18 research outputs found

    Bio-jETI: a service integration, design, and provisioning platform for orchestrated bioinformatics processes-3

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    the _ Service specified as a command line call to a shell script with four required parameters taking two input files, a control value and one output file.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Bio-jETI: a service integration, design, and provisioning platform for orchestrated bioinformatics processes"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/S4/S12</p><p>BMC Bioinformatics 2008;9(Suppl 4):S12-S12.</p><p>Published online 25 Apr 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2367639.</p><p></p

    Universität Dortmund

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    LC/MS is a successful analysis technique for the statistical analysis used in several branches of biology. It requires an intense screening and combination of the raw data, which is usually done with programs and libraries invoked by scripts in the domain-specific statistics language S or R. We show here how to model and implement this complex workflow in a service-oriented fashion, using the jABC service definition environment and jETI for remote service integration and execution.

    B: Modelbased Design of Distributed Collaborative Bioinformatics Processes in the jABC

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    Abstract — Our approach to the model-driven collaborative design of workflows for bioinformatic applications uses the jABC [6] for model driven mediation and choreography to complement a Webservice-based elementary service provision. jABC is a framework for service development based on Lightweight Process Coordination. Users (product developers and system/software designers) develop services and applications by composing reusable building-blocks into (flow-)graph structures that can be animated, analyzed, simulated, verified, executed, and compiled. This way of handling the collaborative design of complex processes has proven to be effective and adequate for the cooperation of non-programmers (in this case biologists) and technical people, and it is now being rolled out in the operative practice

    Grammatik und Korpora 2009. Dritte Internationale Konferenz, Mannheim, 22.-24.09.2009

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    Die Nutzung von Korpora hat die Grammatikforschung in den letzten Jahren wirkungsvoll vorangebracht und birgt immer noch großes Potenzial. Korpora vermitteln Einsichten in den Sprachgebrauch und ermöglichen es, auch Phänomenen auf die Spur zu kommen, die in der Grammatikografie bisher unbeachtet blieben. Die Beiträge zur Dritten Internationalen Konferenz Grammatik und Korpora (Mannheim 2009) thematisieren zum einen korpusgestützte grammatische Untersuchungen zu verschiedenen Sprachen, zum anderen übereinzelsprachlich ausgerichtete methodologisch-korpuslinguistische Ansätze. Einblicke in laufende Forschungsvorhaben runden den Band ab, der sowohl für Grammatiker mit Interesse an korpuslinguistischen Methoden als auch für Korpuslinguisten gedacht ist, die grammatiktheoretische Fragen nicht ignorieren wollen.The use of digital corpora has advanced research on grammar considerably over the past few years and, more importantly, still holds great potential for the future. Corpora allow for insights into grammar in use and help explore regularities and patterns that have gone unnoticed in previous research. The proceedings of the Third International Conference on Grammar and Corpora (Mannheim 2009) present corpus-based studies on grammatical phenomena in individual languages and contributions with a cross-linguistic and methodological orientation.The volume will appeal both to researchers of grammar wishing to remain abreast of the results of pertinent corpus-based research and to corpus linguists wishing to broaden the theoretical context of their work

    Bio-jETI: a service integration, design, and provisioning platform for orchestrated bioinformatics processes-6

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    D KO-mice.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Bio-jETI: a service integration, design, and provisioning platform for orchestrated bioinformatics processes"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/S4/S12</p><p>BMC Bioinformatics 2008;9(Suppl 4):S12-S12.</p><p>Published online 25 Apr 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2367639.</p><p></p