9 research outputs found

    Çukurova koşullarında farklı buğdaygil yem bitkilerinde biçim sıklığının bazı vejetatif ve generatif özelliklere etkisinin saptanması

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    TEZ4290Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2002.Kaynakça (s. 60-70) var.vii, 70 s. ; 30 cm.…Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:FBE.2001.YL.8

    Çukurova Koşullarına uygun çim tür ve karışımlarının belirlenmesi ve performanslarının saptanması

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    TEZ7156Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.294-305) var.xviii, 306 s. : res. ; 29 cm.This study has been conducted in Cukurova conditions (37°00.57,05.N, 35°21.30,27.E). Field trials have been conducted for 30 months (between November, 2004 and April, 2007), arranged in triple experiments; cool season turf grass species (pure stands of 21 cultivars belonging 9 species), the recommended and commercially selling turf mixtures (23 mixtures composing 9 species at different ratios), and cool and warm season turf species (6 components including, pure stands of 2 species, 4 turf mixtures of 4 species at different ratios). ..Bu ara t?rma, serin mevsim çim bitkisi türleri (saf ekimler; 9 tür, 21 çe it), kar? ?mlar? (kar? ?m ekimler; 9 tür, 23 kar? ?m) ve serin-s?cak mevsim çim bitkisi türleri (saf; 2 tür, 3 çe it ve kar? ?m ekimler; 4 tür, 4 kar? ?m) olarak 3 ayr? deneme eklinde, Çukurova ko ullar?nda (37°00.57,05.N, 35°21.30,27.E) Kas?m 2004-Nisan 2007 aras?nda 30 ay süreyle yürütülmü tür. Serin mevsim çim bitkisi türlerinde kam? s? yumak ve tavusotu türleri kalite, renk ve bitki ile kapl? alan de erleri bak?m?ndan, bu iki türü izleyen çok y?ll?k çim ise kam yumakla birlikte bitki örtüsü yüksekli i, ye il ot verimi ve kuru ot verimi bak?m?ndan, rizomlu k?rm?z? yumak ile birlikte de çimlenme süresi ve kaplama h?z? bak?m?ndan di er türlere üstünlük sa lam? t?r. Apache, Cochise, Tracenta, Highland, Ovation, Delaware dwarf, Raymond, Medina ve Franklin çe itleri incelenen özelliklerde genellikle üstünlük sa layan çe itlerdirBu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:ZF2005KAP8 TÜBİTAK TOVAG 104 O 13

    The Effects Of Different Row Spacing On Herbage And Seed Yields Of Annual Ryegrass (Lolıum Multiflorum Cv. Caramba)

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    WOS: 000299494300004KUSVURAN, A. and V. TANSI, 2011. The effects of different row spacing on herbage and seed yields of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum cv. Caramba). Bulg. J. Agric. Sc., 17: 744-754 This study has been carried out at the experimental area of the Field Crops Department of Cukurova University, Agricultural Faculty in 2003-2004, to determine the effects of different row spacing (sprinkle planting, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 cm row spacing) on the herbage and seed yields of and some agricultural characteristics of annual ryegrass cv. Caramba. According the results, average of two years the different row spacing significantly affected both herbage and hay yields, crude protein rate and yield, seed yield, tiller number and its proportion, spike length and spike weight. As a result, 20 cm row spacing 16.90% crude proteins, 30 cm row spacing 80754 kg ha(-1) herbage and 14932 kg ha(-1) hay and 235 kg ha(-1) crude protein yields have been obtained. The highest tiller number has been obtained from sprinkle planting (877 item/m(2)) and 15 cm row spacing (874 item/m(2), fertile tiller number (470 item/m(2)) from 15 cm row spacing, percentage of fertile tiller (% 63.9) from 40 cm row spacing, seed yield from 35 cm (360 kg ha(-1)) and 30 cm (341 kg ha(-1)) row spacing. It has been concluded that, for the highest herbage and seed yield, row spacing of 30 cm has been the best one

    Determination of grain maize properties of some maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars under Middle Kizilirmak Basin ecological conditions

