473 research outputs found

    The Welfare and Public Health of the Population of Russia: Adaptation To Economic Volatility

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    In the article, the results of the research of correlation of welfare and public health of the population of Russia in the conditions of economic instability are presented. The review of performance indicators of development of public sentiments of society applied both in Russian and foreign practice is submitted. The concept content of the “social and psychological potential of a region” as an indicator of public health of the population is opened. On the basis of this concept, the potential pattern is created. The evaluation method of social and psychological potential of a region is developed, its main idea is an integrated assessment of both the potential of a region in general and its separate components. The assessment of the condition of potential in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is given. Character and power of correlation between indicators of welfare and level of social and psychological potential of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of development of correlation matrixes are revealed, also, the regional consistent patterns and tendencies are determined.The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 14-18-00574, “Anti-crisis”, an Information Analysis System “: Diagnostics of the Regions, Estimation of Threats and Scenario Forecasting in Order to Maintain and Reinforce Economic Security and Enhance the Well-Being of Russia)

    Pattern Transitions in Unstable Viscous Convective Medium

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    Convection in a thin layer of liquid (gas) with temperature dependent viscosity between poorly heat conducting boundaries is studied within framework of the Proctor-Sivashinsky model. This model is examined in order to study both the flow pattern formation and the second-order structural phase transitions as between patterns with translational invariance as well as between structures with broken translational invariance but keeping a long-range order. The spatial spectrum of arising patterns and estimation of their visual defectiveness are analyzed. The relation between the density of pattern defects and spectral characteristics of the pattern is found. We also discuss the noise effects on the formation of pattern defects. The influence of temperature dependence of viscosity on the process of pattern formation and structure transformations is also discussed. It is shown that the temperature dependence of viscosity inhibits structural transition from regular rolls to square cells

    Economic tomography: the possibility to anticipate and respond to socio-economic crises

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    The article discusses an approach based on an original hypothesis related to the peculiarities of Russia’s development (on the one hand, its scale, the Russian mentality and a certain closeness of the economy; on the other hand, a significant dominant resource and human potential, and, as a consequence, a genuine role in the global economic community), the diagnosis of which (at the level of the well-being of individuals and inhabited areas) can be used to identify crises, provide an early assessment of threats to socio-economic development of regions as well as help to evaluate the state of the region over a 3 to 5 year period. In other words, in order to ensure that executives have enough time to mount a sufficiently rapid response to the crises and administrative errors and to reduce the impact of emerging threats. The aim of this paper is to present theoretical and methodological tools for the recognition of the early stages of emerging threats, allowing fewer losses to be experienced during the crisis period. Simulation experiments were carried out for the purpose of classifying previously occurring social and economic crises (9 possible variants were reviewed) and mathematically processed trajectories of change in the main indicators for the well-being of individuals and inhabited areas, taking the influence of various factors into account. On the basis of the authors’ proposed approach (referred to as economic tomography) an attempt is made to comprehensively assess the state of sample representative regions of Russia.The research has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project № 14–18–00574 'Information-analytical system "Anticrisis:" diagnostics of the regions, threat assessment and scenario forecasting for the preservation and strengthening of economic security and well-being of Russia')

    On reconstructing an unknown coordinate of a nonlinear system of differential equations

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    The paper discusses a method of auxiliary controlled models and the application of this method to solving problems of dynamical reconstruction of an unknown coordinate in a nonlinear system of differential equations. The solving algorithm, which is stable with respect to informational noises and computational errors, is presented. © AGH University of Science and Technology Press, Krakow 2014.Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFB

    Single-layer polymeric tetraoxa[8]circulene modified by s-block metals : toward stable spin qubits and novel superconductors

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    Tunable electronic properties of low-dimensional materials have been the object of extensive research, as such properties are highly desirable in order to provide flexibility in the design and optimization of functional devices. In this study, we account for the fact that such properties can be tuned by embedding diverse metal atoms and theoretically study a series of new organometallic porous sheets based on two-dimensional tetraoxa[8]circulene (TOC) polymers doped with alkali or alkaline-earth metals. The results reveal that the metal-decorated sheets change their electronic structure from semiconducting to metallic behaviour due to n-doping. Complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations reveal a unique open-shell singlet ground state in the TOC-Ca complex, which is formed by two closed-shell species. Moreover, Ca becomes a doublet state, which is promising for magnetic quantum bit applications due to the long spin coherence time. Ca-doped TOC also demonstrates a high density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi level and induced superconductivity. Using the ab initio Eliashberg formalism, we find that the TOC-Ca polymers are phonon-mediated superconductors with a critical temperature T-C = 14.5 K, which is within the range of typical carbon based superconducting materials. Therefore, combining the proved superconductivity and the long spin lifetime in doublet Ca, such materials could be an ideal platform for the realization of quantum bits.Peer reviewe

