94 research outputs found

    Macrofungi of wooded patches in the agricultural landscape. I. Species diversity

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    This article begins a four-part series, which presents the results of mycological research carried out in 2000-2007 in the agricultural landscape of the General Dezydery Chłapowski Landscape Park. This part includes description of the study area and field research methods, as well as a list and localities of 617 macrofungal taxa recorded in the Park. The next parts of this series will deal with: species that are rare, protected by law or recorded for the first time in Poland; the role of wooded patches for preservation of fungal diversity in the agricultural landscape; and changes in species diversity and structure of fungal communities in forest communities under strong human pressure

    Contribution to the Knowledge of Mycobiota of the Wielkopolski National Park (W Poland)

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    The Wielkopolski National Park is located in western Poland, near Poznań City. Its unique postglacial landforms are covered with various (semi)natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. The mycobiota of this Park has been studied for 90 years; however, current state knowledge is still insufficient. In 2018, a few-year- long project on the chorology, richness, and diversity of fungal biota of this area was started. In the first year, 312 taxa of macromycetes were found. Among them, 140 taxa were new for the biota of the Wielkopolski National Park. Five species (Botryobasidium robustius, Hebeloma subtortum, Leccinum brunneogriseolum, Pachyella violaceonigra, and Sistotrema athelioides) were new for Poland, and 26 taxa were new for the Wielkopolska region

    New to Poland species of the broadly defined genus Coprinus (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina)

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    The paper presents a list of 19 coprinoid fungi, found in Poland, which have not been reported earlier from this area: Coprinellus bisporiger, C. dilectus, C. heterothrix, C. radicellus, Coprinopsis annulopora, C. bellulus, C. candidolanata, C. cinereofloccosa, C. coniophora, C. goudensis, C. idae, C. iocularis, C. krieglsteineri, C. pachyderma, C. phlyctidospora, C. rugosobispora, C. scobicola, C. spilospora, Coprinus palmeranus. Illustrations and short descriptions of the species, based on the specimens examined and literature data, are given

    Pletho and tradition of ancient Greek theology

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    Byzantine philosopher Georgios Gemistos Pletho (1355–1452) is regarded as the first Philhellene who rejected Christianity and attempted to restore the pogan religion of Hellenic gods. In his last work Books of Laws (Νόμων συγγραφή) he presents his own system of theology based on ancient philosophy and Greek mythology. The aim of the paper is to outline some main features of Plethon’s theology and to show the influence of Greek tradition on it.Byzantine philosopher Georgios Gemistos Pletho (1355–1452) is regarded as the first Philhellene who rejected Christianity and attempted to restore the pogan religion of Hellenic gods. In his last work Books of Laws (Νόμων συγγραφή) he presents his own system of theology based on ancient philosophy and Greek mythology. The aim of the paper is to outline some main features of Plethon’s theology and to show the influence of Greek tradition on it

    Macromycetes of the Palace Park in Poznań-Radojewo (Wielkopolska Region, Poland)

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    This work aimed to present the diversity of fungal species in the Poznań- Radojewo park. It was characterized based on literature data, unpublished master’s theses, the authors’ data, as well as data collected during two mycological trips organized by the Mycological Section of the Polish Botanical Society. Between 1980 and 2017, as many as 333 species of macromycetes have been found within the park in Poznań-Radojewo (among them 19% are rare and endangered), including eight protected species (Mitrophora semilibera, Morchella esculenta  (var. esculenta and var. umbrina), Geastrum corollinum, G. fornicatum, Hericium coralloides, and Myriostoma coliforme), as well as two species new to the Polish mycobiota: Psathyrella bipellis and P. larga. The park in Poznań-Radojewo is very important for maintaining a high species diversity of fungi within the city of Poznań. During revitalization works, it is of paramount importance to take the needs of rare, threatened, and protected species under consideration and to preserve the natural character of plant communities. It is also vital to ensure the presence of coarse woody debris at different decomposition phases, which serves as an important substratum type for rare fungi

    Macrofungal diversity of greenhouses at the Warsaw University Botanic Garden

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    In 2019–2020 (for 13 months), 21 macrofungi species, both native (14) and inadvertently introduced from warmer regions (7), were found in greenhouses at the Warsaw University Botanic Garden. These included 13 species recorded for the first time in Polish greenhouses. Descriptions and photographs are given for 5 species identified, which are new to Poland (Gymnopus luxurians, Hemimycena ignobilis, Leucoagaricus meleagris, L. rubrotinctus, and Xylaria arbuscula s.l.). The highest variety of species was found in the greenhouses with the collection of tropical and succulents and cacti, with 11 and 8 species, respectively. The number of species ranged from five to four in other greenhouses. The current results increase the number of species reported from greenhouses in Poland to approximately 50. None of the identified species has a negative impact on the growth and health of plants in the greenhouses at the Warsaw University Botanic Garden and at present none of them are indicated as potentially invasive

