759 research outputs found

    Influence of preslaughter stress on poultry meat

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    In the present article the authors consider the importance of issue of the poultry meat quality. The increasing demand for poultry meat provides for the rapid growth of industrial stock of poultry, which contributes to appearance of meat with various defects in muscle tissue: PSE meat, that features low pH, pale color, soft and watery texture, and DFD meat — it is more dense and drier, of dark saturated color. Till now, the causes and mechanisms of appearance of those anomalies still haven’t been unambiguously formulated, however, a large number of publications prove the influence of the genetic characteristics of modern crosses of broilers and turkeys on disturbances in Ca2+ metabolism process in the sarcoplasm of muscle fibers. The uncontrolled release of calcium along with the high temperature of slaughtered poultry carcasses immediately after slaughter provokes an intense decrease in pH and launches denaturation processes in proteins. The numerous studies have shown deterioration in functional and technological properties of meat in stress-sensitive poultry, such as moisture-binding capacity and high acidity, which increases loss of meat juice during its storage and its weight during heat treatment. Recent publications have been devoted to development of a strategy for use of PSE poultry meat and search for efficient processing of PSE poultry meat, since the scientific community does not provide direct evidence on possibility of genetic adjustment of the poultry in order to exclude the occurrence of PSE quality of meat.In the present article the authors consider the importance of issue of the poultry meat quality. The increasing demand for poultry meat provides for the rapid growth of industrial stock of poultry, which contributes to appearance of meat with various defects in muscle tissue: PSE meat, that features low pH, pale color, soft and watery texture, and DFD meat — it is more dense and drier, of dark saturated color. Till now, the causes and mechanisms of appearance of those anomalies still haven’t been unambiguously formulated, however, a large number of publications prove the influence of the genetic characteristics of modern crosses of broilers and turkeys on disturbances in Ca2+ metabolism process in the sarcoplasm of muscle fibers. The uncontrolled release of calcium along with the high temperature of slaughtered poultry carcasses immediately after slaughter provokes an intense decrease in pH and launches denaturation processes in proteins. The numerous studies have shown deterioration in functional and technological properties of meat in stress-sensitive poultry, such as moisture-binding capacity and high acidity, which increases loss of meat juice during its storage and its weight during heat treatment. Recent publications have been devoted to development of a strategy for use of PSE poultry meat and search for efficient processing of PSE poultry meat, since the scientific community does not provide direct evidence on possibility of genetic adjustment of the poultry in order to exclude the occurrence of PSE quality of meat

    Water-holding and water-holding capacity of meat and methods of its determination

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    The considered topic is of great interest for researchers and practitioners engaged in the development of technology and the production of meat food. In the review, the authors focus on theoretical aspects of the meat capacity to bind and hold water. The characteristic of the forms and strength of the water-to-meat bonds is given. The influence of the structural elements of muscle tissue on the meat capacity to bind and hold water is shown. The different opinions of the specialists are given in regard to the terms “water-binding” (WBC) and “water-holding” (WHC) capacity of meat, and the authors of this research expressed their own opinion. Basing on the analysis of publications, a characteristic is given to forms of water-to-meat bonds strength from the point of view of technological practice: there is tightly bound water, loosely bound available water (immobilized), and loosely bound excessive water (free). The article summarizes the material on the methods of determination of water-holding (water-binding) capacity of meat. It is shown that up to date there is no unequivocal answer about the choice of WHC determination method. To define WHC, it is recommended to subtract the WBC value obtained by one of the gravimetric methods from the value of the indicator obtained by one of the methods of external pressure. This problem requires further research, discussion of issues and methods for determination of water-holding capacity.The considered topic is of great interest for researchers and practitioners engaged in the development of technology and the production of meat food. In the review, the authors focus on theoretical aspects of the meat capacity to bind and hold water. The characteristic of the forms and strength of the water-to-meat bonds is given. The influence of the structural elements of muscle tissue on the meat capacity to bind and hold water is shown. The different opinions of the specialists are given in regard to the terms “water-binding” (WBC) and “water-holding” (WHC) capacity of meat, and the authors of this research expressed their own opinion. Basing on the analysis of publications, a characteristic is given to forms of water-to-meat bonds strength from the point of view of technological practice: there is tightly bound water, loosely bound available water (immobilized), and loosely bound excessive water (free). The article summarizes the material on the methods of determination of water-holding (water-binding) capacity of meat. It is shown that up to date there is no unequivocal answer about the choice of WHC determination method. To define WHC, it is recommended to subtract the WBC value obtained by one of the gravimetric methods from the value of the indicator obtained by one of the methods of external pressure. This problem requires further research, discussion of issues and methods for determination of water-holding capacity

    Submicrosecond Dynamics of Water Explosive Boiling and Lift-Off from Laser-Heated Silicon Surfaces

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    Explosive boiling and lift-off of a thin layer of micron-sized transparent water droplets from an absorbing Si substrate heated by a nanosecond KrF laser were studied using a contact photoacoustic technique. The compressive photoacoustic response increases steeply to an asymptotic value on the order of the water critical pressure starting at a threshold laser fluence of 0.20 J cm2, where lift-off of the water layer also occurs. Above this threshold, several reproducible discrete multimegahertz components are revealed in Fourier spectra of the acoustic transients, corresponding to nanosecond oscillations of steam bubbles inside the water droplets on the microsecond time scale of the lift-off process. The acoustic pressure buildup, bubble dynamics, and the subsequent lift-off of the thin water layer are interpreted as relaxation stages after near-spinodal explosive boiling of the superheated interfacial water. © 2006 American Institute of Physics

    On elliptic solutions of the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    The Conte-Musette method has been modified for the search of only elliptic solutions to systems of differential equations. A key idea of this a priory restriction is to simplify calculations by means of the use of a few Laurent series solutions instead of one and the use of the residue theorem. The application of our approach to the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE5) allows to find elliptic solutions in the wave form. We also find restrictions on coefficients, which are necessary conditions for the existence of elliptic solutions for the CGLE5. Using the investigation of the CGLE5 as an example, we demonstrate that to find elliptic solutions the analysis of a system of differential equations is more preferable than the analysis of the equivalent single differential equation.Comment: LaTeX, 21 page

    Near-Field Thermal Radiative Transfer and Thermoacoustic Effects from Vapor Plumes Produced by Pulsed CO/sub 2 /Laser Ablation of Bulk Water

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    Submillimeter deep heating of bulk water by thermal radiation from ablative water plumes produced by a 10.6 μm transversely excited atmospheric C O2 laser and the related acoustic generation has been studied using a contact time-resolved photoacoustic technique. Effective penetration depths of thermal radiation in water were measured as a function of incident laser fluence and the corresponding plume temperatures were estimated. The near-field thermal and thermoacoustic effects of thermal radiation in laser-ablated bulk water and their potential near-field implications are discussed. c 2006 American Institute of Physic

    Plasma-mediated Nanosecond-Laser Generation of Si Nanoparticles in Water

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    Plasma-mediated nanosecond IR-laser ablation of Si in water was describe sublinear function mass loss by multi shot ablative and third-power function extinction coefficient of generated colloidal solutions of density laser intensity. The first addiction shows influence subcritical ablative plasma to ablative rate, also fast increase extinction coefficient of 100 nm size particles of silicon in colloidal solution implies plasma-mediated dissociation of the ablation products. Keywords: silicon nanoparticles, nanosecond laser ablation, sub-critical ablative plasma, extinction coefficient, scaling relationships, melt expulsio