18 research outputs found

    Reakcje cykloaddycji alkinów do [beta]-ketoestrów - nowe możliwości w syntezie prekursorów polimerów przewodzących

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    Dissertation takes the issue to synthesis o f conductive po lymer precu rsors which are thiophene derivalives and their properties - primarily electrochemistry and spectroclcctrochcmistry. Comprehensive electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical studies, as we 11 as knowledge gained in DFT calculations allow for a detailed discussion o f the construction o f the resulting compounds and their properties. The first stage o f doctoral thesis was to dcvc!op methods o f obtaining, separation, and vcrification the structure o f compounds (precursors) to belong to group (tetra-, penta- or hexasubstituted) benzene derivatives and (tri- or tetrasubstituted) 2-pyranone derivatives. Schedulcd molecules were synthesized by ([2+2+2] or [2+1+2+1]) cycloaddition reaciions o f alkynes to p-keto esters and [4+2] Diels-AIdcr cycloaddition. The preparation o f the finał products was preceded by the synthesis o f the necessary substrates, exactly alkynes (obtained by Sonogashira coupling) as well as [3-kcto esters. Construction o f the synthesized compounds was verified by 11I, ljC NMR spectroscopy and HRMS. For compounds obtained as solids. the melting points were measured. In the second stage o f doctoral thesis, the synthesized compounds were investigation to electrochemical methods by cyclic voltammetrv (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). For all the precursors (monomers), polymerization tests were carried out to obtain the polymers. The polymers were subjected to spectroelectrochemistry studies. The above mentioned studies have allowed us to determine in what conditions can be used from the designed precursors (monomers) to obtain conductive polymers and to determine the basie properties o f the materials, which determine their practical applications

    Silent Calls – Causes and Measurements, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2015, nr 1

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    The quality of telephone services is very important from either operator or subscriber point of view. One of the negative phenomenon which affects quality of telephone services is lack of speech signal during a call. This situation occurs relatively frequently in mobile telephony, and is called silent call (SC). Lack of speech signal can occur only once or many times during the call, and degrade connection quality. In this paper, an analysis of this phenomenon is presented. The research base are the results of measurements mobile network one of operators in Trójmiasto a large urban area consisting of three cities: Gdańsk, Gdynia, and Sopot. To estimate impact of silent calls on speech quality, mean opinion score index was calculated using POLQA algorithm

    QoS Conditions for VoIP and VoD, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 3

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    This paper concerns quality evaluation of the telecommunication services: VoIP (representing the RT interactive class) and VoD (representing the MM streaming class). Subjective and objective methods and tools for perceived quality measurement are analyzed and compared. Subjective tests are performed for selected video sequences using the Double-Stimulus Impairment Scale (DSIS) method. Thus the objective algorithms (VQM and VQmon) are calibrated. Speech quality is measured using the objective methods: PESQ and POLQA. Threshold values for network parameters (packet loss rate, delay jitter) are set, that guarantee the acceptable service quality

    Photoelectrochemical and thermal characterization of aromatic hydrocarbons substituted with a dicyanovinyl unit

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    Seven aromatic hydrocarbons bearing a dicyanovinyl unit were prepared to determine the relationship between both the number of aromatic rings and location of acceptor substituent on their thermal and optoelectronic properties. Additionally, the density functional theory calculations were performed. The obtained compounds showed temperatures of the beginning of thermal decomposition in the range of 137 – 289 °C, being above their respective melting points found between 88 and 248 °C. They were electrochemically active and showed quasi-reversible reduction process (except for 2-(phen-1- yl)methylene)malononitrile). Electrochemically estimated energy band gaps were below 3.0 eV, in the range of 2.10 – 2.50 eV. The absorption and emission spectra were recorded in CHCl3 and NMP and in solid state. All compounds strongly absorbed radiation with absorption maximum ranging from 307 to 454 nm ascribed to the intramolecular charge transfer between the donor and acceptor units. The aromatic hydrocarbons were luminescent in all investigated media and exhibited higher photoluminescence quantum yields in the solid state due to the aggregation induced emission phenomena. Electroluminescence ability of selected compounds was tested in a diode with guest-host configuration. Additionally, the selected compound together with a commercial N719 was applied in the dye-sensitized solar cell

