубаторів, що мають узагальнену назву «Коллаборативні мережі». Незважаючи на те, що у світі було проведено безліч дослідницьких проектів у цій області, відчувається брак відповідних теорій,єдиної парадигми та інструментів формального моделювання. Метою даної статті є дослідження коллаборативні мереж на основі неоінституціонального підходу

    Inflation Targeting As a Tool for Maintaining Price Stability of The National Bank of Ukraine

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    Introduction. Inflation targeting is a tool for ensuring price stability in the economy and therefore requires harmonious coordination and communication among government institutions. At the same time, the central bank must adhere to a certain policy instrument, the established legal rules, which are fixed in its mandate, or act at its discretion. Nowadays, the most common rule of monetary policy is inflation targeting. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to explain the expediency of using the inflation targeting regime to keep inflation at a certain target level, which is determined by the central bank taking into account the current state of the economy. Results. The theoretical model of Taylor is considered, which is based on inflation assessment in the form of a simple interest rate rule based on monetary policy instruments that ensure convergence of the inflation forecast to the target value in the medium term. The obtained results reflect the volatility of the indicators of the objective function in the data range of 2015 Q3–2021 Q2 and confirm the weight of the gap of variable values that are estimated to be insignificant (95%). Using the GMM method, the relationship between the indicators of the objective function and their impact on the inflation rate through the use of the inflation targeting regime was verified. In particular, the volatility of variables such as the inflation gap, short-term interest rate, output gap, and exchange rate gap and their impact on the target inflation rate was revealed on the time horizon of monetary policy. Smoothing out gaps in variables is one of the goals of the central bank's reaction function under the inflation targeting regime. The use of the GMM method confirms the validity of the application of Taylor's rule regarding the feasibility of choosing an objective function with predetermined variable parameters at different sampling intervals. Conclusions. The increase in the volatility of variable parameters in the objective function of central banks under the inflation targeting regime is explained by global crises and the sensitivity of macroeconomic indicators to fluctuations in the economic situation. This is the main reason why central banks strictly follow the rules of monetary policy, which allow the timely smoothing of exogenous shocks in the economy

    Geschlechterempfindsamkeit im katholischen Kinder- und Jugendmagazin „Mali koncil“