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    Bu araştırma, Ada-523, Kompozit Arifiye, Sakarya, NK Gigantic, NK Arma, NK Famoso, RX- 9292, Colonia, Sum 1186, Sancia, Larigal, Cadiz, Carella, Donana, Borja, OSSK 644, Pasha, PG 1610, PG 1661 ve Otello mısır çeşitleri ile Orta Kızılırmak Havzası ekolojik koşullarında (40°20?N, 33°58?E, rakım 550 m), 2012 ve 2013 yıllarında, tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. İki yıllık araştırma sonuçlarına göre; ilk koçan yüksekliği 98-140 cm, bitki boyu 252-280 cm ve bitki başına koçan sayısı 1.2-2.0 adet arasında değişmiştir. En yüksek koçanda tane ağırlığı (211 g), koçan boyu (23.72 mm), koçan ağırlığı (348 g), koçan çapı (51.85 mm) ve tane verimi (1 861 kg/da) değerleri NK Gigantic çeşidinden elde edilirken, 1000 tane ağırlığı (354 g) Sancia ve koçanda tane sayısı (893 adet) ise Larigal çeşitlerinde tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Orta Kızılırmak Havzası ve benzer ekolojik koşullarda tane verimi bakımından NK Gigantic çeşidinin diğer çeşitlere kıyasla üstün olduğu, Kompozit Arifiye, RX-9292, Carella, Pasha ve PG 1610 çeşitlerinin ise tatmin edici verimler ortaya koyduğu tespit edilmiştir.This study was performed according to the randomized complete block design, as 3 replicates, under Middle Kizilirmak Basin ecological conditions (40°20'N, 33°58'E, elevation 550 m) , in 2012 and 2013 years. In this study, 20 different hybrid maize varieties, Ada-523, Kompozit Arifiye, Sakarya, NK Gigantic, NK Arma, NK Famoso, RX-9292, Colonia, Sum 1186, Sancia, Larigal, Cadiz, Carella, Donana, Borja, OSSK 644, Pasha, PG 1610, PG 1661 and Otello were used as plant materials. According to the results averaged over 2 years, statistically significant differences have been determined in the all properties. First ear height, plant height, and ear number per plant were obtained from 98 to 140 cm, 252 to 280 cm, and 1.2 to 2.0 numbers, respectively. While the superior grain number in ear (211 g), ear length (23.72 mm), ear weight (348 g), ear diameter (51.85 mm) and grain yield (10 861 kg ha-1) values were obtained from NK Gigantic cultivar, 1000 grain weight (354 g) and grain number in ear (893 number) values were calculated from Sancia and Larigal cultivars, respectively. As a result, NK Gigantic showed superior performance compared to other cultivars. However, Kompozit Arifiye, RX-9292, Carella, Pasha, and PG 1610 varieties can be recommended under Middle Kizilirmak Basin ecological conditions because they presented satisfactory grain yields

    The effect of different replications of humic acid fertilization on yield performances of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.)

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    This study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Diyarbakir, Turkey, in 2003 to 2004 and 2004 to 2005 growing seasons, in order to determine the effects of different humic acid treatments (control, soil 100%, seeds 100%, leaves 100%, soil 50% + seeds 50%, soil 50% + leaves 50%, seeds 50% + leaves 50% and seeds 33% + soil 33% + leaves 33% fertilizations) on herbage and crude protein concentration of common vetch. According to the results of this study, humic acid treatments increased the yields, and this increase was found to be significant as well as statistical. According to the two-year research, the highest value for green herbage yield (15180 kg ha-1), dry herbage yield (3045 kg ha-1) and plant height (61 cm) was obtained from soil 100% fertilizations, while the highest crude protein concentration (13.43%) was obtained from seeds 33% + soil 33% + leaves 33% fertilizations

    Current situation of meadow-rangelands, animal existence and cultivation for forage crops in Turkey and East Black Sea Region

