315 research outputs found

    Two- and three-point Green's functions in two-dimensional Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory

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    The ghost and gluon propagator and the ghost-gluon and three-gluon vertex of two-dimensional SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in (minimal) Landau gauge are studied using lattice gauge theory. It is found that the results are qualitatively similar to the ones in three and four dimensions. The propagators and the Faddeev-Popov operator behave as expected from the Gribov-Zwanziger scenario. In addition, finite volume effects affecting these Green's functions are investigated systematically. The critical infrared exponents of the propagators, as proposed in calculations using stochastic quantization and Dyson-Schwinger equations, are confirmed quantitatively. For this purpose lattices of volume up to (42.7 fm)^2 have been used.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, references adde

    Nontriviality of Gauge-Higgs-Yukawa System and Renormalizability of Gauged NJL Model

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    In the leading order of a modified 1/Nc expansion, we show that a class of gauge-Higgs-Yukawa systems in four dimensions give non-trivial and well-defined theories in the continuum limit. The renormalized Yukawa coupling y and the quartic scalar coupling \lambda have to lie on a certain line in the (y,\lambda) plane and the line terminates at an upper bound. The gauged Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model in the limit of its ultraviolet cutoff going to infinity, is shown to become equivalent to the gauge-Higgs-Yukawa system with the coupling constants just on that terminating point. This proves the renormalizability of the gauged NJL model in four dimensions. The effective potential for the gauged NJL model is calculated by using renormalization group technique and confirmed to be consistent with the previous result by Kondo, Tanabashi and Yamawaki obtained by the ladder Schwinger-Dyson equation.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, 3 Postscript Figures are included as uuencoded files (need `epsf.tex'), KUNS-1278, HE(TH) 94/10 / NIIG-DP-94-2. (Several corrections in the introduction and references.

    Infrared properties of propagators in Landau-gauge pure Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature

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    The finite-temperature behavior of gluon and of Faddeev-Popov-ghost propagators is investigated for pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in Landau gauge. We present nonperturbative results, obtained using lattice simulations and Dyson-Schwinger equations. Possible limitations of these two approaches, such as finite-volume effects and truncation artifacts, are extensively discussed. Both methods suggest a very different temperature dependence for the magnetic sector when compared to the electric one. In particular, a clear thermodynamic transition seems to affect only the electric sector. These results imply in particular the confinement of transverse gluons at all temperatures and they can be understood inside the framework of the so-called Gribov-Zwanziger scenario of confinement.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, minor changes of typographical and design character, some minor errors corrected, version to appear in PR

    SUSY flavor structure of generic 5D supergravity models

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    We perform a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the SUSY flavor structure of generic 5D supergravity models on S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 with multiple Z2Z_2-odd vector multiplets that generate multiple moduli. The SUSY flavor problem can be avoided due to contact terms in the 4D effective K\"ahler potential peculiar to the multi-moduli case. A detailed phenomenological analysis is provided based on an illustrative model.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures, Sec.4 is modifie

    Quantum Fields a la Sylvester and Witt

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    A structural explanation of the coupling constants in the standard model, i.e the fine structure constant and the Weinberg angle, and of the gauge fixing contributions is given in terms of symmetries and representation theory. The coupling constants are normalizations of Lorentz invariantly embedded little groups (spin and polarization) arising in a harmonic analysis of quantum vector fields. It is shown that the harmonic analysis of massless fields requires an extension of the familiar Fourier decomposition, containing also indefinite unitary nondecomposable time representations. This is illustrated by the nonprobabilistic contributions in the electromagnetic field.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX file (62 kB), all macros are include

    Gauged U(1)RU(1)_R Symmetries and Fayet-Iliopoulos Terms in 5D Orbifold Supergravity

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    We discuss a gauged U(1)RU(1)_R supergravity on five-dimensional (5D) orbifold (S1/Z2S^1/Z_2) in which both a Z2Z_2-even U(1) gauge field and the Z2Z_2-odd graviphoton take part in the U(1)RU(1)_R gauging. Based on the off-shell formulation of 5D supergravity, we analyze the structure of Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) terms allowed in such model. Introducing a Z2Z_2-even U(1)RU(1)_R gauge field accompanies new bulk and boundary FI terms in addition to the known integrable boundary FI term which could be present in the absence of any gauged U(1)RU(1)_R symmetry. Some physical consequences of these new FI terms are examined.Comment: 1+17 pages, 9 figures, typeset in JHEP styl

