25 research outputs found
Scientometrics: A Tool for Monitoring and Support of Research
The origins of scientometrics (research metrics) are discussed. The approaches to research evaluation are reviewed, and the tendency to replacing formal quantitative indicators by expert review based on bibliometric indicators is emphasized. The principles of “Leiden Manifesto of Scientometrics” are set out, providing for transparent monitoring and support of research and encouraging constructive dialog between the scientific community and the public. The methodological framework and the peculiarities of implementation of the information and analytical system “Bibliometryka Ukrayinskoyi Nauky” (“Bibliometrics of the Ukrainian Science”), constructed by the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, are shown. The proposals on creating advisory councils, responsible for formulating conclusions on the research effectiveness of institutions, are given. The feasibility of building a common platform for expert evaluation of research for the Eastern Partnership Countries by launching similar bibliometric projects in these countries and their further convergence is considered.Досліджено витоки наукометрії. Розглянуто підходи до оцінювання результативності наукової діяльності та відмічено тенденцію переходу від формальних кількісних індикаторів до отримання експертного висновку на основі бібліометричних показників. Викладено принципи Лейденського маніфесту наукометрії, дотримання яких забезпечує прозорий моніторинг і підтримку розвитку науки, а також сприяє налагодженню конструктивного діалогу між науковим середовищем та суспільством. Показано концептуальні положення і особливості практичної реалізації інформаційно-аналітичної системи «Бібліометрика української науки», розробленої в Національній бібліотеці України імені В. І. Вернадського. Розглянуто пропозиції щодо формування експертних рад, які ухвалюватимуть висновки про ефективність наукової діяльності установ. Обґрунтовано доцільність побудови загальної платформи для експертного оцінювання наукових досліджень країн Східного партнерства шляхом ініціювання аналогічних бібліометричних проектів у цих країнах та їх подальшої конвергенції.Исследованы истоки наукометрии. Рассмотрены подходы к оцениванию результативности научной деятельности и отмечена тенденция перехода от формальных количественных индикаторов к получению экспертного вывода на основе библиометрических показателей. Изложены принципы Лейденского манифеста наукометрии, соблюдение которых обеспечивает прозрачный мониторинг и поддержку развития науки, а также способствует налаживанию конструктивного диалога между научной средой и обществом. Представлены концептуальные положения и особенности практической реализации информационно-аналитической системы «Библиометрика украинской науки», разработанной в Национальной библиотеке Украины имени В. И. Вернадского. Рассмотрены предложения по формированию экспертных советов, которые будут принимать заключения об эффективности научной деятельности учреждений. Обоснована целесообразность построения общей платформы для экспертного оценивания научных исследований стран Восточного партнерства путем инициирования аналогичных библиометрических проектов в этих странах и их последующей конвергенции
These guidelines represent all current aspects of etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the clinical and statistical group of familial hypercholesterolemia in both adults and children in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Популяционный иммунитет к SARS-COV-2 населения Калиниградской области в эпидемический сезон COVID-19
Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic was announced by WHO in February 2020. In the Kaliningrad region, the first case (imported) was registered in early March 2020, the beginning of the epidemic increase fell on the 14th week. 2020, and the peak incidence was reached in the 22nd week of the year, after which there was a steady decrease in the number of cases. The study of population immunity was carried out at the 32nd week during the period of the lowest level of intensity of the epidemic process.Purpose of the study. Assessment of the assessment of the level of population immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus among the population of the Kaliningrad region during the period of the epidemic incidence of the population of COVID-19.Materials and methods. The study was carried out as part of the first stage of the Rospotrebnadzor program to assess population immunity to SARS-CoV-2 among the population of the Russian Federation. The selection of volunteers for the study was carried out by a questionnaire survey and subsequent randomization. The analysis includes the results of a survey of 2675 people. The number of volunteers in age groups ranged from 314 to 493 people. The results obtained were processed by the methods of variation statistics.Results. The results obtained showed that the average seroprevalence in the population was 50.2%, while the highest seroprevalence was found in the child age group 1-17 years (66.9%) and among persons aged 18-29 (57.0). No significant gender differences were found (men – 48,3 ± 1,6%, women – 51,1 ± 1,1%). The distribution of the proportion of seropositive people in the settlements of the region varied from 33,9% to 59.6%. The largest share of seroprevalence in the representative samples was found among people engaged in art / creativity (55,3%), the smallest – among educational workers (42,0%). Among COVID-19 convalescents, the level of humoral immunity reached 94,6%. Most of the seropositive volunteers (95,2%) did not have any symptoms of COVID-19, that is, they belonged to the category of asymptomatic carriers.Output. The results of a survey of a representative cohort of volunteers in the Kaliningrad region showed that they are characterized by a high level of population immunity, which makes it possible to expect a decrease in.