276 research outputs found

    Recent trends in field-effect transistors-based immunosensors

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Immunosensors are analytical platforms that detect specific antigen-antibody interactions and play an important role in a wide range of applications in biomedical clinical diagnosis, food safety, and monitoring contaminants in the environment. Field-effect transistors (FET) immunosensors have been developed as promising alternatives to conventional immunoassays, which require complicated processes and long-time data acquisition. The electrical signal of FET-based immunosensors is generated as a result of the antigen-antibody conjugation. FET biosensors present real-time and rapid response, require small sample volume, and exhibit higher sensitivity and selectivity. This review brings an overview on the recent literature of FET-based immunosensors, highlighting a diversity of nanomaterials modified with specific receptors as immunosensing platforms for the ultrasensitive detection of various biomolecules.Immunosensors are analytical platforms that detect specific antigen-antibody interactions and play an important role in a wide range of applications in biomedical clinical diagnosis, food safety, and monitoring contaminants in the environment. Field-effec44FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)2013/22127-2; 2016/04739-9sem informação: The authors acknowledge the financial assistance provided by The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, project #2013/22127-2 and grant #2016/04739-9) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq

    Micelle-mediated method for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid and uric acid by differential pulse voltammetry

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    The present work describes an analytical methodology for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA) by differential pulse voltammetry employing the cationic surfactant, cetylpyridinium chloride. Differential pulse voltammetry measurements revealed that the cationic micellar media may separate the oxidation peak potentials of AA and UA present in the same solution by about 282 mV, which is enough to determine both species simultaneously. As in pH 7.0 the AA is more ionized than UA, its electrostatic attraction towards the cationic micelles formed onto the surface of glassy carbon electrode is higher, therefore, promoting a decrease in the overpotential and increasing the electron transfer rate. Calibration curves to AA and UA in the concentration range from 4.70 up to 220 µmol L-1 and 0.50 up to 110 µmol L-1 were built. The proposed methodology was applied for the simultaneous determination of AA and UA in human urine samples

    Sensor Eletroquìmico Ultra-sensìvel Para Determinação De Cobre Em Nìveis De Fentogramas

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    O presente processo descreve o desenvolvimento de sensores voltamétricos ultrassensíveis para determinação eletroquímica de cobre (II). Os sensores desenvolvidos consistem de eletrodos de ouro modificados com monocamadas auto organizadas de ácido mercaptopropiônico. Tais eletrodos modificados mostraram uma grande habilidade para pré-concentrar íons cobre em solução, oferecendo um método simples e reprodutível para a determinação extremamente sensível deste elemento (na ordem de partes por quatrilhão (ppq)). A resposta dos sensores foi investigada quanto a sua dependência em relação a vários parâmetros experimentais, tais como pH, eletrólito suporte e tempo de pré concentração. O sensor desenvolvido apresentou uma ampla faixa linear de trabalho (entre 1,0 x 1 0-12 e 1,0 x 10-9 mol l-1 de cobre(II)), com um limite de detecção de 2,4 x 10-14 mol l-1(1,5 ppq ou 3,75 fentogramas (10-15 g) de cobre num volume de 2,5 ml) apos 5 minutos de pre-concentração. Além disso, este sensor também apresentou uma excelente repetibilidade, com um desvio padrão relativo de apenas 3,2% para uma serie de 9 medidas sucessivas de uma solução 10,0 x 10-12 mol l-1 de cobre (II). A aplicabilidade deste sensor na analise de amostras de interesse clinico, industrial e ambiental foi avaliada monitorando-se a concentração de cobre em amostras de agua mineral e de cachaça.BR0205155 (A)C02F1/469C02F1/469BR20020205155C02F1/469C02F1/46

    Application of Blind Source Separation Methods to Ion-Selective Electrode Arrays in Flow-Injection Analysis

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    International audienceAs shown recently, the interference problem typical of ion-selective electrodes can be dealt with via smart arrays adjusted by blind source separation methods. In this letter, we resume this study and show that such an approach can be applied even when faced with a limited number of samples acquired through flow-injection analysis

    Electrochemical behavior of rhodium acetamidate immobilized on a carbon paste electrode: a hydrazine sensor

