229 research outputs found

    Selected Spectral Characteristics of Turbulence over an Urbanized Area in the Centre of Łódź, Poland

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    We present the turbulence spectra and cospectra derived frommore than five years of eddy-covariance measurements at two urban sites inŁód´z, central Poland. The fast response wind velocity components were obtained using sonic anemometers placed on narrow masts at 37 and 42 m above ground level. The analysis follows Kaimal et al. (Q J R Meteorol Soc 98:563–589, 1972) who established the spectral and cospectral properties of turbulent flow in atmospheric surface layer on the basis of the Kansas experiment. Our results illustrate many features similar to those of Kaimal et al., but some differences are also observed. The velocity (co)spectra from Łód´z show a clear inertial subrange with −2/3 slope for spectra and −4/3 slope for cospectra. We found that an appropriate stability function for the non-dimensional dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy calculated from spectra in the inertial subrange differs from that of Kaimal et al., and it can be satisfactorily estimated with the assumption of local equilibrium using standard functions for the non-dimensional shear production. A similar function for the cospectrum corresponds well to Kaimal et al. for unstable and weakly stable conditions. The (co)spectra normalized by their spectral values in the inertial subrange are in general similar to those of Kaimal et al., but they peak at lower frequencies in strongly stable conditions. Moreover, our results do not confirm the existence of a clear “excluded region” at low frequencies for the transition from stable to unstable conditions, for longitudinal and lateral wind components. The empirical models of Kaimal et al. with adjusted parameters fit well to the vertical velocity spectrum and the vertical momentum flux cospectrum. The same type of function should be used for longitudinal and lateral wind spectra because of their sharper peak than occurs for the Kansas data. Finally, it should be stressed that the above relationships are well-defined for averaged values. The results for individual 1-h periods are very scattered and can be significantly different from the generalized functions.Funding for this research was provided by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (State Committee for Scientific Research) under grant no. N306 276935 for the years 2008–2012 and grant no. N306 519638 for the years 2010–2013

    Migration and lived experiences of racism : the case of high-skilled migrants in Wrocław, Poland

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    This article examines migrants’ lived experiences with racism in Wrocław, Poland. Drawing on qualitative research conducted among high-skilled migrants, it analyzes various ways migrants encounter, understand, and cope with racism. Our case study broadens discussion about migration and racism by analyzing an Eastern European, post-socialist, predominantly “white” receiving society seldom researched in terms of racism. The article problematizes the assumption that high-skilled migrants experience only minor problems with incorporation. Furthermore, it suggests the importance of racial boundaries in a non-Western society that lacks a colonial background and long-standing relations with migrants. Therefore, our article contributes to a better understanding of how local settings inform the experiences of high-skilled migrants, which are often lost in abstract concepts of global flows and spaces

    Singularities of the urban climate of Łódź, Central Poland

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    Published in: Natural environment of Poland and its protection in Łódź University Geographical Research, edited by E. Kobojek and T.MarszałThe results presented in the work show the selected features of local climate modification caused by urbanisation in Łódź, Central Poland. The city structure is similar to many other mid-European towns, but the influences of urbanisation on local climate are not affected here by other factors. Thus, the outcomes of presented investigations can be generalised for many cities of the region. The findings about the urban heat island are similar to those of other cities and they confirm the general rules about the UHI phenomenon, its spatial distribution and temporal variations (see Arnfield 2003 for a comprehensive review). Similarly, the influence of the city on incoming shortwave radiation in Łódź simply quantify well established relations. More unique are the studies on the albedo and the influence of surface geometry on the absorption of radiation. The influence of the town on humidity is more disputable. On the average, our data confirm the findings on the urban-rural contrasts of these elements, but they also show that unlike the UHI evolution, the diurnal course of humidity differences can take different form even in favourable weather conditions. The measurements of turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat, carbon dioxide and methane are unique in Poland and one of the few in Europe; thus they just provide new data and extend our understanding of poorly known processes. At the present stage, it is hard to evaluate if these result are case-specific or more general. The comparison with other cities is problematic because of a small number of similar works – there are several concerning urban energy balance, very few on carbon dioxide flux, and almost none about the flux of methane