    The anomalous dimension of the composite operator A^2 in the Landau gauge

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    The local composite operator A^2 is analysed in pure Yang-Mills theory in the Landau gauge within the algebraic renormalization. It is proven that the anomalous dimension of A^2 is not an independent parameter, being expressed as a linear combination of the gauge beta function and of the anomalous dimension of the gauge fields.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, final version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Geometrically Induced Gauge Structure on Manifolds Embedded in a Higher Dimensional Space

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    We explain in a context different from that of Maraner the formalism for describing motion of a particle, under the influence of a confining potential, in a neighbourhood of an n-dimensional curved manifold M^n embedded in a p-dimensional Euclidean space R^p with p >= n+2. The effective Hamiltonian on M^n has a (generally non-Abelian) gauge structure determined by geometry of M^n. Such a gauge term is defined in terms of the vectors normal to M^n, and its connection is called the N-connection. In order to see the global effect of this type of connections, the case of M^1 embedded in R^3 is examined, where the relation of an integral of the gauge potential of the N-connection (i.e., the torsion) along a path in M^1 to the Berry's phase is given through Gauss mapping of the vector tangent to M^1. Through the same mapping in the case of M^1 embedded in R^p, where the normal and the tangent quantities are exchanged, the relation of the N-connection to the induced gauge potential on the (p-1)-dimensional sphere S^{p-1} (p >= 3) found by Ohnuki and Kitakado is concretely established. Further, this latter which has the monopole-like structure is also proved to be gauge-equivalent to the spin-connection of S^{p-1}. Finally, by extending formally the fundamental equations for M^n to infinite dimensional case, the present formalism is applied to the field theory that admits a soliton solution. The resultant expression is in some respects different from that of Gervais and Jevicki.Comment: 52 pages, PHYZZX. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Massive gravity as a quantum gauge theory

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    We present a new point of view on the quantization of the massive gravitational field, namely we use exclusively the quantum framework of the second quantization. The Hilbert space of the many-gravitons system is a Fock space F+(Hgraviton){\cal F}^{+}({\sf H}_{\rm graviton}) where the one-particle Hilbert space Hgraviton{\sf H}_{graviton} carries the direct sum of two unitary irreducible representations of the Poincar\'e group corresponding to two particles of mass m>0m > 0 and spins 2 and 0, respectively. This Hilbert space is canonically isomorphic to a space of the type Ker(Q)/Im(Q)Ker(Q)/Im(Q) where QQ is a gauge charge defined in an extension of the Hilbert space Hgraviton{\cal H}_{\rm graviton} generated by the gravitational field hμνh_{\mu\nu} and some ghosts fields uμ,u~μu_{\mu}, \tilde{u}_{\mu} (which are vector Fermi fields) and vμv_{\mu} (which are vector field Bose fields.) Then we study the self interaction of massive gravity in the causal framework. We obtain a solution which goes smoothly to the zero-mass solution of linear quantum gravity up to a term depending on the bosonic ghost field. This solution depends on two real constants as it should be; these constants are related to the gravitational constant and the cosmological constant. In the second order of the perturbation theory we do not need a Higgs field, in sharp contrast to Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 35 pages, no figur

    Embedding of the Bosonic String into the W3W_3 String

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    We investigate new realisations of the W3W_3 algebra with arbitrary central charge, making use of the fact that this algebra can be linearised by the inclusion of a spin-1 current. We use the new realisations with c=102c=102 and c=100c=100 to build non-critical and critical W3W_3 BRST operators. Both of these can be converted by local canonical transformations into a BRST operator for the Virasoro string with c=282c=28-2, together with a Kugo-Ojima topological term. Consequently, these new realisations provide embeddings of the Virasoro string into non-critical and critical W3W_3 strings.Comment: 11 pages. (Some referencing changes