Введение. Пандемия COVID-19 была объявлена Всемирная организация здравоохранения в феврале 2020 г. В Калининградской области первый случай (завозной) зарегистрировали в начале марта 2020 г., начало эпидемического нарастания пришлось на 14-ю неделю 2020 г., а пик заболеваемости был достигнут на 22-й неделе года, после чего отмечалось устойчивое снижение количества заболевший. Исследование популяционного иммунитета было проведено на 32-й неделе в период самого низкого уровня напряженности эпидемического процесса.Цель. Оценка уровня популяционного иммунитета к вирусу SARS-CoV-2 среди населения Калининградской области в период эпидемической заболеваемости населения COVID-19.Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено в рамках первого этапа программы Роспотребнадзора по оценке популяционного иммунитета к SARS-CoV-2 среди населения Российской Федерации. Отбор волонтеров для исследования проводили методом анкетирования и последующей рандомизации. В анализ включены результаты обследования 2675 человек. Количество волонтеров в возрастных группах варьировало от 314 до 493 человек. Полученные результаты обрабатывали методами вариационной статистики.Результаты. Полученные результаты показали, что средняя серопревалентность по популяции составила 50,2%, при этом набольшая серопревалентность была выявлена в детской возрастной группе 1–17 лет (66,9%) и среди лиц в возрасте 18–29 лет (57,0). Достоверных половых различий не установлено (мужчины – 48,3±1,6%, женщины – 51,1±1,1%). Распределение доли серопозитивных по населенным пунктам области варьировало от 33,9% до 59,6%. Наибольшая доля серопревалентных в репрезентативных выборках выявлена среди лиц, занятых искусством/творчеством (55,3%), наименьшая – среди работников образования (42,0%). Среди реконвалесцентов COVID-19 уровень гуморального иммунитета достиг 94,6%. Большая часть серопозитивных волонтеров (95,2%) не имела каких-либо симптомов COVID-19, то есть относилась к категории бессимптомных носителей.Выводы. Результаты обследования репрезентативной когорты волонтеров Калининградской области показали, что для них характерен высокий уровень популяционного иммунитета, позволяющий ожидать снижения напряженности эпидемического процесса.
Ezetimibe potential in cardiology practice
Vascular wall infiltration with lipoproteins, in particular with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (LDLCH), plays an important role in atherosclerosis pathogenesis. Elevated LDL-CH levels are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Based on the evidence from experimental and clinical studies, there is a direct link between LDL-CH reduction and decreased incidence of cardiovascular events. Statins are medications of choice for LDL-CH reduction; however, statin monotherapy does not always result in target LDLCH level achievement, due to pharmaco-genetic factors and adverse effects of the therapeutically effective statin doses. In these clinical situations, a combination of low-dose statins with other lipid-lowering agents is effective. Recently, high effectiveness of statin combination with ezetimibe (inhibitor of intestine CH absorption) has been demonstrated. It is explained by targeting both mechanisms which determine blood CH levels (intestine absorption and hepatic synthesis), with a substantial reduction in LDL-CH levels as a result
Coronary heart disease development in heterozygotic form of familial hypercholesterolemia
Aim. To assess coronary heart disease (CHD) and its risk factors (RF) prevalence, as well as their interaction in patients with heterozygotic form of familial hypercholesterolemia (FHCH). Material and methods. The analysis included 200 patients aged 24 years and above, with clinical diagnosis of FHCH. Cardiovascular status, RF type and prevalence were studied in patients with and without CHD. Multivariance analysis was performed to determine the link between RF and CHD development. Results. CHD prevalence in non-treated FHCH was as high as 61,5%. CHD rates increased with age, and were greater in males. CHD patients were older and had more adverse RF profile. Myocardial infarction was registered in 31% of the patients: for males - 18,1%, for females - 48,8% (р=0,00001). According to coronaroangiography data, coronary lesion number was similar in both genders, but in males occlusion severity was greater. In arterial hypertension (AH) multivariance analysis, CHD was the most important RF in FHCH patients. High blood pressure, combined with MTHFR CC genotype, increased CHD risk by 6,3 times, and AH-free combination of VII coagulation factor QQ genotype with GpIIIa CC genotype increased CHD risk by 8 times. Without treatment, male and female survival was substantially low in families with FHCH, especially for males. Conclusion. CHD is a typical feature of non-treated FHCH, developing earlier in males. In FHCH patients, CHD predictors include not only traditional RF, but also their combinations with genetic protein variations, not related to lipid metabolism
