17 research outputs found

    Convergence Analysis and Analog Circuit Applications for a Class of Networks of Nonlinear Coupled Oscillators

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    The physical motivation and rigorous proof of convergence for a particular network of nonlinear coupled oscillators are reviewed. Next, the network and convergence proof are generalized in several ways, to make the network more applicable to actual engineering problems. It is argued that such coupled oscillator circuits are more natural to implement in analog hardware than other types of dynamical equations because the signal levels tend to remain at sufficiently large values that effects of offsets and mismatch are minimized. Examples of how analog implementations of these networks are able to address actual control problems are given. The first example shows how a pair of coupled oscillators can be used to compensate for the feedback path phase shift in a complex LMS loop, and has potential application for analog adaptive antenna arrays or linear predictor circuits. The second example shows how a single oscillator circuit with feedback could be used for continuous wavelet transform applications. Finally, analog CMOS implementation of the coupled oscillator dynamics is briefly discussed

    Profiling the temperature distribution in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with nanocrystalline diamond heat spreading layers

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    Reduced performance in Gallium Nitride (GaN) based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) as a result of self-heating has been well-documented. A new approach, termed “diamond-before-gate" is shown to improve the thermal budget of the deposition process and enables large area diamond without degrading the gate metal NCD capped devices had a 20% lower channel temperature at equivalent power dissipation

    Vertical conduction properties of few-layer epitaxial graphene / n-type 4H-SiC heterojunctions at cryogenic temperatures

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    Vertical diodes of epitaxial graphene on n 4H-SiC were investigated. The graphene Raman spectraexhibited a higher intensity in the G-line than the 2D-line, indicative of a few-layer graphene film.Rectifying properties improved at low temperatures as the reverse leakage decreased over six ordersof magnitude without freeze-out in either material. Carrier concentration of 10 16 cm 3in the SiCremained stable down to 15 K, while accumulation charge decreased and depletion width increasedin forward bias. The low barrier height of 0.08 eV and absence of recombination-induced emissionindicated majority carrier field emission as the dominant conduction mechanism

    Investigation of the Epitaxial Graphene/p-SiC Heterojunction

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    There has been significant research in the study of in-plane charge-carrier transport in graphene in order to understand and exploit its unique electrical properties; however, the vertical graphene–semiconductor system also presents opportunities for unique devices. In this letter, we investigate the epitaxial graphene/p-type 4H-SiC system to better understand this vertical heterojunction. The I–V behavior does not demonstrate thermionic emission properties that are indicative of a Schottky barrier but rather demonstrates characteristics of a semiconductor heterojunction. This is confirmed by the fitting of the temperature-dependent I–V curves to classical heterojunction equations and the observation of band-edge electroluminescence in SiC

    Improved GaN-based HEMT performance by nanocrystalline diamond capping

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    As a wide-bandgap semiconductor, gallium nitride (GaN) is an attractive material for next-generation power devices. To date, the capabilities of GaN-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been limited by self-heating effects (drain current decreases due to phonon scattering-induced carrier velocity reductions at high drain fields). Despite awareness of this, attempts to mitigate thermal impairment have been limited due to the difficulties involved with placing high thermal conductivity materials close to heat sources in the device. Heat spreading schemes have involved growth of AIGaN/GaN on single crystal or CVD diamond, or capping of fullyprocessed HEMTs using nanocrystalline diamond (NCD). All approaches have suffered from reduced HEMT performance or limited substrate size. Recently, a "gate after diamond" approach has been successfully demonstrated to improve the thermal budget of the process by depositing NCD before the thermally sensitive Schottky gate and also to enable large-area diamond implementation


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    Wafer-Bonded Silicon Gamma-Ray Detectors

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    Degradation mechanisms of 2 MeV proton irradiated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs

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    Proton-induced damage in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs was investigated using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and simulated using a Monte Carlo technique. The results were correlated to electrical degradation using Hall measurements. It was determined by EDS that the interface between GaN and AlGaN in the irradiated HEMT was broadened by 2.2 nm, as estimated by the width of the Al EDS signal compared to the as-grown interface. The simulation results show a similar Al broadening effect. The extent of interfacial roughening was examined using high resolution TEM. At a 2 MeV proton fluence of 6 × 1014 H+/cm2, the electrical effects associated with the Al broadening and surface roughening include a degradation of the ON-resistance and a decrease in the electron mobility and 2DEG sheet carrier density by 28.9% and 12.1%, respectively