1,164 research outputs found

    Rapid-response, light-exposure control system

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    Rapid-response electro-optical, light exposure control system, will maintain the light reaching a camera film or other light-sensitive detector at essentially constant level, despite wide variations in the brightness of the light source. The system permits detailed photographic or photoelectric recording of the phenomenon over a range of brightnesses

    Decoherence of Quantum-Enhanced Timing Accuracy

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    Quantum enhancement of optical pulse timing accuracy is investigated in the Heisenberg picture. Effects of optical loss, group-velocity dispersion, and Kerr nonlinearity on the position and momentum of an optical pulse are studied via Heisenberg equations of motion. Using the developed formalism, the impact of decoherence by optical loss on the use of adiabatic soliton control for beating the timing standard quantum limit [Tsang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 023902 (2006)] is analyzed theoretically and numerically. The analysis shows that an appreciable enhancement can be achieved using current technology, despite an increase in timing jitter mainly due to the Gordon-Haus effect. The decoherence effect of optical loss on the transmission of quantum-enhanced timing information is also studied, in order to identify situations in which the enhancement is able to survive.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Dynamics of relativistic solitons

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    Relativistic solitons are self-trapped, finite size, electromagnetic waves of relativistic intensity that propagate without diffraction spreading. They have been predicted theoretically within the relativistic fluid approximation, and have been observed in multi-dimensional particle in cell simulations of laser pulse interaction with the plasma. Solitons were observed in the laser irradiated plasmas with the proton imaging technique as well. This paper reviews many theoretical results on relativistic solitons in electron-ion plasmas.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Minimizing employee resistance to computerized technological change

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    Productive change in America\u27s schools is due to the efforts of individual teachers. Recent research on effective and ineffective schools identifies the individual teacher as the key to quality learning. If one assumes that the individual teacher is the catalyst for the creation of an effective learning environment, a support system should be built to encourage teachers in their efforts, Sybouts and Stevens (1986)

    Comparative phylogenomic analyses of teleost fish Hox gene clusters: lessons from the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Teleost fish have seven paralogous clusters of Hox genes stemming from two complete genome duplications early in vertebrate evolution, and an additional genome duplication during the evolution of ray-finned fish, followed by the secondary loss of one cluster. Gene duplications on the one hand, and the evolution of regulatory sequences on the other, are thought to be among the most important mechanisms for the evolution of new gene functions. Cichlid fish, the largest family of vertebrates with about 2500 species, are famous examples of speciation and morphological diversity. Since this diversity could be based on regulatory changes, we chose to study the coding as well as putative regulatory regions of their Hox clusters within a comparative genomic framework.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We sequenced and characterized all seven Hox clusters of <it>Astatotilapia burtoni</it>, a haplochromine cichlid fish. Comparative analyses with data from other teleost fish such as zebrafish, two species of pufferfish, stickleback and medaka were performed. We traced losses of genes and microRNAs of Hox clusters, the medaka lineage seems to have lost more microRNAs than the other fish lineages. We found that each teleost genome studied so far has a unique set of Hox genes. The <it>hoxb7a </it>gene was lost independently several times during teleost evolution, the most recent event being within the radiation of East African cichlid fish. The conserved non-coding sequences (CNS) encompass a surprisingly large part of the clusters, especially in the HoxAa, HoxCa, and HoxDa clusters. Across all clusters, we observe a trend towards an increased content of CNS towards the anterior end.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The gene content of Hox clusters in teleost fishes is more variable than expected, with each species studied so far having a different set. Although the highest loss rate of Hox genes occurred immediately after whole genome duplications, our analyses showed that gene loss continued and is still ongoing in all teleost lineages. Along with the gene content, the CNS content also varies across clusters. The excess of CNS at the anterior end of clusters could imply a stronger conservation of anterior expression patters than those towards more posterior areas of the embryo.</p

    A novel method for bone fatigue monitoring and prediction

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    Bone fatigue, often manifest as stress fractures, is a common injury that plagues many individuals, adversely affect quality of life, and is an obstacle to extended human spaceflight. This manuscript details a pilot study that was conducted to determine if the Phase Space Warping (PSW) methodology could be used to monitor/predict fatigue failure in bone tissue. A Moon\u27s beam experimental apparatus was used to perform variable amplitude fatigue tests on bovine bone specimens. Scanning electron microscopy was used to evaluate the fracture surface and identify the fracture type. The PSW method allowed for successful identification of the various damage modes and may lead to the development of a viable tool for predicting the health and fatigue life of bone

    Worksite Health Promotion in Six Varied US Sites: Beta Testing as a Needed Translational Step

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    Background. Dissemination of health promotion interventions generally has followed an efficacy, effectiveness to full scale paradigm, and most programs have failed to traverse that sequence. Objective. Report national dissemination of a health promotion program and juxtapose sequential case study observations with the current technology transfer literature. Design. Multiple department-level case studies using contact logs, transcribed interactions, augmented with field notes and validated by respondent review; at least two investigators independently generated site summaries, which were compared to formulate a final report. Results. Adoption was facilitated with national partners and designing branded materials. Critical site influences included departmental features, local champions, and liaison relationships. Achieving distal reach and fidelity required sequential process and program revisions based on new findings at each site. Conclusions. Beta testing to redesign program elements and modify process steps appears to be a needed and often ignored translational step between efficacy and more widespread dissemination

    The complete plastid genome sequence of Welwitschia mirabilis: an unusually compact plastome with accelerated divergence rates

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    Background Welwitschia mirabilis is the only extant member of the family Welwitschiaceae, one of three lineages of gnetophytes, an enigmatic group of gymnosperms variously allied with flowering plants or conifers. Limited sequence data and rapid divergence rates have precluded consensus on the evolutionary placement of gnetophytes based on molecular characters. Here we report on the first complete gnetophyte chloroplast genome sequence, from Welwitschia mirabilis, as well as analyses on divergence rates of protein-coding genes, comparisons of gene content and order, and phylogenetic implications. Results The chloroplast genome of Welwitschia mirabilis [GenBank: EU342371] is comprised of 119,726 base pairs and exhibits large and small single copy regions and two copies of the large inverted repeat (IR). Only 101 unique gene species are encoded. The Welwitschia plastome is the most compact photosynthetic land plant plastome sequenced to date; 66% of the sequence codes for product. The genome also exhibits a slightly expanded IR, a minimum of 9 inversions that modify gene order, and 19 genes that are lost or present as pseudogenes. Phylogenetic analyses, including one representative of each extant seed plant lineage and based on 57 concatenated protein-coding sequences, place Welwitschia at the base of all seed plants (distance, maximum parsimony) or as the sister to Pinus (the only conifer representative) in a monophyletic gymnosperm clade (maximum likelihood, bayesian). Relative rate tests on these gene sequences show the Welwitschia sequences to be evolving at faster rates than other seed plants. For these genes individually, a comparison of average pairwise distances indicates that relative divergence in Welwitschia ranges from amounts about equal to other seed plants to amounts almost three times greater than the average for non-gnetophyte seed plants. Conclusion Although the basic organization of the Welwitschia plastome is typical, its compactness, gene content and high nucleotide divergence rates are atypical. The current lack of additional conifer plastome sequences precludes any discrimination between the gnetifer and gnepine hypotheses of seed plant relationships. However, both phylogenetic analyses and shared genome features identified here are consistent with either of the hypotheses that link gnetophytes with conifers, but are inconsistent with the anthophyte hypothesis