31 research outputs found

    Life support system in the mature Martian colony for 1000 people

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    The development in the field of space engineering is aimed at achieving another milestone, which is the creation of an extraterrestrial colony on, for example, Mars. Missions of this kind will be long-term and long-distance, which results in the need to design systems with a high degree of self-sufficiency. It is synonymous with high recovery resources. This article is a concept proposed for the needs of the Mar Colony Prize competition – Design The First Human Settlement On Mars, created by The Mars Society. This competition assumed designing highly-autonomous base for 1000 people. This means, that all environmental systems must be connected with each other and work in closed loops. In this paper four main environmental systems are proposed and characterized. The state of art of each subsystems technology is presented

    Ketogenic diet in civilization diseases

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    The low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet (LCKD) is a high fat and low carbohydrate and low protein diet. It was found to be promising in controlling diabetes mellitus. (DM)., epilepsy, obesity, cardiovascular diseases. Ketogenic diet lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, and shifts the body’s metabolism from carbs and towards fat and ketones.The primary goal of inducing ketosis is to help patients with rare metabolic disorders in a situation where pharmacological treatment was not effective

    The influence of menstrual cycle on aerobic capacity

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    Introduction: Nowadays sociocultural changes that happen in highly developed countries increased the awareness of physical activity and healthy lifestyle. The social media have a significant influence on promoting the healthy lifestyle and motivating people to live fit. More and more women in their 20s take up physical activity to gain a beautiful body and feel healthy. Considering many hormones changes during the menstrual cycle, authors of many studies try to find direct link between the female menstrual cycle and aerobic capacity or general level of performance. The aims of the study: Does a phase of menstrual cycle affect physical capacity and reached submaximal level of heart rate? Does a phase of menstrual cycle affect aerobic capacity of the students? Does the subjective rate of physical capacity confirms in beep test result? Methods: 44 students of Medical University of Silesia took part in the study. Authorial questionnaire consisting of 13 questions was used to collect essential informations such as age, phase of the menstrual cycle, subjective rate of the aerobic capacity. Study group was measured with Beep test (a shuffle test used to assess aerobic performance, consisting of 21 levels that differ in the number of stages and the speed at which a distance of 20m should be covered in a given time). Before and after (1st and 5th minute) every run heart rate was measured with pulseoximeter. Results: Considering the beep test result sheets, the average of student's results shows rather poor performance. (1) So far, the studies haven't indicated any link between menstrual cycle and aerobic capacity (2) There is a relation between the frequency of training sessions and the aerobic capacity. Students that do an endurance training (in many forms) tend to have average/good beep test result

    Plutonium, 90Sr and 241Am in human bones from southern and northeastern parts of Poland

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    The paper presents the results of our study on 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Am and 90Sr concentration in human bones carried out on a set of 88 individual samples of central Europe origin. Bone tissue samples were retrieved under surgery while introducing hip joint implants. The conducted surgeries tend to cover either southern or northeastern parts of Poland. While for the southern samples only global fallout was expected to be seen, a mixed global and Chernobyl fallout were to be reflected in the others. Alpha spectrometry was applied to obtain activity concentration for 238Pu, 239?240Pu, 241Am, while liquid scintillation spectrometry for 90Sr and mass spectrometry to receive 240Pu/239Pu mass ratio. Surprisingly enough, and to the contrary to our expectations we could not see any significant differences in either Pu activity or Pu mass ratio between the studied populations. In both populations Chernobyl fraction proved marginal. The results on 90Sr and 241Am confirm similarities between the two examined groups

    Occupational pension scheme as a means of motivation

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest stwierdzenie czy pracowniczy program emerytalny jest narzędziem motywacji pracowników. Praca ma charakter teoretyczno – badawczy na temat motywacji, pracowniczych programów emerytalnych, zależności między tymi dwoma terminami, jak i finalnie badanie przeprowadzone na pracownikach będących uczestnikami dużego pracowniczego programu emerytalnego. Do napisania pracy wykorzystałem dostępne źródła piśmiennicze, ustawę, a także materiały źródłowe udostępnione przez PZU S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie. Szczególną uwagę powinna zwrócić problematyka pracy ludzi którzy zarządzają małymi, jak i dużymi przedsiębiorstwami. W dzisiejszych czasach organizację, które nie starają się motywować swoich pracowników w dłuższym okresie czasu przegrywają z konkurencją, a kompetentni pracownicy odchodzą do lepszych warunków pracy.The aim of this study is to determine whether the employee pension plan is a tool for motivating employees. The work is a theoretical - research motivation, occupational pension schemes, the relationship between the two terms, and finally a study conducted on workers that are members of large occupational pension scheme. I used to write their available sources of stationery, the law, as well as source materials provided by PZU SA with its registered office in Warsaw. Particular attention should be paid employment problems of people who manage small and large companies. Nowadays, the organization that do not try to motivate their employees in the long run lose the competition and competent employees go to better working conditions

    Review of the methods of cartographic presentation of warfare

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    Maps, depicting the warfare, are elaborated according to the rules developed over the years. Although, they are not free of errors. The authors draw our attention to the diversity of methods related to the cartographic presentations, which are shown on the historical maps. This is quite understandable, because every such a map introduces an individual point of view on the historical facts. It is noted, that the most commonly used methods are the qualitative ones, among which, for instance, first of all, the method of signature is frequently used