176 research outputs found

    The effect of macrolides on allergic rhinitis versus chronic rhinosinusitis- an in-vitro study

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    PhDBackground The mechanisms of the rhinitic process are complex. Previous studies upon nasal epithelial cells have begun to investigate rhinitis. HNECs from turbinate explant tissue were taken from three patient groups (Normals, Chronic Rhinosinusitics and Rhinitics). Aims The study, firstly, aims to establish fundamental differences in cytokine activity between allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis by analysing baseline levels of cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 and subsequent impact of bacterial endotoxin. Secondly the study analyses the affect of macrolides on activity in each subgroup. Methods HNECs were grown from the biopsy specimens as explant culture. Standardised exposures to LPS bacterial endotoxin and macrolide were carried out. The concentration of each mediator present in the medium at the end of incubation was assessed by ELISA). A final quantity of total cellular protein was obtained. 3 Results Baseline levels of IL-6 in unstimulated Allergic Rhinitics are significantly higher than in Normal patients. Baseline levels of IL-8, however, are lowest in Allergics. LPS significantly stimulates Allergics to increase production of both IL-6 and IL-8. Macrolides lower IL-6 and IL-8 in both stimulated and unstimulated AR cells. Baseline levels of IL-6 and IL-8 are higher in CRS than AR and Normals. LPS significantly raises IL-6 and IL-8 in CRS. Macrolides increase IL-6 and IL-8 in stimulated CRS cells however reduce levels of both in un-stimulated cells. Discussion Pre-existing neutrophilic and eosinophilic activity in CRS subjects may explain the increased baseline levels of both cytokines upon macrolide exposure. Whilst some studies have suggested macrolides act as antimicrobial, others have suggested that it is their anti-inflammatory effects that are more relevant. Treatment for Allergic Rhinitis needs to be effective long-term. The results here are novel and encourage further research to improve understanding of the effects of macrolides in a potentially pivotal role

    Сучасний стан інклюзивної освіти в країнах європейського союзу

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    The article deals with the problem of inclusive education in the modern educational space. The main purpose of inclusive learning is to eliminate any discrimination in the educational process, to make education accessible to all, and the achievement of this goal can be organized differently, as is the case in the educational systems of different countries. The tasks that need influence from the system of public administration of education on organization of education of children with special needs are highlighted.Today, it is necessary to move towards the implementation of international practice to increase the number of general education institutions ready to provide educational services to children with special needs. In solving complex and multifaceted tasks of inclusive education, an important role is assigned to the teacher, because it directs the educational process, systematizes, specifies the content of cognitive material, looks for the most rational ways to master the skills necessary for self-care, necessary for self-care opportunities for personal disclosure of each child.Adequate training for educators to work with children with special needs should be a key factor in promoting inclusive education. Today, the problem is the question of a teacher who would understand the specific problems of such children. The result will be satisfactory only if, together with the tutors, the same team will work with the relevant specialists – rehabilitation teachers, speech therapists, practical psychologists, social pedagogues, doctors, etc. Working in groups with an inclusive form of education gives a qualitatively new impetus to the teacher’s self-improvement, as he has the opportunity to deepen his knowledge about the laws of children’s development, to develop his own positions on the effectiveness of educational technologies. This work forms in the teacher a new understanding of the problems of children who are lagging behind, exposes to him the strategy and tactics of psychological and pedagogical support of these children.  У статті розглядається проблема інклюзивної освіти в сучасному освітньому просторі. Головною метою інклюзивного навчання є усунення будь-якої дискримінації в освітньому процесі, забезпечення доступності освіти для всіх, то досягнення цієї мети може бути організовано по-різному, що й спостерігається в освітніх системах різних країн. Висвітлено завдання, що потребують впливу з боку системи державного управління освітою щодо організації навчання дітей з особливими потребами

    Use of information technologies for quality training of future specialists

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    The article considers the main ways of using information technologies in education (creation of information environments in each educational institution. The factors without which the modern implementation of educational information technologies is impossible are singled out. The purposes of using e-learning, blended learning, and ways of monitoring education using computer testing are revealed. Emphasis is placed on the most effective means of educational multimedia systems in classes (automated learning systems; computer simulators; multimedia presentations; educational films; video demonstrations, etc.). The stages of teacher preparation for classes using computer technologies are singled out and their significance during classes is substantiated, the main functions in the system of training students who perform modern information technologies, the main directions of using information technologies in education, pedagogical conditions for effective introduction into the educational process of information technologies, the main goals of training specialists, which are achieved in the process of applying information technologies

    On Morphology and Morphometry of Trichuris ovis Abildgaard, 1795 Recovered from Ruminants of Ladakh, India

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    Abstract: Morphology and morphometry is used as tools for parasite identification since times immemorial, however this trend has been no longer used since the last decades and the identification became dependent on molecular characterization. However, this is possible in developed Countries while as the developing and underdeveloped Countries, like India, still largely depend on the traditional techniques. In this investigation an attempt was made to study the morphology and morphometry of adult Trichuris ovis recovered from caecum of the ruminants in Ladakh in order to access the effect of the study area, host, intensity, age, sex of the host and methodology on morphology of the parasite. It has been found that all these factors pose a little effect on the parasite identification were of minor importance because they were found within the range of similarity and were not good enough to label it as a new species as was expected. However, some descriptive features might be helpful in the parasite identification