    Xylaria oxyacanthae Tul. et C. Tul., a new species for Poland

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    The paper presents information about Xylaria oxyacanthae Tul. & C. Tul., a new species for Poland. The fungus was for the first time found in the mid-field shelterbelt near Turew village and in the city park in Kraków

    Application of electrotherapy for pain relief

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    This article reviews the use of electrotherapy for pain relief. Authors present the basis of the successfull electrotherapy to treat many types of pain. In addition, the article described neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms by which non-pharmacological methods like: direct current stimulation (DCS), microcurrent electrical therapy (MET), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Bernard’s currents and interferential currents demonstrate their efficacy.W artykule omówiono zastosowanie metod elektroterapii w leczeniu zespołów bólowych. Autorzy przedstawili podstawy skuteczności przeciwbólowych metod elektroterapeutycznych. Zwrócono uwagę na neurofizjologiczne i neurochemiczne mechanizmy leżące u podstawy skuteczności niefarmakologicznych metod leczenia bólu, takich jak stymulacja prądem stałym, mikroprądami (MET), przezskórna elektryczna stymulacja nerwów (TENS), stymulacja prądami Bernarda i prądami interferencyjnymi

    Practical aspects of genetic identification of hallucinogenic and other poisonous mushrooms for clinical and forensic purposes

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    Aim To assess the usefulness of a DNA-based method for identifying mushroom species for application in forensic laboratory practice. Methods Two hundred twenty-one samples of clinical forensic material (dried mushrooms, food remains, stomach contents, feces, etc) were analyzed. ITS2 region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was sequenced and the sequences were compared with reference sequences collected from the National Center for Biotechnology Information gene bank (GenBank). Sporological identification of mushrooms was also performed for 57 samples of clinical material. Results Of 221 samples, positive sequencing results were obtained for 152 (69%). The highest percentage of positive results was obtained for samples of dried mushrooms (96%) and food remains (91%). Comparison with GenBank sequences enabled identification of all samples at least at the genus level. Most samples (90%) were identified at the level of species or a group of closely related species. Sporological and molecular identification were consistent at the level of species or genus for 30% of analyzed samples. Conclusion Molecular analysis identified a larger number of species than sporological method. It proved to be suitable for analysis of evidential material (dried hallucinogenic mushrooms) in forensic genetic laboratories as well as to complement classical methods in the analysis of clinical materia

    Macrofungi of the Bieszczady Mountains

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    The Bieszczady Mts, a mountain range in SE Poland, is a hot spot of fungal richness and diversity in Poland. This paper summarizes 5 years of studies in the Bieszczady Mts, as well as previously published research. A total of 1,377 macromycetes taxa were found, including many (464) which were protected, red-listed, or very rare in Poland. Thirty-eight taxa (nine Ascomycota and 29 Basidiomycota) have been reported in Poland for the first time: Agrocybe gibberosa, Auriporia aurulenta, Bolbitius variicolor, Bulgariella pulla, Chaetosphaerella phaeostroma, Clitocybe subspadicea, Clitopilus passeckerianus, Cortinarius anomalus var. subcaligatus, C. fervidus, C. flexipes var. inolens, C. sylvae-norvegicae, Cudoniella tenuispora, Entoloma bisporigerum, E. olorinum, E. poliopus var. parvisporigerum, E. sericeoides, Galerina caulocystidiata, Gymnopilus josserandii, Hymenoscyphus subferrugineus, Hypholoma olivaceotinctum, Inocybe queletii, Laccaria altaica, Lactarius romagnesii, L. rostratus, Mycena epipterygia var. atroviscosa, M. epipterygia var. candida, M. polygramma f. candida, Octavianina lutea, O. mutabilis, Pachyella violaceonigra, Panaeolus papilionaceus var. capitatocystis, Phaeocollybia jennyae, Psathyrella almerensis, Pyrenopeziza inornata, Scutellinia torrentis, Tricholoma basirubens, Tricholomopsis flammula, and Vibrissea decolorans. For all new taxa, short descriptions based on the collected material have been provided