695 research outputs found

    Scenario Planning with INKA 4: Electromobility in Germany

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    Vehicles powered by electricity are the future of mobility in Germany. At the present time, electromobility is rather hesitantly implemented in Germany, particularly due to concerns regarding charging infrastructure and battery power/technology. The purpose of this research project is to forecast – by using scenario planning techniques - how electromobility will influence the way we move in Germany by 2035. The outcome are three distinct scenarios that reflect the possible shift towards E-Mobility in Germany, especially taking into consideration the charging infrastructure, different battery technology and type of electric vehicle. In order to generate scientifically significant scenarios, input factors (Descriptors) were designed in accordance with the newest research findings from literature. Additionally, special ratios between all possible manifestations of input factors were defined, compared and evaluated

    A prospective cohort trial evaluating sexual function after urethral diverticulectomy.

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    OBJECTIVE Dyspareunia is a main symptom of urethral diverticulum in the female population, reported up to 60% of patients. Pain may cease after diverticulectomy as published in previous retrospective studies. To date scarce or no data exists on the postoperative outcome in terms of sexual function. The present study wants to quantify sexual function and evaluate lower urinary tract symptoms in sexually active patients after resection of urethral diverticulum. STUDY DESIGN In this prospective cohort trial at a tertiary referral center, we evaluated 40 female patients who presented with symptomatic urethral diverticulum and were sexually active. All of them underwent a standardized surgical procedure with inverted U-shape colpotomy between 2008 and 2018. The patients completed the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), which is determined by the mean score of the different domains, and underwent urodynamic assessment both at baseline examination before surgery and 12 months postoperatively. For statistical analysis, we conducted a paired Wilcoxon rank sum test analyzing the non-normally distributed non-parametric variables of the female sexual function index. RESULTS In two patients a malignancy was found in postoperative histology and received a different therapeutical approach. They have been excluded from statistical analysis. Sexual function improved in all domains (n = 38): total score (Z = -5.4, P < 0.000), satisfaction (Z = -5.3, P < 0.000), pain (Z = -5.4, P < 0.000), arousal (Z = -2.6, P = 0.010), lubrication (Z = -2.4, P = 0.020), desire (Z = -2.6, P = 0.009) and orgasm (Z = -2.2, P = 0.029). Maximum urethral closure pressure deteriorated from 39 to 36 cmH2O (P = 0.0008) and residual urine increased from 10 ml to 20 ml after surgery (P = 0.0019). No statistical significance is found for bladder capacity and free urinary flow. CONCLUSIONS All domains of the female sexual function index improved. Patients' bothersome symptoms, mainly pain may cease and sexual satisfaction increases, which is reassuring concerning patients' preoperative consent. We should be aware that occasionally an unexpected malignancy may be detected and it is mandatory to examine all excised tissue histologically. Lower urinary tract function remains clinically unchanged, although maximum urethral closure pressure deteriorated and postvoid residual increased though not being clinically significant


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    Este estudo tem o objetivo de demonstrar a utilização de metodologias e técnicas contåbeis para mensurar o valor de mercado das empresas e sua viabilidade econÎmica, conforme determinado nos artigos 51 e 53 da Lei 11.101/2005. Trata-se de um estudo realizado sob uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, caracterizando-se como exploratório e bibliogråfico, com a utilização de duas metodologias contåbeis de avaliação de empresas. A aplicação das técnicas de avaliação ao caso concreto permite concluir que é possível agregar aos relatórios contåbeis tradicionais as modernas técnicas de avaliação, jå que estas oferecem condiçÔes para mensurar os bens intangíveis da empresa. Oferece-se, assim, aos operadores do Direito, especialmente aos magistrados, um parecer técnico acerca do valor real da empresa, considerando-se não apenas seu patrimÎnio físico, composto por bens móveis ou imóveis, mas também seus aspectos qualitativos, tais como, localização, setor de atuação, clientela, ocupação do imóvel e rentabilidade, conceitos inclusos no Fundo de Comércio


