214 research outputs found

    Effect of Angiotensin II on Chondrocyte Degeneration and Protection via Differential Usage of Angiotensin II Receptors

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    The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) controls not only systemic functions, such as blood pressure, but also local tissue-specific events. Previous studies have shown that angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT(1)R) and type 2 (AT(2)R), two RAS components, are expressed in chondrocytes. However, the angiotensin II (ANG II) effects exerted through these receptors on chondrocyte metabolism are not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of ANG II and AT(1)R blockade on chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. Firstly, we observed that ANG II significantly suppressed cell proliferation and glycosaminoglycan content in rat chondrocytic RCS cells. Additionally, ANG II decreased CCN2, which is an anabolic factor for chondrocytes, via increased MMP9. In Agtr1a-deficient RCS cells generated by the CRISPR-Cas9 system, Ccn2 and Aggrecan (Acan) expression increased. Losartan, an AT(1)R antagonist, blocked the ANG II-induced decrease in CCN2 production and Acan expression in RCS cells. These findings suggest that AT(1)R blockade reduces ANG II-induced chondrocyte degeneration. Interestingly, AT(1)R-positive cells, which were localized on the surface of the articular cartilage of 7-month-old mice expanded throughout the articular cartilage with aging. These findings suggest that ANG II regulates age-related cartilage degeneration through the ANG II-AT(1)R axis

    Fibroblast Growth Factors and Cellular Communication Network Factors: Intimate Interplay by the Founding Members in Cartilage

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    Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) constitute a large family of signaling molecules that act in an autocrine/paracrine, endocrine, or intracrine manner, whereas the cellular communication network factors (CCN) family is composed of six members that manipulate extracellular signaling networks. FGFs and CCNs are structurally and functionally distinct, except for the common characteristics as matricellular proteins. Both play significant roles in the development of a variety of tissues and organs, including the skeletal system. In vertebrates, most of the skeletal parts are formed and grow through a process designated endochondral ossification, in which chondrocytes play the central role. The growth plate cartilage is the place where endochondral ossification occurs, and articular cartilage is left to support the locomotive function of joints. Several FGFs, including FGF-2, one of the founding members of this family, and all of the CCNs represented by CCN2, which is required for proper skeletal development, can be found therein. Research over a decade has revealed direct binding of CCN2 to FGFs and FGF receptors (FGFRs), which occasionally affect the biological outcome via FGF signaling. Moreover, a recent study uncovered an integrated regulation of FGF and CCN genes by FGF signaling. In this review, after a brief introduction of these two families, molecular and genetic interactions between CCN and FGF family members in cartilage, and their biological effects, are summarized. The molecular interplay represents the mutual involvement of the other in their molecular functions, leading to collaboration between CCN2 and FGFs during skeletal development

    Comparable response of ccn1 with ccn2 genes upon arthritis: An in vitro evaluation with a human chondrocytic cell line stimulated by a set of cytokines

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    Background: The chondrosarcoma-derived HCS-2/8 has been known to be an excellent model of human articular chondrocytes. By mimicking the arthritic conditions through the treatment of HCS-2/8 cells with cytokines, we estimated the gene expression response of ccn1 and ccn2 during the course of joint inflammation in vitro. Results: In order to mimic the initiation of inflammation, HCS-2/8 cells were treated with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. To induce pro-inflammatory or reparative responses, TGF-β was employed. Effects of an anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid were also evaluated. After stimulation, expression levels of ccn1 and ccn2 were quantitatively analyzed. Surprisingly, not only ccn2, but also ccn1 expression was repressed upon TNF-α stimulation, whereas both mRNAs were uniformly induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and a glucocorticoid. Conclusion: These results describing the same response during the course of inflammation suggest similar and co-operative roles of these 2 ccn family members in the course of arthritis.</p

    Novel intracellular effects of human connective tissue growth factor expressed in Cos-7 cells

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    AbstractTo clarify the multiple functionality of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), we examined the effects of nascent CTGF within the cell by transient expression. In Cos-7 cells, expression of human CTGF induced an altered cell morphology. It was associated with an increased cellular DNA content and loose attachment, indicating the cells were in G2/M phase. Overexpression of CTGF did not induce cell growth, whereas recombinant CTGF efficiently stimulated the proliferation extracellularly. These results indicate that intracellular CTGF may act as an antimitotic agent, thus it should also be noted that nascent CTGF was found to accumulate around the central mitotic machinery

    Intracellular MMP3 Promotes HSP Gene Expression in Collaboration With Chromobox Proteins

