178 research outputs found

    Impact of the Wall Conditioning Program on Plasma Performance in NSTX

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    High performance operating regimes have been achieved on NSTX (National Spherical Torus Experiment) through impurity control and wall-conditioning techniques. These techniques include HeGDC-aided boronization using deuterated trimethylboron, inter-discharge HeGDC, 350 C PFC bake-out followed by D2 and HeGDC, and experiments to test fueling discharges with either a He-trimethylboron mixture or pure trimethylboron. The impact of this impurity and density control program on recent advances in NSTX plasma performance is discussed

    Identification of Ischemic Regions in a Rat Model of Stroke

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    Investigations following stroke first of all require information about the spatio-temporal dimension of the ischemic core as well as of perilesional and remote affected tissue. Here we systematically evaluated regions differently impaired by focal ischemia.Wistar rats underwent a transient 30 or 120 min suture-occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO) followed by various reperfusion times (2 h, 1 d, 7 d, 30 d) or a permanent MCAO (1 d survival). Brains were characterized by TTC, thionine, and immunohistochemistry using MAP2, HSP72, and HSP27. TTC staining reliably identifies the infarct core at 1 d of reperfusion after 30 min MCAO and at all investigated times following 120 min and permanent MCAO. Nissl histology denotes the infarct core from 2 h up to 30 d after transient as well as permanent MCAO. Absent and attenuated MAP2 staining clearly identifies the infarct core and perilesional affected regions at all investigated times, respectively. HSP72 denotes perilesional areas in a limited post-ischemic time (1 d). HSP27 detects perilesional and remote impaired tissue from post-ischemic day 1 on. Furthermore a simultaneous expression of HSP72 and HSP27 in perilesional neurons was revealed.TTC and Nissl staining can be applied to designate the infarct core. MAP2, HSP72, and HSP27 are excellent markers not only to identify perilesional and remote areas but also to discriminate affected neuronal and glial populations. Moreover markers vary in their confinement to different reperfusion times. The extent and consistency of infarcts increase with prolonged occlusion of the MCA. Therefore interindividual infarct dimension should be precisely assessed by the combined use of different markers as described in this study

    Vibrio cholerae Proteome-Wide Screen for Immunostimulatory Proteins Identifies Phosphatidylserine Decarboxylase as a Novel Toll-Like Receptor 4 Agonist

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    Recognition of conserved bacterial components provides immediate and efficient immune responses and plays a critical role in triggering antigen-specific adaptive immunity. To date, most microbial components that are detected by host innate immune system are non-proteinaceous structural components. In order to identify novel bacterial immunostimulatory proteins, we developed a new high-throughput approach called “EPSIA”, Expressed Protein Screen for Immune Activators. Out of 3,882 Vibrio cholerae proteins, we identified phosphatidylserine decarboxylase (PSD) as a conserved bacterial protein capable of activating host innate immunity. PSD in concentrations as low as 100 ng/ml stimulated RAW264.7 murine macrophage cells and primary peritoneal macrophage cells to secrete TNFα and IL-6, respectively. PSD-induced proinflammatory response was dependent on the presence of MyD88, a known adaptor molecule for innate immune response. An enzymatically inactive PSD mutant and heat-inactivated PSD induced ∼40% and ∼15% of IL-6 production compared to that by native PSD, respectively. This suggests that PSD induces the production of IL-6, in part, via its enzymatic activity. Subsequent receptor screening determined TLR4 as a receptor mediating the PSD-induced proinflammatory response. Moreover, no detectable IL-6 was produced in TLR4-deficient mouse macrophages by PSD. PSD also exhibited a strong adjuvant activity against a co-administered antigen, BSA. Anti-BSA response was decreased in TLR4-deficient mice immunized with BSA in combination with PSD, further proving the role of TLR4 in PSD signaling in vivo. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the identification of V. cholerae PSD as a novel TLR4 agonist and further demonstrate the potential application of PSD as a vaccine adjuvant

    Regulation of base excision repair: Ntg1 nuclear and mitochondrial dynamic localization in response to genotoxic stress