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    Özet: Türkiye çayır-mera alanları toplam 14.6 milyon ha’dır. Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde ise bu miktar 782 bin ha olup, ülkemiz çayır-mera alanlarının %5.35’ini oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye’de toplam ekilen tarım arazisi içerisinde yem bitkileri ekim alanı %9.5 payla 1.6 milyon ha olup, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi için ise yem bitkileri ekim alanı içinde bu oran %12.1’lik payla yaklaşık 200 bin ha’dır. Bununla birlikte ülkemizde yaklaşık 11 milyon, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde ise 1.1 milyon (%9.8) BBHB’ye eşdeğer hayvan sayısı vardır. Bu hayvanların beslenmesi için gerekli kuru kaba yem miktarı yıllık 50 milyon ton, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi içinse yıllık 5 milyon tondur. Oysa çayır-mera alanları ve yem bitkileri yetiştiriciliklerinden elde edilen yem miktarı ihtiyacın yarısından daha azdır. Bu nedenle, uygun amenajman teknikleri ve ıslah çalışmaları ile mevcut mera alanlarında üretim ve devamlılık sağlanmalıdır. Ayrıca yem bitkileri ekim alanları artırılmalı, özellikle nadasa bırakılan alanlarda ekim nöbeti uygulamasına gidilerek yem bitkileri tarımına öncelik verilmelidir. Ülke genelinde ve Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde her yöreye uygun yem bitkileri tür ve çeşitleri üzerine çalışmalar yapılmalı, elde edilen sonuçlar üreticiler ile paylaşılmalıdır. Yem bitkilerinde uygulanan desteklemeler artırılarak devam edilmeli ve tohumluk sorunu mutlaka çözülmelidir.Abstract: West Black Sea Region (WBSR) has meadow- range area of 782.000 ha and consists of 5.35% total meadow-range area in Turkey which corresponds 14.6 million ha. However, total cultivation of forage crops is 1.6 million ha in Turkey and corresponds to 9.5% of total cultivated agricultural area, 12.1% of total cultivated area of forage crops in Turkey exist in WBSR. At the same time, there is 11 million of animal existence equivalent to livestock unit in Turkey and 1.1 million (9.8%) in WBSR. In order to feed these animal existences, while 50 million ton of fodder crops are required yearly, 5 million ton is adequate for WBSR. Whereas, present forage production derived from forage crop cultivation and meadow-range areas could not meet even half of the need. Therefore, productivity and sustainability must be increased via the proper management techniques and the breeding studies in existing meadow area. Besides, cultivation area of forage crops should be increased and crop rotation must be generalized and priority should be given to forage crops within the crop rotation system particularly in fallow areas. In throughout the country and WBSR, adaptation and breeding studies related to forage crops should be conducted to determine the suitable species and cultivars for every region and the results should be shared with farmers. Present economic support for cultivation of forage crops should be continued and increased and above all, seed problem of forage crops should be solved surely as soon as possible


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    Pretreatment is one of the key processes in lignocellulosic bioethanol production, which is needed to improve accessibility of enzymes to cellulose. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different chemical pretreatments on cell wall composition and ash concentration of sweet sorghum bagasse. 9 different pretreatment methods used in the study can be categorized into 3 different methods such as dilute sulphuric acid (1, 1.5 and 2 % H2SO4 w/v ) , dilute sodium hydroxide ( 1, 1.5 and 2 % NAOH w/v ) and sequential dilute sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide ( 1 % H 4 w/v + 0.5 M NAOH, 1.5 % H 2 SO 4 w/v + 0.5 M NAOH and 2 % H 2 SO w/v + 0.5 M NAOH ) . According to results, while 2 % H 2 SO 4 4 w/v + 0.5 M NAOH gave the highest cellulose ( 91.51 % ) and lowest lignin ( 1.7 % ) concentrations, the lowest cellulose ( 65.11 % ) , hemicellulose ( 0.4 % ) , and highest lignin concentrations ( 23.42 % ) were provided by 1.5 % H 2 SO w/v among pretreatments. Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin contents of sweet sorghum bagasse after sodium hydroxide pretreatments 4 ranged from 76.72 to 79.88, 11.75 to 14.62, and 2.05 to 4.11 %, respectively. The most appropriate cell wall composition for enzymatic hydrolysis was derived from sequential dilute sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide pretreatments due to the fact that they provided the highest cellulose ( 90.68 – 91.51 % ) , lowest lignin ( 1.7 – 3.41 % ) and desirable hemicellulose ( 1.10 – 1.82 % ) contents. However, enzymatic hydrolysis must be done to learn which method enables the highest fermentable sugar production