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are crucial factors in tumor progression, inflammatory/immune responses and tissue development/regeneration. Of note, it has been known that MMPs promote genome instability, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, invasion, and metastasis in tumor progression. We previously reported that human MMP3 could translocate into cellular nuclei and control transcription in human chondrosarcoma-derived cells and in articular cartilage (Eguchi et al. [2008] Mol Cell Biol 28(7):2391-2413); however, further transcriptional target genes and cofactors of intranuclear MMP3 have not been uncovered. In this paper, we used transcriptomics analysis in order to examine novel transcriptional target genes regulated by intracellular MMP3. We found that mRNA levels of HSP family members (HSP70B', HSP72, HSP40/DNAJ, and HSP20/CRYAB) are upregulated by the intracellular MMP3 overload. Bioinformatic analysis predicted several transcription factors that possibly interact with MMP3. Among these factors, heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) cooperated with the MMP3 to activate the HSP70B' gene promoter in reporter gene assays, while a dominant negative HSF1 blocked the role for MMP3 in the trans-activation. The hemopexin-like repeat (PEX) domain of the human MMP3 was essential for transcriptional induction of the HSP70B' gene. In addition, chromobox proteins CBX5/HP1α and CBX3/HP1γ cooperated with the PEX domain in induction of HSP70B' mRNA. Taken together, this study newly clarified that intracellular MMP3 cooperate with CBXs/HP1s in transcriptional promotion of HSP genes

    Mouse in Utero Electroporation: Controlled Spatiotemporal Gene Transfection

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    In order to understand the function of genes expressed in specific region of the developing brain, including signaling molecules and axon guidance molecules, local gene transfer or knock- out is required. Gene targeting knock-in or knock-out into local regions is possible to perform with combination with a specific CRE line, which is laborious, costly, and time consuming. Therefore, a simple transfection method, an in utero electroporation technique, which can be performed with short time, will be handy to test the possible function of candidate genes prior to the generation of transgenic animals 1,2. In addition to this, in utero electroporation targets areas of the brain where no specific CRE line exists, and will limit embryonic lethality 3,4. Here, we present a method of in utero electroporation combining two different types of electrodes for simple and convenient gene transfer into target areas of the developing brain. First, a unique holding method of embryos using an optic fiber optic light cable will make small embryos (from E9.5) visible for targeted DNA solution injection into ventricles and needle type electrodes insertion to the targeted brain area 5,6. The patterning of the brain such as cortical area occur at early embryonic stage, therefore, these early electroporation from E9.5 make a big contribution to understand entire area patterning event. Second, the precise shape of a capillary prevents uterine damage by making holes by insertion of the capillary. Furthermore, the precise shape of the needle electrodes are created with tungsten and platinum wire and sharpened using sand paper and insulated with nail polish 7, a method which is described in great detail in this protocol. This unique technique allows transfection of plasmid DNA into restricted areas of the brain and will enable small embryos to be electroporated. This will help to, open a new window for many scientists who are working on cell differentiation, cell migration, axon guidance in very early embryonic stage. Moreover, this technique will allow scientists to transfect plasmid DNA into deep parts of the developing brain such as thalamus and hypothalamus, where not many region-specific CRE lines exist for gain of function (GOF) or loss of function (LOF) analyses

    Roles of Interaction between CCN2 and Rab14 in Aggrecan Production by Chondrocytes

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    To identify proteins that cooperate with cellular communication network factor 2 (CCN2), we carried out GAL4-based yeast two-hybrid screening using a cDNA library derived from the chondrocytic cell line HCS-2/8. Rab14 GTPase (Rab14) polypeptide was selected as a CCN2-interactive protein. The interaction between CCN2 and Rab14 in HCS-2/8 cells was confirmed using the in situ proximity ligation assay. We also found that CCN2 interacted with Rab14 through its IGFBP-like domain among the four domains in CCN2 protein. To detect the colocalization between CCN2 and Rab14 in the cells in detail, CCN2, wild-type Rab14 (Rab14WT), a constitutive active form (Rab14CA), and a dominant negative form (Rab14DN) of Rab14 were overexpressed in monkey kidney-tissue derived COS7 cells. Ectopically overexpressed Rab14 showed a diffuse cytosolic distribution in COS7 cells; however, when Rab14WT was overexpressed with CCN2, the Rab14WT distribution changed to dots that were evenly distributed within the cytosol, and both Rab14 and CCN2 showed clear colocalization. When Rab14CA was overexpressed with CCN2, Rab14CA and CCN2 also showed good localization as dots, but their distribution was more widespread within cytosol. The coexpression of Rab14DN and CCN2 also showed a dotted codistribution but was more concentrated in the perinuclear area. Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis revealed that the reduction in RAB14 or CCN2 mRNA by their respective siRNA significantly enhanced the expression of ER stress markers, BIP and CHOP mRNA in HCS-2/8 chondrocytic cells, suggesting that ER and Golgi stress were induced by the inhibition of membrane vesicle transfer via the suppression of CCN2 or Rab14. Moreover, to study the effect of the interaction between CCN2 and its interactive protein Rab14 on proteoglycan synthesis, we overexpressed Rab14WT or Rab14CA or Rab14DN in HCS-2/8 cells and found that the overexpression of Rab14DN decreased the extracellular proteoglycan accumulation more than the overexpression of Rab14WT/CA did in the chondrocytic cells. These results suggest that intracellular CCN2 is associated with Rab14 on proteoglycan-containing vesicles during their transport from the Golgi apparatus to endosomes in chondrocytes and that this association may play a role in proteoglycan secretion by chondrocytes

