7 research outputs found

    Gender and everyday mobility of economically active persons: case study of Příbram

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    The Bachelor thesis is focused on daily commuting to work demonstrated on an example of the town Příbram. The aim of the thesis is to find out what are the differences in the gender-based daily mobility of economically active people. The theoretical part deals with the discussion of the literature related to the studied problems, especially with literature orientated on the spatial mobility. The data for daily commuting of economically active inhabitants of Příbram are taken over from the 2011 Census and Housing. The results are processed by the basic descriptive statistical methods. The research has found that men have a greater access to a car, which is closely related to the fact that men more often than women commute to work outside the town. On the other side, women more often use public transport or go to workplace on foot. Beside Příbram itself, the most people commute to Prague. The most frequent commuting time is up to 29 minutes, an exception is the category "60-89 minutes", where commuting to Prague is included. Keywords: gender, everyday mobility, commuting to work, economically active population, PříbramTématem této bakalářské práce je denní dojížďka do zaměstnání demonstrovaná na příkladu města Příbram. Cílem práce je zjistit, jaké jsou rozdíly v genderově podmíněné každodenní mobilitě ekonomicky aktivních obyvatel Příbrami. Teoretická část se věnuje diskuzi literatury vztahující se k řešené problematice s důrazem na prostorovou mobilitu. V práci jsou využita data za každodenní dojížďku ekonomicky aktivních obyvatel s obvyklým pobytem v Příbrami ze Sčítání lidu, domů a bytů 2011. Pro zpracování výsledků jsou použity základní deskriptivní statistické metody. Provedeným výzkumem bylo zjištěno, že muži mají větší přístup k osobnímu automobilu, což úzce souvisí s tím, že častěji než ženy dojíždí za prací mimo obec bydliště. Ženy naopak ve větší míře využívají veřejnou dopravu nebo dochází na místo pracoviště pěšky. Kromě samotné Příbrami figuruje mezi nejčastějšími obcemi dojížďky hlavní město Praha. Nejvíce zastoupená doba dojížďky za prací je do 29 minut, výjimku tvoří kategorie "60-89 minut", kam je zahrnuta právě dojížďka do Prahy. Klíčová slova: gender, každodenní mobilita, dojížďka do zaměstnání, ekonomicky aktivní obyvatelstvo, PříbramKatedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Faculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Dynamics and role of the Arabidopsis thaliana IAA17/AXR3 protein in regulation of root growth by auxin

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    Auxin is phytohormone that regulates several developmental processes and environmental responses. One of the most well-described outcome of the auxin signalling pathway is regulation of gene transcription. Aux/IAA proteins play an important role in this process, acting as transcriptional repressors. Recent studies revealed that several root growth responses are too rapid to be explained by changes in the level of transcription. The correlation between the amount of Aux/IAAs and the root growth rate suggests that these proteins might be involved in root growth regulation, especially during rapid growth responses that are not associated with transcriptional reprogramming. This work is focused on one of the 29 Arabidopsis Aux/IAA proteins - the IAA17/AXR3 protein. First, we produced stable transgenic lines of Arabidopsis thaliana expressing different combinations of fluorescently labelled AXR3-1 proteins and/or fused to subcellular localization tags under the control of different tissue-specific promoters, in order to characterize the subcellular localization of the studied protein. Subsequent visualization by confocal microscopy methods confirmed information about the role of IAA17/AXR3 protein in root growth responses, its involvement in auxin signalling, and gravitropism. Next, we showed that the..

    Dynamics and role of the Arabidopsis thaliana IAA17/AXR3 protein in regulation of root growth by auxin

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    Auxin is phytohormone that regulates several developmental processes and environmental responses. One of the most well-described outcome of the auxin signalling pathway is regulation of gene transcription. Aux/IAA proteins play an important role in this process, acting as transcriptional repressors. Recent studies revealed that several root growth responses are too rapid to be explained by changes in the level of transcription. The correlation between the amount of Aux/IAAs and the root growth rate suggests that these proteins might be involved in root growth regulation, especially during rapid growth responses that are not associated with transcriptional reprogramming. This work is focused on one of the 29 Arabidopsis Aux/IAA proteins - the IAA17/AXR3 protein. First, we produced stable transgenic lines of Arabidopsis thaliana expressing different combinations of fluorescently labelled AXR3-1 proteins and/or fused to subcellular localization tags under the control of different tissue-specific promoters, in order to characterize the subcellular localization of the studied protein. Subsequent visualization by confocal microscopy methods confirmed information about the role of IAA17/AXR3 protein in root growth responses, its involvement in auxin signalling, and gravitropism. Next, we showed that the..

