206 research outputs found

    Amorfrutin B is an efficient natural peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) agonist with potent glucose-lowering properties

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is an important gene regulator in glucose and lipid metabolism. Unfortunately, PPARgamma-activating drugs of the thiazolidinedione class provoke adverse side effects. As recently shown, amorfrutin A1 is a natural glucose-lowering compound that selectively modulates PPARgamma. In this study we aimed to characterise, in vitro, a large spectrum of the amorfrutins and similar molecules, which we isolated from various plants. We further studied in vivo the glucose-lowering effects of the so far undescribed amorfrutin B, which featured the most striking PPARgamma-binding and pharmacological properties of this family of plant metabolites. METHODS: Amorfrutins were investigated in vitro by binding and cofactor recruitment assays and by transcriptional activation assays in primary human adipocytes and murine preosteoblasts, as well as in vivo using insulin-resistant high-fat-diet-fed C57BL/6 mice treated for 27 days with 100 mg kg(-1) day(-1) amorfrutin B. RESULTS: Amorfrutin B showed low nanomolar binding affinity to PPARgamma, and micromolar binding to the isotypes PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta. Amorfrutin B selectively modulated PPARgamma activity at low nanomolar concentrations. In insulin-resistant mice, amorfrutin B considerably improved insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance and blood lipid variables after several days of treatment. Amorfrutin B treatment did not induce weight gain and furthermore showed liver-protecting properties. Additionally, amorfrutins had no adverse effects on osteoblastogenesis and fluid retention. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: The application of plant-derived amorfrutins or synthetic analogues thereof constitutes a promising approach to prevent or treat complex metabolic diseases such as insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes

    The effect of review writing on learning engagement in channel partner relationship management

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    To develop the knowledge and skill sets of channel partner firms, firms increasingly introduce learning programs as part of their relationship management strategies. Yet, the engagement of channel partners in these programs tends to be low though. The current research, conducted in collaboration with a Fortune 100 information technology company, examines ways to strengthen learning engagement. In accordance with self-regulated learning theory, the authors propose and demonstrate that when channel partners write reviews of a learning module that they attended, beyond providing ratings,they are better able to reflect on the relevance of their learning experience and they are further engaged in learning activities. The audience and focus of these written reviews determine the engagement of the channel partner sales personnel. Therefore, review writing is a valuable, informal mechanism to motivate them. These effects are moderated by characteristics of both the channel partner (learning orientation of the salesperson, identification with the manufacturer) and the relationship with the manufacturer (length and exclusivity)

    Regional unit definition for the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on the SHAP7 model

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    The previously defined regions on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko have been mapped back onto the 3D SHAP7 model of the nucleus (Preusker et al., 2017). The resulting regional definition is therefore self-consistent with boundaries that are well defined in 3 dimensions. The facets belonging to each region are provided as supplementary material. The shape model has then been used to assess inhomogeneity of nucleus surface morphology within individual regions. Several regions show diverse morphology. We propose sub-division of these regions into clearly identifiable units (sub-regions) and a comprehensive table is provided. The surface areas of each sub-region have been computed and statistics based on grouping of unit types are provided. The roughness of each region is also provided in a quantitative manner using a technique derived from computer graphics applications. The quantitative method supports the sub-region definition by showing that differences between sub-regions can be numerically justified

    Search for satellites near comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using Rosetta/OSIRIS images

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    The European Space Agency Rosetta mission reached and started escorting its main target, the Jupiter-family comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, at the beginning of August 2014. Within the context of solar system small bodies, satellite searches from approaching spacecraft were extensively used in the past to study the nature of the visited bodies and their collisional environment. During the approaching phase to the comet in July 2014, the OSIRIS instrument onboard Rosetta performed a campaign aimed at detecting objects in the vicinity of the comet nucleus and at measuring these objects' possible bound orbits. In addition to the scientific purpose, the search also focused on spacecraft security to avoid hazardous material in the comet's environment. Methods. Images in the red spectral domain were acquired with the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera, when the spacecraft was at a distance between 5785 km and 5463 km to the comet, following an observational strategy tailored to maximize the scientific outcome. From the acquired images, sources were extracted and displayed to search for plausible displacements of all sources from image to image. After stars were identified, the remaining sources were thoroughly analyzed. To place constraints on the expected displacements of a potential satellite, we performed Monte Carlo simulations on the apparent motion of potential satellites within the Hill sphere. Results. We found no unambiguous detections of objects larger than ~6 m within ~20 km and larger than ~1 m between ~20 km and ~110 km from the nucleus, using images with an exposure time of 0.14 s and 1.36 s, respectively. Our conclusions are consistent with independent works on dust grains in the comet coma and on boulders counting on the nucleus surface. Moreover, our analysis shows that the comet outburst detected at the end of April 2014 was not strong enough to eject large objects and to place them into a stable orbit around the nucleus. Our findings underline that it is highly unlikely that large objects survive for a long time around cometary nuclei

