952 research outputs found

    ORFEUS II Far-UV Spectroscopy of AM Herculis

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    Six high-resolution (\lambda/\Delta\lambda ~ 3000) far-UV (\lambda\lambda = 910-1210 \AA) spectra of the magnetic cataclysmic variable AM Herculis were acquired in 1996 November during the flight of the ORFEUS-SPAS II mission. AM Her was in a high optical state at the time of the observations, and the spectra reveal emission lines of O VI \lambda\lambda 1032, 1038, C III \lambda 977, \lambda 1176, and He II \lambda 1085 superposed on a nearly flat continuum. Continuum flux variations can be described as per Gansicke et al. by a ~ 20 kK white dwarf with a ~ 37 kK hot spot covering a fraction f~0.15 of the surface of the white dwarf, but we caution that the expected Lyman absorption lines are not detected. The O VI emission lines have narrow and broad component structure similar to that of the optical emission lines, with radial velocities consistent with an origin in the irradiated face of the secondary and the accretion funnel, respectively. The density of the narrow- and broad-line regions is n_{nlr} ~ 3\times 10^{10} cm^{-3} and n_{blr} ~ 1\times 10^{12} cm^{-3}, respectively, yet the narrow-line region is optically thick in the O VI line and the broad-line region is optically thin; apparently, the velocity shear in the broad-line region allows the O VI photons to escape, rendering the gas effectively optically thin. Unexplained are the orbital phase variations of the emission-line fluxes.Comment: 15 pages, 6 Postscript figures; LaTeX format, uses aaspp4.sty; table2.tex included separately because it must be printed sideways - see instructions in the file; accepted on April 17, 1998 for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Cyclotron modeling phase-resolved infrared spectroscopy of polars I: EF Eridani

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    We present phase-resolved low resolution infrared spectra of the polar EF Eridani obtained over a period of 2 years with SPEX on the IRTF. The spectra, covering the wavelength range 0.8 to 2.4 microns, are dominated by cyclotron emission at all phases. We use a ``Constant Lambda'' prescription to attempt to model the changing cyclotron features seen in the spectra. A single cyclotron emission component with B = 12.6 MG, and a plasma temperature of kT = 5.0 keV, does a reasonable job in matching the features seen in the H and K bands, but fails to completely reproduce the morphology shortward of 1.6 microns. We find that a two component model, where both components have similar properties, but whose contributions differ with viewing geometry, provides an excellent fit to the data. We discuss the implications of our models and compare them with previously published results. In addition, we show that a cyclotron model with similar properties to those used for modeling the infrared spectra, but with a field strength of B = 115 MG, can explain the GALEX observations of EF Eri.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Ap

    The Far-Ultraviolet Spectrum and Short Timescale Variability of AM Herculis from Observations with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope

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    Using the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), we have obtained 850-1850 angstrom spectra of the magnetic cataclysmic variable star AM Her in the high state. These observations provide high time resolution spectra of AM Her in the FUV and sample much of the orbital period of the system. The spectra are not well-modelled in terms of simple white dwarf (WD) atmospheres, especially at wavelengths shortward of Lyman alpha. The continuum flux changes by a factor of 2 near the Lyman limit as a function of orbital phase; the peak fluxes are observed near magnetic phase 0.6 when the accreting pole of the WD is most clearly visible. The spectrum of the hotspot can be modelled in terms of a 100 000 K WD atmosphere covering 2% of the WD surface. The high time resolution of the HUT data allows an analysis of the short term variability and shows the UV luminosity to change by as much as 50% on timescales as short as 10 s. This rapid variability is shown to be inconsistent with the clumpy accretion model proposed to account for the soft X-ray excess in polars. We see an increase in narrow line emission during these flares when the heated face of the secondary is in view. The He II narrow line flux is partially eclipsed at secondary conjunction, implying that the inclination of the system is greater than 45 degrees. We also present results from models of the heated face of the secondary. These models show that reprocessing on the face of the secondary star of X-ray/EUV emission from the accretion region near the WD can account for the intensities and kinematics of most of the narrow line components observed.Comment: 19 pp., 12 fig., 3 tbl. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal. Also available at http://greeley.pha.jhu.edu/papers/amherpp.ps.g

    Heme Oxygenase Protects against Placental Vascular Inflammation and Abortion by the Alarmin Heme in Mice.