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    O presente artigo trata de um tema eminente e em voga nos dias atuais, a questĂŁo do desenvolvimento, visto sob um Ăąngulo especĂ­fico dos interesses da AmĂ©rica-Latina atravĂ©s dos preceitos defendidos pela ComissĂŁo EconĂŽmica para a AmĂ©rica Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL), um ĂłrgĂŁo pouco difundido atualmente, mas que tem uma participação importante no processo desenvolvimentista, merecendo ter sua histĂłria destacada e suas contribuiçÔes levadas ao conhecimento de todos. Os principais acontecimentos histĂłricos da participação desse importante ĂłrgĂŁo de fomento social e econĂŽmico latino-americano e caribenho sĂŁo representados pelas teorias oriundas de estudos de pensadores, que integraram e integram a CEPAL desde sua instituição atĂ© os dias atuais.-The present article presents an eminent and up-to-date subject – the development issue, seen under a specific angle, that is, the interests of Latin America through the regulations defended by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL), a not so known agency nowadays, but that has an important participation in the development process, deserving to have its history highlighted and its contributions taken to the knowledge of all. The main historical events of the participation of this important agency of Latin American and Caribbean social and economic promotion are represented by theories coming from the studies of thinkers who integrated and integrate the CEPAL, since its institution until the current days


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    A tristeza parasitĂĄria bovina Ă© uma importante afecção causadora de prejuĂ­zos para a pecuĂĄria. Essa doença tem como agentes etiolĂłgicos a Babesia sp. (protozoĂĄrio) e Anaplasma sp.  (Rickettsia intracelular obrigatĂłria), ambos agentes transmitidos por carrapatos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a presença ou ausĂȘncia da doença e suas alteraçÔes hematolĂłgicas. Para isso foi realizada a coleta de sangue de um bovino de aproximadamente um ano de idade e duzentos e cinquenta quilos. O animal apresentava-se apĂĄtico, com redução de ingesta, anorexia, mucosas hipocoradas, presença de ectoparasitos (Boophilus microplus) e hipertermia (40,2°C). Posteriormente foram realizados exames, tais como: hematĂłcrito, pesquisa de hemoparasitoses, leucograma total e diferenciado, ureia, creatinina e aspartato transaminase (AST). Os resultados apontaram a positividade Ă  doença, com presença de Anaplasma marginalle no interior das hemĂĄcias, diminuição do hematĂłcrito indicando anemia, leucocitose por neutrofilia sugerindo processo infeccioso, ureia abaixo dos valores de referĂȘncia, alteração por aumento de creatinina e AST. Ao fim dos exames foi possĂ­vel afirmar a ocorrĂȘncia da doença e que esta provocou diversas e importantes alteraçÔes hematolĂłgicas. É de grande importĂąncia a descoberta do agente causar da doença, para realização de tratamentos evitando possĂ­veis perdas econĂŽmicas

    ContribuiçÔes e principais intervençÔes da terapia cognitivo-comportamental no tratamento do transtorno bipolar

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo averiguar as contribuiçÔes da Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental no tratamento do Transtorno Bipolar e focar em aspectos especĂ­ficos das intervençÔes realizadas no tratamento. O trabalho consiste em uma revisĂŁo narrativa sobre este tema. A busca bibliogrĂĄfica foi realizada atravĂ©s dos sites pubmed e google acadĂȘmico. Os resultados mostraram que a Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental auxilia na prevenção de recaĂ­das, em episĂłdios de humor mais curtos, menor nĂșmero de hospitalizaçÔes e menor variabilidade dos sintomas manĂ­acos. Dentre as principais tĂ©cnicas utilizadas, a psicoeducação parece ser a mais utilizada e eficaz no tratamento do Transtorno Bipolar. No entanto, a farmacoterapia ainda Ă© considerada a principal escolha no tratamento

