35 research outputs found

    The Potential of Turkey as a Logistics Center Between Far East and Europe: An Application in Electronics Industry

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    Uluslar arası ticaretin ve lojistik sistemlerinin son derece hızla gelistigi ve küresellesmenin sınır tanımadıgı günümüz ticaret hayatında kullanılan ulastırma sistemlerinde zamanın etkin bir sekilde degerlendirilmesi ve maliyetlerin azaltılması son derece önem tasımaktadır. Uluslar arası mevzuatta "Çoklu Tasımacılık", Türk hukukunda ise yakın zamanda kabul edilmesi ve yürürlüge girmesi beklenilen Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısı 902. madde hükmü uyarınca "Degisik Tür Araç ile Tasıma" olarak isimlendirilen tasıma türü ile tasıma iliskisi taraflarının zamanı etkin bir sekilde kullandıgı ve maliyetlerin olabildigince azaltıldıgı bir model yaratılmıstır. "Çoklu Tasımacılık" ya da Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısı'nın deyimi ile "Degisik Tür Araç ile Tasıma" kavramları ile en basit zeminde anlatılmak istenen "bir tasıma iliskisinde en az iki adet farklı tasıma türü kullanılması"dır. Birden fazla tasıma türünün aynı tasımada kullanılması ile de ortaya çıkması muhtemel uyusmazlıklarda uygulanacak hukuk kuralları tespiti özellikle tasıyan açısından çok büyük önem tasımaktadır. Makalede bu denli büyük önem tasıyan hukuk kurallarının ulusal ve uluslar arası mevzuattaki yeri özellikle tasıyanın sorumlulugu açısından tespit edilecektir. Halihazırda yasalasmamıs ne var ki ulusal hukukta çoklu tasımacılıga iliskin elimizdeki "tek" yasal çalısma olma niteligini haiz Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısı hükümleri, çoklu tasımacılıga iliskin uluslar arası sözlesme hükümleri ile mukayese edilecek ve henüz kabul edilmemis tasarıda yer alan düzenlemelerin uygulanabilirligi ve yerindeligi tartısılacaktırThe trade between Asia and Europe is steadily increasing. In some industries the products are mainly produced in Far East countries due to their cost advantages and exported Europe directly. In some cases however, some final products are produced at the markets or close to them in European Union since these products gain weight or volume in case they are produced at origin. The electronics industry is organized in such a context and the parts that are produced in the Far East countries are imported by Turkey where they are assembled into electronic products and exported to the European countries. In this study, it is tried to analyze if Turkey can be a logistics center to store, distribute and add value to the parts coming from Far East and sending the resulting products into the EU. In the study, location choice theories and models are used. The study showed that many quantitative and qualitative techniques are used in location choice decision on plant and distribution centers but very few studies exist on logistics center location choice


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    Sea carrier is liable for the fault and ommission arising from transportation undertaken by actual sea carrier who is frequently involved in transportation process. Because that there were no explicit articles placed in the 6762 numbered Turkish Commercial Code (TCC) related with actual sea carrier, sea carrier's liabilities arising from this person's acts used to be established according to the general articles of Law of Obligations (LO). One of the most important innovations of the 6102 numbered TCC is to place actual sea carrier concept in the systematics of the code. Hence, the liability of actual sea carrier is established with the sea carrier by referring the articles that regulate sea carrier's liability through explicit articles placed in 6102 numbered TCC. One step further to that, in the transportations where actual sea carrier is involved, sea carrier can also get benefit from the nonliability clause through the realization of conditions of 1192th article placed in 6102 numbered TCC, again without the requirement of referring to the general articles placed in LO. In the study carrier and sea carrier concepts and their liabilities are briefly examined and the legal status of actual sea carrier, against sea carrier is determined. Therefore, it is aimed to compare the brief articles placed in the newest code and the applications effected in the oldest code related with the liabilities of the sea carrier and nonliability clause that the sea carrier can get benefit, in the transportations that an actual sea carrier is involved