6 research outputs found

    Has the time come for Croatia to introduce chlamydia screening among the adolescent population?

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    Uvod: Infekcije uzrokovane klamidijom ubrajaju se u najčešće spolno prenosive bolesti, posebno kod populacije mlađe od 25 godina. Često su asimptomatske, pa infekcija ostane neprepoznata i neliječena i može dovesti do razvoja komplikacija. Odgovornost za nadzor nad klamidijskom infekcijom je na javnom zdravstvu jer provedba preventivnih programa s ciljem pravovremenog otkrivanja i liječenja infekcije sprječava razvoj komplikacija. Cilj je ovoga rada bio utvrditi učestalost infekcije bakterijom Chlamydia trachomatis u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji, analizirati učestalost s obzirom na dob i spol, te na osnovu rezultata zaključiti je li vrijeme da Republika Hrvatska uvede probir na klamidiju među adolescentskom populacijom. Metode: Za potrebe ovoga rada analizirani su šestogodišnji podaci rutinskog testiranja na bakteriju C.trachomatis u Nastavnom zavodu za javno zdravstvo Splitsko-dalmatinske županije (NZJZ-SDŽ). Testiranja su napravljena PCR metodom na sustavu Cobas 4800 (Roche). Rezultati: U šestogodišnjem razdoblju (2015. - 2020.) ukupno je testirano 45 431 pacijenata na DNK C.trachomatis, te je otkriveno 1 010 (2,2 %) pozitivnih uzoraka. U skupini osoba mlađih od 25 godina testirano je samo 5 886 uzoraka (13,0 % od ukupnog broja testiranih), a među njima je bilo 6,1 % pozitivnih na klamidiju (5,7 % od testiranih žena i 9,0% od testiranih muškaraca, mlađih od 25 godina). Kod osoba starijih od 25 godina bilo je tek 1,6 % pozitivnih na klamidiju (1,4 % žena i 3,2 % muškaraca). Zaključak: Prema rezultatima naše studije, prevalencija klamidijske infekcije u adolescenata znatno je viša od 3,0 %, što ukazuje na neophodnost i ekonomsku opravdanost uvođenja probira na klamidiju među adolescentskom populacijom u Hrvatskoj.Background: Infections caused by chlamydia are among the most common sexually transmitted diseases, especially in population younger than 25 years. They are often asymptomatic, so infection remains unrecognized and untreated. Control of chlamydial infection is a public health responsibility, and implementation of chlamydial screening allows timely detection, early treatment of infection and prevention of complications. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Split-Dalmatia County, to analyse the incidence regarding to age and gender, and based on the results to conclude has the time come for Croatia to introduce chlamydia screening among the adolescent population. Methods: For the purposes of this paper, six-year data from routine testing for C. trachomatis at the Teaching Institute for Public Health of Split-Dalmatia County (TIPH-SDC) were analysed. The tests were performed by PCR method on the Cobas 4800 system (Roche). Results: In the six-year period (2015–2020), a total of 45,431 patients were tested for C.trachomatis, and 1,010 (2.2%) were positive. In the group of persons younger than 25 years, only 5,886 samples were taken (13.0% of the total number tested). Among them, 6.1% were positive for chlamydia (5.7% of tested women and 9.0% of tested men, younger than 25 years). In the age group older than 25 years, only 1.6% patients were positive for chlamydia (1.4% of women and 3.2% of men). Conclusion: According to the results of our study, the prevalence of chlamydial infection in adolescent population is significantly higher than 3.0%, which indicates the necessity and cost-effectiveness for introduction of chlamydia screening among adolescent population in Croatia

    Comparison of forensically important species of flies in area of the city of Split and island Vis

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    Forenzička entomologija je grana forenzičke znanosti koja znanja i spoznaje o kukcima i drugim člankonošcima koristi prilikom istraživanja različitih slučajeva. Strvinarske vrste muha spadaju u forenzički važne kukce jer je na temelju njihovog životnog ciklusa moguće odrediti post mortem interval, odnosno procjenu vremena kada je smrt najvjerojatnije nastupila. Točno vrijeme smrti nije moguće odrediti zbog utjecaja abiotskih i biotskih čimbenika okoliša već se ono uvijek izražava kao vremenski interval u kojem se dogodio dolazak kukaca na tijelo. Cilj ovog rada je bio usporediti brojnost i raznolikost strvinarskih vrsta muha koje obitavaju u gradu Splitu i na otoku Visu, odnosno u gradu Komiži, kroz tri mjeseca u razmaku od 40 dana. Također bilo je važno ustanoviti temelji li se brojnosti i raznolikosti strvinarskih vrsta muha na razlici u okolišnim staništima kao što su biljni sastav okoline, temperatura i vlažnost zraka. Klopka je izrađena od plastične boce koja na 2/3 boce ima rupu kroz koju ulazi muha. Na vrhu joj se nalazi pileća jetrica koja svojim mirisom privlači strvinarsku vrstu muha, a na dnu boce se nalazi 70%-tni alkohol koji sprječava izlazak muhe iz boce, ali i čuva strukturu muhe. Nakon prikupljanja muha slijedi morfološka intenzifikacija pomoću mikroskopa i identifikacijskog ključa. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti kako postoji razlika u brojnosti, ali i u raznolikosti strvinarskih vrsta ne samo na različitim lokacijama nego je primijećeno da postoji razlika i kroz mjesece na istoj lokaciji. Na razliku u brojnosti strvinarskih vrsta muha između dviju lokacija prvenstveno utječe razlika u okolišu, ali i razlika u temperaturi i vlažnosti dok na razliku kroz mjesece utječe samo razlika u temperaturi i vlažnosti zraka. Brojnost i raznolikost muha u gradu Splitu je puno veća nego na otoku Visu zbog pogodnije temperature i vlažnosti zraka, ali u gradu Splitu ima i više strvina kojima se forenzički važne muhe hrane pa ih stoga i ima više. Očekivano je da će se kroz mjesece povećavati brojnost i raznolikost muha, ali zbog nepogodnih vremenskih uvjeta taj se broj smanjivao.Forensic entomology is a branch of forensic science that uses knowledge about insects and other arthropods when researching various cases involving human remains mainly because it is possible to determine the post mortem interval based on their life cycle. Carnivorous species of flies belong to a group of forensically important insects because it is possible to determine the post mortem interval based on their life cycle. Post mortem interval gives us the time interval in which the death most likely occurred. Since the post mortem interval is affected by many abiotic and biotic factors of the environment, one can never give exact time of death but rather the interval in which death occurred. The aim of this study was to compare the number and diversity of carnivorous species of flies that can be found in the areas of city of Split and on the island of Vis during spring months in 3 separate experiments with 40 days apart from each other. It was also important to establish whether the abundance and diversity of carnivorous fly species was based on differences in environmental habitats such as plant composition, ambient temperature and humidity. The insect trap was made from plastic bottle that has a hole through which a fly enters the trap. At the top of bottle chicken liver was placed that would attract carnivorous type of flies and at the bottom of the bottle 70% alcohol was poured in in order to prevent the flies from coming out of the bottle and to preserve them for later analysis. Fly collection is followed by morphological identification using a microscope and an identification key. Based on proven research, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the number, but also in the diversity of carnivorous species not only on different locations, but also between different experiments done in the same location. The difference in the number of carnivorous species of flies between the two locations is primarily affected by the difference in the environment, but also by the difference in temperature and humidity, while the differences between experiments on same location are only affected by the difference in temperature and humidity. The number and variety of flies in the city of Split is much higher than on the island of Vis due to more favorable temperature and humidity. In addition, city of Split has more animal carcasses that decompose throughout the year, which means more food source for forensically important flies to feed on and hence greater numbers. It was expected that the number and variety of flies will 37 increase over the months on both locations, but due to unfavorable weather conditions that did not happen


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    Klamdije su sićušne, okrugle gram negativne bakterije čija je vrsta Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) patogena za ljude te izaziva bolesti spolnog sustava, a može se prenijeti na novorođenčad. C. trachomatis je spolno prenosiva bakterija čija se infekcija očituje inracitoplazmatskim inkluzijama u cilindričnim stanicama ne samo spolnog sustava nego i mokraćnog, respiratornog te konjunktive. Najveći problem klamidijskih infekcija je taj što su u većini slučajeva asimptomatske, pa su nepoznate i neliječene. Neliječena infekcija može dovesti do komplikacija s razvojem neželjenih posljedica: zdjelična upalna bolest, vanmaterična trudnoća, sterilitet, problemi u trudnoći i neonatalne