    Ostre zamknięcie dominującej gałęzi okalającej leczone angioplastyką z implantacją dwóch stentów DES metodą DK-crush u chorego z potwierdzonymi wegetacjami na biologicznej protezie zastawki aortalnej

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    The following case report features 70 year old male presented with infero-lateralis STEMI, with typical pain at rest of 6 hours duration. His past medical history reveals elective PCI with zotarolimus eluting stent implantation in the left circumflex artery (LCX) in 2015 and aortic valve replacement (AVR) therapy because of its regurgitation with implantation of the biological graft one month prior to the index acute coronary syndrome. It is worth to note that before AVR therapy coronary angiogram revealed good percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) result and relatively no changes in other arteries. Besides ACS symptom, patient revealed that he had also fever few days before hospital admission. His coronary angiogram revealed in-stent occluded LCX, without sufficient collateral circulation. After several thrombectom passages, with a successful aspiration of vast amount of thrombus, operator decided to perform double-kissing technique (DK-crush) for bifurcation lesion. Unfortunately, after procedure there was some distal embolization in secondary distal branches of LCX and obtuse marginal branch (OM). Because of coexisting anemia, but without history of clinically overt bleeding, GPIIbIIIa inhibitor was not administered. The procedure was performed on unfractionated heparin intraarterial boluses. After PCI patient was without angina, with partial ST segment elevation resolution of more than 50%. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed akinesia of infarct-related territory, with left ventricular ejection fraction around 48%, moderate mitral and mild aortic valve regurgitation. The presence of vegetation on biological aortic valve graft was later confirmed by transesophageal echocardiography. Patient’s status quickly deteriorated as he developped dyspnea, fever and his inflammatory markers were succesfully elevated. Intravenous antibiotics were administered according to the antybiogram (HLAR Enterococcus faecalis was detected) along with intensive diuretic therapy and blood transfusion, and patient became free of symptoms. His control transesophageal echocardiography revealed no vegetations and he was successfully discharged home after 5 weeks of treatment.Opis przypadku dotyczy strategii zabiegu u 70-letniego chorego, przyjętego z powodu zawału STEMI ściany dolno-bocznej, z wywiadem spoczynkowej dławicy trwającej od około 6 godzin do pierwszego kontaktu medycznego, po angioplastyce z implantacją stentu pokrytego zotarolimusem do bifurkacji dominującej gałęzi okalającej (GO) przed dwoma laty, po wymianie zastawki aortalnej z powodu złożonej wady z przewagą niedomykalności — implantacja zastawki biologicznej miesiąc wcześniej. Dodatkowo, pacjent zgłaszał od kilku dni występujące stany podgorączkowe. W koronarografii uwidoczniono niedrożną GO w stencie, bez krążenia obocznego. Po licznych pasażach trombektomem oraz aspiracji znacznej ilości materiału zatorowego zadecydowano o wykonaniu angioplastyki metodą double-kissing crush (DK-crush). Niestety, nie udało się uniknąć zatorowości obwodowej w gałęziach wtórnych, dużej gałęzi marginalnej oraz w 13. segmencie GO. Zabieg przeprowadzono podając bolusy heparyny niefrakcjonowanej. Ze względu na współistniejącą niedokrwistość (bez wywiadu krwawienia), nie włączano inhibitora IIbIIIa. Bezpośrednio po zabiegu chory był bez dolegliwości dławicowych, z rezolucją uniesienia odcinka ST powyżej 50% w kontrolnym EKG. Na podstawie badania echokardiograficznego przezklatkowego wysunięto podejrzenie wegetacji na zastawce aortalnej, które potwierdzono w badaniu przezprzełykowym. Poza tym stwierdzono zaburzenia kurczliwości odpowiadające lokalizacji elektrokardiograficznej zawału, z frakcją wyrzutową 48% i z umiarkowaną niedomykalnością zastawki mitralnej i łagodną aortalnej. W kolejnych dobach doszło do pogorszenia stanu ogólnego, zaobserwowano nasilenie objawów niewydolności serca oraz narastanie parametrów zapalnych. W posiewach krwi wyhodowano Enterococcus faecalis (HLAR, high-level aminoglycoside resistance). Po wdrożeniu antybiotykoterapii według wyników posiewów, intensyfikacji leczenia niewydolności serca i przetoczeniu dwóch jednostek masy erytrocytarnej uzyskano stabilizację stanu chorego. Po 5 tygodniach hospitalizacji w stanie ogólnym dobrym został wypisany do domu