    Dysfunkcje mięśnia sercowego w przebiegu chorób spichrzeniowych. Część II

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    The storage diseases are rare diseases, which means that occur with a frequency of less than 5/10.000 people. All over the world is about 5.000 rare diseases. Nevertheless, awareness of their existence, the proper procedure is important and is crucial of the treatment and the patient’s health. Cardiomyopathy stage monitoring and conduction disorders are the most important prognostic factor. A myocardial dysfunctions are the most common cause of death in this group. Many of the unrecognized or undiagnosed idiopathic cardiomyopathies are rare diseases disorders. The mucopolisacharidosis, gangliosidosis, lipidosis, glicogenosis and glicoproteinosis are ranked among the storage diseases. In this paper will be also present amyloidosis, because the symptoms which can be observed, are directly related to the amyloid deposition.Choroby spichrzeniowe należą do rzadkich chorób, co oznacza, że występują z częstością poniżej 5/10 000 osób. Na świecie jest około 5000 tego typu chorób. Niemniej, świadomość ich istnienia, prawidłowego postępowania jest ważna i ma kluczowe znaczenia dla przebiegu leczenia oraz zdrowia pacjenta. Monitorowanie stopnia zaawansowania kardiomiopatii i zaburzeń przewodnictwa jest najważniejszym czynnikiem prognostycznym. To dysfunkcje mięśnia sercowego są najczęstszą przyczyną zgonów w tej grupie osób. Wiele z nierozpoznanych lub niezdiagnozowanych właściwie kardiomiopatii idiopatycznych znajdzie swoje podłoże w chorobach spichrzeniowych. Do grona tych chorób zalicza się mukopolisacharydozy, gangliozydozy, lipidozy, glikogenozy oraz glikoproteinozy. W niniejszej pracy omówiono również amyloidozę, gdyż objawy, jakie można zaobserwować są bezpośrednio związane z odkładaniem złogów amyloidu

    Associations between the age at surgical repair in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms and aortoiliac occlusive disease and smoking and dyslipidemia with reference to PON1–108C>T genotype