komplikacije (konjunktivitis i pneumonija). Danas se klamidija jednostavno dijagnosticira molekularnim testovima amplifikacije nukleinske kiseline. Testovi imaju visoku osjetljivost, a moguće ih je raditi iz invazivnih i neinvazvnih uzoraka poput samouzetog obriska rodnice i prvog mlaza urina. Liječenje se uobičajeno provodi samo jednom dozom azitromicina ili doksiciklinom 7 dana (terapija se provodi kod svih pozitivnih spolnih partnera). U sadašnjem istraživanju utvrđeno je da se značajno rjeđe pregledavaju na klamidiju mlađi od 25 godina, bilo ih je samo 12,4% od ukupnog broja testiranih (987/7984). To nas navodi na zaključak da treba promovirati testiranje na klamidiju u adolescentnoj dobi, jer je i u sadašnjem istraživanju potvrđeno da je bilo statistički značajno više pozitivnih u skupini mlađih od 25 njih 5,7% (56/987) u odnosu na 1,56% (109/6997) u skupini testiranih starijih od 25 godina (p<0.05). Pravodobnom dijagnostikom i liječenjem klamidijske infekcije može se spriječiti razvoj komplikacija te na taj način sačuvati reproduktivno zdravlje mladih, kao i spriječiti nastanak neonatalnih infekcija. Dijagnoza infekcije klamidijom se često postavi tek kad nastupe neželjene posljedice zato je potrebno uvesti probir („screening“) na klamidiju. Neke zemlje već provode testiranje na klamidiju u sklopu standardne preventivne obrade. Probir žena mlađih od 25 godina na C. trachomatis je svrstano u 10 najkorisnijih i najisplativijih preventivnih strategija jer je jeftiniji za zdravstveni sustav od liječenja posljedica same infekcije.Chlamydiae are very tiny, round and gram-negative bacteria. Chlamydia trachomatis species is pathogen for humans, which causes the disease of the reproductive tract and the newborns. Chlamydia trachomatis is sexually transmitted bacteria, and its infection is manifested by intracytoplasmic inclusions in endocervical cells. C. trachomatis bacteria attacks squamous columnar epithelium that attacks not only reproductive tract, but also urinary tract, respiratory tract as well as conjunctiva. The most significant problem of Chlamydial infection is that they are typically asymptomatic, and are often unknown and untreated. Left untreated, infection can lead to complications with serious consequences such as pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, pregnancy problems and neonatal complications (conjunctivitis and pneumonia) At the present time the tests of choice or the new golden standard of CT urogenital infection diagnosis are nucleic acid amplification molecular tests, because of their high sensitivity, as well as their performance feasibility in invasive and noninvasive specimens, such as self-collected vaginal swab or first urinal flow. The recommended treatment is a single-dose of azithromycin, or 1-week treatment by doxycycline (on all positive sexual partners). The present study shows that Chlamydia is less common tested in people younger than 25 years of age, only 12.4% of the total number tested for Chlamydia belong to the younger than 25 years old (987/7984). This suggests that Chlamydia testing should be promoted at the adolescent age, because in the present study it was confirmed that there were statistically significant more positive test results in the age group younger than 25 in compare to 1.56% (109/6997) in the age group older than 25 years of age. By timely diagnosis and treatment of Chlamydial infections, it is possible to prevent the development of complications and thus to preserve the reproductive health of young people and to prevent neonatal infections. Chlamydial infection diagnosis is often determined when it comes to unwanted consequences and so it is necessary to perform Chlamydial screening. Some countries already perform the Chlamydial screening as a standard preventive procedure. Screening female population younger than 25 years of age is ranked as one of the 10 most beneficial and most cost effective prevention strategies because it is less expensive than the cost of caring after the infected population

    Comparison of forensically important species of flies in area of the city of Split and island Vis