    Copper(II) complexes of functionalized 2,2’:6’,2’’-terpyridines and 2,6-di(thiazol-2-yl)pyridine : structure, spectroscopy, cytotoxicity and catalytic activity

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    Six new copper(II) complexes with 2,2’:6’,2’’-terpyridine (4’-Rn-terpy) [1 (R1 = furan-2-yl), 2 (R2 = thiophen- 2-yl), and 3 (R3 = 1-methyl-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)] and 2,6-di(thiazol-2-yl)pyridine derivatives (Rn-dtpy) [4 (R1), 5 (R2), and 6 (R3)] have been synthesized by a reaction between copper(II) chloride and the corresponding ligand. The complexes have been characterized by UV-vis and IR spectroscopy, and their structures have been determined by X-ray analysis. The antiproliferative potential of copper(II) complexes of 2,2’:6’,2’’-terpyridine and 2,6-di(thiazol-2-yl)pyridine derivatives towards human colorectal (HCT116) and ovarian (A2780) carcinoma as well as towards lung (A549) and breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7) cell lines was examined. Complex 1 and complex 6 were found to have the highest antiproliferative effect on A2780 ovarian carcinoma cells, particularly when compared with complex 2, 3 with no antiproliferative effect. The order of cytotoxicity in this cell line is 6 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2 ≈ 3. Complex 2 seems to be much more specific towards colorectal carcinoma HCT116 and lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells. The viability loss induced by the complexes agrees with Hoechst 33258 staining and typical morphological apoptotic characteristics like chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation. The specificity towards different types of cell lines and the low cytotoxic activity towards healthy cells are of particular interest and are a positive feature for further developments. Complexes 1–6 were also tested in the oxidation of alkanes and alcohols with hydrogen peroxide and tert-butyl-hydroperoxide (TBHP). The most active catalyst 4 gave, after 120 min, 0.105 M of cyclohexanol + cyclohexanone after reduction with PPh3. This concentration corresponds to a yield of 23% and TON = 210. Oxidation of cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane with m-CPBA catalyzed by 4 in the presence of HNO3 gave a product of a stereoselective reaction (trans/cis = 0.47). Oxidation of secondary alcohols afforded the target ketones in yields up to 98% and TON = 630

    Environmental and socioeconomic determinants of heart failure

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    Background: Over 1.5 million people in Poland suffer from heart failure (HF). The risk of hospitalization is related to environmental, socioeconomic factors and the organization of the health care system. Aims: The study aimed to assess the influence of environmental and socioeconomic factors on the prevalence of hospitalization for HF. Methods: The impact of environmental and socioeconomic factors on HF hospitalizations in Poland in 2012–2019 based on the National Institute of Public Health and Central Statistical Office in Poland data and panel data regression techniques has been estimated. Results: There were 1,618,734 HF-related hospitalizations (51.3% male; 82.6% aged >65 years). An increase in the number of physicians by 10/10000 population and healthcare expenditure of 100 PLN per capita resulted in 3.5% (–0.035; 95% confidence interval [CI], –0.06–[–0.01]; P = 0.002) and 3% (–0.029; 95% CI, –0.04–[–0.013]; P <0.001) decrease in hospitalizations, respectively. For each new outpatient healthcare facility per 10 000 population, there was a 3% (–0.031; 95% CI, –0.048–[–0.014]; P <0.001) decrease in hospitalizations. One percentage point increase in the proportion of green areas resulted in a 2.7% (–0.027; 95% CI, –0.042–[–0.01]; P = 0.049) decrease in hospitalizations. However, an increase of cars by 1000 inhabitants and a 1 percentage point increase in the unemployment rate were associated with a 6% increase in HF hospitalizations (0.064; 95% CI, 0.008–0.121; P = 0.026). Conclusions: The number of HF-related hospitalizations has been increasing in the last decade. This trend is most noticeable in regions with low socioeconomic development and poor medical facilities. Our study indicates that health policy measures including environmental and socioeconomic instruments may result in positive health outcomes. Additional analyzes are needed to compare the impact of socioeconomic and environmental factors against the impact of healthcare alone

