21 research outputs found

    RESEARCH AND REVIEWS: JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES Cytotoxicity analysis by MTT assay of isolated Gossypol from Bt and Non-Bt Cotton Seeds on HeLa Cell Lines

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    ABSTRACT The present paper deals with study of In-vitro cytotoxicity effect of isolated gossypol from Bt and Non-Bt cotton seeds on HeLa cell lines. Gossypol is a polyphenolic binaphthyl diadehyde natural yellow colored pigment. It is not only resistance substance for cotton plant's selfdefense system against insect pests and possibly some diseases but also an important phytochemical compound of immense interest due to its several biological properties including anti-cancer,anti-HIV,antioxidation, antimicrobial and as male contraceptive. During this study gossypol exhibited broad spectrum of anti-cancer activity against the HeLa cell lines. The cytotoxicity effect of gossypol was detemined by MTT (3-(4-,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-dipheniltetrazolium bromide) assay. Gossypol from Bt and Non-Bt cotton seeds has shown dose dependent cytotoxicity effect against HeLa cell lines. In-vitro screening of the gossypol showed potential cytotoxic activity against HeLa cell lines. Mortality rate of 11.5884% and 22.6058% with 3Āµg/1Āµl concentration of isolated gossypol from Bt and Non-Bt cotton seed extracts was observed on HeLa cell lines respectively. Hence the inhibitory concentration at 50% (IC50) was fixed at 3Āµg/1Āµl of gossypol for HeLa cells. The standard anti-cancer drug Doxorubicin (1mg/ml) was also used in this study to confirm anti-cancer activity of gossypol isolated from Bt and Non-Bt cotton seed with 1.7828% cell viability. The present study confirms the mild toxic effect of gossypol on HeLa cell lines and can preferably be used as anti-cancerous drug in combination with other natural similar compounds to replace the synthetic chemical drugs for fewer side effects

    Detecting Phishing Attack and Spam Email Classification

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    Now a days phishing Attack could be a threat that acquire sensitive data like user-name, watchword etc through on-line. Phishing email contains messages like raise the users to enter the non-public data so it's simple for hackers to hack the knowledge. Phishing could be a sort of on-line fraud that aims to steal sensitive data like on-line passwords and master card data. To beat this issues associated with security we have a tendency to developed application which supplies mobile and email verification, invisible virtual keyboard that pattern can we have a tendency to be sent to users email account from that user are sort thatdigit and login with success. Conjointly we have a tendency to plan the Spam email detection victimization classification