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    Numerous human pathologies result from unrepaired oxidative DNA damage. Base excision repair (BER) is responsible for the repair of oxidative DNA damage that occurs in both nuclei and mitochondria. Despite the importance of BER in maintaining genomic stability, knowledge concerning the regulation of this evolutionarily conserved repair pathway is almost nonexistent. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae BER protein, Ntg1, relocalizes to organelles containing elevated oxidative DNA damage, indicating a novel mechanism of regulation for BER. We propose that dynamic localization of BER proteins is modulated by constituents of stress response pathways. In an effort to mechanistically define these regulatory components, the elements necessary for nuclear and mitochondrial localization of Ntg1 were identified, including a bipartite classical nuclear localization signal, a mitochondrial matrix targeting sequence and the classical nuclear protein import machinery. Our results define a major regulatory system for BER which when compromised, confers a mutator phenotype and sensitizes cells to the cytotoxic effects of DNA damage

    Full-length structural model of RET3 and SEC21 in COPI: identification of binding sites on the appendage for accessory protein recruitment motifs

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    COPI, a 600 kD heptameric complex (consisting of subunits α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ, and β′) “coatomer,” assembles non-clathrin-coated vesicles and is responsible for intra-Golgi and Golgi-to-ER protein trafficking. Here, we report the three-dimensional structures of the entire sequences of yeast Sec21 (γ-COPI mammalian ortholog), yeast Ret3 (ζ-COPI mammalian ortholog), and the results of successive molecular dynamics investigations of the subunits and assembly based on a protein–protein docking experiment. The three-dimensional structures of the subunits in their complexes indicate the residues of the two subunits that impact on assembly, the conformations of Ret3 and Sec21, and their binding orientations in the complexed state. The structure of the appendage domain of Sec21, with its two subdomains—the platform and the β-sandwich, was investigated to explore its capacity to bind to accessory protein recruitment motifs. Our study shows that a binding site on the platform is capable of binding the Eps15 DPF and epsin DPW2 peptides, whereas the second site on the platform and the site on the β-sandwich subdomain were found to selectively bind to the amphiphysin FXDXF and epsin DPW1 peptides, respectively. Identifying the regions of both the platform and sandwich subdomains involved in binding each peptide motif clarifies the mechanism through which the appendage domain of Sec21 engages with the accessory proteins during the trafficking process of non-clathrin-coated vesicles

    Animal models of focal brain ischemia

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    Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death in many countries. Understanding the pathophysiology of ischemic injury and developing therapies is an important endeavor that requires much additional research. Animal stroke models provide an important mechanism for these activities. A large number of stroke models have been developed and are currently used in laboratories around the world. These models are overviewed as are approaches for measuring infarct size and functional outcome

    The Discovery of LOX-1, its Ligands and Clinical Significance

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    LOX-1 is an endothelial receptor for oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), a key molecule in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.The basal expression of LOX-1 is low but highly induced under the influence of proinflammatory and prooxidative stimuli in vascular endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, macrophages, platelets and cardiomyocytes. Multiple lines of in vitro and in vivo studies have provided compelling evidence that LOX-1 promotes endothelial dysfunction and atherogenesis induced by oxLDL. The roles of LOX-1 in the development of atherosclerosis, however, are not simple as it had been considered. Evidence has been accumulating that LOX-1 recognizes not only oxLDL but other atherogenic lipoproteins, platelets, leukocytes and CRP. As results, LOX-1 not only mediates endothelial dysfunction but contributes to atherosclerotic plaque formation, thrombogenesis, leukocyte infiltration and myocardial infarction, which determine mortality and morbidity from atherosclerosis. Moreover, our recent epidemiological study has highlighted the involvement of LOX-1 in human cardiovascular diseases. Further understandings of LOX-1 and its ligands as well as its versatile functions will direct us to ways to find novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to cardiovascular disease

    Phosphatidylserine targeting for diagnosis and treatment of human diseases

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    Cells are able to execute apoptosis by activating series of specific biochemical reactions. One of the most prominent characteristics of cell death is the externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS), which in healthy cells resides predominantly in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. These features have made PS-externalization a well-explored phenomenon to image cell death for diagnostic purposes. In addition, it was demonstrated that under certain conditions viable cells express PS at their surface such as endothelial cells of tumor blood vessels, stressed tumor cells and hypoxic cardiomyocytes. Hence, PS has become a potential target for therapeutic strategies aiming at Targeted Drug Delivery. In this review we highlight the biomarker PS and various PS-binding compounds that have been employed to target PS for diagnostic purposes. We emphasize the 35 kD human protein annexin A5, that has been developed as a Molecular Imaging agent to measure cell death in vitro, and non-invasively in vivo in animal models and in patients with cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Recently focus has shifted from diagnostic towards therapeutic applications employing annexin A5 in strategies to deliver drugs to cells that express PS at their surface