4,663 research outputs found

    Transient cosmic ray increase associated with a geomagnetic storm

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    On the basis of worldwide network data of cosmic ray nucleonic components, the transient cosmic ray increase due to the depression of cosmic ray cutoff rigidity during a severe geomagnetic storm was investigated in terms of the longitudinal dependence. Multiple correlation analysis among isotropic and diurnal terms of cosmic ray intensity variations and Dst term of the geomagnetic field is applied to each of various station's data. It is shown that the amplitude of the transient cosmic ray increase associated with Dst depends on the local time of the station, and that its maximum phase is found in the evening sector. This fact is consistent with the theoretical estimation based on the azimuthally asymmetric ring current model for the magnetic DS field

    Diffusive transport in spin-1 chains at high temperatures

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    We present a numerical study on the spin and thermal conductivities of the spin-1 Heisenberg chain in the high temperature limit, in particular of the Drude weight contribution and frequency dependence. We use the Exact Diagonalization and the recently developed microcanonical Lanczos method; it allows us a finite size scaling analysis by the study of significantly larger lattices. This work, pointing to a diffusive rather than ballistic behavior is discussed with respect to other recent theoretical and experimental studies

    Conversion Prediction Using Multi-task Conditional Attention Networks to Support the Creation of Effective Ad Creative

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    Accurately predicting conversions in advertisements is generally a challenging task, because such conversions do not occur frequently. In this paper, we propose a new framework to support creating high-performing ad creatives, including the accurate prediction of ad creative text conversions before delivering to the consumer. The proposed framework includes three key ideas: multi-task learning, conditional attention, and attention highlighting. Multi-task learning is an idea for improving the prediction accuracy of conversion, which predicts clicks and conversions simultaneously, to solve the difficulty of data imbalance. Furthermore, conditional attention focuses attention of each ad creative with the consideration of its genre and target gender, thus improving conversion prediction accuracy. Attention highlighting visualizes important words and/or phrases based on conditional attention. We evaluated the proposed framework with actual delivery history data (14,000 creatives displayed more than a certain number of times from Gunosy Inc.), and confirmed that these ideas improve the prediction performance of conversions, and visualize noteworthy words according to the creatives' attributes.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted at The 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2019) as an applied data science pape

    Level statistics of XXZ spin chains with a random magnetic field

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    The level-spacing distribution of a spin 1/2 XXZ chain is numerically studied under random magnetic field. We show explicitly how the level statistics depends on the lattice size L, the anisotropy parameter Δ\Delta, and the mean amplitude of the random magnetic field h. In the energy spectrum, quantum integrability competes with nonintegrability derived from the randomness, where the XXZ interaction is modified by the parameter Δ\Delta. When Δ≠0\Delta \ne 0, the level-spacing distribution mostly shows Wigner-like behavior, while when Δ\Delta=0, Poisson-like behavior appears although the system is nonintegrable due to randomness. Poisson-like behavior also appears for Δ≠0\Delta \ne 0 in the large h limit. Furthermore, the level-spacing distribution depends on the lattice size L, particularly when the random field is weak.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Modelling Social Structures and Hierarchies in Language Evolution

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    Language evolution might have preferred certain prior social configurations over others. Experiments conducted with models of different social structures (varying subgroup interactions and the role of a dominant interlocutor) suggest that having isolated agent groups rather than an interconnected agent is more advantageous for the emergence of a social communication system. Distinctive groups that are closely connected by communication yield systems less like natural language than fully isolated groups inhabiting the same world. Furthermore, the addition of a dominant male who is asymmetrically favoured as a hearer, and equally likely to be a speaker has no positive influence on the disjoint groups.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. In proceedings of AI-2010, The Thirtieth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, England, UK, 14-16 December 201

    X-Ray Cone Beam Tomography with Two Tilted Circular Trajectories

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    Recently 3-D cone-beam tomography has become of interest for the nondestructive evaluation of advanced materials. The main field of application in nondestructive testing is the evaluation of structural ceramics. Study of such materials implies high density resolution and high sensitivity to cracks. In fact, with a single circular source trajectory, when the cone-beam aperture increases, density is underestimated and cone shaped artifacts may appear at interfaces in the sample even at relatively small aperture [1–3]. These artifacts limit the thickness we can examine with a planar source trajectory. To maintain optimal reconstruction accuracy with a circular source trajectory, the angular aperture must remain within ±10°. However Kudo and Saito [4] showed that this limit can be slightly overcome by using a special interpolation of the shadow area. But to examine greater thicknesses and to maintain resolution, we must widen the cone-beam aperture thereby decreasing accuracy. To overcome these aperture limitations, Tuy [5] introduced the double circular source trajectory idea

