301 research outputs found

    DCC: Attractive Idea Seeks Serious Confirmation

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    The theoretical ideas relevant for the physics of the disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) are reviewed.Comment: 18 pages LaTex, based on invited lecture given by A.Krzywicki at the workshop "Quark, plasma and beyond", Zif, Bielefeld, May 1996 ; a reference is correcte

    Perturbing General Uncorrelated Networks

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    This paper is a direct continuation of an earlier work, where we studied Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graphs perturbed by an interaction Hamiltonian favouring the formation of short cycles. Here, we generalize these results. We keep the same interaction Hamiltonian but let it act on general graphs with uncorrelated nodes and an arbitrary given degree distribution. It is shown that the results obtained for Erd\"os-R\'enyi graphs are generic, at the qualitative level. However, scale-free graphs are an exception to this general rule and exhibit a singular behaviour, studied thoroughly in this paper, both analytically and numerically.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figures, 2-column revtex format, references adde

    Branched Polymers with Loops

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    We propose a classification of critical behaviours of branched polymers for arbitrary topology. We show that in an appropriately defined double scaling limit the singular part of the partition function is universal. We calculate this partition function exactly in the generic case and perturbatively otherwise. In the discussion section we comment on the relation between branched polymer theory and Euclidean quantum gravity

    Wilson Fermions on a Randomly Triangulated Manifold

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    A general method of constructing the Dirac operator for a randomly triangulated manifold is proposed. The fermion field and the spin connection live, respectively, on the nodes and on the links of the corresponding dual graph. The construction is carried out explicitly in 2-d, on an arbitrary orientable manifold without boundary. It can be easily converted into a computer code. The equivalence, on a sphere, of Majorana fermions and Ising spins in 2-d is rederived. The method can, in principle, be extended to higher dimensions.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 6 eps figures, fig2 corrected, Comment added in the conclusion sectio

    4d Simplicial Quantum Gravity Interacting with Gauge Matter Fields

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    The effect of coupling non-compact U(1)U(1) gauge fields to four dimensional simplicial quantum gravity is studied using strong coupling expansions and Monte Carlo simulations. For one gauge field the back-reaction of the matter on the geometry is weak. This changes, however, as more matter fields are introduced. For more than two gauge fields the degeneracy of random manifolds into branched polymers does not occur, and the branched polymer phase seems to be replaced by a new phase with a negative string susceptibility exponent γ\gamma and fractal dimension dH≈4d_H \approx 4.Comment: latex2e, 10 pages incorporating 2 tables and 3 figures (using epsf

    Cluster phases of membrane proteins

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    A physical scenario accounting for the existence of size-limited submicrometric domains in cell membranes is proposed. It is based on the numerical investigation of the counterpart, in lipidic membranes where proteins are diffusing, of the recently discovered cluster phases in colloidal suspensions. I demonstrate that the interactions between proteins, namely short-range attraction and longer-range repulsion, make possible the existence of stable small clusters. The consequences are explored in terms of membrane organization and diffusion properties. The connection with lipid rafts is discussed and the apparent protein diffusion coefficient as a function of their concentration is analyzed.Comment: 5 pages - enhanced versio

    The Strong-Coupling Expansion in Simplicial Quantum Gravity

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    We construct the strong-coupling series in 4d simplicial quantum gravity up to volume 38. It is used to calculate estimates for the string susceptibility exponent gamma for various modifications of the theory. It provides a very efficient way to get a first view of the phase structure of the models.Comment: LATTICE98(surfaces), 3 pages, 4 eps figure

    From simple to complex networks: inherent structures, barriers and valleys in the context of spin glasses

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    Given discrete degrees of freedom (spins) on a graph interacting via an energy function, what can be said about the energy local minima and associated inherent structures? Using the lid algorithm in the context of a spin glass energy function, we investigate the properties of the energy landscape for a variety of graph topologies. First, we find that the multiplicity Ns of the inherent structures generically has a lognormal distribution. In addition, the large volume limit of ln/ differs from unity, except for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Second, we find simple scaling laws for the growth of the height of the energy barrier between the two degenerate ground states and the size of the associated valleys. For finite connectivity models, changing the topology of the underlying graph does not modify qualitatively the energy landscape, but at the quantitative level the models can differ substantially.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figs, slightly improved presentation, more references, accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Grand-Canonical Ensemble of Random Surfaces with Four Species of Ising Spins

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    The grand-canonical ensemble of dynamically triangulated surfaces coupled to four species of Ising spins (c=2) is simulated on a computer. The effective string susceptibility exponent for lattices with up to 1000 vertices is found to be γ=−0.195(58)\gamma = - 0.195(58). A specific scenario for c>1c > 1 models is conjectured.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages + 1 postscript figure appended, preprint LPTHE-Orsay 94/1

    Kinetic equilibration in heavy ion collisions: the role of elastic processes

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    We discuss the question of thermalization during the very early stages of a high energy heavy ion collision. We review a recent study where we explicitely showed that, contrarily to a widely used assumption, elastic collisions between the produced partons are not sufficient to rapidly drive the system toward local kinetic equilibrium. We then briefly discuss recent developments concerning the description of kinetic equilibration and comment on some open issues related to phenomenology.Comment: Talk given at "Quark Matter 2002", July 17-24, Nantes, Franc
