92 research outputs found
Prevalence of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in raw and treated sewage sludges
Treated sludge from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is commonly used in agriculture as fertilizers and to amend soils. The most significant health hazard for sewage sludge relates to the wide range of pathogenic microorganisms such as protozoa parasites.The objective of this study was to collect quantitative data on Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in the treated sludge in wastewater treatment facilities in Spain. Sludge from five WWTPs with different stabilization processes has been analysed for the presence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in the raw sludge and after the sludge treatment. A composting plant (CP) has also been assessed. After a sedimentation step, sludge samples were processed and (oo)cysts were isolated by immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and detected by immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Results obtained in this study showed that Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts were present in 26 of the 30 samples (86.6%) of raw sludge samples. In treated sludge samples, (oo)cysts have been observed in all WWTP's analysed (25 samples) with different stabilization treatment (83.3%). Only in samples from the CP no (oo)cysts were detected. This study provides evidence that (oo)cysts are present in sewage sludge-end products from wastewater treatment processes with the negative consequences for public health.We appreciate the financial support provided by Entidad Publica Saneamiento Aguas (EPSAR).Amoros Muñoz, I.; Moreno Trigos, MY.; Reyes-Sosa, MB.; Moreno-Mesonero, L.; Alonso Molina, JL. (2016). Prevalence of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in raw and treated sewage sludges. Environmental Technology. 37(22):2898-2904. doi:10.1080/09593330.2016.1168486S28982904372
Editing of the urease gene by CRISPR-Cas in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
Background: CRISPR-Cas is a recent and powerful addition to the molecular toolbox which allows programmable genome editing. It has been used to modify genes in a wide variety of organisms, but only two alga to date. Here we present a methodology to edit the genome of Thalassiosira pseudonana, a model centric diatom with both ecological significance and high biotechnological potential, using CRISPR-Cas. Results: A single construct was assembled using Golden Gate cloning. Two sgRNAs were used to introduce a precise 37 nt deletion early in the coding region of the urease gene. A high percentage of bi-allelic mutations (≤61.5%) were observed in clones with the CRISPR-Cas construct. Growth of bi-allelic mutants in urea led to a significant reduction in growth rate and cell size compared to growth in nitrate. Conclusions: CRISPR-Cas can precisely and efficiently edit the genome of T. pseudonana. The use of Golden Gate cloning to assemble CRISPR-Cas constructs gives additional flexibility to the CRISPR-Cas method and facilitates modifications to target alternative genes or species
The evaluation of websites of ecological companies
Celem artykułu była ocena stron internetowych przedsiębiorstw ekologicznych. Hipoteza badawcza
zakładała, że nie mniej niż połowa przedsiębiorstw ekologicznych posiada strony internetowe, które można
ocenić przynajmniej jako dobre. Badania przeprowadzono w kwietniu 2014 roku. Z grupy 91 przedsiębiorstw
ze spisu zamieszczonego na stronie Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Radomiu, oddział w Brwinowie
wybrano tylko te, do których podany był aktualny i działający adres strony internetowej. Łącznie oceniono
przy zastosowaniu wielokryterialnej metody punktowej strony internetowe 40 przedsiębiorstw. W ocenie
uwzględniono pięć grup kryteriów rodzajowych, takich jak kryteria techniczne, wizualne, funkcjonalne,
dotyczące przydatności strony oraz kryteria dotyczące wyłącznie sklepów internetowych. Badane przedsiębiorstwa
opisano ponadto, podając charakter prowadzonej działalności, formę prawną oraz udział produktów
ekologicznych w całkowitej ofercie firmy. Stwierdzono, że większość przedsiębiorstw ekologicznych ma
strony internetowe przygotowane na poziomie dobrym, co potwierdza przyjętą hipotezę badawczą i świadczy
o dostosowaniu większości z nich do wyzwań współczesnego rynku.The aim of the article was to evaluate the websites of online organic companies. The research hypothesis
has assumed that not fewer that a half of the organic companies has websites, which might be assessed at
least as good ones. The research was carried out in April 2014. From the group of 91 companies from the list