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    Both infectious as non-infectious inflammation can cause placental dysfunction and pregnancy complications. During the first trimester of human gestation, when palatogenesis takes place, intrauterine hematoma and hemorrhage are common phenomena, causing the release of large amounts of heme, a well-known alarmin. We postulated that exposure of pregnant mice to heme during palatogenesis would initiate oxidative and inflammatory stress, leading to pathological pregnancy, increasing the incidence of palatal clefting and abortion. Both heme oxygenase isoforms (HO-1 and HO-2) break down heme, thereby generating anti-oxidative and -inflammatory products. HO may thus counteract these heme-induced injurious stresses. To test this hypothesis, we administered heme to pregnant CD1 outbred mice at Day E12 by intraperitoneal injection in increasing doses: 30, 75 or 150 ÎŒmol/kg body weight (30H, 75H or 150H) in the presence or absence of HO-activity inhibitor SnMP from Day E11. Exposure to heme resulted in a dose-dependent increase in abortion. At 75H half of the fetuses where resorbed, while at 150H all fetuses were aborted. HO-activity protected against heme-induced abortion since inhibition of HO-activity aggravated heme-induced detrimental effects. The fetuses surviving heme administration demonstrated normal palatal fusion. Immunostainings at Day E16 demonstrated higher numbers of ICAM-1 positive blood vessels, macrophages and HO-1 positive cells in placenta after administration of 75H or SnMP + 30H. Summarizing, heme acts as an endogenous "alarmin" during pregnancy in a dose-dependent fashion, while HO-activity protects against heme-induced placental vascular inflammation and abortion

    Diagnosis of Kawasaki disease using a minimal whole blood gene expression signature

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    Importance There is no diagnostic test for Kawasaki disease (KD). Diagnosis is based on clinical features shared with other febrile conditions, frequently resulting in delayed or missed treatment and an increased risk of coronary artery aneurysms. Objective To identify a whole blood gene expression signature that distinguishes children with KD in the first week of illness from other febrile conditions. Design Case-control discovery study groups comprising training, test, and validation groups of children with KD or comparator febrile illness. Setting Hospitals in the UK, Spain, Netherlands and USA. Participants The training and test discovery group comprised 404 children with infectious and inflammatory conditions (78 KD, 84 other inflammatory diseases, 242 bacterial or viral infections) and 55 healthy controls. The independent validation group included 130 febrile children and 102 KD patients, including 72 in the first 7 days of illness. Exposures Whole blood gene expression was evaluated using microarrays, and minimal transcript sets distinguishing KD were identified using a novel variable selection method (Parallel Deterministic Model Search). Main outcomes and measures The ability of transcript signatures - implemented as Disease Risk Scores - to discriminate KD cases from controls, was assessed by Area Under the Curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity at the optimal cut-point according to Youden’s index. Results A 13-transcript signature identified in the discovery training set distinguished KD from other infectious and inflammatory conditions in the discovery test set with AUC, sensitivity, and specificity (95% confidence intervals (CI)) of 96.2% (92.5-99.9), 81.7% (60.0-94.8), and 92.1% (84.0-97.0), respectively. In the validation set, the signature distinguished KD from febrile controls with AUC, sensitivity, and specificity (95% CI) of 94.6% (91.3-98.0), 85.9% (76.8-92.6), and 89.1% (83.0-93.7) respectively. The signature was applied to clinically defined categories of Definite, Highly Probable and Possible KD resulting in AUCs of 98.1%, 96.3% and 70.0% respectively, mirroring clinical certainty. Conclusions and relevance A 13-transcript blood gene expression signature distinguished KD from other febrile conditions. Diagnostic accuracy increased with certainty of clinical diagnosis. A test incorporating the 13-transcript Disease Risk Score may enable earlier diagnosis and treatment of KD, and reduce inappropriate treatment in those with other diagnoses

    The wavefront of the radio signal emitted by cosmic ray air showers

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    Analyzing measurements of the LOPES antenna array together with corresponding CoREAS simulations for more than 300 measured events with energy above 1017 10^{17}\,eV and zenith angles smaller than 45∘45^\circ, we find that the radio wavefront of cosmic-ray air showers is of approximately hyperbolic shape. The simulations predict a slightly steeper wavefront towards East than towards West, but this asymmetry is negligible against the measurement uncertainties of LOPES. At axis distances ≳50 \gtrsim 50\,m, the wavefront can be approximated by a simple cone. According to the simulations, the cone angle is clearly correlated with the shower maximum. Thus, we confirm earlier predictions that arrival time measurements can be used to study the longitudinal shower development, but now using a realistic wavefront. Moreover, we show that the hyperbolic wavefront is compatible with our measurement, and we present several experimental indications that the cone angle is indeed sensitive to the shower development. Consequently, the wavefront can be used to statistically study the primary composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. At LOPES, the experimentally achieved precision for the shower maximum is limited by measurement uncertainties to approximately 140 140\,g/cm2^2. But the simulations indicate that under better conditions this method might yield an accuracy for the atmospheric depth of the shower maximum, XmaxX_\mathrm{max}, better than 30 30\,g/cm2^2. This would be competitive with the established air-fluorescence and air-Cherenkov techniques, where the radio technique offers the advantage of a significantly higher duty-cycle. Finally, the hyperbolic wavefront can be used to reconstruct the shower geometry more accurately, which potentially allows a better reconstruction of all other shower parameters, too.Comment: accepted by JCA