    A mini outburst from the nightside of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observed by the OSIRIS camera on Rosetta

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    Context. On 12 March 2015 the OSIRIS WAC camera onboard the ESA Rosetta spacecraft orbiting comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observed a small outburst originating from the Imhotep region at the foot of the big lobe of the comet. These measurements are unique since it was the first time that the initial phase of a transient outburst event could be directly observed. Aims. We investigate the evolution of the dust jet in order to derive clues about the outburst source mechanism and the ejected dust particles, in particular the dust mass, dust-to-gas ratio and the particle size distribution. Methods. Analysis of the images and of the observation geometry using comet shape models in combination with gasdynamic modeling of the transient dust jet were the main tools used in this study. Synthetic images were computed for comparison with the observations. Results. Analysis of the geometry revealed that the source region was not illuminated until 1.5 h after the event implying true nightside activity was observed. The outburst lasted for less than one hour and the average dust production rate during the initial four minutes was of the order of 1 kg/s. During this time the outburst dust production rate was approximately constant, no sign for an initial explosion could be detected. For dust grains between 0.01-1 mm a power law size distribution characterized by an index of about 2.6 provides the best fit to the observed radiance profiles. The dust-to-gas ratio of the outburst jet is in the range 0.6-1.8

    Characterization of the Abydos region through OSIRIS high-resolution images in support of CIVA measurements

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    Context. On 12 November 2014, the European mission Rosetta delivered the Philae lander on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P). After the first touchdown, the lander bounced three times before finally landing at a site named Abydos. Aims. We provide a morphologically detailed analysis of the Abydos landing site to support Philae's measurements and to give context for the interpretation of the images coming from the Comet Infrared and Visible Analyser (CIVA) camera system onboard the lander. Methods. We used images acquired by the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) on 6 December 2014 to perform the analysis of the Abydos landing site, which provided the geomorphological map, the gravitational slope map, the size-frequency distribution of the boulders. We also computed the albedo and spectral reddening maps. Results. The morphological analysis of the region could suggest that Philae is located on a primordial terrain. The Abydos site is surrounded by two layered and fractured outcrops and presents a 0.02 km2 talus deposit rich in boulders. The boulder size frequency distribution gives a cumulative power-law index of -4.0 + 0.3/-0.4, which is correlated with gravitational events triggered by sublimation and/or thermal fracturing causing regressive erosion. The average value of the albedo is 5.8% at λ1 = 480.7 nm and 7.4% at λ2 = 649.2 nm, which is similar to the global albedos derived by OSIRIS and CIVA, respectively

    The rotation state of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from approach observations with the OSIRIS cameras on Rosetta

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    Aims. Approach observations with the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) experiment onboard Rosetta are used to determine the rotation period, the direction of the spin axis, and the state of rotation of comet 67P's nucleus. Methods. Photometric time series of 67P have been acquired by OSIRIS since the post wake-up commissioning of the payload in March 2014. Fourier analysis and convex shape inversion methods have been applied to the Rosetta data as well to the available ground-based observations. Results. Evidence is found that the rotation rate of 67P has significantly changed near the time of its 2009 perihelion passage, probably due to sublimation-induced torque. We find that the sidereal rotation periods P1 = 12.76129 ± 0.00005 h and P2 = 12.4043 ± 0.0007 h for the apparitions before and after the 2009 perihelion, respectively, provide the best fit to the observations. No signs of multiple periodicity are found in the light curves down to the noise level, which implies that the comet is presently in a simple rotation state around its axis of largest moment of inertia. We derive a prograde rotation model with spin vector J2000 ecliptic coordinates λ = 65° ± 15°, β = + 59° ± 15°, corresponding to equatorial coordinates RA = 22°, Dec = + 76°. However, we find that the mirror solution, also prograde, at λ = 275° ± 15°, β = + 50° ± 15° (or RA = 274°, Dec = + 27°), is also possible at the same confidence level, due to the intrinsic ambiguity of the photometric problem for observations performed close to the ecliptic plane