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    Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu bilo je promicanje rodne osjetljivosti u području vjerskog odgoja, pri čemu smo analizirali sadržaj dvadeset kratkih priča objavljenih između 2009. i 2010. godine u Malom koncilu – Maku, hrvatskom katoličkom mjesečniku za djecu i mlade. Cilj je bio istražiti je li u karakterizaciji likova i njihovoj zastupljenosti u pričama prisutan rodno osjetljiv ili stereotipan pristup te kakvi se identifikacijski obrasci rodnih uloga nude dječacima i djevojčicama. Rezultati analize sadržaja priča pokazuju dominaciju muških likova u pričama, a rodna asimetrija na štetu ženskih likova iskazana je u njihovoj triput manjoj zastupljenosti među glavnim likovima i u ukupnom uzorku priča te četiri puta manjoj zastupljenosti u naslovima i slikovnim prikazima uz priče. Stereotipne rodne uloge, uz učestalije pripisivanje tradicionalnih rodnih osobina ženskim likovima, u većem se postotku pripisuju ženskim nego muškim likovima. Uz muške likove, manjoj stereotipizaciji izloženi su likovi djece te personificirani likovi životinja. Kako su većinu priča napisale žene, proizlazi da one same, promatrajući muške i ženske uloge kroz prizmu rodnih stereotipa, pridonose njihovu promicanju u pričama. Prema Nacionalnom okvirnom kurikulumu koji se zalaže za odgoj i obrazovanje u skladu s poštivanjem i promicanjem ljudskih prava, svi socijalizacijski čimbenici imaju trajnu zadaću senzibilizirati za rodnu problematiku i promicati pravedne rodne odnose od najranije dječje dobi. Stoga je za očekivati da će se odgojna uloga Crkve u izgradnji pravednijeg društva intenzivnije ostvarivati promicanjem pravednih rodnih odnosa i preko mjesečnika Mak.The aim of this research was to promote gender sensitivity in the field of religious education. For this purpose we have analysed the content of 20 short stories published between 2009 and 2010 in “Mali koncil – Mak” magazine, the Croatian Catholic monthly targeted at youth. The goal was to research whether gender sensitive or stereotyped approach was used in the portrayal of characters and their prevalence in the stories, as well as to see what kind of stereotyped gender roles were offered to young boys and girls. The result of the content analysis has shown a clear domination of male roles in the stories, as well as gender asymmetry. The bias toward males and against females is demonstrated through the fact that the males are three times more likely to be the main characters of the story and in the total sample of stories, and are four times more likely to be represented in titles and illustrations that supplement the stories. Stereotypical gender roles are given in higher percentage to female characters than male and more prominent attribution of traditional gender roles to female characters can be observed. Along with male characters, children and personified animals are less exposed to stereotyping. As most of the stories were written by women, it can be concluded that female writers, by portraying their male and female roles through gender stereotypes, add to the promotion of gender stereotypes in the stories themselves. According to the Croatian National Curriculum which advocates an education based on the promotion of mutual respect and human rights, all socialization factors should have a permanent task to sensitize the population to gender issues and to promote fair gender relationships from the earliest age. It is therefore to be expected that the educational role of the Church in the building of a fairer society will be achieved more intensively by promoting equal gender roles, including through the monthly magazine Mak.Das Thema dieser Untersuchung war die Forderung der Geschlechterempfindsamkeit im Bereich der Religionserziehung, wobei der Inhalt von zwanzig im kroatischen katholischen Kinder- und Jugendmagazin „Mali koncil - Mak“ veröffentlichten Kindererzählungen im Zeitraum zwischen 2009 und 2010 analysiert wurde. Das Ziel war zu untersuchen, ob bei dem Vorkommen der Charaktere und bei ihrer Schilderung in den Erzählungen Geschlechterempfindsamkeit oder Vorstellungsklischees bestehen und welche Identifikationsmuster der Geschlechterrollen den Jungen bzw. Mädchen angeboten wurden. Das Untersuchungsergebnis der Inhaltsanalyse weist auf die Domination der männlichen Charaktere, sowohl die dreimal größere Geschlechterasymetrie zu Gunsten der männlichen Hauptcharaktere im Vergleich zu den vorkommenden weiblichen im gesamten gewählten Untersuchungsmuster als auch die viermal weniger vorkommenden weiblichen Charaktere in Titeln und Bilderdarstellungen zu den Erzählungen. Die klischeeisierten Geschlechterrollen werden neben traditionellen Geschlechtereigenschaften in größerem Anteil den weiblichen Charakteren zugeschrieben. Neben männlichen Charakteren werden auch Kinder- und personifizierte Tiercharaktere weniger klischeehaft dargestellt. Da die meisten Erzählungen von Schriftstellerinnen geschrieben wurden, geht hervor, dass sie alleine aus dem Blickwinkel der Geschlechtervorurteile, Männer- und Frauenrollen betrachtend, zu ihrer Förderung beitragen. Laut Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum (dem Nationalen allgemeinen Curriculum), das die Erziehung und die Ausbildung in Übereinstimmung mit den Menschenrechten und Menschenachtung fordert, haben alle Sozialisierungsfaktoren ab dem frühesten Kinderalter eine dauerhafte Aufgabe für die Geschlechterproblematik zu sensibilisieren und gerechte Geschlechterbeziehungen zu fördern. Es ist zu erwarten, dass die Kirche ihre Erziehungsrolle im Aufbau einer gerechtlicheren Gesellschaft intensiver durch die Forderung der gerechten Geschlechterbeziehungen auch im Monatsmagazin „Mak“ übernimmt