    KIR-HLA and Maternal-Infant HIV-1 Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Numerous studies have suggested a role for natural killer (NK) cells in attenuation of HIV-1 disease progression via recognition by killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) of specific HLA class I molecules. The role of KIR and HLA class I has not been addressed in the context of maternal-infant HIV-1 transmission. KIR and HLA class I B and C genes from 224 HIV-1-infected mothers and 222 infants (72 infected and 150 uninfected) from South Africa were characterized. Although a number of significant associations were determined in both the total group and in the nevirapine (NVP) exposed group, the most significant findings involved KIR2DL2 and KIR2DL3 and HLA-C. KIR2DL2/KIR2DL3 was underrepresented in intrapartum (IP)-transmitting mothers compared to non-transmitting (NT) mothers (P = 0.008) and remained significant (P = 0.036) after correction for maternal viral load (MVL). Homozygosity for KIR2DL3 alone and in combination with HLA-C allotype heterozygosity (C1C2) was elevated in IP-transmitting mothers compared to NT mothers (P = 0.034 and P = 0.01 respectively), and after MVL correction (P = 0.033 and P = 0.027, respectively). In infants, KIR2DL3 in combination with its HLA-C1 ligand (C1) as well as homozygosity for KIR2DL3 with C1C2, were both found to be underrepresented in infected infants compared to exposed uninfected infants in the total group (P = 0.06 and P = 0.038, respectively) and in the sub-group of infants whose mothers received NVP (P = 0.007 and P = 0.03, respectively). These associations were stronger post MVL adjustment (total group: P = 0.02 and P = 0.009, respectively; NVP group: P = 0.004 and P = 0.02, respectively). Upon stratification according to low and high MVL, all significant associations fell within the low MVL group, suggesting that with low viral load, the effects of genotype can be more easily detected. In conclusion this study has identified a number of significant associations that suggest an important role for NK cells in maternal-to-infant HIV-1 transmission

    KIR-HLA and Maternal-Infant HIV-1 Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Numerous studies have suggested a role for natural killer (NK) cells in attenuation of HIV-1 disease progression via recognition by killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) of specific HLA class I molecules. The role of KIR and HLA class I has not been addressed in the context of maternal-infant HIV-1 transmission. KIR and HLA class I B and C genes from 224 HIV-1-infected mothers and 222 infants (72 infected and 150 uninfected) from South Africa were characterized. Although a number of significant associations were determined in both the total group and in the nevirapine (NVP) exposed group, the most significant findings involved KIR2DL2 and KIR2DL3 and HLA-C. KIR2DL2/KIR2DL3 was underrepresented in intrapartum (IP)-transmitting mothers compared to non-transmitting (NT) mothers (P = 0.008) and remained significant (P = 0.036) after correction for maternal viral load (MVL). Homozygosity for KIR2DL3 alone and in combination with HLA-C allotype heterozygosity (C1C2) was elevated in IP-transmitting mothers compared to NT mothers (P = 0.034 and P = 0.01 respectively), and after MVL correction (P = 0.033 and P = 0.027, respectively). In infants, KIR2DL3 in combination with its HLA-C1 ligand (C1) as well as homozygosity for KIR2DL3 with C1C2, were both found to be underrepresented in infected infants compared to exposed uninfected infants in the total group (P = 0.06 and P = 0.038, respectively) and in the sub-group of infants whose mothers received NVP (P = 0.007 and P = 0.03, respectively). These associations were stronger post MVL adjustment (total group: P = 0.02 and P = 0.009, respectively; NVP group: P = 0.004 and P = 0.02, respectively). Upon stratification according to low and high MVL, all significant associations fell within the low MVL group, suggesting that with low viral load, the effects of genotype can be more easily detected. In conclusion this study has identified a number of significant associations that suggest an important role for NK cells in maternal-to-infant HIV-1 transmission

    Mehr Teilhabe in der digitalen Transformation

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    MEHR TEILHABE IN DER DIGITALEN TRANSFORMATION Mehr Teilhabe in der digitalen Transformation / Christov, Diana (Rights reserved) ( -
