49 research outputs found

    Cyclic Di-GMP-Mediated Repression of Swarming Motility by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 Requires the MotAB Stator

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    The second messenger cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) plays a critical role in the regulation of motility. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, c-di-GMP inversely controls biofilm formation and surface swarming motility, with high levels of this dinucleotide signal stimulating biofilm formation and repressing swarming. P. aeruginosa encodes two stator complexes, MotAB and MotCD, that participate in the function of its single polar flagellum. Here we show that the repression of swarming motility requires a functional MotAB stator complex. Mutating the motAB genes restores swarming motility to a strain with artificially elevated levels of c-di-GMP as well as stimulates swarming in the wild-type strain, while overexpression of MotA from a plasmid represses swarming motility. Using point mutations in MotA and the FliG rotor protein of the motor supports the conclusion that MotA-FliG interactions are critical for c-di-GMP-mediated swarming inhibition. Finally, we show that high c-di-GMP levels affect the localization of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-MotD fusion, indicating a mechanism whereby this second messenger has an impact on MotCD function. We propose that when c-di-GMP level is high, the MotAB stator can displace MotCD from the motor, thereby affecting motor function. Our data suggest a newly identified means of c-di-GMP-mediated control of surface motility, perhaps conserved among Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, and other organisms that encode two stator systems

    Random-phase Approximation Treatment Of Edge Magnetoplasmons: Edge-state Screening And Nonlocality

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    A random-phase approximation (RPA) treatment of edge magnetoplasmons (EMP) is presented for strong magnetic fields, low temperatures, and integer filling factors \nu. It is valid for negligible dissipation and lateral confining potentials smooth on the scale of the magnetic length \ell_{0} but sufficiently steep that the Landau-level (LL) flattening can be neglected. LL coupling, screening by edge states, and nonlocal contributions to the current density are taken into account. In addition to the fundamental mode with typical dispersion relation \omega\sim q_x \ln(q_{x}), fundamental modes with {\it acoustic} dispersion relation \omega\sim q_x are obtained for \nu>2. For \nu=1,2 a {\bf dipole} mode exists, with dispersion relation \omega\sim q_x^3, that is directly related to nonlocal responses.Comment: Text 12 pages in Latex/Revtex format, 4 Postscript figure


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    The aim of the work – to evaluate the effectiveness of training simulation trainings with the elements of clinical pharmacology in improving the quality of the educational process of students in the discipline of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The main body. A doctor of any specialty, including general practice, must know the causes, the clinic, the diagnosis of obstetric bleeding and tactics, depending on the reasons for it. Massive obstetric bleeding occupies a leading position among the causes of various types of severe obstetric disease, such as hemorrhagic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, etc., and the first among the causes of maternal mortality. The frequency of bleeding is from 6 to 11 % of all births. That is why it is relevant to work out the technology of the active management of the third period on the phantom of active management of the third period. In the course of our work, we concluded that training in the simulation center using modern phantoms allows students to master the basic practical skills of obstetrics, which may become necessary in future practical work of the doctor. general practice, and also provides the basis for mastering some manipulations for future specialization. Conclusions. The current development of medical science and practice necessitates making adjustments to the training of medical students with the approach of their education to international standards. That is why the quality of education in higher education institutions needs to be improved by effectively organizing and informing the educational process, by introducing advanced scientific developments into teaching practice.Мета роботи – оцінювання ефективності навчальних симуляційних тренінгів з елементами клінічної фармакології у підвищенні якості освітнього процесу студентів із дисципліни “Акушерство та гінекологія”. Основна частина. Лікар будь-якої спеціальності, в тому числі і загальної практики, повинен знати причини, клініку, діагностику акушерських кровотеч та тактику залежно від причин, що її зумовили. Масивні акушерські кровотечі займають провідне місце серед причин різних видів тяжкої акушерської патології, такої, як геморагічний шок, синдром дисемінованого внутрішньосудинного згортання крові тощо, та перше місце серед причин материнської смертності. Частота кровотеч складає від 6 до 11 % усіх пологів. Саме тому актуальним є відпрацювання на фантомі техніки активного ведення ІІІ періоду. В процесі нашої роботи ми зробили висновок, що навчання у симуляційному центрі із ви­користанням сучасних фантомів дозволяє студентам досконало оволодіти основними практичними навичками з акушерства, які можуть стати необхідними у майбутній практичній роботі лікаря загальної практики, а також закладає основу оволодіння деякими маніпуляціями для майбутньої спеціалізації. Висновки. Сучасний розвиток медичної науки й практики зумовлює необхідність вносити корективи в підготовку студентів-медиків із наближенням їхньої освіти до міжнародних стандартів. Тому якість освіти у вищих навчальних закладах необхідно покращити шляхом ефективної організації та інформатизації навчального процесу, за допомогою впровадження передових наукових розробок у практику викладання