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    Forenzička entomologija je grana forenzičke znanosti koja znanja i spoznaje o kukcima i drugim člankonošcima koristi prilikom istraživanja različitih slučajeva. Strvinarske vrste muha spadaju u forenzički važne kukce jer je na temelju njihovog životnog ciklusa moguće odrediti post mortem interval, odnosno procjenu vremena kada je smrt najvjerojatnije nastupila. Točno vrijeme smrti nije moguće odrediti zbog utjecaja abiotskih i biotskih čimbenika okoliša već se ono uvijek izražava kao vremenski interval u kojem se dogodio dolazak kukaca na tijelo. Cilj ovog rada je bio usporediti brojnost i raznolikost strvinarskih vrsta muha koje obitavaju u gradu Splitu i na otoku Visu, odnosno u gradu Komiži, kroz tri mjeseca u razmaku od 40 dana. Također bilo je važno ustanoviti temelji li se brojnosti i raznolikosti strvinarskih vrsta muha na razlici u okolišnim staništima kao što su biljni sastav okoline, temperatura i vlažnost zraka. Klopka je izrađena od plastične boce koja na 2/3 boce ima rupu kroz koju ulazi muha. Na vrhu joj se nalazi pileća jetrica koja svojim mirisom privlači strvinarsku vrstu muha, a na dnu boce se nalazi 70%-tni alkohol koji sprječava izlazak muhe iz boce, ali i čuva strukturu muhe. Nakon prikupljanja muha slijedi morfološka intenzifikacija pomoću mikroskopa i identifikacijskog ključa. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti kako postoji razlika u brojnosti, ali i u raznolikosti strvinarskih vrsta ne samo na različitim lokacijama nego je primijećeno da postoji razlika i kroz mjesece na istoj lokaciji. Na razliku u brojnosti strvinarskih vrsta muha između dviju lokacija prvenstveno utječe razlika u okolišu, ali i razlika u temperaturi i vlažnosti dok na razliku kroz mjesece utječe samo razlika u temperaturi i vlažnosti zraka. Brojnost i raznolikost muha u gradu Splitu je puno veća nego na otoku Visu zbog pogodnije temperature i vlažnosti zraka, ali u gradu Splitu ima i više strvina kojima se forenzički važne muhe hrane pa ih stoga i ima više. Očekivano je da će se kroz mjesece povećavati brojnost i raznolikost muha, ali zbog nepogodnih vremenskih uvjeta taj se broj smanjivao.Forensic entomology is a branch of forensic science that uses knowledge about insects and other arthropods when researching various cases involving human remains mainly because it is possible to determine the post mortem interval based on their life cycle. Carnivorous species of flies belong to a group of forensically important insects because it is possible to determine the post mortem interval based on their life cycle. Post mortem interval gives us the time interval in which the death most likely occurred. Since the post mortem interval is affected by many abiotic and biotic factors of the environment, one can never give exact time of death but rather the interval in which death occurred. The aim of this study was to compare the number and diversity of carnivorous species of flies that can be found in the areas of city of Split and on the island of Vis during spring months in 3 separate experiments with 40 days apart from each other. It was also important to establish whether the abundance and diversity of carnivorous fly species was based on differences in environmental habitats such as plant composition, ambient temperature and humidity. The insect trap was made from plastic bottle that has a hole through which a fly enters the trap. At the top of bottle chicken liver was placed that would attract carnivorous type of flies and at the bottom of the bottle 70% alcohol was poured in in order to prevent the flies from coming out of the bottle and to preserve them for later analysis. Fly collection is followed by morphological identification using a microscope and an identification key. Based on proven research, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the number, but also in the diversity of carnivorous species not only on different locations, but also between different experiments done in the same location. The difference in the number of carnivorous species of flies between the two locations is primarily affected by the difference in the environment, but also by the difference in temperature and humidity, while the differences between experiments on same location are only affected by the difference in temperature and humidity. The number and variety of flies in the city of Split is much higher than on the island of Vis due to more favorable temperature and humidity. In addition, city of Split has more animal carcasses that decompose throughout the year, which means more food source for forensically important flies to feed on and hence greater numbers. It was expected that the number and variety of flies will 37 increase over the months on both locations, but due to unfavorable weather conditions that did not happen


