25 research outputs found

    Responsibility for Currency in an Occupied Territory

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    The paper is an English translation of the chapter Odpowiedzialność za pieniądz na terytorium okupowanym from Pieniądz na terytorium okupowanym. Studium prawnomiędzynarodowe ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem praktyki niemieckiej by Krzysztof Skubiszewski published originally in Polish by Instytut Zachodni Publishing House in 1960. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review “100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

    The Relationships and Connections Between International and National Law

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    The paper is an English translation of Wzajemny stosunek i związki pomiędzy prawem międzynarodowym i prawem krajowym by Krzysztof Skubiszewski, published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1986. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Department of Public International Law” devoted to the achievements of the representatives of the Poznań studies on international law.The paper is an English translation of Wzajemny stosunek i związki pomiędzy prawem międzynarodowym i prawem krajowym by Krzysztof Skubiszewski, published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1986. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Department of Public International Law” devoted to the achievements of the representatives of the Poznań studies on international law

    International Responsibility for Occupation Currency

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    The paper is an English translation of Odpowiedzialność międzynarodowa za pieniądz okupacyjny by Krzysztof Skubiszewski, published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1960. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Department of Public International Law” devoted to the achievements of the representatives of the Poznań studies on international law.The paper is an English translation of Odpowiedzialność międzynarodowa za pieniądz okupacyjny by Krzysztof Skubiszewski, published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1960. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Department of Public International Law” devoted to the achievements of the representatives of the Poznań studies on international law

    The Significance of the Legislative Resolutions of International Organizations for the Development of International Law

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    The paper is an English translation of Uchwały prawotwórcze organizacji międzynarodowych: przegląd zagadnień i analiza wstępna by Krzysztof Skubiszewski, published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1965. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Department of Public International Law” devoted to the achievements of the representatives of the Poznań studieson international law.The paper is an English translation of Uchwały prawotwórcze organizacji międzynarodowych: przegląd zagadnień i analiza wstępna by Krzysztof Skubiszewski, published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1965. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Department of Public International Law” devoted to the achievements of the representatives of the Poznań studieson international law

    Alliances of Poland and the Charter of the United Nations

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    Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    The Chart of Economic Rights and Obligations of States

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    This Chatter is part of the effort to establish a new international economic order which would change the present unsatisfactory relationship between the North and the South. It is not the first normative recommendation by the U. N. General Assembly to define the various rights and duties of States in the economic sphere. However, in comparison with earlier instruments it constitutes the most systematic and exhaustive treatment of the subject. The work on the Charter began in 1973 and the developing countries did not consent to continue negotiations beyond 1974. Consequently, as no consensus was reached of the whole of the draft before that date, the final text has been approved by the Assembly against the votes of 6 and with the abstention of 10 industrial States representing the free market economy. As an act of the Assembly the Charter is a recommendation and not an enactment of law. It repeats some rules that are part of customary international law, yet its emphasis has been laid on the establishment of new law. In view of this aim the absence of consensus is a serious handicap, though a number of provisions secured a universal or nearly universal approval. The Charter has a normative tendency which finds expression in its language. The Charter's concept of rights and duties is not one of ful equality. The Charter grants better protection to developing countries and proclaims several rights, privileges and preferences in their favour. A certain weakness of the Charter is its avoidance of the broader implications relating to the foundations and the functioning of international community.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    International Responsibility for Occupation Currency

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    Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    En guise d’introduction

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    L’intérêt du Professeur Christian Dominicé pour la théorie du droit international est bien connu. Cet intérêt trouve son reflet dans le présent Recueil quoique celui-ci ne contienne pas l’œuvre complète de cet éminent juriste. Il est vrai que les problèmes théoriques ne sont pas les seuls traités dans les écrits rassemblés ici. Mais la théorie est présente, directement ou indirectement, sur presque toutes les pages de ce remarquable ouvrage. Il paraît donc justifié de suivre ce fil conducteur..

    The Right to Self-defence of States and the Charter of the United Nations

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    Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    Relationships between international law and municipal law

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    These relationships concern primarily the binding force and application of international law in the State, including the respect for that law by State organs and individuals. Municipal law can also have a place in the international legal order, and international organs occasionally apply that law. While the latter problem is more restricted in its weight and dimensions, the impact of one law on another and their interactions are considerable. Parliamentary democracy and its workings have brought the domestic implementation of international law to a head, especially in view of the possibility of legislating internally through the medium of treaties. Penetration of the internal legal order by international law meets with various obstacles: gaps in the regulation of the procedural aspect by municipal law; inertia of the domestic organs; supremacy of municipal laws (statutes) for State courts; ignorance of international law; difficulties in identifying the relevant rule of that law. The choice of method to be adopted to implement international law inside a State is left to that State's legal order and practice. There is a variety of procedures. Some consist of the reception by the domestic law of various rules of international law whereby the latter are made part and parcel of the body of municipal Jaw. One such method is transformation of an international legal rule into a municipal one; transformation can be either particular or general. Other procedures result in the direct applicability of the international legal rule in the domestic system: the rule operates as an international on in the internal legal system. In case, of conflict between an international rule and a municipal rule primacy of the former is absolute on the international legal plane. On the other hand, in the domestic sphere various solutions have been adopted, and it is not unfrequent that in practice the municipal law will prevail. This undesirable effect of a certain autonomy of municipal law does not free the State from international responsibility for violation of its international obligations.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201