    Aggregation of platelets, proliferation of endothelial cells and motility of cancer cells are mediated by the Bβ1(15)-42 residue of fibrin(ogen)

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    The fibrinogen molecule contains multiple binding motifs for different types of cellular receptors, acting as a molecular link between coagulation and cell adhesion. In this study we generated a truncated form of the fibrinogen molecule lacking the Bβ1-42 sequence by site-specific proteolysis and evaluated the role of the fragment in adhesive capabilities of platelets, endothelial and cancer cells. Fibrinogen with the removed Bβ1-42 sequence and fibrin without the Bβ15-42 fragment (desβ1-42 fibrinogen and desABβ15-42 fibrin) were obtained by proteolysis using the specific protease from the venom of Echis multisquamatis. The cleaved fragment was purified by HPLC and was identified using MALDI-TOF. ADP- and collagen-induced aggregation of washed platelets in the presence of fibrinogen desBβ1-42 was studied using an aggregometer. Proliferation of mice aortic endothelial cells (MAEC) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) was studied using the fibrin desABβ15-42 as the scaffold. Cell viability was quantified by the MTT test (MAEC). Generation time was calculated for the estimation of proliferative activity of HUVEC. Lung cancer cell line Н1299 was used to evaluate cancer cell motility in vitro using the scratch assay. Direct comparison of cellular behavior in the presence of truncated vs native forms demonstrated attenuated cell adhesion in the presence of fibrinogen desBβ1-42 and fibrin desBβ15-42. The platelet aggregation rate was only slightly decreased in the presence of fibrinogen desBβ1-42 but resulted in 15-20% disaggregation of adhered platelets. We also observed the substantial decrease of generation time of HUVEC and inhibition of viability of MAEC cells grown on scaffolds of a desABβ15-42 matrix. Finally, desBβ1-42 modulated the motility of H1299 cells in vitro and suppressed the wound healing by 20% compared to the full-length fibrinogen. We postulate that fragment 1-42 of the BβN-domain of fibrinogen is not sufficient for platelet aggregation, however it may contribute to platelet clot formation in later stages. At the same time, this fragment may be important for establishing proper cell-to-cell contacts and cell viability of endothelial cells. Also, 1-42 amino acid fragment of the BβN-domain supported the migration of cancer cells suggesting that interactions of fibrinogen with cancer cells could be a target for anticancer therapy. The Bβ1-42 fragment of fibrinogen contributes to efficient intracellular interactions of different types of cells, including platelets, endothelial cells and cancer cells

    A Novel Signaling Network Essential for Regulating Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Development

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    The important human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been linked to numerous biofilm-related chronic infections. Here, we demonstrate that biofilm formation following the transition to the surface attached lifestyle is regulated by three previously undescribed two-component systems: BfiSR (PA4196-4197) harboring an RpoD-like domain, an OmpR-like BfmSR (PA4101-4102), and MifSR (PA5511-5512) belonging to the family of NtrC-like transcriptional regulators. These two-component systems become sequentially phosphorylated during biofilm formation. Inactivation of bfiS, bfmR, and mifR arrested biofilm formation at the transition to the irreversible attachment, maturation-1 and -2 stages, respectively, as indicated by analyses of biofilm architecture, and protein and phosphoprotein patterns. Moreover, discontinuation of bfiS, bfmR, and mifR expression in established biofilms resulted in the collapse of biofilms to an earlier developmental stage, indicating a requirement for these regulatory systems for the development and maintenance of normal biofilm architecture. Interestingly, inactivation did not affect planktonic growth, motility, polysaccharide production, or initial attachment. Further, we demonstrate the interdependency of this two-component systems network with GacS (PA0928), which was found to play a dual role in biofilm formation. This work describes a novel signal transduction network regulating committed biofilm developmental steps following attachment, in which phosphorelays and two sigma factor-dependent response regulators appear to be key components of the regulatory machinery that coordinates gene expression during P. aeruginosa biofilm development in response to environmental cues

