18 research outputs found

    Has VZV epidemiology changed in Italy? Results of a seroprevalence study

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate if and how varicella prevalence has changed in Italy. In particular a seroprevalence study was performed, comparing it to similar surveys conducted in pre-immunization era. During 2013–2014, sera obtained from blood samples taken for diagnostic purposes or routine investigations were collected in collaboration with at least one laboratory/center for each region, following the approval of the Ethics Committee. Data were stratified by sex and age. All samples were processed in a national reference laboratory by an immunoassay with high sensitivity and specificity. Statutory notifications, national hospital discharge database and mortality data related to VZV infection were analyzed as well. A total of 3707 sera were collected and tested. In the studied period both incidence and hospitalization rates decreased and about 5 deaths per year have been registered. The seroprevalence decreased in the first year of life in subjects passively protected by their mother, followed by an increase in the following age classes. The overall antibody prevalence was 84%. The comparison with surveys conducted with the same methodology in 1996–1997 and 2003–2004 showed significant differences in age groups 1–19 y. The study confirms that in Italy VZV infection typically occurs in children. The impact of varicella on Italian population is changing. The comparison between studies performed in different periods shows a significant increase of seropositivity in age class 1–4 years, expression of vaccine interventions already adopted in some regions

    La vaccinazione nel mondo ed in italia

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    Fino agli anni ’50 dello scorso secolo, la pertosse era una patologia pediatrica endemica in tutto il mondo. Lo sviluppo di vaccini prima a cellule intere (wP) e, successivamente, acellulari (Pa) che possono essere somministrati in combinazione con altri antigeni (ad es., tossoidi difterico e tetanico) ha avuto un enorme impatto sull’incidenza della pertosse e sulla mortalità infantile, indipendentemente dal tipo di vaccino impiegato e dalla schedula di immunizzazione utilizzata. Tuttavia, la durata della protezione non è illimitata, ma varia da 4 a 12 anni in seguito a vaccinazione e da 4 a 20 anni dopo l’infezione naturale

    Epidemiologia nel mondo ed in Italia

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    La pertosse è una patologia infettiva causata da Bordetella pertussis, diff usa a livello mondiale con andamento endemico, focolai epidemici ogni 3-5 anni e stagionalità estiva-autunnale. I l tasso di riproduzione di base (R0) di B. pertussis, è particolarmente alto e questo si traduce nella elevata contagiosità che caratterizza la pertosse

    Epidemiology of Neisseria meningitidis infections: case distribution by age and relevance of carriage

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    Notwithstanding different meningococcal serogroups have changed their distribution and their impact in different age classes over time, N. meningitidis' invasive diseases are a major public health issue worldwide, due to the related complications and severe sequelae. Nowadays, the highest rates of invasive disease are registered in children younger than 1 year of age, with a second lesser peak in adolescents and young adults (15-25 years of age). On the contrary, the prevalence of carriage is low in newborns and in school-age children, and increases during adolescence and young-adult age; then it decreases again in older age. N. meningitidis' infection prevalence has greatly decreased in Europe and North America thanks to the use of conjugate vaccines (MenC and MenACWY) as well as the incidence of invasive disease due to serogroup A in sub-saharian Africa after the introduction of MenAfriVac conjugate vaccine. The great success of conjugate vaccines is related not only to the direct protection from disease but also to the impact on carriage; this latter allows an indirect protection of unimmunized subjects. For these reasons, the implementation of immunization with the new generation vaccines in the age classes most impacted by disease and carriage (first year of life, adolescence and young adulthood) could permit to achieve an extraordinary decrease of the incidence of meningococcal disease

    Knowledge and behaviour of nursing students on the prevention of healthcare associated infections

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    Introduction. Hospital infections, or “healthcare associated infections” (HAI) represent the most common and serious complications of healthcare. Adoption of safe care practices able to prevent or control the transmission of infections, both in hospitals and in other healthcare settings is crucial. The aim of the study is to assess the awareness about the risk factors and the most effective measures of prevention of HAI in the University of Ferrara nursing school students, giving particular attention to the hand hygiene practices and the use of standard precautions. Methods. 339 students attending all the three years of course of the same academic year were enrolled. An anonymous questionnaire was administered in order to investigate the knowledge about three specific areas: infections associated with healthcare practices (HAI), standard precautions (SP) and hand hygiene (HH). Results. A sufficient level of knowledge by all the three groups of students was observed only in the SP area. A barely sufficient score was reached only by the third year students with regard to the proper HH. The level of knowledge about HAI was inadequate. Conclusions. A periodically check of nursing students’ knowledge would be advisable in order to fill any gaps, improve training, reduce HAI and increase prevention measures compliance

    Unilateral fixed mydriasis: an uncommon presentation of temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    5no abstract availablenonenoneTamburin S.; Turri G.; Kuhdari P.; Fiaschi A.; Manganotti P.Tamburin, S.; Turri, G.; Kuhdari, P.; Fiaschi, A.; Manganotti, Paol

    Italian immunization calendar: rationale and schedule

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    The burden of HPV-related diseases in Italy, 2001-12

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the main cause of cervical cancer and plays a relevant role in the development of genital warts and of the cancer of penis and anus, head/neck, oropharynx and genitourinary system. The aim of this study is the evaluation of hospitalizations due to HPV-related pathologies in 2001-12 in Italy


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    La vaccinazione degli operatori sanitari (OS), sebbene non raggiunga attualmente coperture ottimali, è una misura efficace per la prevenzione delle malattie trasmissibili non soltanto per la protezione dell’operatore dal rischio professionale ma anche dei pazienti, che potrebbero acquisire l’infezione nella struttura sanitaria. Con questo studio si è analizzato lo stato immunitario dei medici in formazione specialistica (MFS) al momento dell’ingresso nelle scuole di specializzazione afferenti all’Università degli Studi di Ferrara


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    Gli infortuni da rischio biologico (IRB) costituiscono un pericolo occupazionale per tutte le figure professionali che praticano attività assistenziali. Le patologie maggiormente coinvolte sono quelle a trasmissione parenterale come l’epatite B (e, quindi, l’epatite D), l’epatite C e l’HIV. Nonostante gli IRB siano stati ampiamente studiati nel personale sanitario, sono limitati gli studi specifici che riguardano i medici in formazione specialistica (MFS). Lo scopo di questo studio è indagare le principali caratteristiche degli infortuni biologici dei MFS afferenti all’Università degli Studi di Ferrara