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    Wstęp. Patogeneza tętniaków aorty brzusznej (AAA) i miażdżycy aortalno-biodrowej (AIOD) jest uwarunkowana wieloma czynnikami. Czynniki genetyczne i środowiskowe wpływają zarówno na inicjację, jak i progresję zmian w aorcie. W niniejszym badaniu oceniono asocjacje między wiekiem operacyjnym chorych z AAA i AIOD a występowaniem i nasileniem uznanych czynników ryzyka chorób naczyń oraz genotypem PON1–108C>T. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono w grupach 330 chorych z AAA oraz 250 chorych z AIOD. Polimorfizm PON1–108C>T oznaczono za pomocą metody PCR-RFLP. Wyniki. Częstość występowania allela PON1–108T w grupach AAA (0,462) i AIOD (0,479) okazała się zbliżona. W obu grupach chorych młodszy wiek operowanych wiązał się istotnie z paleniem tytoniu, wysokimi stężeniami cholesterolu całkowitego (TC), frakcji LDL i triglicerydów oraz wartościami stosunku cholesterolu całkowitego i frakcji HDL. W przypadku AAA występował również ujemny związek z wartościami wskaźnika masy ciała. Wysoki odsetek cholesterolu frakcji HDL wykazywał ochronny efekt w odniesieniu do progresji AAA/AIOD. W AIOD występował również dodatni związek z wartościami stosunku stężenia cholesterolu frakcji HDL i LDL i występowaniem cukrzycy. Asocjacje między cholesterolem frakcji HDL a wiekiem chorych na AIOD okazały się silniejsze u nosicieli allela –108T. Wykazano niezależne powiązanie pomiędzy wiekiem operacyjnym w przypadku AAA a obecnością nałogu palenia tytoniu oraz wartością triglicerydów u operowanego. Stwierdzono też istnienie zależności pomiędzy wiekiem operacyjnym w przypadku AIOD a wartościami TC, obecnością nałogu palenia tytoniu oraz występowaniem cukrzycy u chorego. Powyższe oddziaływania występowały w większym nasileniu u osób będących homozygotami –108CC. Wnioski. Palenie tytoniu i zaburzenia gospodarki lipidowej są czynnikami o przeważającym wpływie na szybszą progresję AAA i AIOD. U osób, u których te czynniki nie występują, w szczególności w przypadku AIOD, genetycznie uwarunkowane obniżone stężenie paraoksonazy 1 może wpływać na przyspieszoną progresję zmian w aorcie.Background. The pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) and aorto-iliac occlusive disease (AIOD) is multifactorial, and both genetic and environmental factors are involved in the initiation and progression of pathological changes in the aorta. This study is concerned with associations between the age of AAA and AIOD surgical repair and the classical vascular risk factors as well as the paraoxonase 1 (PON1)–108C>T genotypes. Material and methods. The study was conducted on 2 groups: the first group comprised 330 subjects with AAA, and the second group 250 subjects with AIOD. PON1–108C>T polymorphism was ascertained by the PCR-RFLP method. Results. The frequencies of –108T allele, which determine lower paraoxonase level, were similar in the groups of AAA (0.462) and AIOD (0.479) patients. The lower surgical repair age in patients in both groups was significantly associated with smoking and the higher levels of total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), and triglicerides (TG) and values of TC/HDLC. In the AAA group the same negative relation was noted with BMI index. The higher values of %HDLC display the protective effect on AAA/AIOD progression. In the AIOD group positive relations were also seen with HDLC/LDLC index and diabetes. Associations between high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) fraction and age of AIOD repair were stronger in –108T allele carriers. Age of AAA surgical repair was independently related to smoking and TG level, and age of AIOD surgical repair was independently related to smoking, diabetes and TC level. These effects were stronger in PON1–108CC homozygotes. Conclusions. Smoking and impaired lipid profile are prevailing factors determining the rate of AAA and AIOD progression. In the absence of these risk factors, the genetically determined low paraoxonase level may induce the progression of alterations in the aorta, particularly in the case of AIOD

    Titus Flavius Clemens’ Stance on Wine as Expressed in Paedagogus

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    Titus Flavius Clemens was a philosopher and Christian theologian from the period of the 2nd–3th century. The aim of this paper is to present his view on the subject of wine and his recommendations on wine consumption as described in his work entitled Paedagogus. In this work Titus Flavius Clemens focuses primarily on the moral side of drinking wine. He is a great supporter of the ancient principle of moderation, or the golden mean (μεσότης). We also find its traces in his recommendations regarding the drinking of wine. First of all, he does not require Christians to be abstinent. Although he considers water as the best natural beverage to satisfy thirst, he does not make them reject God’s wine. The only condition he sets, however, is to maintain moderation in drinking it. He recommends diluting wine with water, as the peaceful Greeks always did, unlike the war-loving barbarians who were more prone to drunkenness. On the other hand, Titus Flavius Clemens warns the reader against excessive dilution of wine, so that it does not turn out to be pure water. He severely criticizes drunkenness, picturesquely presenting the behavior of drunks, both men and women. Wine in moderation has, in his opinion, its advantages – social, familial and individual. It makes a person better disposed to himself or herself, kinder to friends and more gentle to family members. Wine, when consumed in moderation, may also have medicinal properties. Clemens is well aware of this fact and in his work he cites several medical opinions on the subject. Unfortunately, in Paedagogus we find little information about wine as a food product / as an everyday bevarage. The input on the subject is limited to the list of exclusive, imported wines. What is worth noting, Titus Flavius Clemens appears to be a sommelier in this way