placed on the website of Centre of Agricultural Advisory in Radom,, the Department in Brwinów, there were
selected only those, whose website address was correct and working. In total, there has been the evaluation
of the websites of 40 companies with the use of multicriterial scoring methodology. In the evaluation, there
have been included the technical, visual, functionality, the website usability criteria as well as the criteria
relating to online shops only. The examined companies were additionally described with their activity, legal
form, and the share of organic products in the total company offer. It has been determined that the majority of
organic companies have their websites made at a good level, what confirms the assumed research hypothesis
and proves that the majority is adjusted to the challenges of modern market
Aktywnosc rzesistkobojcza nowo zsyntetyzowanych pochodnych benzoizotiazolinonu [BIT] in vitro
Trichomonacidal activity in vitro of 2 newly synthesized derivatives of benzoizothiazolinon (BIT) in comparison with metronidazole was determined by calculating lethal concentration for 50% trichomonal population (C₅₀). Experiments were carried out on 2 strains of T. vaginalis and 2 strains of T. anseris. Both preparations showed considerably higher trichomonacidal activity than metronidazole. Mean values of trichomonacidal activity of N-morpholinomethyl-1,2-benzoizothiazolinon-3 for T. vaginalis and T. anseris amounted to 885 and 1997 respectively, and were 6 and 8 times higher than those of hydrochloride of N-piperydynomethyloamide of (5-chlor-1,2-benzoizothiazolinon-3ylo-2)-acetic acid. The lowest trichomonacidal activity of hydrochloride of N-piperydynomethylamide of (5-chlor-1,2-benzoizothiazolinon-3ylo-2)-acetic acid was 10-fold higher than that of N-morpholinomethyl-1,2-benzoizothiazolinon-3 and several hundred times lower than metronidazole concentration
Hygienic and health problems of school children attending and cared for by the school day care rooms
Effect of feeding on content of bioactive substances in milk from cows raised in organic farms
Skład mleka zależy głównie od sposobu żywienia i utrzymania zwierząt, odmiennego w systemie ekologicznym i konwencjonalnym. Mleko ekologiczne zawiera więcej korzystnych białek niż mleko konwencjonalne, takich jak: α-laktoalbumina, β-laktoglobulina i laktoferyna. Mleko od krów wypasanych lub karmionych świeżą paszą, bogatą w różne gatunkowo rośliny, ma znacznie wyższy stosunek nienasyconych (PUFA) do nasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych (SFA) i korzystniejszy stosunek PUFA Ω-6 do Ω-3. Mleko ekologiczne ma większą zawartość PUFA, CLA cis-9, trans-11, kwasu t-wakcenowego (TVA) i kwasu α-linolenowego (LNA) w porównaniu z mlekiem konwencjonalnym. Profil kwasów tłuszczowych w mleku krów żywionych kiszonką z traw jest korzystniejszy w porównaniu z pozyskiwanym od zwierząt, którym podawano kiszonkę z kukurydzy. Czerwona koniczyna, siemię lniane, olej rzepakowy i rybny mają korzystny wpływ na skład kwasów tłuszczowych w mleku. Podczas okresu pastwiskowego mleko krów z gospodarstw ekologicznych miało większą zawartość witamin rozpuszczalnych w tłuszczach (A, D, E) od mleka zwierząt niekorzystających z pastwiska. Stężenie składników mineralnych w mleku krów z gospodarstw ekologicznych zależy od ich zawartości w glebie i w zielonce.Milk composition depends mainly on feeding and farming methods of animals; those methods are different in the organic and conventional systems. Organic milk contains more beneficial proteins than conventional milk, i.e. such proteins as α-lactoalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, and lactoferrin. The milk from cows grazed on fresh grasses or fed fresh forage, both of them rich in multifarious plant species, has a considerably higher ratio of unsaturated (PUFA) to saturated (SFA) fatty acids and a better ratio of PUFA Ω-6 to Ω-3. Compared to the conventional milk, the organic milk has a higher content of PUFA, CLA, cis-9, trans-11 CLA, trans-vaccenic acid (TVA), and α-linolenic acid (LNA). The profile of fatty acids in the milk from cows fed grass silage is more beneficial than that in the milk from cows fed maize silage. Red clover, linseed, rape, and fish oil have a beneficial effect on the composition of fatty acids in the cow’s milk. During the pasture grazing period, the milk from cows bred in organic farms had a higher content of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) than the milk from animals that were not grazed on pastures. The concentration of mineral elements in the milk from cows raised in organic farms depends on the concentrations thereof in soil and in green forage
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