    Efects of diferent organic materials on forage yield and quality of silage maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Tis study was conducted at the experimental area of the Field Crops Department of Çukurova University (37°01 ′N, 35°18 ′E) in the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons to determine the efects of sole or combined applications of 3 organic materials (poultry litter, cattle manure, and leonardite) with supplemental inorganic fertilizer on the forage yield and quality of silage maize. Te feld trial was arranged in a complete randomized block design with 3 replications. Poultry litter (PL) and cattle manure (CM) were applied based on P or N requirements (PL-P, PL-N, CM-P, and CM-N) of the crop, whereas leonardite was applied in only 1 dose (500 kg ha –1 ) and was also combined with 3 inorganic fertilizer doses (100%, 75%, and 50% of the recommended inorganic fertilizer dose, called LEO-100, LEO- 75, and LEO-50, respectively). Te results show that the highest values of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) yields (18.3 t ha–1 and 1652 kg ha–1, respectively) were observed in LEO-100, whereas the lowest (11.2 t ha–1 and 758 kg ha–1, respectively) were observed in PL-N. In terms of forage quality parameters (CP, acid detergent fber, neutral detergent fber, and relative feed value), the P-based poultry litter and cattle manure treatments (PL-P and CM-P) gave similar results to conventional fertilization treatment, whereas the N-based treatments (PL-N and CM-N) signifcantly decreased forage quality. Te combined use of organic materials with inorganic fertilizers instead of a conventional fertilization regime may be efective in maintaining forage supply but N-based treatments have the risk of restricting forage production from silage maize.Tis study was conducted at the experimental area of the Field Crops Department of Çukurova University (37°01 ′N, 35°18 ′E) in the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons to determine the efects of sole or combined applications of 3 organic materials (poultry litter, cattle manure, and leonardite) with supplemental inorganic fertilizer on the forage yield and quality of silage maize. Te feld trial was arranged in a complete randomized block design with 3 replications. Poultry litter (PL) and cattle manure (CM) were applied based on P or N requirements (PL-P, PL-N, CM-P, and CM-N) of the crop, whereas leonardite was applied in only 1 dose (500 kg ha –1 ) and was also combined with 3 inorganic fertilizer doses (100%, 75%, and 50% of the recommended inorganic fertilizer dose, called LEO-100, LEO- 75, and LEO-50, respectively). Te results show that the highest values of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) yields (18.3 t ha–1 and 1652 kg ha–1, respectively) were observed in LEO-100, whereas the lowest (11.2 t ha–1 and 758 kg ha–1, respectively) were observed in PL-N. In terms of forage quality parameters (CP, acid detergent fber, neutral detergent fber, and relative feed value), the P-based poultry litter and cattle manure treatments (PL-P and CM-P) gave similar results to conventional fertilization treatment, whereas the N-based treatments (PL-N and CM-N) signifcantly decreased forage quality. Te combined use of organic materials with inorganic fertilizers instead of a conventional fertilization regime may be efective in maintaining forage supply but N-based treatments have the risk of restricting forage production from silage maize

    Çukurova Koşullarında Bazı Sorgum X Sudanotu Melezi Çeşitlerinin Verim ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Bu araştırma, bazı sorgum x sudanotu melezi çeşitlerinin Çukurova bölgesi koşullarında verim ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada, bölgedeki bazı tohum firmalarından temin edilen 5 adet sorgum x sudanotu melezi çeşidi (Bovital, Sugar Graze II, Super Grazer, Grazer N 2, Nutri Honey) materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Araştırma, Tesadüf Blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak 2010 yılında, Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü Araştırma ve Uygulama Alanında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada çeşitlerin bitki boyu, yeşil ot verimi, ham protein, ADF ve NDF oranları gibi verim ve kalite özellikleri incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, en yüksek bitki boyu 183.6 cm ile Bovital çeşidinden elde edilmiştir. En yüksek yeşil ot verimi (5160 kg/da) ve en düşük ADF (% 34) ve NDF (% 57.40) oranları Super Grazer çeşidinden sağlanmıştır. Öte yandan, en yüksek ham protein oranı ise % 10.46 ile Nutri Honey çeşidinden elde edilmiştir