    Developmental dyscalculia of children at primary school

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    Thesis Development dyscalculia in children at Elementary school, the possibility of re-education deals with specific learning disabilities - namely dyscalculia. The aim of the theoretical part of thesis is to generally summed up what is meant by the specific disorders of learning and dyscalculia as how individual developmental dyscalculia show and also how to proceed in their re-education, as children with specific learning disabilities feel in class and how from approach of a teacher work with children with specific learning disabilities. With a focus on pupils who attended the 1st degree of common elementary school. For processing the practical part I chose the form of casuistry. I was interested in the problematic how are the children with specific learning disabilities cared at school and how teachers are dedicated to these students. I focused mainly on the possibility of re-education dyscalculia using these methods - observation of the work with the child, analysis of documents and an interview with elementary school teacher who works with the child, and the interview with the child alone. Additionally the next purpose of this thesis was focused on the design and implementation of the remedial program, all with detailed reflection and analysis

    Gender and everyday mobility of economically active persons: case study of Příbram

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    The Bachelor thesis is focused on daily commuting to work demonstrated on an example of the town Příbram. The aim of the thesis is to find out what are the differences in the gender-based daily mobility of economically active people. The theoretical part deals with the discussion of the literature related to the studied problems, especially with literature orientated on the spatial mobility. The data for daily commuting of economically active inhabitants of Příbram are taken over from the 2011 Census and Housing. The results are processed by the basic descriptive statistical methods. The research has found that men have a greater access to a car, which is closely related to the fact that men more often than women commute to work outside the town. On the other side, women more often use public transport or go to workplace on foot. Beside Příbram itself, the most people commute to Prague. The most frequent commuting time is up to 29 minutes, an exception is the category "60-89 minutes", where commuting to Prague is included. Keywords: gender, everyday mobility, commuting to work, economically active population, Příbra

    Dynamika a role proteinu IAA17/AXR3 v regulaci růstu kořenů Arabidopsis thaliana auxinem

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    Auxin is phytohormone that regulates several developmental processes and environmental responses. One of the most well-described outcome of the auxin signalling pathway is regulation of gene transcription. Aux/IAA proteins play an important role in this process, acting as transcriptional repressors. Recent studies revealed that several root growth responses are too rapid to be explained by changes in the level of transcription. The correlation between the amount of Aux/IAAs and the root growth rate suggests that these proteins might be involved in root growth regulation, especially during rapid growth responses that are not associated with transcriptional reprogramming. This work is focused on one of the 29 Arabidopsis Aux/IAA proteins - the IAA17/AXR3 protein. First, we produced stable transgenic lines of Arabidopsis thaliana expressing different combinations of fluorescently labelled AXR3-1 proteins and/or fused to subcellular localization tags under the control of different tissue-specific promoters, in order to characterize the subcellular localization of the studied protein. Subsequent visualization by confocal microscopy methods confirmed information about the role of IAA17/AXR3 protein in root growth responses, its involvement in auxin signalling, and gravitropism. Next, we showed that the...in Slovak language Auxín je rastlinný hormón regulujúci mnoho vývinových procesov a environmentálnych odpovedí. Jedným z najviac opísaných spôsobov auxínovej signálnej dráhy je regulácia génovej transkripcie. Aux/IAA proteíny hrajú v tomto procese dôležitú úlohu - pôsobia ako transkripčné represory. Nedávne štúdie odhalili, že niektoré rastové odpovede koreňov sú príliš rýchle na to, aby ich bolo možné vysvetliť zmenami na úrovni transkripcie. Korelácia medzi množstvom Aux/IAA proteínov a rýchlosťou rastu koreňov naznačuje, že tieto proteíny sa môžu podieľať na regulácii rastu koreňov, najmä počas včasných rýchlych rastových odpovedí, ktoré nie sú spojené s transkripčným preprogramovaním. Táto práca je zameraná na jeden z 29 Aux/IAA proteínov Arabidopsis - IAA17/AXR3 proteín. Najskôr sme vytvorili stabilné transgénne línie Arabidopsis thaliana exprimujúce rôzne kombinácie fluorescenčne značeného AXR3-1 proteínu a/alebo fúzovaného so subcelulárnymi lokalizačnými značkami pod kontrolou rôznych pletivovo špecifických promótorov, ktoré umožňujú charakterizovať subcelulárnu lokalizáciu tohto proteínu. Následná vizualizácia metódami konfokálnej mikroskopie potvrdila informácie o úlohe IAA17/AXR3 proteínu v rastových odpovediach koreňov, jeho zapojenie do auxínovej signalizácie a gravitropismu. Ďalej sme...Katedra experimentální biologie rostlinDepartment of Experimental Plant BiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult