29 research outputs found

    Upper and lower absolutely continuous functions with applications to discontinuous differential equations

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    We use upper and lower absolutely continuous functions as subsolutions and supersolutions to discontinuous ordinary differential equations. We present sufficient conditions for the existence of extremal solutions to initial value problems. Due to a new notion of sub and supersolutions we generalize previous results and present elementary and relatively simple proofs

    Effects of rehabilitation of persons with chronic low back pain and hypertension

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    Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of rehabilitation in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) with concomitant hypertension and without hypertension. Also been examined the effects of rehabilitation in the case of high blood pressure with accompanying coronary artery disease or heart failure. Material and methods The study group included 535 individuals, 437 (81.7%) women and 98 (18.3%) men, aged 18&#8211;87 years (mean age 51.7 &#177; 17.2) treated with CLBP. Among the study group in 214 (40%) patients had hypertension. The effects of rehabilitation were evaluated for reducing pain, improving mobility and quality of life. Pain, improve transportation and quality of life was measured on a 8 grade scale before and after rehabilitation. Results The effects of rehabilitation in patients with CLBP and hypertension did not differ in terms of pain (p = 0.374), locomotion (p = 0.96) and quality of life (p = 0.202) than patients without hypertension. Both in patients with hypertension and without hypertension after rehabilitation was a reduction in pain (p < 0.001), improvement in locomotion (pWst臋p Nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze wyst臋puje bardzo cz臋sto w艣r贸d chorych z innymi problemami zdrowotnymi, r贸wnie偶 nie zwi膮zanymi z uk艂adem kr膮偶enia. Znane zalecenia dotycz膮 raczej ewentualnej modyfikacji leczenia hipotensyjnego; problem ewentualnego zwi膮zku nadci艣nienia z efektywno艣ci膮 leczenia innych chor贸b jest analizowany znacznie rzadziej. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂a ocena efekt贸w rehabilitacji pacjent贸w z przewlek艂ymi b贸lami dolnego odcinka kr臋gos艂upa w zale偶no艣ci od wsp贸艂istnienia nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego. Zbadano te偶 efekty rehabilitacji w sytuacji wyst膮pienia nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego z towarzysz膮c膮 chorob膮 wie艅cow膮 lub niewydolno艣ci膮 kr膮偶enia. Materia艂 i metody Badaniem obj臋to grup臋 535 os贸b, w tym 437 kobiet (81,7%) i 98 m臋偶czyzn (18,3%), w wieku od 18 do 87 lat (艣redni wiek 51,7 &#177; 17,2 roku), leczonych z powodu b贸l贸w dolnego odcinka kr臋gos艂upa. Spo艣r贸d nich u 214 os贸b (40%) stwierdzono nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze. Efekty rehabilitacji badano pod k膮tem zmniejszenia dolegliwo艣ci b贸lowych, poprawy mo偶liwo艣ci poruszania si臋 i poprawy jako艣ci 偶ycia. Odczuwanie b贸lu, lokomocj臋 i jako艣膰 偶ycia mierzono w skali 8-stopniowej przed rehabilitacj膮 i po niej. Wyniki Efekty rehabilitacji u os贸b z b贸lami dolnego odcinka kr臋gos艂upa i nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym nie r贸偶ni艂y si臋 istotnie pod wzgl臋dem b贸lu (p = 0,374), lokomocji (p = 0,96) i jako艣ci 偶ycia (p = 0,202) od pacjent贸w bez nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego. Zar贸wno w grupie os贸b z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym, jak i bez niego po rehabilitacji stwierdzono zmniejszenie b贸lu (p < 0,001), popraw臋 lokomocji (p < 0,001) i popraw臋 jako艣ci 偶ycia (p < 0,001). Wsp贸艂istnienie przewlek艂ych b贸l贸w dolnego odcinka kr臋gos艂upa z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym i stabiln膮 chorob膮 wie艅cow膮 nie ma wp艂ywu na efekty rehabilitacji w zakresie odczuwania b贸lu (p = 0,281), lokomocji (p = 0,526) i jako艣ci 偶ycia (p = 0,684). Wsp贸艂istnienie przewlek艂ych b贸l贸w dolnego odcinka kr臋gos艂upa z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym i wyr贸wnan膮 niewydolno艣ci膮 kr膮偶enia r贸wnie偶 nie ma wp艂ywu na efekty rehabilitacji w zakresie odczuwania b贸lu (p = 0,411), lokomocji (p = 0,318) i jako艣ci 偶ycia (p = 0,986). Wnioski Efekty rehabilitacji os贸b z zespo艂em b贸lowym dolnego odcinka kr臋gos艂upa i nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym s膮 por贸wnywalne z efektami rehabilitacji u os贸b bez nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego. Nadci艣nienie T臋tnicze 2011, tom 15, nr 3, strony 163&#8211;168

    On the uniqueness of viscosity solutions for first order partial differential-functional equations

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    We consider viscosity solutions for first order differential-functional equations. Uniqueness theorems for initial, mixed, and boundary value problems are presented. Our theorems include some results for generalized ("almost everywhere") solutions

    Parabolic differential-functional inequalities in viscosity sense

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    We consider viscosity solutions for second order differential-functional equations of parabolic type. Initial value and mixed problems are studied. Comparison theorems for subsolutions, supersolutions and solutions are considered

    HOMOGENEITY OF TITANIUM MANUFACTURED BY SOLID STATE CHIPS RECYCLING: Received: 01st May 2021; Revised: 18th September 2021, 12th November 2021; Accepted: 13th November 2021

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    This work presents a promising method for recycling chips, carried out in the solid-state with the use of plastic working. High-purity (hp) titanium 99.99 chips after milling were subjected to a three-step procedure to transform these chips into a solid material. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the potential of this new processing method and to present the results of experiments conducted to determine the homogeneity of the final product. It was found that the processing method employed resulted in the formation of a solid and consolidated product in the form of a rod 8mm in diameter and 700mm long. The rod exhibited a grained microstructure typical of the Ti in the as-received state. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of the rod-product were also similar to those of titanium in the as-received state. For example, the hardness of the manufactured rod (average 97 HV10) was typical of the hardness of commercial Ti hp (94 HV10). In addition, the product obtained was characterized by adequate homogeneity in terms of its microstructure and mechanical properties. It was also found that the recycled material is as homogeneous as the commercial, reference Ti in the as-received state

    Upper and lower absolutely continuous functions with applications to discontinuous differential equations

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    We use upper and lower absolutely continuous functions as subsolutions and supersolutions to discontinuous ordinary differential equations. We present sufficient conditions for the existence of extremal solutions to initial value problems. Due to a new notion of sub and supersolutions we generalize previous results and present elementary and relatively simple proofs