    Connecting Quorum Sensing, c-di-GMP, Pel Polysaccharide, and Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa through Tyrosine Phosphatase TpbA (PA3885)

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    With the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, quorum sensing based on homoserine lactones was found to influence biofilm formation. Here we discern a mechanism by which quorum sensing controls biofilm formation by screening 5850 transposon mutants of P. aeruginosa PA14 for altered biofilm formation. This screen identified the PA3885 mutant, which had 147-fold more biofilm than the wild-type strain. Loss of PA3885 decreased swimming, abolished swarming, and increased attachment, although this did not affect production of rhamnolipids. The PA3885 mutant also had a wrinkly colony phenotype, formed pronounced pellicles, had substantially more aggregation, and had 28-fold more exopolysaccharide production. Expression of PA3885 in trans reduced biofilm formation and abolished aggregation. Whole transcriptome analysis showed that loss of PA3885 activated expression of the pel locus, an operon that encodes for the synthesis of extracellular matrix polysaccharide. Genetic screening identified that loss of PelABDEG and the PA1120 protein (which contains a GGDEF-motif) suppressed the phenotypes of the PA3885 mutant, suggesting that the function of the PA3885 protein is to regulate 3,5-cyclic diguanylic acid (c-di-GMP) concentrations as a phosphatase since c-di-GMP enhances biofilm formation by activating PelD, and c-di-GMP inhibits swarming. Loss of PA3885 protein increased cellular c-di-GMP concentrations; hence, PA3885 protein is a negative regulator of c-di-GMP production. Purified PA3885 protein has phosphatase activity against phosphotyrosine peptides and is translocated to the periplasm. Las-mediated quorum sensing positively regulates expression of the PA3885 gene. These results show that the PA3885 protein responds to AHL signals and likely dephosphorylates PA1120, which leads to reduced c-di-GMP production. This inhibits matrix exopolysaccharide formation, which leads to reduced biofilm formation; hence, we provide a mechanism for quorum sensing control of biofilm formation through the pel locus and suggest PA3885 should be named TpbA for tyrosine phosphatase related to biofilm formation and PA1120 should be TpbB

    The Gac-Rsm and SadB Signal Transduction Pathways Converge on AlgU to Downregulate Motility in Pseudomonas fluorescens

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    Flagella mediated motility in Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 is tightly regulated. We have previously shown that motility is repressed by the GacA/GacS system and by SadB through downregulation of the fleQ gene, encoding the master regulator of the synthesis of flagellar components, including the flagellin FliC. Here we show that both regulatory pathways converge in the regulation of transcription and possibly translation of the algU gene, which encodes a sigma factor. AlgU is required for multiple functions, including the expression of the amrZ gene which encodes a transcriptional repressor of fleQ. Gac regulation of algU occurs during exponential growth and is exerted through the RNA binding proteins RsmA and RsmE but not RsmI. RNA immunoprecipitation assays have shown that the RsmA protein binds to a polycistronic mRNA encoding algU, mucA, mucB and mucD, resulting in lower levels of algU. We propose a model for repression of the synthesis of the flagellar apparatus linking extracellular and intracellular signalling with the levels of AlgU and a new physiological role for the Gac system in the downregulation of flagella biosynthesis during exponential growth

    Towards a muon collider

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    A muon collider would enable the big jump ahead in energy reach that is needed for a fruitful exploration of fundamental interactions. The challenges of producing muon collisions at high luminosity and 10 TeV centre of mass energy are being investigated by the recently-formed International Muon Collider Collaboration. This Review summarises the status and the recent advances on muon colliders design, physics and detector studies. The aim is to provide a global perspective of the field and to outline directions for future work


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    The article is concerned with solving development issues of feedback services from students about the education environment in higher educational establishment. Our research conducted at the chair of informatics, software engineering and economic cybernetics of Kherson State University. During 6 years (2009 -2015) at the chair conducts a survey of students about their level of satisfaction of the learning process and teachers’ evaluation by students. As a part of the study surveyed students of 1-4 courses of the chair of informatics, software engineering and economic cybernetics. All respondents were distributed to interested and disinterested in the survey. Implementation of service "KSU Feedback" at Kherson State University in the chair of informatics, software engineering and economic cybernetics positively influenced on the creation of education environment where university acts as the corporation of students servicing