    Regulation of cellular communication network factor 2 (CCN2) in breast cancer cells via the cell-type dependent interplay between CCN2 and glycolysis

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    Objectives: Anti-osteoclastic treatments for breast cancer occasionally cause medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Moreover, elevated glycolytic activity, which is known as the Warburg effect, is usually observed in these breast cancer cells. Previously, we found that cellular communication network factor 2 (CCN2) production and glycolysis enhanced each other in chondrocytes. Here, we evaluated the interplay between CCN2 and glycolysis in breast cancer cells, as we suspected a possible involvement of CCN2 in the Warburg effect in highly invasive breast cancer cells. Methods: Two human breast cancer cell lines with a distinct phenotype were used. Glycolysis was inhibited by using 2 distinct compounds, and gene silencing was performed using siRNA. Glycolysis and the expression of relevant genes were monitored via colorimetric assays and quantitative RT-PCR, respectively. Results: Although CCN2 expression was almost completely silenced when treating invasive breast cancer cells with a siRNA cocktail against CCN2, glycolytic activity was not affected. Notably, the expression of glycolytic enzyme genes, which was repressed by CCN2 deficiency in chondrocytes, tended to increase upon CCN2 silencing in breast cancer cells. Inhibition of glycolysis, which resulted in the repression of CCN2 expression in chondrocytic cells, did not alter or strongly enhanced CCN2 expression in the invasive and non-invasive breast cancer cells, respectively. Conclusions: High CCN2 expression levels play a critical role in the invasion and metastasis of breast cancer. Thus, a collapse in the intrinsic repressive machinery of CCN2 due to glycolysis may induce the acquisition of an invasive phenotype in breast cancer cells

    Expression and function of CCN2-derived circRNAs in chondrocytes

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    Cellular communication network factor 2 (CCN2) molecules promote endochondral ossification and articular cartilage regeneration, and circular RNAs (circRNAs), which arise from various genes and regulate gene expression by adsorbing miRNAs, are known to be synthesized from CCN2 in human vascular endothelial cells and other types of cells. However, in chondrocytes, not only the function but also the presence of CCN2-derived circRNA remains completely unknown. In the present study, we investigated the expression and function of CCN2-derived circRNAs in chondrocytes. Amplicons smaller than those from known CCN2-derived circRNAs were observed using RT-PCR analysis that could specifically amplify CCN2-derived circRNAs in human chondrocytic HCS-2/8 cells. The nucleotide sequences of the PCR products indicated novel circRNAs in the HCS-2/8 cells that were different from known CCN2-derived circRNAs. Moreover, the expression of several Ccn2-derived circRNAs in murine chondroblastic ATDC5 cells was confirmed and observed to change alongside chondrocytic differentiation. Next, one of these circRNAs was knocked down in HCS-2/8 cells to investigate the function of the human CCN2-derived circRNA. As a result, CCN2-derived circRNA knockdown significantly reduced the expression of aggrecan mRNA and proteoglycan synthesis. Our data suggest that CCN2-derived circRNAs are expressed in chondrocytes and play a role in chondrogenic differentiation

    Positive Regulation of S-Adenosylmethionine on Chondrocytic Differentiation via Stimulation of Polyamine Production and the Gene Expression of Chondrogenic Differentiation Factors

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    S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is considered to be a useful therapeutic agent for degenerative cartilage diseases, although its mechanism is not clear. We previously found that polyamines stimulate the expression of differentiated phenotype of chondrocytes. We also found that the cellular communication network factor 2 (CCN2) played a huge role in the proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes. Therefore, we hypothesized that polyamines and CCN2 could be involved in the chondroprotective action of SAM. In this study, we initially found that exogenous SAM enhanced proteoglycan production but not cell proliferation in human chondrocyte-like cell line-2/8 (HCS-2/8) cells. Moreover, SAM enhanced gene expression of cartilage-specific matrix (aggrecan and type II collagen), Sry-Box transcription factor 9 (SOX9), CCN2, and chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic enzymes. The blockade of the methionine adenosyltransferase 2A (MAT2A) enzyme catalyzing intracellular SAM biosynthesis restrained the effect of SAM on chondrocytes. The polyamine level in chondrocytes was higher in SAM-treated culture than control culture. Additionally, Alcian blue staining and RT-qPCR indicated that the effects of SAM on the production and gene expression of aggrecan were reduced by the inhibition of polyamine synthesis. These results suggest that the stimulation of polyamine synthesis and gene expression of chondrogenic differentiation factors, such as CCN2, account for the mechanism underlying the action of SAM on chondrocytes