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    The electrochemical behavior of rhodium acetamidate immobilized in carbon paste electrode and the consequences for sensor construction were evaluated. The electrode showed good stability and redox properties. Two reversible redox couples with midpoint potentials between 0.15 and 0.55 V vs SCE were observed. However, peak resolution in voltammetric studies was very dependent on the supporting electrolyte. The correlation between coordinating power of the electrolyte and peak potential suggests that the electrolyte can coordinate through the axial position of the complexes. Furthermore, the axial position may be also the catalytic site, as a catalytical response was observed for hydrazine oxidation. A good linear response range for hydrazine was fit by the equation i = 23.13 (± 0.34) c , where i = current in mA and c = concentration in mol dm-3 in the range of 10-5 up to 10-2 mol dm-3. The low applied potential (<300 mV) indicates a good device for hydrazine sensor, minimizing interference problems. The short response time (~1 s) may be useful in flow injection analysis. Furthermore, this system was very stable presenting good repeatability even after 30 measurements with a variance of 0.5 %.O comportamento eletroquímico do acetamidato de ródio imobilizado em pasta de carbono e as potencialidades para construção de sensores foram avaliados. O complexo imobilizado mostrou boa estabilidade e propriedades redox, sendo observados dois pares redox reversíveis com potenciais médios entre 0,15 e 0,55 V vs SCE. Entretanto, a resolução dos picos voltamétricos mostrou-se dependente do eletrólito suporte. A correlação entre a capacidade coordenante do eletrólito e seus respectivos potenciais médios sugere que o eletrólito deve coordenar-se em posição axial nos complexos. Além disto, a posição axial deve ser o sítio catalítico, sendo que a oxidação de espécies doadoras, como hidrazina, foi catalisada por estes complexos. O baixo potencial (<300 mV) mostra uma boa viabilidade deste composto para a confecção de sensores para a hidrazina, minimizando problemas de interferentes. Uma boa faixa de resposta linear para a hidrazina foi ajustada pela equação i = 23,13 (± 0,34) c , onde i = corrente em mA and c = concentração em mol dm-3 na faixa de 10-5 a 10-2 mol dm-3.O baixo tempo de resposta (~1 s) poderia ser útil em análises por injeção em fluxo. Este sistema foi bem estável e apresentou boa repetibilidade, mesmo após 30 medições, com uma variância de 0,5 %.304310Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    The utilization of materials obtained by the sol-gel process in biosensors construction

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    The use of sol-gel materials to develop new biosensors has received great attention due to its characteristics and versatility of sol-gel process. An overview is presented of the state-of-the-art of electrochemical biosensors employing sol-gel materials. Low-temperature, porous sol-gel ceramics represent a new class for the immobilization of biomolecules. The rational design of sol-gel sensing materials, based on the judicious choice of the starting alkoxide, encapsulated reagents, and preparation conditions, allows tailoring of material properties in a wide range, and offers great potential for the development of electrochemical biosensors.835841Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Characterization of self-assembled thiols monolayers on gold surface by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

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    Thiols with different alkyl chain length and containing COOH terminal group were self-assembled on gold electrodes. The electron transfer of Fe(CN)6(3-/4-) couple to the electrode was studied at different pH by means cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Changes in solution pH resulted in the charge variation of the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) terminal group and, consequently, the electrostatic interaction of SAM with the electroactive species in the solution.Tióis de cadeias carbônicas com tamanhos diferentes e contendo grupo terminal COOH foram usados para formar monocamadas auto-organizadas sobre a superfície de eletrodos de ouro. A transferência de elétrons do par Fe(CN)6(3-/4-) para o eletrodo foi estudada em diferentes pH usando-se as técnicas de voltametria cíclica (CV) e de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIS). Mudanças no pH da solução resultaram em variações na carga do grupo terminal das monocamadas auto-organizadas e, conseqüentemente, em alterações na interação eletrostática da SAM com as espécies eletroativas em solução.849855Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Development of a semigraphitic sulfur-doped ordered mesoporous carbon material for electroanalytical applications

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    The modification of traditional electrodes with mesoporous carbons is a promising strategy to produce high performance electrodes for electrochemical sensing. The high surface area of mesoporous carbons provides a large number of electroactive sites for binding analytes. Controlling the pore size and structure of mesoporous carbons and modifying their electronic properties via doping offers additional benefits like maximizing transport and tuning the electrochemical processes associated with analyte detection. This work reports a facile method to produce sulfur-doped ordered mesoporous carbon materials (S-OMC) with uniform pore structure, large pore volume, high surface area and semigraphitic structure. The synthesis used thiophenol as a single source of carbon and sulfur, and iron as a catalyst for low temperature carbonization. The S-OMC material was deposited on a glassy carbon electrode and used as a sensor with high sensitivity (11.7 A L mol−1) and selectivity for chloramphenicol detection in presence of other antibiotics. As a proof-of-concept, the sensor was applied to the direct analysis of the drug in reconstituted powdered milk and in commercial eye drops

    Enzymeless biosensors: a novel area for the development of amperometric sensors

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    The aim of this work is to describe the recent area that it has been developed for the construction of amperometric sensors, with the purpose to make possible a more effective electron transfer between enzyme and electrode. The advances reported in the literature will be described, such as enzymatic configurations that can be mimic using the chemistry of the artificial enzymes.123128Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP