24 research outputs found

    Effect of the storage time and several silage inoculants on the aerobic stability of sorghum silages

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    Aerobic stability of silages has great importance in practice. When the silo is opened, yeasts and moulds can grow due to exposure to the air. The process cause significant loss of nutrients and harmful silage will be produced. There are lot of published results on the fermentability, the nutritive value and digestibility of sorghum silages, but we have only limited knowledge about their aerobic stability. The aerobic stability is affected by several factors. As the sugar content is high one of the most important fact is the amount of easily fermented carbohydrate remaining after the fermentation – in case of sorghum silage. In this paper we report the aerobic stability of sorghum silages changing in the function of storage time, using inoculants Lactobacillus buchneri (NCIMB 40788), Propionibacterium acidipropionici (MA 26/4U) and the preservative product Lalsil Fresh. Four treatments were used (T1 untreated control, T2 treated with Lactobacillus buchneri 3x105 CFU/g FM, T3 treated with Propionibacterium propionici 3x105 CFU/g FM, T4 treated with 0.005 g/kg Lalsil Fresh). The Lallemand inoculant “Lalsil Fresh” contained selected strain of Lactobacillus buchneri (NCIMB 40788 6x1010 CFU/g). Sorghum (Róna 1) was ensiled immediately after harvest, chopped to about 1-1.5 cm size, mixed with additives and ensiled in 4.2 L jars. The jars were incubated at 20+/-2 °C. Five jars per treatment were sampled on day 14, 28, 42, 56 and after 140 of storage. The aerobic stability, chemical and microbiological parameters were analysed from the silages. Strong correlation was observed between the aerobic stability and the storage time of silages. At the beginning of fermentation the aerobic stability was still low but changed better with the progress of time. After complete fermentation, from the eight week of ensilaging stable silages could be observed. The aerobic stability of silages opened on the twentieth week was more than one week. Positive effect of the heterolactic bacteria was established. The aerobic stability was increased moderately by Propionibacterium propionici, and significantly Lactobacillus buchneri. Lalsil Fresh had the best effect on aerobic stability. All the treated silages opened on the twentieth week had better aerobic stability than the untreated

    Effect of the storage time and several silage inoculants on the aerobic stability of sorghum silages

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    Aerobic stability of silages has great importance in practice. When the silo is opened, yeasts and moulds can grow due to exposure to the air. The process cause significant loss of nutrients and harmful silage will be produced. There are lot of published results on the fermentability, the nutritive value and digestibility of sorghum silages, but we have only limited knowledge about their aerobic stability. The aerobic stability is affected by several factors. As the sugar content is high one of the most important fact is the amount of easily fermented carbohydrate remaining after the fermentation – in case of sorghum silage. In this paper we report the aerobic stability of sorghum silages changing in the function of storage time, using inoculants Lactobacillus buchneri (NCIMB 40788), Propionibacterium acidipropionici (MA 26/4U) and the preservative product Lalsil Fresh. Four treatments were used (T1 untreated control, T2 treated with Lactobacillus buchneri 3x105 CFU/g FM, T3 treated with Propionibacterium propionici 3x105 CFU/g FM, T4 treated with 0.005 g/kg Lalsil Fresh). The Lallemand inoculant “Lalsil Fresh” contained selected strain of Lactobacillus buchneri (NCIMB 40788 6x1010 CFU/g). Sorghum (Róna 1) was ensiled immediately after harvest, chopped to about 1-1.5 cm size, mixed with additives and ensiled in 4.2 L jars. The jars were incubated at 20+/-2 °C. Five jars per treatment were sampled on day 14, 28, 42, 56 and after 140 of storage. The aerobic stability, chemical and microbiological parameters were analysed from the silages. Strong correlation was observed between the aerobic stability and the storage time of silages. At the beginning of fermentation the aerobic stability was still low but changed better with the progress of time. After complete fermentation, from the eight week of ensilaging stable silages could be observed. The aerobic stability of silages opened on the twentieth week was more than one week. Positive effect of the heterolactic bacteria was established. The aerobic stability was increased moderately by Propionibacterium propionici, and significantly Lactobacillus buchneri. Lalsil Fresh had the best effect on aerobic stability. All the treated silages opened on the twentieth week had better aerobic stability than the untreated

    Extrachromosomal genetic elements in fungi

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    All fungi like eukaryotes possess mitochondria, which are the sites of the oxydative phosphorylation. As eukaryote evolution depends on oxygenic atmosphere, these organisms are primarily aerobic. Except a small group of strict anaerobes (those which lost the capacity of oxydative pathways living in special milieu in association with rumen of grass-eating animals) all fungi can utilize various compounds as carbon sources via oxidative phosphorylation pathways resulting in high energy yield. Certain groups of fungi – i.e. most of the yeasts – under anaerobe conditions, are able to supply themselves with lower levels of fermentation energy, too exhibiting a slow growing capacity utilizing the same amount of carbon source. The mutation of mitochondrial genome or mitochondrial functions encoded by nuclear genes of these fungi might result in a so-calledpetitephenotype producing small colonies on solid media due to their slow growing capacity. These mutants can utilize only fermentable carbon sources. Filamentous fungi have only limited possibilities to produce such phenotypes. ExceptZygomycetes(where the shortage of oxygen induces dimorphic transitions) filamentous fungi can grow and develop their vegetative and sexual reproductive structures only in aerobe milieu. However amongNeurosporaspecies there are several mitochondrial mutations resulting in morphological phenotypes. These are due to the lower energy level provided by the reduced capacity of cytochrome-oxidase enzymes. These mutants (e.g.pokystopper) can be considered aspetiteanalogues. The complete loss of mitochondrial functions – such asrho zerocharacter in yeast – cannot be survived by filamentous fungi. Podospora anserinaand some of its close relatives exhibit a so-calledsenescencephenotype, which means that the growing hyphae in the youngest part of the colonies stop growing and start to die within a short period of time. This phenomenon – discussed below – is also connected to reduced function of mitochondria.The first part of this paper gives a short overview of the genetic organization of mitochondria of fungi, based on the most recent data of three filamentous fungi:Aspergillus nidulansNeurospora crassaand Podospora anserina. Their data are compared to those of the well-characterizedSaccharomyces cerevisiae. In the second part we summarize what we know about other extrachrosomal elements, such as DNA plasmids of various origins and structures, and dsRNAs or virus like particles (VLP). Also discussed are their roles and/or putative functions in the life of the fungi

    Mikroszkópikus gombák (Aspergillus, Fusarium, Cryptococcus) mitokondriális genomszerveződésének összehasonlító elemzése = Study on the mitochondrial genome organisation of some microscopic fungi

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    Munkánk során meghatároztuk egy Aspergillus niger (1a típus, 31103 bp) és egy A. tübingensis (2b típus, 33656 bp) törzs teljes mitokondriális DNS szekvenciáját. A két genom géntartalma és a gének sorrendje megegyezik, különbséget mindössze a restrikciós enzimek hasítási mintázatában tapasztaltunk. Megállapítottuk, hogy a méretbeli eltérésekért a cox1, atp9 és a ndh4L gének intron-tartalma felelős. Elkészítettük a korábban már RFLP mintázat alapján elkülönített hat A. tübingensis mtDNS fizikai és funkcionális térképét. Eredményeink bizonyították, hogy a tapasztalt intraspecifikus polimorfizmus intron-szerzéssel illetve restrikciós hasítóhelyeket érintő pontmutációkkal magyarázható. Növény-patogén Fusarium törzsek biodiverzitását a mtDNS RFLP mintázata alapján tanulmányoztuk. Több haplotípust sikerült elkülönítenünk a vizsgált 3 fajban. Meghatároztuk e haplotípusok gazdanövény szerinti eloszlását. F. proliferatum lineáris, mitokondriumban lokalizált DNS plazmidjának teljes szekvenálását elvégeztük. A plazmid funkciójára jelenleg nincs bizonyítékunk. Cryptococcus neoformans két varietas-ának mtDNS szerveződését hasonlítottuk össze. Megállapítottuk, hogy a tapasztalt méretbeli különbséget a cox1, cob és LRNS gének eltérő intron-tartalma okozza. Egy másik vizsgált faj, a Trichosporon pullulans 18 kb méretű mtDNS-e a legkisebb, NADH géneket is tartalmazó mtDNS-nek bizonyult élesztőgombák között. | In the present work the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Aspergillus niger mtDNA type 1a (31103 bp) was sequenced and compared to the Aspergillus tubingensis type 2b (33656 bp) mtDNA. The patterns of restriction sites were similar, the gene content and order was identical. The size difference was principally attributed to the intron content of their cox1, atp9 and ndh4L genes. A. tubingensis isolates were earlier classified into six groups on the basis of the mtDNA RFLP pattern. The reason of the intraspecific mtDNA variability was investigated and proved that polymorphism due to intron acquisition and also sporadic point mutations affecting the recognition motifs of the restriction enzymes. Biodiversity of plant-pathogenic Fusarium isolates belonging to 3 different species were studied. On the basis of the RFLP pattern of their mtDNA several haplotypes were identified. The distribution of these haplotypes among host species was determined. The complete nucleotide sequence of a 10 kb linear DNA plasmid was identified, however, its function is still unknown. The functional map of the mtDNAs of two Cryptococcus neoformans varities was constructed. Characteristic sequences were cloned, sequenced and verified that the intron-content of coxI, cob and LRNA genes are responsible for the size differences of the two strains. The study of the organisation of Trichosporon pullulans mtDNA revealed that it is smallest known mtDNA among yeast carrying NADH dehidrogenase genes