    Spatial diversity of nanotechnology development in Europe

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie przestrzennego zróżnicowania rozwoju nanotechnologii w Europie. Analizę rozwoju nanotechnologii przeprowadzono na poziomie krajowym, wykorzystując dane obrazujące liczbę patentów nanotechnologicznych, liczbę i strukturę firm nanotechnologicznych, liczbę konferencji o tematyce nanotechnologicznej oraz liczbę publikacji nanotechnologicznych. W artykule oparto się na analizie statystycznej danych liczbowych pozyskanych w wyniku kwerend przeprowadzonych na portalach internetowych: Cientifica Plc, Biotechgate, Nanoforum, Nanowerk, Nanotechnology Now, Web of Science i PubMed oraz danych publikowanych przez OECD i Eurostat. Nanotechnologia zaliczana jest do jednego z głównych działów aktywności sektora nauki, technologii i innowacji i jawi się współcześnie jako technologia przyszłości. Na całym świecie panuje przekonanie o rewolucyjnym potencjale nanotechnologii. W latach 2001–2014 ponad 60 krajów podjęło finansowanie inicjatyw z dziedziny nanotechnologii. Są to zarówno rozwinięte przemysłowo kraje Europy Zachodniej, Japonia, Kanada czy Australia, jak i wschodzące rynki Rosji, Chin, Brazylii i Indii, jak i kraje rozwijające się, np. Nepal i Pakistan. Według liczby zgłoszeń patentowych z nanotechnologii na świecie dominują kraje rozwinięte: USA, Japonia i Niemcy. W latach 90. XX wieku nastąpił wyraźny wzrost liczby patentów nanotechnologicznych. W przestrzeni europejskiej pod względem liczby patentów nanotechnologicznych dominują Niemcy oraz Francja i Wielka Brytania. Jeśli rozpatrujemy liczbę ogółu instytucji nanotechnologicznych, to wyróżniają się w Europie dwa kraje: Niemcy i Wielka Brytania. W Niemczech przeważają instytucje działające w relacji B2B, podczas gdy w Wielkiej Brytanii są to instytucje badawcze non profit. Analizując liczbę patentów i firm nanotechnologicznych oraz liczbę publikacji i konferencji, należy stwierdzić, że rozwój nanotechnologii w Europie jest bardzo zróżnicowany. Sektor ten rozwija się głównie w krajach rozwiniętych gospodarczo. Europejskim liderem nanotechnologicznym są Niemcy. Innymi państwami z wysokim poziomem rozwoju nanotechnologii są: Wielka Brytania, Francja, Szwajcaria, Szwecja, Holandia i Hiszpania. Rozwój nanotechnologii stymulowany jest głównie przez publiczne instytucje badawcze, jednakże komercjalizacja badań następuje dzięki udziałowi firm prywatnych.The aim of this article is to present the spatial diversity of nanotechnology development in Europe. The analysis of the nanotechnology development was performed on the national level, using data which illustrated the figures about nanotechnology’s patents, amount and structure of nanotechnology businesses and the number of publications about this topic. In this article the statistical analysis was performed using the data from websites: Cientifica Plc, Biotechgate, Nanoforum, Nanowerk, Nanotechnology Now, Web of Science and PubMed, and the data published by OECD and Eurostat. Nanotechnology is included in one of the main areas of the Science, Technology and Innovation Sector’s activity and is seen to be the technology of the future because of its potential. In 2001 – 2014 more than sixty countries started funding nanotechnology projects. These countries include industrially developed countries, like Western Europe countries, Japan, Canada, Australia, and developing countries, like Russia, China, Brasil, India, Nepal, Pakistan. According to the number of patents in this field, industrially developed countries, for example USA, Japan, Germany, are dominating in this area. In the 1990s there was a significant growth in the number of nanotechnology patents. In Europe this area is dominated by Germany, France and United Kingdom. Based on the number of nanotechnology faculties in the country, we must distinguish Germany and United Kingdom. In Germany there are more faculties operating in business to business relation while in United Kingdom there are more non-profit research centers. Based on the number of patents, nanotechnology faculties, publications and conferences it should be noted that nanotechnology development in Europe is diversified. Nanotechnology is more developed in the industrially developed countries, the most prominent country in Europe is Germany, next ones are: United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands and Spain. Nanotechnology development is stimulated mostly by public research faculties, however the commercialization of this technology is possible because of the private businesses