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    Klamdije su sićušne, okrugle gram negativne bakterije čija je vrsta Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) patogena za ljude te izaziva bolesti spolnog sustava, a može se prenijeti na novorođenčad. C. trachomatis je spolno prenosiva bakterija čija se infekcija očituje inracitoplazmatskim inkluzijama u cilindričnim stanicama ne samo spolnog sustava nego i mokraćnog, respiratornog te konjunktive. Najveći problem klamidijskih infekcija je taj što su u većini slučajeva asimptomatske, pa su nepoznate i neliječene. Neliječena infekcija može dovesti do komplikacija s razvojem neželjenih posljedica: zdjelična upalna bolest, vanmaterična trudnoća, sterilitet, problemi u trudnoći i neonatalne komplikacije (konjunktivitis i pneumonija). Danas se klamidija jednostavno dijagnosticira molekularnim testovima amplifikacije nukleinske kiseline. Testovi imaju visoku osjetljivost, a moguće ih je raditi iz invazivnih i neinvazvnih uzoraka poput samouzetog obriska rodnice i prvog mlaza urina. Liječenje se uobičajeno provodi samo jednom dozom azitromicina ili doksiciklinom 7 dana (terapija se provodi kod svih pozitivnih spolnih partnera). U sadašnjem istraživanju utvrđeno je da se značajno rjeđe pregledavaju na klamidiju mlađi od 25 godina, bilo ih je samo 12,4% od ukupnog broja testiranih (987/7984). To nas navodi na zaključak da treba promovirati testiranje na klamidiju u adolescentnoj dobi, jer je i u sadašnjem istraživanju potvrđeno da je bilo statistički značajno više pozitivnih u skupini mlađih od 25 njih 5,7% (56/987) u odnosu na 1,56% (109/6997) u skupini testiranih starijih od 25 godina (p<0.05). Pravodobnom dijagnostikom i liječenjem klamidijske infekcije može se spriječiti razvoj komplikacija te na taj način sačuvati reproduktivno zdravlje mladih, kao i spriječiti nastanak neonatalnih infekcija. Dijagnoza infekcije klamidijom se često postavi tek kad nastupe neželjene posljedice zato je potrebno uvesti probir („screening“) na klamidiju. Neke zemlje već provode testiranje na klamidiju u sklopu standardne preventivne obrade. Probir žena mlađih od 25 godina na C. trachomatis je svrstano u 10 najkorisnijih i najisplativijih preventivnih strategija jer je jeftiniji za zdravstveni sustav od liječenja posljedica same infekcije.Chlamydiae are very tiny, round and gram-negative bacteria. Chlamydia trachomatis species is pathogen for humans, which causes the disease of the reproductive tract and the newborns. Chlamydia trachomatis is sexually transmitted bacteria, and its infection is manifested by intracytoplasmic inclusions in endocervical cells. C. trachomatis bacteria attacks squamous columnar epithelium that attacks not only reproductive tract, but also urinary tract, respiratory tract as well as conjunctiva. The most significant problem of Chlamydial infection is that they are typically asymptomatic, and are often unknown and untreated. Left untreated, infection can lead to complications with serious consequences such as pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, pregnancy problems and neonatal complications (conjunctivitis and pneumonia) At the present time the tests of choice or the new golden standard of CT urogenital infection diagnosis are nucleic acid amplification molecular tests, because of their high sensitivity, as well as their performance feasibility in invasive and noninvasive specimens, such as self-collected vaginal swab or first urinal flow. The recommended treatment is a single-dose of azithromycin, or 1-week treatment by doxycycline (on all positive sexual partners). The present study shows that Chlamydia is less common tested in people younger than 25 years of age, only 12.4% of the total number tested for Chlamydia belong to the younger than 25 years old (987/7984). This suggests that Chlamydia testing should be promoted at the adolescent age, because in the present study it was confirmed that there were statistically significant more positive test results in the age group younger than 25 in compare to 1.56% (109/6997) in the age group older than 25 years of age. By timely diagnosis and treatment of Chlamydial infections, it is possible to prevent the development of complications and thus to preserve the reproductive health of young people and to prevent neonatal infections. Chlamydial infection diagnosis is often determined when it comes to unwanted consequences and so it is necessary to perform Chlamydial screening. Some countries already perform the Chlamydial screening as a standard preventive procedure. Screening female population younger than 25 years of age is ranked as one of the 10 most beneficial and most cost effective prevention strategies because it is less expensive than the cost of caring after the infected population

    Comparison of forensically important species of flies in area of the city of Split and island Vis