    First Cryptosporidium outbreak in Hungary, linked to a treated recreational water venue in 2015

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    In June 2015, an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis with 35 cases (23 probable and 12 laboratory-confirmed) occurred among 191 attendees of a residential rehabilitation holiday for paediatric organ transplant patients (n = 49) and their families at a hotel in Somogy county, Hungary. The overall attack rate was 18%. Most of the cases were transplanted children who experienced severe acute disease and required adjustment to their tacrolimus immunosuppression. A retrospective case-control study suggested an association between recreational water exposures and illness: cases were seven times more likely than controls to have swum in the children's pool (odds ratio 7.17; 95% confidence interval 2.9-17.2; P < 0.0001) and five times more likely to have used the jetted whirlpool (odds ratio 5.25; 95% confidence interval 2.1-13.1; P < 0.0001). This was the first outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in Hungary and it is especially unfortunate that it affected vulnerable children who experienced severe symptoms. Cryptosporidium presents specific infection control difficulties in treated recreational water venues; the link to a whirlpool is unusual and highlights the importance of the age-appropriate use of these facilities and reminding users not to immerse their heads or swallow the water. Cryptosporidiosis is more commonly linked to children' pools where improved bather hygiene and promoting exclusion of diarrhoea cases could help to avoid similar outbreaks

    Characterisation of mitochondrial haplotypes occurred in a Candida albicans population

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    The genetic background of mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in Candida albicans was studied by physical and functional mapping of four haplotypes identified recently in a hospital-population. The restriction patterns revealed considerable differences; however, the size of the mitochondrial DNA did not vary significantly. Sequence data demonstrated that size differences arose by short deletions, while restriction fragment length polymorphisms are caused by nucleotide substitutions in single sites. Gene rearrangement could not be detected; nevertheless, the coincidence of nucleotide substitution pattern in the inverted repeat region suggested the occurrence of homologue recombination

    Anti-PD-1 Therapy Does Not Influence Hearing Ability in the Most Sensitive Frequency Range, but Mitigates Outer Hair Cell Loss in the Basal Cochlear Region

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    The administration of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) often leads to immune-related adverse events. However, their effect on auditory function is largely unexplored. Thorough preclinical studies have not been published yet, only sporadic cases and pharmacovigilance reports suggest their significance. Here we investigated the effect of anti-PD-1 antibody treatment (4 weeks, intraperitoneally, 200 μg/mouse, 3 times/week) on hearing function and cochlear morphology in C57BL/6J mice. ICI treatment did not influence the hearing thresholds in click or tone burst stimuli at 4-32 kHz frequencies measured by auditory brainstem response. The number and morphology of spiral ganglion neurons were unaltered in all cochlear turns. The apical-middle turns (32 kHz). The number of Iba1-positive macrophages has also increased moderately in this high frequency region. We conclude that a 4-week long ICI treatment does not affect functional and morphological integrity of the inner ear in the most relevant hearing range (4-32 kHz; apical-middle turns), but a noticeable preservation of OHCs and an increase in macrophage activity appeared in the >32 kHz basal part of the cochlea