β1-adrenoreceptor antibody measurement and antibody removal effects on left ventricular contractility in dilated cardiomyopathy patients
Aim. To develop a test system measuring β1-adrenoreceptor antibody (anti- β1-AR) level. To study the effects of autoantibody removal on left ventricular (LV) contractility. Material and methods. Peptides, according to second human extracellular β1-AR loop fragments (197-222 amino acid fragments), were synthesized by modified hard-phase method and then lyophilized. Molecular mass control was performed by laser desorption mass spectrometry. In total, 47 patients were examined, with the aim of anti- β1-AR detection. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCMP) was diagnosed in 22 patients, ischemic CMP – in 8, post-infarction cardiosclerosis – in 6, myocarditis – in 3, alcohol CMP – in 1, and post-transplantation CMP – in 7 participants. Anti- β1-AR were removed in 4 DCMP patients, by plasmapheresis (PF; n=3) or immunoadsorption (IA; n=1). Results. A new immune-enzyme test system for autoantibody detection has been developed, using the second extracellular β1-AR loop 26 amino acid peptide as the antigen. Anti- β1-AR removal by IA or PF methods resulted in improved LV contractility among DCMP patients. Conclusion. It is important to determine whether LV contractility improvement is explained by anti-β1-AR removal exclusively. More advanced methods for anti- β1-AR and other anti-myocardial antibody detection should be developed, and auto-antibodies’ role in impaired myocardial contractility should be studied
Anti-inflammatory effects of low- and high-dose atorvastatin therapy in patients with coronary heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis
Aim. To assess the dynamics of an inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein (CRP), and lipid profile during 3-month high- and low-dose atorvastatin therapy (40 mg/d and 10 mg/d) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or coronary heart disease (CHD) and moderate hyperlipidemia (HLP).Material and methods. The study included 64 male and female patients: 40 with CHD and 24 with RA, aged 45-60 years, with moderate HLP and positive CRP reaction. Atorvastatin therapy effectiveness was assessed by decrease in CRP, total cholesterol (TCH) and low-density lipoprotein CH (LDL-CH) levels, comparing to baseline concentrations.Results. During high- and low-dose atorvastatin therapy, 84% and 44% of CHD patients, respectively, achieved target LDL-CH levels (< 2,6 mmol/l). Among RA patients, these figures were 67% and 50%, respectively. Triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein CH dynamics was insignificant in each group. Maximal reduction in CRP level was observed among CHD patients with initially elevated CRP concentration and RA patients receiving high-dose atorvastatin therapy (reduction by 20% and 65%, respectively); in all the other subgroups, CRP dynamics was insignificant.Conclusion. Statins reduced CRP concentration in RA patients more effectively than in CHD individuals, possibly, due to initially higher CRP levels among the former
Various doses of statins and coronary angiogenesis in patients with coronary heart disease
Aim. To investigate the effects of different doses of statins on the levels of factors stimulating and inhibiting coronary angiogenesis.Material and methods. The study included 90 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), Functional Class I-III stable angina, and 30 healthy volunteers. All patients underwent clinical examination, electrocardiography, veloergometry, and echocardiography. At baseline, blood lipid levels were measured. Serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor (TGF-pi), and endostatin were measured twice — before statin therapy and 3 months after it started. Daily rosuvastatin dose was 5, 10, or 40 mg.Results. Statin therapy resulted in reduced levels of angiogenesis-stimulating factors, such as VEGF and TGF. The level of endostatin, which inhibits angiogenesis, did not change substantially. Similar effects were observed for doses of 5, 10, and 40 mg/d.Conclusion. The results obtained disagree with the hypothesis of dose-dependent effects of statins on angiogenesis. Both low doses of statins and aggressive statin therapy affect angiogenesis factors similarly
Subclinical atherosclerosis as a risk factor of cardiovascular events
Subclinical atherosclerosis is an initial, latent stage of chronic progressing arterial inflammation. Destabilisation of asymptomatic, hemodynamically non-significant atherosclerotic plaques (AP) could lead to myocardial infarction, stroke, or sudden death. Since the assessment of AP stability is problematic in real-world clinical settings, the risk stratification should, at least, account for the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis. In 600 ambulatory patients from the Moscow City Western Administrative Okrug who had low and moderate SCORE-assessed cardiovascular risk levels, the prevalence of AP, based on the duplex carotid ultrasound results, was 59% (n=358). Presently, no standard guidelines exist on cardiovascular risk stratification which would include the assessment of subclinical atherosclerosis, despite the importance of the latter as a prognostic factor. Large clinical studies on prognosis in patients with subclinical atherosclerosis will clarify the role of this parameter as an independent cardiovascular risk factor and facilitate the development of respective clinical recommendations