    Loneliness and remote work

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    SabiedrÄ«bas veselÄ«baVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«pePublic HealthHealth CareNosaukums: VientulÄ«bas sajÅ«ta un attālinātais darbs. MērÄ·is: Noskaidrot vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«tas saistÄ«bu ar dzimumu, vecumu, komunikācijas un socializācijas trÅ«kumu, mājsaimniecÄ«bas sastāvu un vēlmi strādāt attālināti. Uzdevumi: Noteikt vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«tas saistÄ«bu ar dzimumu un vecumu attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vidÅ«; izpētÄ«t vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«tas saistÄ«bu ar komunikācijas un socializācijas trÅ«kumu attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vidÅ«; raksturot vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«tas saistÄ«bu ar mājsaimniecÄ«bas sastāvu attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vidÅ«; noskaidrot vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«tas saistÄ«bu ar vēlmi strādāt attālināti. Aktualitāte: 2019. gadā 3,0 % no Latvijas nodarbināto vecuma grupā no 15 lÄ«dz 64 gadiem strādāja attālināti. 2020. gadā to Ä«patsvars sasniedza 4,5 % un 2021. gadā - 11,0 %. Veicot darbu attālināti, nodarbinātais ir gan fiziski, gan sociāli izolēts no sava darba kolektÄ«va un strādā mājās vienatnē, kā rezultātā tiek pakļauts sociālās izolētÄ«bas un vientulÄ«bas attÄ«stÄ«bas riskam (Bailey and Kurland 2002, Wang, Liu et al. 2021). Lai gan pastāv uzskats, ka no attālinātā darba izrietoŔās priekÅ”ocÄ«bas ir bÅ«tiskākas par iespējamiem trÅ«kumiem (Tavares 2017), sabiedrÄ«bā esoŔās zināŔanas par attālināto darbu var tikt apÅ”aubÄ«tas COVID-19 pandēmijas kontekstā (Wang, Liu et al. 2021). Darba hipotēzes: VientulÄ«bas sajÅ«ta attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vidÅ« ir saistÄ«ta ar ziņoÅ”anu par komunikācijas un socializājas trÅ«kumu; lielāks vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«tas Ä«patsvars ir attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vidÅ«, kuri dzÄ«vo vieni. PētÄ«juma dizains: Šķērsgriezuma pētÄ«jums. PētÄ«juma metodes: Bakalaura darbā izmantoti RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātes Darba droŔības un vides veselÄ«bas institÅ«ta, Vidzemes Augstskolas un Rēzeknes TehnoloÄ£iju akadēmijas pētÄ«juma par ā€œCOVID-19 ietekmi uz nodarbinātÄ«bu un darba vidi Latvijāā€ 2021.gada nodarbināto aptaujas dati. Izmantotas aprakstoŔās statistikas metodes, frekvenču tabulas, Ŕķērstabulas, HÄ« kvadrāta tests; statistiskā datu ticamÄ«ba noteikta pēc p vērtÄ«bas (p<0,05) un 95 % ticamÄ«bas intervāla. Galvenie rezultāti: Analizējot sekundāros datus, noskaidrots, ka vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«tai nav statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas saistÄ«bas ar attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto dzimumu; vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«ta ir statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gi saistÄ«ta ar attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vecumu; lielākais vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«tas Ä«patsvars tika novērots attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vidÅ«, kuriem attālinātie darbinieku saliedÄ“Å”anās pasākumi bija nepiecieÅ”ami, taču no darba devēju puses netika nodroÅ”ināti; vientulÄ«bas sajÅ«ta attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vidÅ« ir statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gi saistÄ«ta ar dzÄ«voÅ”anu vienam; lielākais vientulÄ«bas Ä«patsvars ir to attālināti strādājoÅ”u nodarbināto vidÅ«, kuri nākotnē, beidzoties COVID-19 pandēmijai, labprātÄ«gi neizvēlētos strādāt attālināti.Title: Telework and feeling of loneliness. Study aim: To study the relationships of the feeling of loneliness with gender, age, lack of communication and socialization, household composition and desire to work remotely. Objectives: To determine the relationship of the feeling of loneliness with gender and age among employees working remotely; to investigate the relationship between the feeling of loneliness and the lack of communication and socialization among employees working remotely; to describe the relationship between the feeling of loneliness and the composition of the household among employees working remotely; to find out the connection between the feeling of loneliness and the desire to work remotely. Topicality: In 2019, 3.0 % of Latvian employees in the age group from 15 to 64 years worked remotely. In 2020, their share reached 4.5 % and in 2021 - 11.0 %. When working remotely, the employee is both physically and socially isolated from his work team and works alone at home, as a result of which he is exposed to the risk of developing social isolation and loneliness (Bailey and Kurland, 2002; Wang et al., 2021). Although there is a belief that the benefits of remote work outweigh the potential disadvantages (Tavares, 2017), the public knowledge of remote work may be challenged in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (Wang et al., 2021). Hypotheses: The feeling of loneliness among telecommuting employees is related to a lack of communication and socialization; there is a higher proportion of the feeling of loneliness among telecommuters who live alone. Study design: Cross-sectional study. Study methode: Bachelor's thesis consist data from the employee survey which was carried out in 2021 by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health of Riga Stradins University, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and Rēzekne Academy of Technology within the study "The impact of COVID-19 on employment and the working environment in Latvia". Descriptive statistical methods, frequency tables, cross tables, Chi-square test are used; statistical reliability of data is determined by p-value (p<0.05) and 95 % confidence interval. Main conclusions: Analyzing the secondary data, it was found that the feeling of loneliness does not have a statistically significant relationship with the gender of employees working remotely; the feeling of loneliness is statistically significantly related to the age of teleworkers; the highest proportion of the feeling of loneliness was observed among employees working remotely, for whom remote employee bonding events were necessary, but were not provided by employers; the feeling of loneliness among telecommuting employees is statistically significantly related to living alone; the highest proportion of loneliness is among remote workers who would not voluntarily choose to work remotely in the future when the COVID-19 pandemic ends

    The forming of comprehension childrens ethical values based on literature studies at senior pre-school age

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    Cisplatin cytotoxicity is dependent on mitochondrial respiration in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Objective(s): To understand the role of mitochondrial respiration in cisplatin sensitivity, we have employed wild-type and mitochondrial DNA depleted Rho0 yeast cells. Materials and Methods: Wild type and Rho0 yeast cultured in fermentable and non-fermentable sugar containing media, were studied for their sensitivity against cisplatin by monitoring growth curves, oxygen consumption, pH changes in cytosol/mitochondrial compartments, reactive oxygen species production and respiratory control ratio. Results: Wild-type yeast grown on glycerol exhibited heightened sensitivity to cisplatin than yeast grown on glucose. Cisplatin (100 Ī¼M), although significantly reduced the growth of wild- type cells, only slightly altered the growth rate of Rho0 cells. Cisplatin treatment decreased both pHcyt and pHmit to a similar extent without affecting the pH difference. Cisplatin dose-dependently increased the oxidative stress in wild-type, but not in respiration-deficient Rho0 strain. Cisplatin decreased the respiratory control ratio. Conclusion: These results suggest that cisplatin toxicity is influenced by the respiratory capacity of the cells and the intracellular oxidative burden. Although cisplatin per se slightly decreased the respiration of yeast cells grown in glucose, it did not disturb the mitochondrial chemiosmotic gradient