    Бургомистр (Larus hyperboreus Gunnerus, 1767) Баренцева моря: обзор гельминтофауны и возможность использования в качестве индикатора паразитологической ситуации

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    The research objective - Analysis of helminthfauna of glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus Gunnerus, 1767) in the Barents Sea and assess the feasibility of their use as indicators of parasitological situation in the region. Materials and methods. The samples were taken from literature data on helmintofauna of glaucous gulls in different regions of the Barents Sea - the Northern part of the Kola Bay, the Southern and Northern Novaya Zemlya Islands, the archipelagos of Franz-Josef Land and Spitzbergen, Bear Island, and south-eastern part of the Barents Sea (Pechora Sea). The species composition of helminthes and quantitative parameters of birds infestation (prevalence of infestation, PI, and abundance index, AI) were determined. Statistical analysis of results using F-distribution and the estimation of the similarity of the composition of the helminthfauna of glaucous gulls and several other bird species in the Barents Sea using S0rensen-Dice index were conducted. A comparison of birds infestation in the western part (Spitsbergen, Bear Island, Kola Bay) and eastern part (Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach Island) of the Barents Sea was conducted also. Results and discussion. It was established that helminthfauna of glaucous gulls in the Barents Sea are characterized by high species diversity (34 species - 8 species of trematodes, 16 species of cestodes, 8 species of nematodes, 2 species of acanthocephalans) and low values of quantitative parameters of infestation (PI and AI). In species diversity of helminthfauna of all birds of the Barents Sea glaucous gulls are second only to herring gulls. This is primarily due to the wide distribution and high trophic flexibility of glaucous gulls. Low values of the parameters of infestation, apparently, are explained by, firstly, adverse environmental conditions and low diversity of potential intermediate hosts of helminths in Arctic communities, and secondly, using by glaucous gulls of those options food strategy in which the chances of infection by parasites are minimal - predation, collecting food waste and ground feed. It is revealed that helminthfauna of the birds in the western part of the Barents Sea is more diverse as compared to that in the eastern part due to more favourable conditions for circulation of many parasites. The analysis showed that the resolution of the glaucous gulls using as indicator species “parasitologal background” in the Barents Sea can be quite high, and at the moment this species of bird seems to be the most promising target for this purpose.Цель исследования - Анализ гельминтофауны бургомистров (Larus hyperboreus Gunnerus, 1767) Баренцева моря и оценка возможности их использования в качестве индикаторов паразитологической ситуации в регионе. Материалы и методы. Материалом служили данные литературы по гельминтофауне бургомистров в различных районах Баренцева моря - северной части Кольского залива, Южном и Северном островах Новой Земли, архипелагах Земля Франца-Иосифа и Шпицберген, острове Медвежий, а также в юго-восточной части Баренцева моря. Помимо анализа таксономического состава гельминтофауны, определены количественные показатели заражения птиц - экстенсивность инвазии (ЭИ) и индекс обилия (Ио). Проведена статистическая обработке результатов с использованием F-распределения Фишера и оценка сходства состава гельминтофауны бургомистров и ряда других видов птиц Баренцева моря с использованием коэффициента Серенсена. Также проведено сравнение зараженности птиц на западном (архипелаг Шпицберген, о. Медвежий, Кольский залив) и восточном (Земля Франца-Иосифа, Новая Земля, о. Вайгач) участках водоема. Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что для гельминтофауны бургомистров характерно высокое видовое разнообразие (34 вида - 8 видов трематод, 16 видов цестод, 8 видов нематод, 2 вида скребней) и низкие значения количественных показателей инвазии (ЭИ и ИО). По видовому разнообразию гельминтофауны из всех баренцевоморских птиц бургомистры уступают только серебристым чайкам. Это обусловлено прежде всего широким распространением и высокой трофической пластичностью бургомистров. Невысокие значения параметров инвазии, видимо, объясняются, во-первых, неблагоприятными условиями среды и низким разнообразием потенциальных промежуточных хозяев гельминтов в арктических биоценозах, во-вторых, использованием бургомистрами тех вариантов кормовой стратегии, при которых шансы на заражение гельминтами минимальны - хищничество, сбор пищевых отходов и наземных кормов. В западной части Баренцева моря фауна гельминтов бургомистров богаче, чем в восточной, ввиду более благоприятных условий для реализации жизненных циклов многих паразитов. Проведенный анализ показал, что разрешающая способность использования бургомистров в качестве вида-индикатора “паразитологического фона” на Баренцевом море может быть достаточно высока, и на настоящий момент именно этот вид птиц представляется наиболее перспективным объектом для указанной цели