988 research outputs found

    Confronting QCD Instantons with HERA Data

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    The sensitivity of existing HERA data on the hadronic final state in deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) to processes induced by QCD instantons is systematically investigated. The maximally allowed fraction of such processes in DIS is found to be on the percent level in the kinematic domain 0.0001 < x-Bjorken < 0.01 and 5 < Q squared < 100 GeV squared. The best limits are obtained from the multiplicity distribution.Comment: 5 pages, latex, entire paper w. tex, style and figure

    The Dark Matter Annihilation Signal from Galactic Substructure: Predictions for GLAST

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    We present quantitative predictions for the detectability of individual Galactic dark matter subhalos in gamma-rays from dark matter pair annihilations in their centers. Our method is based on a hybrid approach, employing the highest resolution numerical simulations available (including the recently completed one billion particle Via Lactea II simulation) as well as analytical models for the extrapolation beyond the simulations' resolution limit. We include a self-consistent treatment of subhalo boost factors, motivated by our numerical results, and a realistic treatment of the expected backgrounds that individual subhalos must outshine. We show that for reasonable values of the dark matter particle physics parameters (M_X ~ 50 - 500 GeV and ~ 10^-26 - 10^-25 cm^3/s) GLAST may very well discover a few, even up to several dozen, such subhalos, at 5 sigma significance, and some at more than 20 sigma. We predict that the majority of luminous sources would be resolved with GLAST's expected angular resolution. For most observer locations the angular distribution of detectable subhalos is consistent with a uniform distribution across the sky. The brightest subhalos tend to be massive (median Vmax of 24 km/s) and therefore likely hosts of dwarf galaxies, but many subhalos with Vmax as low as 5 km/s are also visible. Typically detectable subhalos are 20 - 40 kpc from the observer, and only a small fraction are closer than 10 kpc. The total number of observable subhalos has not yet converged in our simulations, and we estimate that we may be missing up to 3/4 of all detectable subhalos.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, ApJ accepted, a version with higher resolution figures can be downloaded from http://www.sns.ias.edu/~mqk/transfer/VL2_GLAST_predictions.pd

    Formation and evolution of galaxy dark matter halos and their substructure

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    We use the ``Via Lactea'' simulation to study the co-evolution of a Milky Way-size LambdaCDM halo and its subhalo population. While most of the host halo mass is accreted over the first 6 Gyr in a series of major mergers, the physical mass distribution [not M_vir(z)] remains practically constant since z=1. The same is true in a large sample of LambdaCDM galaxy halos. Subhalo mass loss peaks between the turnaround and virialization epochs of a given mass shell, and declines afterwards. 97% of the z=1 subhalos have a surviving bound remnant at the present epoch. The retained mass fraction is larger for initially lighter subhalos: satellites with maximum circular velocities Vmax=10 km/s at z=1 have today about 40% of their mass back then. At the first pericenter passage a larger average mass fraction is lost than during each following orbit. Tides remove mass in substructure from the outside in, leading to higher concentrations compared to field halos of the same mass. This effect, combined with the earlier formation epoch of the inner satellites, results in strongly increasing subhalo concentrations towards the Galactic center. We present individual evolutionary tracks and present-day properties of the likely hosts of the dwarf satellites around the Milky Way. The formation histories of ``field halos'' that lie today beyond the Via Lactea host are found to strongly depend on the density of their environment. This is caused by tidal mass loss that affects many field halos on eccentric orbits.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures. Figures 6,7 and 8 corrected in this version, for details see the erratum in ApJ 679, 1680 and http://www.ucolick.org/~diemand/vl/publ/vlevolerr.pdf. Data, movies and images are available at http://www.ucolick.org/~diemand/vl

    Galactic Substructure and Dark Matter Annihilation in the Milky Way Halo

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    We study the effects of substructure on the rate of dark-matter annihilation in the Galactic halo. We use an analytic model for substructure that can extend numerical simulation results to scales too small to be resolved by the simulations. We first calibrate the analytic model to numerical simulations, and then determine the annihilation boost factor, for standard WIMP models as well as those with Sommerfeld (or other) enhancements, as a function of Galactocentric radius in the Milky Way. We provide an estimate of the dependence of the gamma-ray intensity of WIMP annihilation as a function of angular distance from the Galactic center. This methodology, coupled with future numerical simulation results can be a powerful tool that can be used to constrain WIMP properties using Fermi all-sky data.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D; added a few reference

    Carbon Ignition in Type Ia Supernovae: II. A Three-Dimensional Numerical Model

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    The thermonuclear runaway that culminates in the explosion of a Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf as a Type Ia supernova begins centuries before the star actually explodes. Here, using a 3D anelastic code, we examine numerically the convective flow during the last minute of that runaway, a time that is crucial in determining just where and how often the supernova ignites. We find that the overall convective flow is dipolar, with the higher temperature fluctuations in an outbound flow preferentially on one side of the star. Taken at face value, this suggests an asymmetric ignition that may well persist in the geometry of the final explosion. However, we also find that even a moderate amount of rotation tends to fracture this dipole flow, making ignition over a broader region more likely. Though our calculations lack the resolution to study the flow at astrophysically relevant Rayleigh numbers, we also speculate that the observed dipolar flow will become less organized as the viscosity becomes very small. Motion within the dipole flow shows evidence of turbulence, suggesting that only geometrically large fluctuations (~1 km) will persist to ignite the runaway. We also examine the probability density function for the temperature fluctuations, finding evidence for a Gaussian, rather than exponential distribution, which suggests that ignition sparks may be strongly spatially clustered.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ. A high resolution version of this paper, as well as movies, can be found at http://www.ucolick.org/~mqk/Carbo

    MEMS-based Speckle Spectrometer

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    We describe a new concept for a MEMS-based active spatial filter for astronomical spectroscopy. The goal of this device is to allow the use of a diffraction-limited spectrometer on a seeing limited observation at improved throughput over a comparable seeing-limited spectrometer, thus reducing the size and cost of the spectrometer by a factor proportional to r0/D (For the case of a 10 meter telescope this size reduction will be approximately a factor of 25 to 50). We use a fiber-based integral field unit (IFU) that incorporates an active MEMS mirror array to feed an astronomical spectrograph. A fast camera is used in parallel to sense speckle images at a spatial resolution of lambda/D and at a temporal frequency greater than that of atmospheric fluctuations. The MEMS mirror-array is used as an active shutter to feed speckle images above a preset intensity threshold to the spectrometer, thereby increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the spectrogram. Preliminary calculations suggests an SNR improvement of a factor of about 1.4. Computer simulations have shown an SNR improvement of 1.1, but have not yet fully explored the parameter space.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, 24 - 31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida US

    All-electrical time-resolved spin generation and spin manipulation in n-InGaAs

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    We demonstrate all-electrical spin generation and subsequent manipulation by two successive electric field pulses in an n-InGaAs heterostructure in a time-resolved experiment at zero external magnetic field. The first electric field pulse along the [11ˉ0][1\bar10] crystal axis creates a current induced spin polarization (CISP) which is oriented in the plane of the sample. The subsequent electric field pulse along [110] generates a perpendicular magnetic field pulse leading to a coherent precession of this spin polarization with 2-dimensional electrical control over the final spin orientation. Spin precession is probed by time-resolved Faraday rotation. We determine the build-up time of CISP during the first field pulse and extract the spin dephasing time and internal magnetic field strength during the spin manipulation pulse.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure