375 research outputs found

    Dance at Western: Studies in Motion

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    Towards whole-body systems physiology

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    The low cost production imperative and foreign direct investment decision by small and medium sized enterprises

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    Global production shifts in the form of foreign direct investments are reshaping the economic map: one of the outcomes is today’s global production system. The firms in focus are confronted with the effects of the reshaped economic map, especially with the differences in production conditions of nations. The new situation, which has emerged, is summarised by the term ‘low cost production imperative’. Consequently, the purpose of this dissertation is to empirically explore the notion of the ‘low cost production imperative’; and to investigate the implications and consequences of the low cost production imperative for internationalisation decision-making. Scholars of academic studies summarise that fairly little is known about companies’ foreign direct investment decision-making processes and the combination of the determinants with location-specific variables with the strategic motivation of the investing firm. It is assumed even more rarely, that investigations combine the knowledge based on which firms identify important location-specific variables under an enforcing strategic motive and then have to decide a location choice in a low cost operation area. The research is carried out with the eventual aim of generating theory and producing insights into the strategic management practices of the firms in focus and their position in relation to uncertainty, predictability, and preparedness for the outcome of their decision-making related to the phenomenon. The methodological conduct of this inquiry is framed within the qualitative paradigm. The methodological contribution lies in the combination of applied methodologies and modus operandi so that a rich and holistic insight into the phenomenon will be achieved. The research results show a rich variety in outcomes and details from the cases regarding their examination with the determinants important for a successful foreign direct investment. It is evident in all the cases that decision makers behave according to different rules than those assumed much of in the international business literature. Further, the phenomenon is identified as a serious outside force that causes firms to consider a decision to look abroad or more detailed, to look for efficiency in distant regions. This dissertation identifies details of mentioned aspects and calls for applications in future research in international business


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    ABSTRACT: In this narrative inquiry, first-wave baby boomers (six males and six females born between 1946 and 1955) reflected on their lives and envisioned living into old age. While literature has focused on trends in baby boomer spirituality, issues of aging, and spiritual needs and tasks among elders, this study listened for “spiritual resources.” Initially defined broadly as that which has sustained a person throughout their life and will sustain them in the future, spiritual resources came to be understood as those things, both internal and external, that address deep human need for such spiritual values as love, hope, peace, and joy. Through open-ended interviews, participants’ reflections revealed the spiritual resources they have accessed and built up throughout life, and induced wonderings about future resources. One important finding was that first-wave boomers appreciate conversation about spiritual resources, as they grow older. Having been raised in the church, participants in this study reflected on the evolution of their traditional spiritual resources, including scripture reading, prayer, music and spiritual leadership, as well as their openness to explore, learn and embrace diversity in spirituality. For many, faith, rooted in both belief and experience, is a sustaining resource. The themes of “Self,” “Someone,” and “Space” frame these boomers’ further reflections on what has sustained and will sustain them. Both participants and the researcher suggest adaptive considerations for spiritual care in long-term care. The findings of this study help define what is meant by “spiritual resources,” encourage further conversation among baby boomers, and inform spiritual care

    Large-scale (13)C-flux analysis reveals mechanistic principles of metabolic network robustness to null mutations in yeast

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    BACKGROUND: Quantification of intracellular metabolite fluxes by (13)C-tracer experiments is maturing into a routine higher-throughput analysis. The question now arises as to which mutants should be analyzed. Here we identify key experiments in a systems biology approach with a genome-scale model of Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism, thereby reducing the workload for experimental network analyses and functional genomics. RESULTS: Genome-scale (13)C flux analysis revealed that about half of the 745 biochemical reactions were active during growth on glucose, but that alternative pathways exist for only 51 gene-encoded reactions with significant flux. These flexible reactions identified in silico are key targets for experimental flux analysis, and we present the first large-scale metabolic flux data for yeast, covering half of these mutants during growth on glucose. The metabolic lesions were often counteracted by flux rerouting, but knockout of cofactor-dependent reactions, as in the adh1, ald6, cox5A, fum1, mdh1, pda1, and zwf1 mutations, caused flux responses in more distant parts of the network. By integrating computational analyses, flux data, and physiological phenotypes of all mutants in active reactions, we quantified the relative importance of 'genetic buffering' through alternative pathways and network redundancy through duplicate genes for genetic robustness of the network. CONCLUSIONS: The apparent dispensability of knockout mutants with metabolic function is explained by gene inactivity under a particular condition in about half of the cases. For the remaining 207 viable mutants of active reactions, network redundancy through duplicate genes was the major (75%) and alternative pathways the minor (25%) molecular mechanism of genetic network robustness in S. cerevisiae

    Abhaengigkeit der kritischen Stromdichte von der Vorgeschichte des Magnetfeldes und der Temperatur

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    A divide-and-conquer approach to analyze underdetermined biochemical models

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    Motivation: To obtain meaningful predictions from dynamic computational models, their uncertain parameter values need to be estimated from experimental data. Due to the usually large number of parameters compared to the available measurement data, these estimation problems are often underdetermined meaning that the solution is a multidimensional space. In this case, the challenge is yet to obtain a sound system understanding despite non-identifiable parameter values, e.g. through identifying those parameters that most sensitively determine the model’s behavior. Results: Here, we present the so-called divide-and-conquer approach—a strategy to analyze underdetermined biochemical models. The approach draws on steady state omics measurement data and exploits a decomposition of the global estimation problem into independent subproblems. The solutions to these subproblems are joined to the complete space of global optima, which can be easily analyzed. We derive the conditions at which the decomposition occurs, outline strategies to fulfill these conditions and—using an example model—illustrate how the approach uncovers the most important parameters and suggests targeted experiments without knowing the exact parameter values.

    Health System Factors Associated With Correct use of Artemether-Lumefantrine for Management of Uncomplicated Malaria in Rural Tanzania

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    Poor adherence to and inappropriate use of antimalarials leads to ineffective cure and promote development of drug resistance. We assessed quality of malaria case management in two areas with health and demographic surveillance systems in rural Tanzania to ascertain health worker and facility factors that influence correct prescription and correct dosing of an artemisinin based combination therapy (ACT); Artemether-Lumefantrine (ALu). Exit interviews were conducted to all patients attending for initial illness consultation at health facilities. We collected information about health worker’s training, supervision visits and inventoried facility capacity and availability of medical products related to care of malaria patients. Data were double entered in EPI data and analyzed in STATA version 10 We used logistic regression to assess association of different health system factors to correct use of ALu. The outcomes variables were correct treatment, correct dosing and receiving counselling messages, and the predictors were a range of health worker, health facility and patient factors. Total of 1471 patients were included in this analysis. Majority of patients were seen in dispensaries 70.5 %; (95% confidence interval (95%CI): 57.6-80.8) and in public health facilities 80.2% (95%CI: 72.4-86.1). Work experience seems to be a significant predictor of health workers’ compliance to treatment recommendation. Availability of medical products at health facility and patient characteristics are shown to influence correct use of treatment recommendations. The need to develop targeted interventions to address health system bottlenecks that affect quality of care; such as in-availability of medical products is becoming more apparent