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    Forenzička entomologija je grana forenzičke znanosti koja znanja i spoznaje o kukcima i drugim člankonošcima koristi prilikom istraživanja različitih slučajeva. Strvinarske vrste muha spadaju u forenzički važne kukce jer je na temelju njihovog životnog ciklusa moguće odrediti post mortem interval, odnosno procjenu vremena kada je smrt najvjerojatnije nastupila. Točno vrijeme smrti nije moguće odrediti zbog utjecaja abiotskih i biotskih čimbenika okoliša već se ono uvijek izražava kao vremenski interval u kojem se dogodio dolazak kukaca na tijelo. Cilj ovog rada je bio usporediti brojnost i raznolikost strvinarskih vrsta muha koje obitavaju u gradu Splitu i na otoku Visu, odnosno u gradu Komiži, kroz tri mjeseca u razmaku od 40 dana. Također bilo je važno ustanoviti temelji li se brojnosti i raznolikosti strvinarskih vrsta muha na razlici u okolišnim staništima kao što su biljni sastav okoline, temperatura i vlažnost zraka. Klopka je izrađena od plastične boce koja na 2/3 boce ima rupu kroz koju ulazi muha. Na vrhu joj se nalazi pileća jetrica koja svojim mirisom privlači strvinarsku vrstu muha, a na dnu boce se nalazi 70%-tni alkohol koji sprječava izlazak muhe iz boce, ali i čuva strukturu muhe. Nakon prikupljanja muha slijedi morfološka intenzifikacija pomoću mikroskopa i identifikacijskog ključa. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti kako postoji razlika u brojnosti, ali i u raznolikosti strvinarskih vrsta ne samo na različitim lokacijama nego je primijećeno da postoji razlika i kroz mjesece na istoj lokaciji. Na razliku u brojnosti strvinarskih vrsta muha između dviju lokacija prvenstveno utječe razlika u okolišu, ali i razlika u temperaturi i vlažnosti dok na razliku kroz mjesece utječe samo razlika u temperaturi i vlažnosti zraka. Brojnost i raznolikost muha u gradu Splitu je puno veća nego na otoku Visu zbog pogodnije temperature i vlažnosti zraka, ali u gradu Splitu ima i više strvina kojima se forenzički važne muhe hrane pa ih stoga i ima više. Očekivano je da će se kroz mjesece povećavati brojnost i raznolikost muha, ali zbog nepogodnih vremenskih uvjeta taj se broj smanjivao.Forensic entomology is a branch of forensic science that uses knowledge about insects and other arthropods when researching various cases involving human remains mainly because it is possible to determine the post mortem interval based on their life cycle. Carnivorous species of flies belong to a group of forensically important insects because it is possible to determine the post mortem interval based on their life cycle. Post mortem interval gives us the time interval in which the death most likely occurred. Since the post mortem interval is affected by many abiotic and biotic factors of the environment, one can never give exact time of death but rather the interval in which death occurred. The aim of this study was to compare the number and diversity of carnivorous species of flies that can be found in the areas of city of Split and on the island of Vis during spring months in 3 separate experiments with 40 days apart from each other. It was also important to establish whether the abundance and diversity of carnivorous fly species was based on differences in environmental habitats such as plant composition, ambient temperature and humidity. The insect trap was made from plastic bottle that has a hole through which a fly enters the trap. At the top of bottle chicken liver was placed that would attract carnivorous type of flies and at the bottom of the bottle 70% alcohol was poured in in order to prevent the flies from coming out of the bottle and to preserve them for later analysis. Fly collection is followed by morphological identification using a microscope and an identification key. Based on proven research, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the number, but also in the diversity of carnivorous species not only on different locations, but also between different experiments done in the same location. The difference in the number of carnivorous species of flies between the two locations is primarily affected by the difference in the environment, but also by the difference in temperature and humidity, while the differences between experiments on same location are only affected by the difference in temperature and humidity. The number and variety of flies in the city of Split is much higher than on the island of Vis due to more favorable temperature and humidity. In addition, city of Split has more animal carcasses that decompose throughout the year, which means more food source for forensically important flies to feed on and hence greater numbers. It was expected that the number and variety of flies will 37 increase over the months on both locations, but due to unfavorable weather conditions that did not happen