    Shape model, reference system definition, and cartographic mapping standards for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - Stereo-photogrammetric analysis of Rosetta/OSIRIS image data

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    We analyzed more than 200 OSIRIS NAC images with a pixel scale of 0.9-2.4 m/pixel of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) that have been acquired from onboard the Rosetta spacecraft in August and September 2014 using stereo-photogrammetric methods (SPG). We derived improved spacecraft position and pointing data for the OSIRIS images and a high-resolution shape model that consists of about 16 million facets (2 m horizontal sampling) and a typical vertical accuracy at the decimeter scale. From this model, we derive a volume for the northern hemisphere of 9.35 km3 ± 0.1 km3. With the assumption of a homogeneous density distribution and taking into account the current uncertainty of the position of the comet's center-of-mass, we extrapolated this value to an overall volume of 18.7 km3± 1.2 km3, and, with a current best estimate of 1.0 × 1013 kg for the mass, we derive a bulk density of 535 kg/m3± 35 kg/m3. Furthermore, we used SPG methods to analyze the rotational elements of 67P. The rotational period for August and September 2014 was determined to be 12.4041 ± 0.0004 h. For the orientation of the rotational axis (z-axis of the body-fixed reference frame) we derived a precession model with a half-cone angle of 0.14°, a cone center position at 69.54°/64.11° (RA/Dec J2000 equatorial coordinates), and a precession period of 10.7 days. For the definition of zero longitude (x-axis orientation), we finally selected the boulder-like Cheops feature on the big lobe of 67P and fixed its spherical coordinates to 142.35° right-hand-rule eastern longitude and -0.28° latitude. This completes the definition of the new Cheops reference frame for 67P. Finally, we defined cartographic mapping standards for common use and combined analyses of scientific results that have been obtained not only within the OSIRIS team, but also within other groups of the Rosetta mission

    The global meter-level shape model of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    We performed a stereo-photogrammetric (SPG) analysis of more than 1500 Rosetta/OSIRIS NAC images of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P). The images with pixel scales in the range 0.2-3.0 m/pixel were acquired between August 2014 and February 2016. We finally derived a global high-resolution 3D description of 67P's surface, the SPG SHAP7 shape model. It consists of about 44 million facets (1-1.5 m horizontal sampling) and a typical vertical accuracy at the decimeter scale. Although some images were taken after perihelion, the SPG SHAP7 shape model can be considered a pre-periheliondescription and replaces the previous SPG SHAP4S shape model. From the new shape model, some measures for 67P with very low 3σ uncertainties can be retrieved: 18.56 km3 ± 0.02 km3 for the volume and 537.8 kg/m3 ± 0.7 kg/m3 for the mean density assuming a mass value of 9.982 × 1012 kg

    Characterization of OSIRIS NAC filters for the interpretation of multispectral data of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    We interpret multicolor data from OSIRISNAC for the remote-sensing exploration of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. We determine the most meaningful definition of color maps for the characterization of surface variegation with filters available on OSIRIS NAC. Methods. We analyzed laboratory spectra of selected minerals and olivine-pyroxene mixtures seen through OSIRIS NAC filters, with spectral methods existing in the literature: reflectance ratios, minimum band wavelength, spectral slopes, band tilt, band curvature, and visible tilt. Results. We emphasize the importance of reflectance ratios and particularly the relation of visible tilt vs. band tilt. This technique provides a reliable diagnostic of the presence of silicates. Color maps constructed by red-green-blue colors defined with the green, orange, red, IR, and Fe2O3 filters let us define regions that may significantly differ in composition