    An Analysis of the Embodied Energy and Embodied Carbon of Refugee Shelters Worldwide

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    The delivery of health, food, and shelter to the 68.5 million people displaced worldwide represents a significant challenge. Camps can house hundreds of thousands of people, and the provision of shelter on such a scale uses considerable amounts of energy and construction materials. Although there have been several attempts to calculate the embodied energy of small numbers of shelters, summary statistics for the embodied energy (EE) and embodied carbon (EC) in general remain unknown. This makes it impossible for those designing shelters to know where their solution sits relative to the median. The primary aim of this article is to resolve this gap by using data collected from eighty-one shelter designs in thirty-four countries to complete the first large scale and global estimate of the EE and EC of shelters. Second, it aims to introduce a web-based and open-access tool, developed to help any stakeholder or interested party obtain an idea of the EE and EC of their design. The median EE was found to be 920 MJ per m2 of footprint with a 95 percent confidence interval (CI) of 599 to 1200 MJ/m2. The median EC was 90 kgCO2e/m2; 95 percent CI [39.2, 99.6]. Importantly, when these figures were further normalised per annum of service life and statistically analysed, more robust shelters did not generally have a greater environmental footprint per annum. Just three material categories—metal, clay bricks/tiles, and concrete—were found to dominate EE and EC

    Helminth infection in coldwater fishes of Suru river Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India

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    A helminthological survey of coldwater fishes of Ladakh was carried out from November 2007 to April 2009 (18 months). A total of 93 fishes belonging to two species viz., Schizothorax plagiostomus and Diptychus maculatus were collected and examined from different collection sites of Suru river, Kargil. A total of 2 helminth species viz., Neoechinorhynchus yalei Datta, 1936 and Rhabdochona himalayai Fotedar & Dhar, 1977 belonging to two helminth groups, i-e. Acanthocephala and Nematode were reported. It was found that out of 93 hosts examined, 31 were found infected with 43 parasites recovered in total, with an overall prevalence, mean intensity and abundance of 33.33%, 1.38 and 0.46 respectively. Distribution of helminth infection and its relation with sex and size of host was analysed. The helminth infection showed no significant relationship with sex of hosts however it showed mostly significant relation to size of host


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    На основі функціонального підходу в процесі дослідження визначалася змістова основа професійної підготовки фахівця інформатики. Зокрема, проаналізовано зміст відповідних навчальних планів і програм. Навчальними планами Польщі і України передбачено комплекс дисциплін, які забезпечують формування професійної компетенції фахівця інформатики. На підставі державного стандарту фахівця інформатики нами виділені такі компетенції вчителя інформатики: інформаційно-системна, операційно-інформатична, комп’ютерних мереж, компетенція в сфері програмування. Їх становлення ми розглядаємо через призму тих дисциплін, які їх формують. Проналізувавши навчальні плани підготовки фахівців з інформатики Польщі і України, зазначаємо, що група дисциплін циклу гуманітарної та соціально-економічної підготовки меншою мірою, а цикл навчальних дисциплін професійної та практичної підготовки більшою мірою, слугують фундаментальним базисом для формування професійної компетенції фахівця інформатика. Що стосується навчальних дисциплін групи професійної і практичної підготовки, відмічаємо, що серед дисциплін, які сприяють формуванню і розвитку компетенції вчителя інформатики, є предмети, характерні для всіх закладів вищої освіти: програмування (системне, об’єктно-орієнтоване, WEB-програмування), проектування баз даних, адміністрування комп’ютерних мереж, архітектура комп’ютерів, комп’ютерні мережі, комп’ютерна графіка, операційні системи. Отже у ЗВО, які готують фахівця інформатики, навчальними планами передбачена значна кількість дисциплін, зміст яких спрямований на формування його професійної компетенції. На основі проведеного порівняльного аналізу підготовки майбутнього фахівця інформатики в Польщі і Україні визначено можливість запозичення й творчого використання в системі педагогічної освіти України прогресивних ідей польського досвіду підготовки майбутніх фахівців з інформатики

    Measurement and analysis of air quality in temporary shelters on three continents

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    Millions of displaced people are housed in shelters that generally consist of a single room, meaning that activities including cooking, sleeping and socializing all take place in the same space. Therefore, indoor air quality can be poor, resulting in estimated 20,000 displaced people dying prematurely every year. Very few studies considered the issue and all within one country. This paper describes the first comprehensive study investigating air quality in shelters by looking at Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Particulate Matter (PM), and CO2 in ten locations within Peru, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Jordan, Turkey and Bangladesh. It has the aim of: (i) discovering how widespread the issue is, (ii) identifying some of the causes, (iii) whether it is linked to cultural and behavioural factors, (iv) location and climate, or (v) shelters’ materials or design. Results revealed very harmful levels of pollutants that are often linked to excess mortality - with total VOC concentrations as high as 102400 µgm-3 and PM over 3000 µgm-3. The reasons for these concentrations were complex, multifaceted and setting-specific. However, it was an issue in both simple self-built shelters and mass-manufactured designs, and across all climates and cultures. In all cases, conditions could be greatly improved by improving airflow as windows were frequently blocked for various reasons. Therefore, airflow should be explicitly considered, whilst being cognisant of the local context; and when cooking is likely to occur indoors, chimneys must be fitted