    Unexpected non-Wigner behavior in level-spacing distributions of next-nearest-neighbor coupled XXZ spin chains

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    The level-spacing distributions of XXZ spin chains with next-nearest-neighbor couplings are studied under periodic boundary conditions. We confirm that integrable XXZ spin chains mostly have the Poisson distribution as expected. On the contrary, the level-spacing distributions of next-nearest-neighbor coupled XXZ chains are given by non-Wigner distributions. It is against the expectations, since the models are nonintegrable.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Slow, Steady-State Transport with "Loading" and Bulk Reactions: the Mixed Ionic Conductor La2_2CuO4+δ_{4+\delta}

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    We consider slow, steady transport for the normal state of the superconductor La2_2CuO4+δ_{4+\delta} in a one-dimensional geometry, with surface fluxes sufficiently general to permit oxygen to be driven into the sample (``loaded'') either by electrochemical means or by high oxygen partial pressure. We include the bulk reaction O→\toO2−+2h^{2-}+2h, where neutral atoms (aa) go into ions (ii) and holes (hh). For slow, steady transport, the transport equations simplify because the bulk reaction rate density rr and the bulk loading rates ∂tn\partial_t n then are uniform in space and time. All three fluxes jj must be specified at each surface, which for a uniform current density JJ corresponds to five independent fluxes. These fluxes generate two types of static modes at each surface and a bulk response with a voltage profile that varies quadratically in space, characterized by JJ and the total oxygen flux jOj_O (neutral plus ion) at each surface. One type of surface mode is associated with electrical screening; the other type is associated both with diffusion and drift, and with chemical reaction (the {\it diffusion-reaction mode}). The diffusion-reaction mode is accompanied by changes in the chemical potentials μ\mu, and by reactions and fluxes, but it neither carries current (J=0) nor loads the system chemically (jO=0j_O=0). Generation of the diffusion-reaction mode may explain the phenomenon of ``turbulence in the voltage'' often observed near the electrodes of other mixed ionic electronic conductors (MIECs).Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Non-formal environmental education in a vulnerable region: Insights from a 20-year long engagement in PetrĂ³polis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Environmental education is essential in the diffusion of the ethics, values, and skills that are critical to sustainable transformations. This paper presents the experience of non-formal environmental education approaches held in schools in the PetrĂ³polis region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between 1997–2016. This paper adds to the literature on the relevant approaches and effectives of non-formal environmental education, especially in the vulnerable areas of low and middle-income regions that face critical environmental challenges. Specifically, to set up the context, this paper intends to firstly convey the commonly identified environmental sustainability challenges that the communities of the PetrĂ³polis region are facing. Secondly, this report aims to convey key insights on how non-formal environmental education practices can strengthen gardening skills, environmental ethics, and sustainable food practices. These approaches have the potential to enhance the capacity of students toward sustainable transformations through encouraging them to be engaged with local social-environmental challenges. This paper adds new insights to the growing literature on non-formal environmental education, and it is hoped to inspire new educational approaches among sustainability educators

    Phase separation and phase transitions in undoped and Rh3+ doped iron pnictide CaFe2As2: a Raman scattering study

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    Iron-pnictides Ca(Fe1-xRhx)2As2 (x = 0, 0.035, and 0.19) were studied across the tetragonal-orthorhombic and uncollapsed to collapsed tetragonal phase transitions using Raman spectroscopy. The effect of the phase separation was observed in the high-temperature phase for the first time. Two phases with the low-spin and high-spin states of the Fe2+ ions coexist in the undoped (x = 0) and doped (x = 0.035) samples at ambient conditions. These two phases are present on a larger length scale and they are not limited to the local distortions. Both phases in the undoped sample successfully undergo tetra-to-ortho phase transitions approximately at the same temperature T0 = 160 K. In doped samples, a cascade of phase transitions is observed at temperatures T* = 100 K and Tc = 72 K with cooling for the first time. A complex type of the re-entrant magnetic structure is realized in the x = 0.035 sample at temperatures below Tc, which is distinct from the usual orthorhombic twofold one. The overdoped sample (x = 0.19) also shows phase separation at temperatures 7 - 295 K in Raman spectra similar to these of the remnant phase.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure
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